Backup/Restore scripts for duplicity with Google drive as backend
- scripts have to be in /root/.duplicity/scripts
- config.skel needs to be copied to /root/.duplicity/config and empty vars have to have been configured:
- ENCRYPT_KEY : GPG key id
- REMOTE_DIR : Remote dir, for Google drive: gdocs://YOUR_GMAIL/SOME_DIR/$HOSTNAME
- BACKDIRS : Dirs to backup, without leading /, e.g.: "home var/lib some/other/dir"
- EMAIL : Email to send cron mails to
- include/exclude files have to be in /root/.duplicity, and named like this:
- exclude-common: common patterns that should be ignored for all backups
- exclude-DIR: where DIR is the directory being backed up, where / is replaced with -, e.g. var/log => var-log