diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 886a616..6350878 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ ZenGL is a low level graphics library. Works on all platforms including the brow
## Description
- **Context** is the root object to access OpenGL
-- **Image** is an OpenGL Textures or OpenGL Renderbuffer
+- **Image** is an OpenGL Texture or Renderbuffer
- **Buffer** is an OpenGL Buffer
-- **Pipeline** is an OpenGL Program + OpenGL Vertex Array + OpenGL Framebuffer + _complete state for rendering_
+- **Pipeline** is an OpenGL Program + Vertex Array + Framebuffer + _complete state for rendering_
ctx = zengl.context()
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ On the other hand, ModernGL supports a wide variety of OpenGL versions and exten
- ZenGL is a drop-in replacement for pure OpenGL code
- Using ZenGL requires some OpenGL knowledge
-- ZenGL Images are OpenGL [Texture Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Texture) or OpenGL [Renderbuffer Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Renderbuffer_Object)
+- ZenGL Images are OpenGL [Texture Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Texture) or [Renderbuffer Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Renderbuffer_Object)
- ZenGL Buffers are OpenGL [Buffer Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Buffer_Object)
-- ZenGL Pipelines contain an OpenGL [Vertex Array Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Vertex_Specification#Vertex_Array_Object), an OpenGL [Program Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/GLSL_Object#Program_objects), and an OpenGL [Framebuffer Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Framebuffer)
+- ZenGL Pipelines contain an OpenGL [Vertex Array Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Vertex_Specification#Vertex_Array_Object), a [Program Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/GLSL_Object#Program_objects), and a [Framebuffer Object](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Framebuffer)
- ZenGL Pielines may also contain OpenGL [Sampler Objects](https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Sampler_Object)
- Creating ZenGL Pipelines does not necessarily compile the shader from source
- The ZenGL Shader Cache exists independently from the Pipeline objects
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 0bfff11..534e1de 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly **one** way to render scenes with OpenGL.
+ZenGL is a low level graphics library. Works on all platforms including the browser.
.. code::
@@ -11,16 +11,266 @@ ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly **one** way to render scen
- `zengl on Github `_
- `zengl on PyPI `_
-**ZenGL is ...**
-- **high-performance**
-- **simple** - *buffers, images, pipelines and there you go*
-- **easy-to-learn** - *it is simply OpenGL with no magic added*
-- **verbose** - *most common mistakes are caught and reported in a clear and understandable way*
-- **robust** - *there is no global state or external trouble-maker affecting the render*
-- **backward-compatible** - *it requires OpenGL 3.3 - it is just enough*
-- **cached** - *most OpenGL objects are reused between renders*
-- **zen** - *there is one way to do it*
+- **Context** is the root object to access OpenGL
+- **Image** is an OpenGL Texture or Renderbuffer
+- **Buffer** is an OpenGL Buffer
+- **Pipeline** is an OpenGL Program + Vertex Array + Framebuffer + *complete state for rendering*
+.. code::
+ ctx = zengl.context()
+ texture = ctx.image(size, 'rgba8unorm', pixels)
+ renderbuffer = ctx.image(size, 'rgba8unorm', samples=4)
+ vertex_buffer = ctx.buffer(vertices)
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(...)
+The complete OpenGL state is encapsulated by the **Pipeline**.
+Rendering with multiple pipelines guarantees proper state with minimal changes and api calls.
+.. code::
+ background.render()
+ scene.render()
+ particles.render()
+ bloom.render()
+**Pipelines** render to framebuffers, **Images** can be blit to the screen.
+.. code::
+ # init time
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ framebuffer=[image, depth],
+ )
+.. code::
+ # per frame
+ image.clear()
+ depth.clear()
+ pipeline.render()
+ image.blit()
+Programs are simple, easy, and cached. Unique shader sources are only compiled once.
+.. code::
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ vertex_shader='''
+ #version 330 core
+ void main() {
+ gl_Position = ...
+ }
+ ''',
+ fragment_shader='''
+ #version 330 core
+ out vec4 frag_color;
+ void main() {
+ frag_color = ...
+ }
+ ''',
+ )
+Vertex Arrays are simple.
+.. code::
+ # simple
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ vertex_buffers=zengl.bind(vertex_buffer, '3f 3f 2f', 0, 1, 2),
+ vertex_count=vertex_buffer.size // zengl.calcsize('3f 3f 2f'),
+ )
+.. code::
+ # indexed
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ vertex_buffers=zengl.bind(vertex_buffer, '3f 3f 2f', 0, 1, 2),
+ index_buffer=index_buffer,
+ vertex_count=index_buffer.size // 4,
+ )
+.. code::
+ # instanced
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ vertex_buffers=[
+ *zengl.bind(vertex_buffer, '3f 3f 2f', 0, 1, 2),
+ *zengl.bind(instance_buffer, '3f 4f /i', 3, 4),
+ ],
+ vertex_count=vertex_buffer.size // zengl.calcsize('3f 3f 2f'),
+ instance_count=1000,
+ )
+Uniform Buffer, Texture, and Sampler binding is easy.
+.. code::
+ # uniform buffers
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ layout=[
+ {
+ 'name': 'Common',
+ 'binding': 0,
+ },
+ ],
+ resources=[
+ {
+ 'type': 'uniform_buffer',
+ 'binding': 0,
+ 'buffer': uniform_buffer,
+ },
+ ],
+ )
+.. code::
+ # textures
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ layout=[
+ {
+ 'name': 'Texture',
+ 'binding': 0,
+ },
+ ],
+ resources=[
+ {
+ 'type': 'sampler',
+ 'binding': 0,
+ 'image': texture,
+ 'wrap_x': 'clamp_to_edge',
+ 'wrap_y': 'clamp_to_edge',
+ 'min_filter': 'nearest',
+ 'mag_filter': 'nearest',
+ },
+ ],
+ )
+Postprocessing and Compute can be implemented as rendering a fullscreen quad.
+.. code::
+ pipeline = ctx.pipeline(
+ vertex_shader='''
+ #version 330 core
+ vec2 vertices[3] = vec2[](
+ vec2(-1.0, -1.0),
+ vec2(3.0, -1.0),
+ vec2(-1.0, 3.0)
+ );
+ void main() {
+ gl_Position = vec4(vertices[gl_VertexID], 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ ''',
+ fragment_shader='''
+ #version 330 core
+ out vec4 frag_color;
+ void main() {
+ frag_color = ...
+ }
+ ''',
+ topology='triangles',
+ vertex_count=3,
+ )
+.. code::
+ particle_system = ctx.pipeline(
+ fragment_shader='''
+ #version 330 core
+ uniform sampler2D Position;
+ uniform sampler2D Velocity;
+ uniform vec3 Acceleration;
+ layout (location = 0) out vec3 OutputPosition;
+ layout (location = 1) out vec3 OutputVelocity;
+ void main() {
+ OutputPosition = Position + Velocity;
+ OutputVelocity = Velocity + Acceleration;
+ }
+ ''',
+ )
+ZenGL intentionally does not support:
+- Transform Feedback
+- Geometry Shaders
+- Tesselation
+- Compute Shaders
+- 3D Textures
+- Storage Buffers
+Most of the above can be implemented in a more hardware friendly way using the existing ZenGL API.
+Interoperability with other modules is also possible. Using such may reduce the application's portablity.
+It is even possible to use direct OpenGL calls together with ZenGL, however this is likely not necessary.
+It is common to render directly to the screen with OpenGL.
+With ZenGL, the right way is to render to a framebuffer and blit the final image to the screen.
+This allows fine-grained control of the framebuffer format, guaranteed multisampling settings, correct depth/stencil precison.
+It is also possible to render directly to the screen, however this feature is designed to be used for the postprocessing step.
+This design allows ZenGL to support:
+- Rendering without a window
+- Rendering to multiple windows
+- Rendering to HDR monitors
+- Refreshing the screen without re-rendering the scene
+- Apply post-processing without changing how the scene is rendered
+- Making reusable shaders and components
+- Taking screenshots or exporting a video
+The `default framebuffer `_ in OpenGL is highly dependent on how the Window is created.
+It is often necessary to configure the Window to provide the proper depth precision, stencil buffer, multisampling and double buffering.
+Often the "best pixel format" lacks all of these features on purpose. ZenGL aims to allow choosing these pixel formats and ensures the user specifies the rendering requirements.
+It is even possible to render low-resolution images and upscale them for high-resolution monitors.
+Tearing can be easily prevented by decoupling the scene rendering from the screen updates.
+ZenGL was designed for Prototyping
+It is tempting to start a project with Vulkan, however even getting a simple scene rendered requires tremendous work and advanced tooling to compile shaders ahead of time. ZenGL provides self-contained Pipelines which can be easily ported to Vulkan.
+ZenGL code is verbose and easy to read.
+ZenGL support multiple design patters
+Many libraries enfore certain design patterns.
+ZenGL avoids this by providing cached pipeline creation, pipeline templating and lean resourece and framebuffer definition.
+It is supported to create pipelines on the fly or template them for certain use-cases.
+ZenGL emerged from an experimental version of `ModernGL `_.
+To keep ModernGL backward compatible, ZenGL was re-designed from the ground-up to support a strict subset of OpenGL.
+On the other hand, ModernGL supports a wide variety of OpenGL versions and extensions.
+- ZenGL is a drop-in replacement for pure OpenGL code
+- Using ZenGL requires some OpenGL knowledge
+- ZenGL Images are OpenGL `Texture Objects `_ or `Renderbuffer Objects `_
+- ZenGL Buffers are OpenGL `Buffer Objects `_
+- ZenGL Pipelines contain an OpenGL `Vertex Array Object `_, a `Program Object `_, and a `Framebuffer Object `_
+- ZenGL Pielines may also contain OpenGL `Sampler Objects `_
+- Creating ZenGL Pipelines does not necessarily compile the shader from source
+- The ZenGL Shader Cache exists independently from the Pipeline objects
+- A Framebuffer is always represented by a Python list of ZenGL Images
+- There is no `Pipeline.clear()` method, individual images must be cleared independently
+- GLSL Uniform Blocks and sampler2D objects are bound in the Pipeline layout
+- Textures and Uniform Buffers are bound in the Pipeline resources
.. py:class:: Context
@@ -39,36 +289,8 @@ ZenGL is a minimalist Python module providing exactly **one** way to render scen
| Represents an entire rendering pipeline including the global state, shader program, framebuffer, vertex state,
uniform buffer bindings, samplers, and sampler bindings.
-| ZenGL provides a simple way to render from Python. We aim to support headless rendering first,
- rendering to a window is done by blitting the final image to the screen. By doing this we have full control of
- what we render. The window does not have to be multisample, and it requires no depth buffer at all.
-| Offscreen rendering works out of the box on all platforms if the right loader is provided.
-| Loaders implement a load method to resolve a subset of OpenGL 3.3 core. The return value of the load method is
- an int, a void pointer to the function implementation.
-| Virtualized, traced, and debug environments can be provided by custom loaders.
-| The current implementation uses the glcontext from moderngl to load the OpenGL methods.
-| ZenGL's main focus is on readability and maintainability. Pipelines in ZenGL are almost entirely immutable and they
- cannot affect each other except when one draws on top of the other's result that is expected.
- No global state is affecting the render, if something breaks there is one place to debug.
-| ZenGL does not use anything beyond OpenGL 3.3 core, not even if the more convenient methods are available.
- Implementation is kept simple. Usually, this is not a bottleneck.
-| ZenGL does not implement transform feedback, storage buffers or storage images, tesselation, geometry shader, and maybe many more.
- We have a strong reason not to include them in the feature list. They add to the complexity and are against ZenGL's main philosophy.
- ZenGL was built on top experience gathered on real-life projects that could never make good use of any of that.
-| ZenGL is using the same vertex and image format naming as WebGPU and keeping the vertex array definition from ModernGL.
- ZenGL is not the next version of ModernGL. ZenGL is a simplification of a subset of ModernGL with some extras
- that was not possible to include in ModernGL.
.. py:method:: zengl.context() -> Context
@@ -132,7 +354,7 @@ This method is automatically called by :py:meth:`zengl.context`.
| A boolean to wait for a ``glFenceSync``.
| Buffers hold vertex, index, and uniform data used by rendering.
| Buffers have a fixed size allocated upfront in the device memory.
@@ -215,7 +437,7 @@ Buffer
An int, representing the size of the buffer in bytes.
| Images hold texture data or render outputs.
| Images with texture support are implemented with OpenGL textures.
@@ -357,7 +579,7 @@ Generate mipmaps for the image.
| For depth and stencil images this value is False.
.. py:method:: Context.pipeline(vertex_shader, fragment_shader, layout, resources, uniforms, depth, stencil, blend, framebuffer, vertex_buffers, index_buffer, short_index, cull_face, topology, vertex_count, instance_count, first_vertex, viewport, uniform_data, viewport_data, render_data, includes, template) -> Pipeline
@@ -487,7 +709,7 @@ Pipeline
| Execute the rendering pipeline.
Shader Code
- **do** use ``#version 330 core`` or ``#version 300 es`` as the first line in the shader.
- **do** use ``layout (std140)`` for uniform buffers.
@@ -509,7 +731,7 @@ Shader Code
- **do** arrange pipelines in such an order to minimize framebuffer then program changes.
Shader Includes
| Shader includes were designed to solve a single problem of sharing code among shaders without having to field format the shader code.
| Includes are simple string replacements from :py:attr:`Context.includes`
@@ -539,7 +761,7 @@ Shader Includes
Include Patterns
**common uniform buffer**
@@ -570,7 +792,7 @@ Include Patterns
y = np.exp(-x * x / (s * s / 4))
y /= y.sum()
v = ', '.join(f'{t:.8f}' for t in y)
- return f'const int N = {s * 2 + 1};\nfloat coeff[N] = float[]({v});'
+ return f'const int N = {s * 2 + 1};\nfloat coeff[N] = float[ <{v});'
ctx.includes['kernel'] = kernel(19)
@@ -587,14 +809,14 @@ Include Patterns
Rendering to Texture
Rendering to texture is supported. However, multisampled images must be downsampled before being used as textures.
In that case, an intermediate render target must be samples > 1 and texture = False.
Then this image can be downsampled with :py:meth:`Image.blit` to another image with samples = 1 and texture = True.
Clean only if necessary. It is ok not to clean up before the program ends.
@@ -610,7 +832,7 @@ it calls glDeleteShader for all the previously created vertex and fragment shade
When the string ``all`` is passed to this method, it releases all the resources allocated from this context.
| Some window implementations expose a framebuffer object for drawing.
| Detecting this framebuffer is an error-prone and non-reliable solution.
@@ -631,7 +853,7 @@ Returns a dictionary with all of the OpenGL objects.
| You may want to change this attribute when using PyQt.
.. py:attribute:: Context.info
@@ -674,7 +896,7 @@ Utils
.. _Image Formats:
Image Formats
==================== ===================== ================== =================
ZenGL format internal format format type
@@ -718,7 +940,7 @@ depth32float GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT GL_FLOAT
.. _Vertex Formats:
Vertex Formats
========== ============= ================== ==== ==========
ZenGL bind ZenGL format type size normalized