- last_updated: Time-stamp: <2020-03-23 05:08:54 tamara>
- keywords: Learning Space, Toast and Tech
- capture date: [2018-12-12 Wed]
- category: philosophy
As some of you following know, I’ve led this thing on Tuesday nights called “Toast & Tech” for about 3 years [starting in the Autumn of 2015], nominally under the organization at .@GDImpls, the Minneapolis chapter of .@girldevelopit.
I have left that organization, but I want to leave behind something for those involved in T&T, and for those looking to make a space for learning that it inclusive
- make everyone welcome, enthusiastically
- make all questions welcome, enthusiastically
- everyone is learning, everyone is teaching
- there is no single path, there are as many paths as people attending, as many paths as needed
- you don’t need a project or tech work to attend, just come
- you don’t need any experience to attend, just come
- support everyone who shows up
- Make it safe to learn, safe to ask questions, safe to show up.
Possibly the most important tenet of all: #ToastAndTech can happen anywhere, run by anyone; all it takes is letting folks know about it, and showing up to hold the space.
#CauseAScene #KeepLearning #HappyToast