WARNING: This is old and likely obsolete.
- published date: 2016-10-10 16:18
- keywords: [“blur”, “capybara”, “cucumber”, “focus”, “send_keys”, “steps”, “testing”, “using”]
- source:
After banging my head on this problem for a long time, chasing blog posts, stackoverflow, lots of opinions, bug reports, and so on, I finally asked my workmates, and together we arrived at a method that works.
There is apparently a bug, although it’s marked as INVALID in bugzilla, that prevents focus()
and blur()
events from being executed directly when the test browser is not focused.
The links I chased:
- https://github.com/mattheworiordan/jquery-focus-selenium-webkit-fix
- https://github.com/mattheworiordan/jquery-focus-selenium-webkit-fix/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/jquery.focus.test-fix.js
- https://makandracards.com/makandra/12661-how-to-solve-selenium-focus-issues
And many many more…
The most obviously glaring thing to do is NOT make this event happen via executing a JS script, but by simply SENDING A TAB.
Here’s the step:
When(/^I unfocus field (.*?)$/) do |field_name|
field = page.find_field(field_name)
field.native.send_keys :tab
That did the trick, and now we all have an uncle Bob.
Thanks Nic and JD