Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | Date | The time this entity was created. | |
startDate | Date | Timestamp at which point the referral code becomes valid. | [optional] |
expiryDate | Date | Expiration date of the referral code. Referral never expires if this is omitted. | [optional] |
usageLimit | Number | The number of times a referral code can be used. `0` means no limit but any campaign usage limits will still apply. | |
campaignId | Number | ID of the campaign from which the referral received the referral code. | |
advocateProfileIntegrationId | String | The Integration ID of the Advocate's Profile. | |
friendProfileIntegrationId | String | An optional Integration ID of the Friend's Profile. | [optional] |
attributes | Object | Arbitrary properties associated with this item. | [optional] |
importId | Number | The ID of the Import which created this referral. | [optional] |
code | String | The referral code. | |
usageCounter | Number | The number of times this referral code has been successfully used. | |
batchId | String | The ID of the batch the referrals belong to. | [optional] |
referredCustomers | [String] | An array of referred customers. |