- improve build performance (91e63b0d)
- update documentation for multi-arch support (9eede6dc)
- update release version and base image version (fdddd018)
- change PATH to camelCase (88452e6b)
- fix access PATH_BASE for pug view (0c029c2e)
- add validation api callback before generate otp (5005f4d0)
- docker build error (9d4874f0)
- add payload to post callback api (f017d473)
- change attribute otp, change checkSchema for callback otp (a2332e9a)
- add prefix route from env (c74ff4f4)
- add optional function callback url when validate otp (7d5dfbff)
- add validator date when get count request otp (03500e8d)
- get count request otp by range date (fd044435)
- add validated otp log & add attr cs at otp (f49d3919)
- add validation api callback before generate otp (5005f4d0)
- docker build error (9d4874f0)
- add payload to post callback api (f017d473)
- change attribute otp, change checkSchema for callback otp (a2332e9a)
- add optional function callback url when validate otp (7d5dfbff)
- add validator date when get count request otp (03500e8d)
- get count request otp by range date (fd044435)
- add validated otp log & add attr cs at otp (f49d3919)
- upgrade baileys version to 6.5.0 (df57b4e7)
- add expiredAt attribute to otp generation (5b875248)
- cannot proces disappearing message (02e1250c)
- fixing dependencies (9e387a1d)
- update docker compose (3fedfc79)
- update release tag (d959bddf)
- use logger over console (bad70b07)
- update git ignore file (1fd08cd6)
- upgrade baileys version to 6.4.0 (721740a2)
- add otp request page (938f866e)
- otp validation from recipient (a204a6c9)
- request otp with custom message template (2170fc8a)
- add otp-service for creation and validation (729dfcf0)
- send message page (9c675608)
- default session secret (18066999)
- error response fixing (bbb902d7)
- set submit button disabled when send form data (58e3f479)
- formatter, otp action url encode, whatsapp service logger (a61865f3)
- number formatting (77b476fe)
- fixing formatting jid to phone number with cc (e21daa9f)
- navbar collapse (70fe9e53)
- full refactoring and styling (99808a4c)
- change default port to 80 (161e2455)
- fixing express validation chain (9220b7fd)