WARNING: This is old and likely obsolete.
- published date: 2015-05-30 20:53
- keywords: [“jekyll”, “learning”, “tips”]
- source: https://plus.google.com/+TamaraTemple/posts/FhBJbJpZm9J
- link: {“href”=>”http://jekyll.tips/”, “title”=>”Jekyll Tips”, “date”=>”2015-05-30 20:54”, “author”=>{“name”=>”“,”url”=>”“}}
Just posted on G+ today, a cool new site providing tips for working with our beloved Jekyll: Jekyll Tips
Really great set of ideas, in a nice progressive form of discovery and learning. I’m pleased that I’ve come up with similar ideas and different ideas on how to implement things in Jekyll.
Some day, I’ll get my stuff written and put together. Meanwhile, there’s my [colophon]({{ ”colophon” | prepend: site.baseurl }}).