Name | Detail |
Template Description | Atlassian Stride Simple Message |
Template Id | stride_simple |
Contributor | netwolfuk (github), @netwolfuk (twitter) |
This is a very first version of a template to post to Atlassian Stride. I plan to enhance this with feedback from the tcWebHooks community.
It posts the messages to Stride in the following format:
After installing this template in TeamCity, follow these instructions to create am API Token in a Stride room and create a webhook in teamCity
- Open the Atlassian Stride webUI.
- Open the room you want to post to from TeamCity.
- Click the Apps icon in the toolbar on the right. It looks like a little bolt head.
- In the top of the Apps panel, click the plus (+) sign to add a new "app".
- Click Add Custom App in the bar near the top.
- Select API Tokens and specify a token name, eg, tcWebHooks, or TeamCity. This is the name of the "user" who posts to your room.
- Click the Create button. Stride will then show the API access token and URL. Keep that dialog open as you need the details to create your webhook.
- In another browser tab or window, create a new WebHook in teamcity. See Creating-a-WebHook for details.
- Copy and paste the URL from the Stride dialog into the WebHook dialog.
- Set the WebHook Payload Format to Stride Simple Message (JSON).
- Choose the WebHook Build Events you want to post to your Stride room.
- Click the Extra Config tab in the WebHook dialog.
- Choose Bearer Token Authentication as the Authentication Type.
- Switch to the Stride webapp, and copy the Access Token
- Switch back to the WebHook dialog and paste it into the Bearer Token field.
- Click Save, and then trigger a build. You should see messages appear in the Stride room.