Chris DMacrae is the original author of this library, but I couldn't find him online anywhere to submit a pull request, so I fixed the code and pushed it up here. His license is MIT, so I'll keep the same license. If anyone finds him, let me know and I'll submit a PR.
A parcel plugin for adding CSVs as a supported asset type
Add the plugin to your project as a dependency:
npm install parcel-plugin-asset-csv --save
Then you can require CSVs in any asset type that outputs to JavaScript. (e.g, .js or .ts):
first name, last name, age
john, doe, 21
const exampleCSV = require('./example.csv');
// => [['first name', 'last name', 'age', ['john', 'doe', '21']]
// => 'first name'
// => 'john'
The papaparse
library used to parse CSV assets can be configured by placing a .papaparserc
or .papaparse.js
file in the root of your project. These must be a valid papaparse config.
For example, in .papaparse.js
module.exports = {
delimiter: ",",
quoteChar: "'",
header: true, // Set to false to disable turning each row into an object with header keys
transformHeader: (header) => header.toLowerCase() // Transform all header keys into lowercase
dynamicTyping: true, // Set to false to disable converting columns into their true types (e.g, string to number)
fastMode: false, // Set to true to speed up processing, as long as there are no `quoteChars` in your assets
transform: (val, columnNumber) => val.toLowerCase() // Transforms each value, in this case making all values lowercase