diff --git a/projects/demo-integrations/cypress/tests/addons/phone/phone-separator.cy.ts b/projects/demo-integrations/cypress/tests/addons/phone/phone-separator.cy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9ce496b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/demo-integrations/cypress/tests/addons/phone/phone-separator.cy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import {DemoPath} from '@demo/constants';
+import {BROWSER_SUPPORTS_REAL_EVENTS} from '../../../support/constants';
+describe('Phone', () => {
+ describe('Separator', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.visit(`/${DemoPath.PhonePackage}/API?separator$=1`);
+ cy.get('#demo-content input')
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .first()
+ .focus()
+ .as('input');
+ });
+ describe('basic typing (1 character per keydown)', () => {
+ const tests = [
+ // [Typed value, Masked value, caretIndex]
+ ['920', '+7 920', '+7 920'.length],
+ ['920341', '+7 920 341', '+7 920 341'.length],
+ ['92034156', '+7 920 341 56', '+7 920 341 56'.length],
+ ['9203415627', '+7 920 341 56 27', '+7 920 341 56 27'.length],
+ ['92034156274234123', '+7 920 341 56 27', '+7 920 341 56 27'.length],
+ ['9 nd4 e', '+7 94', '+7 94'.length],
+ ] as const;
+ tests.forEach(([typedValue, maskedValue, caretIndex]) => {
+ it(`Type "${typedValue}" => "${maskedValue}"`, () => {
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type(typedValue)
+ .should('have.value', maskedValue)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionStart', caretIndex)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionEnd', caretIndex);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('basic erasing (value = "+7 920 424 11 32"', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.get('@input').type('9204241132');
+ });
+ const tests = [
+ // [How many times "Backspace"-key was pressed, caretPosition, Masked value]
+ [1, '+7 920 424 11 3'.length, '+7 920 424 11 3'],
+ [2, '+7 920 424 11'.length, '+7 920 424 11'],
+ [3, '+7 920 424 1'.length, '+7 920 424 1'],
+ [4, '+7 920 424'.length, '+7 920 424'],
+ [13, '+7 '.length, '+7 '],
+ ] as const;
+ tests.forEach(([n, caretIndex, maskedValue]) => {
+ it(`Backspace x${n} => "${maskedValue}"`, () => {
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('{backspace}'.repeat(n))
+ .should('have.value', maskedValue)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionStart', caretIndex)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionEnd', caretIndex);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Editing somewhere in the middle of a value (NOT the last character)', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.get('@input').type('920 424 11 32');
+ });
+ it('+7 9|20 424 11 32 => Backspace => +7 2|04241132', () => {
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('{leftArrow}'.repeat('20 424 11 32'.length))
+ .type('{backspace}')
+ .should('have.value', '+7 204241132')
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionStart', '+7 '.length)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionEnd', '+7 '.length);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Text selection', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.get('@input').type('920 424 11 32');
+ });
+ describe(
+ 'Select range and press Backspace',
+ () => {
+ it('+7 920 424-11-32 => Select "+7 920 424 |11| 32" => Backspace => +7 920 424 |32', () => {
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('{leftArrow}'.repeat(' 32'.length))
+ .realPress([
+ 'Shift',
+ ...new Array('11'.length).fill('ArrowLeft'),
+ ]);
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('{backspace}')
+ .should('have.value', '+7 920 424 32')
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionStart', '+7 920 424 '.length)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionEnd', '+7 920 424 '.length);
+ });
+ },
+ );
+ describe(
+ 'Select range and type a digit',
+ () => {
+ it('+7 920 424-11-32 => Select "+7 920 424 |11| 32" => Type "5" => +7 920 424 5|3 2', () => {
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('{leftArrow}'.repeat(' 32'.length))
+ .realPress([
+ 'Shift',
+ ...new Array('11'.length).fill('ArrowLeft'),
+ ]);
+ cy.get('@input')
+ .type('5')
+ .should('have.value', '+7 920 424 53 2')
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionStart', '+7 920 424 5'.length)
+ .should('have.prop', 'selectionEnd', '+7 920 424 5'.length);
+ });
+ },
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Some countries', () => {
+ it('US: +1 212 343 3355', () => {
+ openCountry('US');
+ cy.get('@input').type('2123433355');
+ cy.get('@input').should('have.value', '+1 212 343 3355');
+ });
+ it('KZ: +7 771 931 1111', () => {
+ openCountry('KZ');
+ cy.get('@input').type('7719311111');
+ cy.get('@input').should('have.value', '+7 771 931 1111');
+ });
+ it('BY: +375 44 748 82 69', () => {
+ openCountry('BY');
+ cy.get('@input').type('447488269');
+ cy.get('@input').should('have.value', '+375 44 748 82 69');
+ });
+ it('TR: +90 539 377 07 43', () => {
+ openCountry('TR');
+ cy.get('@input').type('5393770743');
+ cy.get('@input').should('have.value', '+90 539 377 07 43');
+ });
+ });
+function openCountry(code: string): void {
+ cy.visit(`/${DemoPath.PhonePackage}/API?countryIsoCode=${code}&separator$=1`);
+ cy.get('#demo-content input').should('be.visible').first().focus().as('input');
diff --git a/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.component.ts b/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.component.ts
index a451121b7..315bab1bb 100644
--- a/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.component.ts
+++ b/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.component.ts
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ export class PhoneDocComponent implements GeneratorOptions {
countryIsoCode: CountryCode = 'RU';
+ separatorVariants = ['-', ' '];
+ separator = '-';
maskitoOptions = maskitoPhoneOptionsGenerator(this);
constructor(@Inject(TUI_IS_APPLE) private readonly isApple: boolean) {}
diff --git a/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.template.html b/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.template.html
index d0d33070f..3c417ea3e 100644
--- a/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.template.html
+++ b/projects/demo/src/pages/phone/phone-doc.template.html
@@ -159,6 +159,20 @@
+ Default:
+ -