Warning: this is old, and likely obsolete.
- date: 2013-02-25 16:01
- category: testing
- tags: [software, development, testing, unit-testing, backbone-js, javascript, node-js, test-em, mocha-js, sinon-js, chai-js, web-apps]
- source: http://www.sitepoint.com/unit-testing-backbone-js-applications/
A starting collection of tools and environment that helps automate unit testing of Backbone.JS applications
This is a good collection of tools and environment for starting off running TDD on Backbone.JS applications.
Tools discussed:
- Command line JavaScript execution environment: node.js
- JavaScript unit testing framework: Mocha
- Test Development Environment: Test’em
- JavaScript assertion library: Chai Assertion Library
- Spies, stubs, and mocks: Sinon.JS
- Additional assertions: Sinon.JS Assertions for Chai