- Methods from the EOS inversion method have been dropped and so if they are called anymore the code will fail
- sphere.py: added evolution callback function
- EOSInverter.py: added iterative energy error improvment to arbitary tolerance
- EOSInverter.py: New inversion method
- sphere.py: updated docstrings with more examples
- plot2d.py: fixed a bug with backend selection
- sphere.py: temp and density now being saved after EOS inversion
- plot: brought plot module in line with multiple backend support
- logging.py: Added term output and seperate basic evolutionary output
- star.py,EOS.py,backend.py,EOSInverter.py: Multiple Backends (numpy and cupy)
- binmod.py: loader added to binmod
- binmod.py: binary model output format
- plot2d.py: added spherical slice visualization
- logging.py: added seperate evolution log
- err: added new errors
- init.py: added init to output module
- EOS.py: Brought EOS interface into the dual backend system
- init.py: brought default tolerance dict to the top level of the star module
- sphere.py: removed unused imports
- EOS.py,-EOSInverter.py,-sphere.py: changed from numpy + scipy to cupy + torch for preformanc
- sphere.py: reverse EOS implimented
- star/sphere.py: added docstrings and fixed phi axis
- plot2d.py: plot2d uses spherical coordinates now
- EOSInverter: Added validation to EOS inverter and added more EOS errors
- EOSInverter.py: EOS inverter which can optimize temp and density for a given energy in a specific T and rho range
- sphere.py,EOS.py: EOS foward operation changed to matrix operation
- sphere.py: Converted from cartesian to sphereical coordinate system
- src/CoolDwarf/utils,src/CoolDwarf/star: corrected typos in imports
- added basic tests directory
- added gitignore and removed ignorable build files