WARNING: This is old and likely obsolete.
- Time-stamp: <2020-03-23 05:06:10 tamara>
- date: 2018-05-15 00:38
- keywords: javascript, lodash, reduce, snippets
I was casting about for a simple way to remove specific keys from an object before returning it to a consumer function. In this particular case, I wanted to remove all the entries that began with an underscore ("_"
There’s nothing like Ruby’s Hash Enumerbles, but there is a library of such functions for JavaScript, lodash that fills in rather well.
For this exercise, I used the =reduce= function in the Collections
set of functions.
The syntax for lodash’s reduce
result = _.reduce(collection, filter, initialValue)
In the reduce
function, you need to provide it with an iteratee
– something that acts on the current thing in the collection and returns the updated accumulator.
The function signature for the filter (iteratee) is:
function filter(accumulator, value, key, collection)
If the collection is an Object
, the key is the current key. If the collection is an Array
, it’s the current index.
In my case, I want to dump all keys that start with underscore, so the filter function is:
function no_(acc, value, key) {
if (!key.startsWith("_")) {
acc[key] = value
return acc
In a simple example, I have obj1
that has a bad key: _bad
that I want removed:
let obj1 = {
_bad: 1,
good: 2
function no_(accumulator, value, key) {
if (!key.startsWith("_")) {
accumulator[key] = value
return accumulator
let obj2 = _.reduce(obj1, no_, {})
The end result in obj2
{ good: 2 }
which is just what I wanted.
There’s a jsfiddle
at https://jsfiddle.net/tamouse/5f3L5dbz/