- fixing #80 - allow height adjustment even through max height is set
- adding state function
- minor adjustments
- allow positions "left" and "right" for MessagePanelView
- adding remove prototype
- add unfold
- clear summary on clear
- simplifying get file path
- fixing goToLine
- replace space-pen with atom-space-pen-views
- fix deprecate api call (getActiveEditor->getActiveTextEditor)
- Fix Deprecations
- Update README
- new atom api to get root path (fixes #66)
- removing unnecessary code (fixes #65)
- adding option to add messages at the top instead of bottom
- adding the option to set another max-height at startup
- adding resize ability
- adding position option
- Make the heading toggle the panel. Closes #57
- adding contributors
- add option to autoScroll
- Fix Close Function, Manage Panel Correctly
- Remove Pane Option In 🔤
- Fix Deprecations
- Use spacePenView
- Add link to "They use it!" wiki page in README
- fix summary raw in fold mode
- enable text selection in the message panel
- adding ref to amp-tester
- adding editorconfig file
- adding ability to attach to the active pane
- Support file change when no active editors are open
- Add support for specific files in LineMessageView
- adding gitter link
- a whole new API!
- ported the library to use View-subclasses
- now using indent 2
- new and better README that matches the new API!
- adding LICENSE file
- adding CONTRIBUTING file
- adding
- adding fold/unfold feature
- new close icon
- adding