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Hashrocket Blog - SQL Window Functions and You

WARNING: This is old and likely obsolete.

  • SQL Window Functions and You

posted on May 22, 2012 and written by Joshua Davey in PostgreSQL and Ruby

Suppose you have a storefront application that sells pictures of cats. These cat pictures are categorized in meaningful ways. For example, there are LOLcats pictures and “Classic” cat pictures. Now, on the landing page of the store, you’d like to feature one picture from each category. It can’t be a random picture from each. You need to feature the cheapest picture from each category, displaying its name and price.

Also, it turns out that some “low” prices are very common. For example, $9.99 is a common sale price for LOLcats pictures. However, we should only ever feature one picture per category. When there are multiple pictures with the same low price, we fallback to the name, and show the first one alphabetically. How can we solve this problem, while also remaining performant?

As an aside, adding a cat to a Rennaisance painting amplifies its appeal ninefold.

Let’s look at some of the ways that we can approach this problem, displaying a list of cat pictures that are the cheapest for their respective category.

** Approach 1: Ruby

Implementing the solution in Ruby is fairly straightforward. ActiveSupport Enumerable provides the group_by and sort_by methods on collections, and we can use those to help us cut down on some typing.

class CatPicture < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :category_id, :description, :name, :price
  belongs_to :category

  def self.cheapest_per_category
    all.group_by(&:category_id).map do |category_id, subset|
      subset.sort_by { |pic| [pic.price,] }.first

First, we group all of the cat pictures by their category. Then, for each set of pictures, we sort them by their price and name, and take only the first one.

Perhaps you are wondering if inverting the responsibility would improve the implementation, putting the mapping and reduction impetus in the Category model instead. Although it would be possible to go through the Category model to find its cheapest picture, that would lead to an “n+1”, as each category would subsequently need fetch its cat pictures. Alternatively, eager-loading all categories with their cat pictures would be expensive, and would essentially duplicate what we’ve done above with the group_by.

Either way, as you can probably imagine, the above method would become more expensive as the data set continued to grow. Additionally, we lose the ability to continue to chain ActiveRecord scopes to filter the set further: as soon as we fetch the collection from the database, all filtering has to be done in Ruby.


  • Easy to grok
  • All domain logic stays in application


  • Expensive (all objects loaded into memory)
  • No scope chaining
  • Once you go Ruby, you don’t go back

** Approach 2: SQL subselects

We can improve performance by doing the filtering at the database level, rather than loading all cat pictures into memory each time.

class CatPicture < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :category_id, :description, :name, :price
  belongs_to :category

  def self.cheapest_per_category
    find_by_sql <<-SQL
      SELECT DISTINCT ON(category_id) cat_pictures.*
      FROM cat_pictures
      WHERE ((category_id, price) IN (
        SELECT category_id, min(price)
        FROM cat_pictures
        GROUP BY category_id
      ORDER BY category_id ASC, ASC

Here, we use a subselect to filter the initial set down to only those that have the cheapest price per category. In this inner query, each row will contain a category_id and its lowest price. In the outer query, we choose all cat pictures whose price and category_id match a row from this inner query, using the IN syntax.

We would be done here, except that there still exists the possibility that there could be more than one that have that low price for a given category. So, depending on the database vendor, we can here find “distinct” rows, according the columns of interest. In Postgresql, the syntax for this is DISTINCT ON([column,...]), which will omit duplicates of the listed columns. For our purposes, we don’t want more than one per category, so we distinct on category_id.

It is worth noting that without an ORDER BY clause, DISTINCT ON is nondeterministic: we are not guaranteed to get the same result each time. Thus, we order by category_id and name, so that only the first cat picture alphabetically will show up.

We can improve the implementation above by making it a true chainable scope. Whereas find_by_sql returns an array of objects, we can refactor this to return an ActiveRelation instead.

class CatPicture < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :category_id, :description, :name, :price
  belongs_to :category

  def self.cheapest_per_category
    where("(category_id, price) IN (#{category_id_and_lowest_price_sql})").select("DISTINCT ON(category_id) #{table_name}.*").order("category_id ASC, #{table_name}.name ASC")

  def self.category_id_and_lowest_price_sql"category_id, min(price)").group(:category_id).to_sql

Functionally, this generates the exact same query as before, but allows further chaining. Using ActiveRelation’s to_sql method, we’re able to build up our inner query without actually executing it. We then interpolate that query into what was the outer query, which we’ve reduced to calls to where, select and order.


  • More performant than Ruby method
  • Scope chaining still possible


  • Nested subselects
  • Very difficult to read in application code
  • The use of DISTINCT ON - only some RDBMS’ have such functionality

** Approach 3: Window functions

But there is still another option. The SQL standard defines a concept called window functions, which act a lot like aggregates, but don’t change the result set. From the Postgresql documentation’s excellent introduction to window functions:

A window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row. This is comparable to the type of calculation that can be done with an aggregate function. But unlike regular aggregate functions, use of a window function does not cause rows to become grouped into a single output row - the rows retain their separate identities.

Let’s see how this would work with our dataset. First of all, let’s assume the following cat pictures:

# SELECT id, name, category_id, price FROM cat_pictures ORDER BY category_id, price;

 id |         name         | category_id | price
  7 | Triple LOL           |           1 |  9.99
  5 | Hugs not Drugs       |           1 |  9.99
  2 | Puss in Boots        |           1 | 14.99
  3 | Cats Gone By         |           1 | 19.99
  6 | Cats in it for me    |           1 | 22.99
  4 | Turkleton's Folly    |           2 | 11.99
  1 | Meowna Lisa          |           2 | 19.99
  8 | Lady Caterly's Lover |           2 | 22.99

Given this data, our goal is to select “Hugs not Drugs” and “Turkleton’s Folly”, which are the cheapest pictures from their categories.

Whereas a normal aggregate function with GROUP BY would collapse the results, a window function retains the original row. Let’s consider how this would affect the inner query from the subselect approach above:

SELECT category_id, min(price) FROM cat_pictures GROUP BY category_id;

 category_id |  min
           1 |  9.99
           2 | 11.99
SELECT category_id, min(price) OVER (PARTITION BY category_id) FROM cat_pictures;

 category_id |  min
           1 |  9.99
           1 |  9.99
           1 |  9.99
           1 |  9.99
           1 |  9.99
           2 | 11.99
           2 | 11.99
           2 | 11.99

Above, we’ve replaced the GROUP BY clause with an OVER clause. We have the original rows with an additional column for this aggregate data. This is useful in its own right, but the real power of window functions comes from this concept of window framing. The use of PARTITION BY creates a frame for each group. In our case, we have two frames, one for each category_id. Then, all aggregate and window functions before the OVER clause operate against this frame. Each window frame effectively has its own result set, according to the defined partition.

When a window frame is ordered, using an ORDER BY clause, even more options are possible. For example, consider the following:

SELECT id, name, category_id, price, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY price) FROM cat_pictures;

 id |         name         | category_id | price | rank
  7 | Triple LOL           |           1 |  9.99 |    1
  5 | Hugs not Drugs       |           1 |  9.99 |    1
  2 | Puss in Boots        |           1 | 14.99 |    3
  3 | Cats Gone By         |           1 | 19.99 |    4
  6 | Cats in it for me    |           1 | 22.99 |    5
  4 | Turkleton's Folly    |           2 | 11.99 |    1
  1 | Meowna Lisa          |           2 | 19.99 |    2
  8 | Lady Caterly's Lover |           2 | 22.99 |    3

Look familiar? This is essentially the original , except we’ve added a new column: its price rank within a window partitioned by category_id. It’s a mouthful to describe, but we’re very close to our original goal of finding the cheapest cat picture per category. All we need to do now is select rows that have a rank of 1.

Not so fast. Can you spot the issue with the above? The rank() window function assigns the same rank to ties, but we need the first one alphabetically in the case of “ties”. We can remedy that by using a different window function, row_number(), which guarantees different numbers.

SELECT id, name, category_id, price, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY price, name) FROM cat_pictures;

 id |         name         | category_id | price | row_number
  5 | Hugs not Drugs       |           1 |  9.99 |          1
  7 | Triple LOL           |           1 |  9.99 |          2
  2 | Puss in Boots        |           1 | 14.99 |          3
  3 | Cats Gone By         |           1 | 19.99 |          4
  6 | Cats in it for me    |           1 | 22.99 |          5
  4 | Turkleton's Folly    |           2 | 11.99 |          1
  1 | Meowna Lisa          |           2 | 19.99 |          2
  8 | Lady Caterly's Lover |           2 | 22.99 |          3

Perfect! Looking at the rows with “1” as their “row_number”, we see what we expect, “Hugs not Drugs” and “Turkleton’s Folly”, which are the cheapest pictures from their categories. We can use an IN clause for filtering, similar to the previous approach:

SELECT id, category_id, name, price
FROM cat_pictures
WHERE (id, 1) IN (
  SELECT id, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY price, name)
  FROM cat_pictures
 id | category_id |         name         | price
  5 |           1 | Hugs not Drugs       |  9.99
  4 |           2 | Turkleton's Folly    | 11.99

The where clause above filters records that both have an id that appears in the subquery next to a rank of 1. Now that we have the SQL down, let’s convert our Ruby model to take advantage of this window function technique:

class CatPicture < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :category_id, :description, :name, :price
    belongs_to :category

  def self.cheapest_per_category
    where("(#{table_name}.id, 1) IN (#{price_rank_sql})")

  def self.price_rank_sql"id, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY price ASC, name ASC)").to_sql

Groovy. Just like before, we can use to the power of ActiveRelation to build up our subselect, which then gets interpolated into the where clause. I’ve also prepended id in the where clause with table_name, to avoid potential ambiguous column problems.

There is one potential issue with using window functions: limited vendor support. While most of the big boys implement window functions (Oracle, Postgresql, and SQLServer, to name a few), MySQL and SQLite users are out of luck.


  • Very performant (consistently twice as fast as Approach 2 on my laptop)
  • Much less noise than SQL subselect stuff
  • Easy to understand, assuming a basic knowledge of SQL window functions


  • Not portable (window functions are not available in MySQL or SQLite)

** Conclusion

While they may not be appropriate for every situation, window functions are a great tool for your toolbelt. They excel at filtering down rows based on aggregate data, or adding aggregate data to the rows you’d already like to select.

For more information about window functions, the Postgres documentation is an excellent resource, both for its introduction, and its list of window functions.

** Example app

While writing this post, I created a sample Rails app to iterate quickly. I used TDD to write the pure-ruby approach, and reused the specs while I “refactored” the implementation to the subsequent approaches. Of particular note is the history of the CatPicture model, which mirrors the code above.

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