diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ILReader.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ILReader.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88fa8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ILReader.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// ILReader.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ ///
+ ///
+ public class ILReader
+ {
+ private StreamReader reader;
+ private Stack putback_stack;
+ private Location location;
+ private Location markedLocation;
+ public ILReader(StreamReader reader)
+ {
+ this.reader = reader;
+ putback_stack = new Stack();
+ location = new Location();
+ markedLocation = Location.Unknown;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Location Location
+ {
+ get { return location; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Provides access to underlying StreamReader.
+ ///
+ public StreamReader BaseReader
+ {
+ get { return reader; }
+ }
+ private int DoRead()
+ {
+ if (putback_stack.Count > 0)
+ return (char) putback_stack.Pop();
+ return reader.Read();
+ }
+ private int DoPeek()
+ {
+ if (putback_stack.Count > 0)
+ return (char) putback_stack.Peek();
+ return reader.Peek();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public int Read()
+ {
+ int read = DoRead();
+ if (read == '\n')
+ location.NewLine();
+ else
+ location.NextColumn();
+ return read;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public int Peek()
+ {
+ return DoPeek();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void Unread(char c)
+ {
+ putback_stack.Push(c);
+ if ('\n' == c)
+ location.PreviousLine();
+ location.PreviousColumn();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void Unread(char[] chars)
+ {
+ for (int i = chars.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ Unread(chars[i]);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void Unread(int c)
+ {
+ Unread((char) c);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void SkipWhitespace()
+ {
+ int ch = Read();
+ for (; ch != -1 && Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) ch); ch = Read()) ;
+ if (ch != -1) Unread(ch);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public string ReadToWhitespace()
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ int ch = Read();
+ for (; ch != -1 && !Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) ch); sb.Append((char) ch), ch = Read()) ;
+ if (ch != -1) Unread(ch);
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void MarkLocation()
+ {
+ if (markedLocation == Location.Unknown)
+ {
+ markedLocation = new Location(location);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ markedLocation.CopyFrom(location);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void RestoreLocation()
+ {
+ if (markedLocation != Location.Unknown)
+ {
+ location.CopyFrom(markedLocation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ILTables.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ILTables.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77c9414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ILTables.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// ILTables.cs
+// Mechanically generated - DO NOT EDIT!
+// (C) Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public sealed class ILTables
+ {
+ private static Hashtable keywords = null;
+ private static Hashtable directives = null;
+ private static readonly object mutex;
+ private ILTables()
+ {
+ }
+ static ILTables()
+ {
+ mutex = new object();
+ }
+ private static void AllocTable(ref Hashtable tbl, int size)
+ {
+ lock (mutex)
+ {
+ if (tbl == null)
+ tbl = new Hashtable(size);
+ }
+ }
+ public static Hashtable Directives
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (directives != null) return directives;
+ AllocTable(ref directives, 300);
+ directives[".addon"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ADDON, ".addon");
+ directives[".algorithm"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ALGORITHM, ".algorithm");
+ directives[".assembly"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ASSEMBLY, ".assembly");
+ directives[".backing"] = new ILToken(Token.D_BACKING, ".backing");
+ directives[".blob"] = new ILToken(Token.D_BLOB, ".blob");
+ directives[".capability"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CAPABILITY, ".capability");
+ directives[".cctor"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CCTOR, ".cctor");
+ directives[".class"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CLASS, ".class");
+ directives[".comtype"] = new ILToken(Token.D_COMTYPE, ".comtype");
+ directives[".config"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CONFIG, ".config");
+ directives[".imagebase"] = new ILToken(Token.D_IMAGEBASE, ".imagebase");
+ directives[".corflags"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CORFLAGS, ".corflags");
+ directives[".ctor"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CTOR, ".ctor");
+ directives[".custom"] = new ILToken(Token.D_CUSTOM, ".custom");
+ directives[".data"] = new ILToken(Token.D_DATA, ".data");
+ directives[".emitbyte"] = new ILToken(Token.D_EMITBYTE, ".emitbyte");
+ directives[".entrypoint"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ENTRYPOINT, ".entrypoint");
+ directives[".event"] = new ILToken(Token.D_EVENT, ".event");
+ directives[".exeloc"] = new ILToken(Token.D_EXELOC, ".exeloc");
+ directives[".export"] = new ILToken(Token.D_EXPORT, ".export");
+ directives[".field"] = new ILToken(Token.D_FIELD, ".field");
+ directives[".file"] = new ILToken(Token.D_FILE, ".file");
+ directives[".fire"] = new ILToken(Token.D_FIRE, ".fire");
+ directives[".get"] = new ILToken(Token.D_GET, ".get");
+ directives[".hash"] = new ILToken(Token.D_HASH, ".hash");
+ directives[".implicitcom"] = new ILToken(Token.D_IMPLICITCOM, ".implicitcom");
+ directives[".language"] = new ILToken(Token.D_LANGUAGE, ".language");
+ directives[".line"] = new ILToken(Token.D_LINE, ".line");
+ directives["#line"] = new ILToken(Token.D_XLINE, "#line");
+ directives[".locale"] = new ILToken(Token.D_LOCALE, ".locale");
+ directives[".locals"] = new ILToken(Token.D_LOCALS, ".locals");
+ directives[".manifestres"] = new ILToken(Token.D_MANIFESTRES, ".manifestres");
+ directives[".maxstack"] = new ILToken(Token.D_MAXSTACK, ".maxstack");
+ directives[".method"] = new ILToken(Token.D_METHOD, ".method");
+ directives[".mime"] = new ILToken(Token.D_MIME, ".mime");
+ directives[".module"] = new ILToken(Token.D_MODULE, ".module");
+ directives[".mresource"] = new ILToken(Token.D_MRESOURCE, ".mresource");
+ directives[".namespace"] = new ILToken(Token.D_NAMESPACE, ".namespace");
+ directives[".originator"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ORIGINATOR, ".originator");
+ directives[".os"] = new ILToken(Token.D_OS, ".os");
+ directives[".other"] = new ILToken(Token.D_OTHER, ".other");
+ directives[".override"] = new ILToken(Token.D_OVERRIDE, ".override");
+ directives[".pack"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PACK, ".pack");
+ directives[".param"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PARAM, ".param");
+ directives[".permission"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PERMISSION, ".permission");
+ directives[".permissionset"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PERMISSIONSET, ".permissionset");
+ directives[".processor"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PROCESSOR, ".processor");
+ directives[".property"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PROPERTY, ".property");
+ directives[".publickey"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PUBLICKEY, ".publickey");
+ directives[".publickeytoken"] = new ILToken(Token.D_PUBLICKEYTOKEN, ".publickeytoken");
+ directives[".removeon"] = new ILToken(Token.D_REMOVEON, ".removeon");
+ directives[".set"] = new ILToken(Token.D_SET, ".set");
+ directives[".size"] = new ILToken(Token.D_SIZE, ".size");
+ directives[".stackreserve"] = new ILToken(Token.D_STACKRESERVE, ".stackreserve");
+ directives[".subsystem"] = new ILToken(Token.D_SUBSYSTEM, ".subsystem");
+ directives[".title"] = new ILToken(Token.D_TITLE, ".title");
+ directives[".try"] = new ILToken(Token.D_TRY, ".try");
+ directives[".ver"] = new ILToken(Token.D_VER, ".ver");
+ directives[".vtable"] = new ILToken(Token.D_VTABLE, ".vtable");
+ directives[".vtentry"] = new ILToken(Token.D_VTENTRY, ".vtentry");
+ directives[".vtfixup"] = new ILToken(Token.D_VTFIXUP, ".vtfixup");
+ directives[".zeroinit"] = new ILToken(Token.D_ZEROINIT, ".zeroinit");
+ return directives;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Hashtable Keywords
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (keywords != null) return keywords;
+ AllocTable(ref keywords, 300);
+ keywords["at"] = new ILToken(Token.K_AT, "at");
+ keywords["as"] = new ILToken(Token.K_AS, "as");
+ keywords["implicitcom"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IMPLICITCOM, "implicitcom");
+ keywords["implicitres"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IMPLICITRES, "implicitres");
+ keywords["noappdomain"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOAPPDOMAIN, "noappdomain");
+ keywords["noprocess"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOPROCESS, "noprocess");
+ keywords["nomachine"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOMACHINE, "nomachine");
+ keywords["extern"] = new ILToken(Token.K_EXTERN, "extern");
+ keywords["instance"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INSTANCE, "instance");
+ keywords["explicit"] = new ILToken(Token.K_EXPLICIT, "explicit");
+ keywords["default"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DEFAULT, "default");
+ keywords["vararg"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VARARG, "vararg");
+ keywords["unmanaged"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UNMANAGED, "unmanaged");
+ keywords["cdecl"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CDECL, "cdecl");
+ keywords["stdcall"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STDCALL, "stdcall");
+ keywords["thiscall"] = new ILToken(Token.K_THISCALL, "thiscall");
+ keywords["fastcall"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FASTCALL, "fastcall");
+ keywords["marshal"] = new ILToken(Token.K_MARSHAL, "marshal");
+ keywords["in"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IN, "in");
+ keywords["out"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OUT, "out");
+ keywords["opt"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OPT, "opt");
+ // Not a keyword according to ilasm 1.1
+ // keywords ["lcid"] = new ILToken (Token.K_LCID, "lcid");
+ //keywords ["retval"] = new ILToken (Token.K_RETVAL, "retval");
+ keywords["static"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STATIC, "static");
+ keywords["public"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PUBLIC, "public");
+ keywords["private"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PRIVATE, "private");
+ keywords["family"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FAMILY, "family");
+ keywords["initonly"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INITONLY, "initonly");
+ keywords["rtspecialname"] = new ILToken(Token.K_RTSPECIALNAME, "rtspecialname");
+ keywords["specialname"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SPECIALNAME, "specialname");
+ keywords["assembly"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ASSEMBLY, "assembly");
+ keywords["famandassem"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FAMANDASSEM, "famandassem");
+ keywords["famorassem"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FAMORASSEM, "famorassem");
+ keywords["privatescope"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PRIVATESCOPE, "privatescope");
+ keywords["literal"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LITERAL, "literal");
+ keywords["notserialized"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOTSERIALIZED, "notserialized");
+ keywords["value"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VALUE, "value");
+ keywords["not_in_gc_heap"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOT_IN_GC_HEAP, "not_in_gc_heap");
+ keywords["interface"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INTERFACE, "interface");
+ keywords["sealed"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SEALED, "sealed");
+ keywords["abstract"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ABSTRACT, "abstract");
+ keywords["auto"] = new ILToken(Token.K_AUTO, "auto");
+ keywords["sequential"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SEQUENTIAL, "sequential");
+ keywords["ansi"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ANSI, "ansi");
+ keywords["unicode"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UNICODE, "unicode");
+ keywords["autochar"] = new ILToken(Token.K_AUTOCHAR, "autochar");
+ keywords["bestfit"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BESTFIT, "bestfit");
+ keywords["charmaperror"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CHARMAPERROR, "charmaperror");
+ keywords["import"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IMPORT, "import");
+ keywords["serializable"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SERIALIZABLE, "serializable");
+ keywords["nested"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NESTED, "nested");
+ keywords["lateinit"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LATEINIT, "lateinit");
+ keywords["extends"] = new ILToken(Token.K_EXTENDS, "extends");
+ keywords["implements"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IMPLEMENTS, "implements");
+ keywords["final"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FINAL, "final");
+ keywords["virtual"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VIRTUAL, "virtual");
+ keywords["hidebysig"] = new ILToken(Token.K_HIDEBYSIG, "hidebysig");
+ keywords["newslot"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NEWSLOT, "newslot");
+ keywords["unmanagedexp"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UNMANAGEDEXP, "unmanagedexp");
+ keywords["pinvokeimpl"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PINVOKEIMPL, "pinvokeimpl");
+ keywords["nomangle"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOMANGLE, "nomangle");
+ keywords["ole"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OLE, "ole");
+ keywords["lasterr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LASTERR, "lasterr");
+ keywords["winapi"] = new ILToken(Token.K_WINAPI, "winapi");
+ keywords["native"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NATIVE, "native");
+ keywords["il"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IL, "il");
+ keywords["cil"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CIL, "cil");
+ keywords["optil"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OPTIL, "optil");
+ keywords["managed"] = new ILToken(Token.K_MANAGED, "managed");
+ keywords["forwardref"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FORWARDREF, "forwardref");
+ keywords["runtime"] = new ILToken(Token.K_RUNTIME, "runtime");
+ keywords["internalcall"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INTERNALCALL, "internalcall");
+ keywords["synchronized"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SYNCHRONIZED, "synchronized");
+ keywords["noinlining"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOINLINING, "noinlining");
+ keywords["custom"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CUSTOM, "custom");
+ keywords["fixed"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FIXED, "fixed");
+ keywords["sysstring"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SYSSTRING, "sysstring");
+ keywords["array"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ARRAY, "array");
+ keywords["variant"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VARIANT, "variant");
+ keywords["currency"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CURRENCY, "currency");
+ keywords["syschar"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SYSCHAR, "syschar");
+ keywords["void"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VOID, "void");
+ keywords["bool"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BOOL, "bool");
+ keywords["int8"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INT8, "int8");
+ keywords["int16"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INT16, "int16");
+ keywords["int32"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INT32, "int32");
+ keywords["int64"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INT64, "int64");
+ keywords["float32"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FLOAT32, "float32");
+ keywords["float64"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FLOAT64, "float64");
+ keywords["error"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ERROR, "error");
+ keywords["unsigned"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UNSIGNED, "unsigned");
+ keywords["uint"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UINT, "uint");
+ keywords["uint8"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UINT8, "uint8");
+ keywords["uint16"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UINT16, "uint16");
+ keywords["uint32"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UINT32, "uint32");
+ keywords["uint64"] = new ILToken(Token.K_UINT64, "uint64");
+ keywords["decimal"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DECIMAL, "decimal");
+ keywords["date"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DATE, "date");
+ keywords["bstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BSTR, "bstr");
+ keywords["lpstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LPSTR, "lpstr");
+ keywords["lpwstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LPWSTR, "lpwstr");
+ keywords["lptstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LPTSTR, "lptstr");
+ keywords["objectref"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OBJECTREF, "objectref");
+ keywords["iunknown"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IUNKNOWN, "iunknown");
+ keywords["idispatch"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IDISPATCH, "idispatch");
+ keywords["struct"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STRUCT, "struct");
+ keywords["safearray"] = new ILToken(Token.K_SAFEARRAY, "safearray");
+ keywords["int"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INT, "int");
+ keywords["byvalstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BYVALSTR, "byvalstr");
+ keywords["tbstr"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TBSTR, "tbstr");
+ keywords["lpvoid"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LPVOID, "lpvoid");
+ keywords["any"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ANY, "any");
+ keywords["float"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FLOAT, "float");
+ keywords["lpstruct"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LPSTRUCT, "lpstruct");
+ keywords["null"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NULL, "null");
+ // keywords ["ptr"] = new ILToken (Token.K_PTR, "ptr");
+ keywords["vector"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VECTOR, "vector");
+ keywords["hresult"] = new ILToken(Token.K_HRESULT, "hresult");
+ keywords["carray"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CARRAY, "carray");
+ keywords["userdefined"] = new ILToken(Token.K_USERDEFINED, "userdefined");
+ keywords["record"] = new ILToken(Token.K_RECORD, "record");
+ keywords["filetime"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FILETIME, "filetime");
+ keywords["blob"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BLOB, "blob");
+ keywords["stream"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STREAM, "stream");
+ keywords["storage"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STORAGE, "storage");
+ keywords["streamed_object"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STREAMED_OBJECT, "streamed_object");
+ keywords["stored_object"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STORED_OBJECT, "stored_object");
+ keywords["blob_object"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BLOB_OBJECT, "blob_object");
+ keywords["cf"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CF, "cf");
+ keywords["clsid"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CLSID, "clsid");
+ keywords["method"] = new ILToken(Token.K_METHOD, "method");
+ keywords["class"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CLASS, "class");
+ keywords["pinned"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PINNED, "pinned");
+ keywords["modreq"] = new ILToken(Token.K_MODREQ, "modreq");
+ keywords["modopt"] = new ILToken(Token.K_MODOPT, "modopt");
+ keywords["typedref"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TYPEDREF, "typedref");
+ keywords["property"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PROPERTY, "property");
+#if NET_2_0 || BOOTSTRAP_NET_2_0
+ keywords ["type"] = new ILToken (Token.K_TYPE, "type");
+ keywords["refany"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TYPEDREF, "typedref");
+ keywords["wchar"] = new ILToken(Token.K_WCHAR, "wchar");
+ keywords["char"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CHAR, "char");
+ keywords["fromunmanaged"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FROMUNMANAGED, "fromunmanaged");
+ keywords["callmostderived"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CALLMOSTDERIVED, "callmostderived");
+ keywords["bytearray"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BYTEARRAY, "bytearray");
+ keywords["with"] = new ILToken(Token.K_WITH, "with");
+ keywords["init"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INIT, "init");
+ keywords["to"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TO, "to");
+ keywords["catch"] = new ILToken(Token.K_CATCH, "catch");
+ keywords["filter"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FILTER, "filter");
+ keywords["finally"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FINALLY, "finally");
+ keywords["fault"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FAULT, "fault");
+ keywords["handler"] = new ILToken(Token.K_HANDLER, "handler");
+ keywords["tls"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TLS, "tls");
+ keywords["field"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FIELD, "field");
+ keywords["request"] = new ILToken(Token.K_REQUEST, "request");
+ keywords["demand"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DEMAND, "demand");
+ keywords["assert"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ASSERT, "assert");
+ keywords["deny"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DENY, "deny");
+ keywords["permitonly"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PERMITONLY, "permitonly");
+ keywords["linkcheck"] = new ILToken(Token.K_LINKCHECK, "linkcheck");
+ keywords["inheritcheck"] = new ILToken(Token.K_INHERITCHECK, "inheritcheck");
+ keywords["reqmin"] = new ILToken(Token.K_REQMIN, "reqmin");
+ keywords["reqopt"] = new ILToken(Token.K_REQOPT, "reqopt");
+ keywords["reqrefuse"] = new ILToken(Token.K_REQREFUSE, "reqrefuse");
+ keywords["prejitgrant"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PREJITGRANT, "prejitgrant");
+ keywords["prejitdeny"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PREJITDENY, "prejitdeny");
+ keywords["noncasdemand"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NONCASDEMAND, "noncasdemand");
+ keywords["noncaslinkdemand"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NONCASLINKDEMAND, "noncaslinkdemand");
+ keywords["noncasinheritance"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NONCASINHERITANCE, "noncasinheritance");
+ keywords["readonly"] = new ILToken(Token.K_READONLY, "readonly");
+ keywords["nometadata"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NOMETADATA, "nometadata");
+ keywords["algorithm"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ALGORITHM, "algorithm");
+ keywords["fullorigin"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FULLORIGIN, "fullorigin");
+ // keywords ["nan"] = new ILToken (Token.K_NAN, "nan");
+ // keywords ["inf"] = new ILToken (Token.K_INF, "inf");
+ // keywords ["publickey"] = new ILToken (Token.K_PUBLICKEY, "publickey");
+ keywords["enablejittracking"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ENABLEJITTRACKING, "enablejittracking");
+ keywords["disablejitoptimizer"] = new ILToken(Token.K_DISABLEJITOPTIMIZER, "disablejitoptimizer");
+ keywords["retargetable"] = new ILToken(Token.K_RETARGETABLE, "retargetable");
+ keywords["preservesig"] = new ILToken(Token.K_PRESERVESIG, "preservesig");
+ keywords["beforefieldinit"] = new ILToken(Token.K_BEFOREFIELDINIT, "beforefieldinit");
+ keywords["alignment"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ALIGNMENT, "alignment");
+ keywords["nullref"] = new ILToken(Token.K_NULLREF, "nullref");
+ keywords["valuetype"] = new ILToken(Token.K_VALUETYPE, "valuetype");
+ keywords["compilercontrolled"] = new ILToken(Token.K_COMPILERCONTROLLED, "compilercontrolled");
+ keywords["reqsecobj"] = new ILToken(Token.K_REQSECOBJ, "reqsecobj");
+ keywords["enum"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ENUM, "enum");
+ keywords["object"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OBJECT, "object");
+ keywords["string"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STRING, "string");
+ keywords["true"] = new ILToken(Token.K_TRUE, "true");
+ keywords["false"] = new ILToken(Token.K_FALSE, "false");
+ keywords["is"] = new ILToken(Token.K_IS, "is");
+ keywords["on"] = new ILToken(Token.K_ON, "on");
+ keywords["off"] = new ILToken(Token.K_OFF, "off");
+ keywords["strict"] = new ILToken(Token.K_STRICT, "strict");
+ return keywords;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // class ILTables
+// namespace Mono.ILASM
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ILToken.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ILToken.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c702fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ILToken.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// ILToken.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public class ILToken : ICloneable
+ {
+ internal int token;
+ internal object val;
+ public static readonly ILToken Invalid;
+ public static readonly ILToken EOF;
+ public static readonly ILToken Dot;
+ public static readonly ILToken OpenBrace;
+ public static readonly ILToken CloseBrace;
+ public static readonly ILToken OpenBracket;
+ public static readonly ILToken CloseBracket;
+ public static readonly ILToken OpenParens;
+ public static readonly ILToken CloseParens;
+ public static readonly ILToken Comma;
+ public static readonly ILToken Colon;
+ public static readonly ILToken DoubleColon;
+ public static readonly ILToken Semicolon;
+ public static readonly ILToken Assign;
+ public static readonly ILToken Star;
+ public static readonly ILToken Ampersand;
+ public static readonly ILToken Plus;
+ public static readonly ILToken Slash;
+ public static readonly ILToken Bang;
+ public static readonly ILToken Ellipsis;
+ public static readonly ILToken Dash;
+ public static readonly ILToken OpenAngleBracket;
+ public static readonly ILToken CloseAngleBracket;
+ private static readonly ILToken[] punctuations;
+ ///
+ ///
+ static ILToken()
+ {
+ Invalid = new ILToken(-1, "invalid");
+ EOF = new ILToken(Token.EOF, "eof");
+ Dot = new ILToken(Token.DOT, ".");
+ OpenBrace = new ILToken(Token.OPEN_BRACE, "{");
+ CloseBrace = new ILToken(Token.CLOSE_BRACE, "}");
+ OpenBracket = new ILToken(Token.OPEN_BRACKET, "[");
+ CloseBracket = new ILToken(Token.CLOSE_BRACKET, "]");
+ OpenParens = new ILToken(Token.OPEN_PARENS, "(");
+ CloseParens = new ILToken(Token.CLOSE_PARENS, ")");
+ Comma = new ILToken(Token.COMMA, ",");
+ Colon = new ILToken(Token.COLON, ":");
+ DoubleColon = new ILToken(Token.DOUBLE_COLON, "::");
+ Semicolon = new ILToken(Token.SEMICOLON, ";");
+ Assign = new ILToken(Token.ASSIGN, "=");
+ Star = new ILToken(Token.STAR, "*");
+ Ampersand = new ILToken(Token.AMPERSAND, "&");
+ Plus = new ILToken(Token.PLUS, "+");
+ Slash = new ILToken(Token.SLASH, "/");
+ Bang = new ILToken(Token.BANG, "!");
+ Ellipsis = new ILToken(Token.ELLIPSIS, "...");
+ Dash = new ILToken(Token.DASH, "-");
+ OpenAngleBracket = new ILToken(Token.OPEN_ANGLE_BRACKET, "<");
+ CloseAngleBracket = new ILToken(Token.CLOSE_ANGLE_BRACKET, ">");
+ punctuations = new ILToken[]
+ {
+ OpenBrace, CloseBrace,
+ OpenBracket, CloseBracket,
+ OpenParens, CloseParens,
+ Comma, Colon, Semicolon,
+ Assign, Star, Ampersand,
+ Plus, Slash, Bang,
+ OpenAngleBracket, CloseAngleBracket
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken()
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken(int token, object val)
+ {
+ this.token = token;
+ this.val = val;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken(ILToken that)
+ {
+ this.token = that.token;
+ this.val = that.val;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public int TokenId
+ {
+ get { return token; }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public object Value
+ {
+ get { return val; }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public virtual void CopyFrom(ILToken that)
+ {
+ this.token = that.token;
+ this.val = that.val;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public virtual object Clone()
+ {
+ return new ILToken(this);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode()
+ {
+ int h = token;
+ if (val != null) h ^= val.GetHashCode();
+ return h;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return (token.ToString() + " : " + (val != null ? val.ToString() : ""));
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object o)
+ {
+ bool res = (o != null);
+ if (res)
+ {
+ res = Object.ReferenceEquals(this, o);
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ res = o is ILToken;
+ if (res)
+ {
+ ILToken that = o as ILToken;
+ res = (this.token == that.token) && (this.val.Equals(that.val));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private static bool EqImpl(ILToken t1, ILToken t2)
+ {
+ bool res = false;
+ if ((t1 as object) != null)
+ {
+ res = t1.Equals(t2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = ((t2 as object) == null);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool operator ==(ILToken t1, ILToken t2)
+ {
+ return EqImpl(t1, t2);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool operator !=(ILToken t1, ILToken t2)
+ {
+ return !EqImpl(t1, t2);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static ILToken GetPunctuation(int ch)
+ {
+ int id = "{}[](),:;=*&+/!<>".IndexOf((char) ch);
+ ILToken res = null;
+ if (id != -1)
+ {
+ res = punctuations[id];
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizer.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizer.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9eb7695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// ILTokenizer.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Globalization;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public delegate void NewTokenEvent(object sender, NewTokenEventArgs args);
+ public class NewTokenEventArgs : EventArgs
+ {
+ public readonly ILToken Token;
+ public NewTokenEventArgs(ILToken token)
+ {
+ Token = token;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ILTokenizer : ITokenStream
+ {
+ private static readonly string idchars = "_$@?.`";
+ private static Hashtable keywords;
+ private static Hashtable directives;
+ private ILToken lastToken;
+ private ILReader reader;
+ private StringHelper strBuilder;
+ private NumberHelper numBuilder;
+ private bool in_byte_array;
+ public event NewTokenEvent NewTokenEvent;
+ static ILTokenizer()
+ {
+ keywords = ILTables.Keywords;
+ directives = ILTables.Directives;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILTokenizer(StreamReader reader)
+ {
+ this.reader = new ILReader(reader);
+ strBuilder = new StringHelper(this);
+ numBuilder = new NumberHelper(this);
+ lastToken = ILToken.Invalid.Clone() as ILToken;
+ }
+ public ILReader Reader
+ {
+ get { return reader; }
+ }
+ public Location Location
+ {
+ get { return reader.Location; }
+ }
+ public bool InByteArray
+ {
+ get { return in_byte_array; }
+ set { in_byte_array = value; }
+ }
+ public ILToken GetNextToken()
+ {
+ if (lastToken == ILToken.EOF) return ILToken.EOF;
+ int ch;
+ int next;
+ ILToken res = ILToken.EOF.Clone() as ILToken;
+ while ((ch = reader.Read()) != -1)
+ {
+ // Comments
+ if (ch == '/')
+ {
+ next = reader.Peek();
+ if (next == '/')
+ {
+ // double-slash comment, skip to the end of the line.
+ for (reader.Read();
+ next != -1 && next != '\n';
+ next = reader.Read()) ;
+ res.token = Token.SL_COMMENT;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (next == '*')
+ {
+ reader.Read();
+ for (next = reader.Read(); next != -1; next = reader.Read())
+ {
+ if (next == '*' && reader.Peek() == '/')
+ {
+ reader.Read();
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ end:
+ res.token = Token.ML_COMMENT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // HEXBYTES are flagged by the parser otherwise it is
+ // impossible to figure them out
+ if (in_byte_array)
+ {
+ string hx = String.Empty;
+ if (Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) ch))
+ continue;
+ if (ch == ')')
+ {
+ res = ILToken.CloseParens;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!is_hex(ch))
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, ((char) ch).ToString());
+ hx += (char) ch;
+ if (is_hex(reader.Peek()))
+ hx += (char) reader.Read();
+ else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) reader.Peek()) && reader.Peek() != ')')
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location,
+ ((char) reader.Peek()).ToString());
+ res.token = Token.HEXBYTE;
+ res.val = Byte.Parse(hx, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
+ while (Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) reader.Peek()))
+ reader.Read();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Ellipsis
+ if (ch == '.' && reader.Peek() == '.')
+ {
+ reader.MarkLocation();
+ int ch2 = reader.Read();
+ if (reader.Peek() == '.')
+ {
+ res = ILToken.Ellipsis;
+ reader.Read();
+ break;
+ }
+ reader.Unread(ch2);
+ reader.RestoreLocation();
+ }
+ if (ch == '.' || ch == '#')
+ {
+ next = reader.Peek();
+ if (ch == '.' && Char.IsDigit((char) next))
+ {
+ numBuilder.Start(ch);
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ numBuilder.Build();
+ if (numBuilder.ResultToken != ILToken.Invalid)
+ {
+ res.CopyFrom(numBuilder.ResultToken);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strBuilder.Start(next) && strBuilder.TokenId == Token.ID)
+ {
+ reader.MarkLocation();
+ string dirBody = strBuilder.Build();
+ string dir = new string((char) ch, 1) + dirBody;
+ if (IsDirective(dir))
+ {
+ res = ILTables.Directives[dir] as ILToken;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reader.Unread(dirBody.ToCharArray());
+ reader.RestoreLocation();
+ res = ILToken.Dot;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = ILToken.Dot;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Numbers && Hexbytes
+ if (numBuilder.Start(ch))
+ {
+ if ((ch == '-') && !(Char.IsDigit((char) reader.Peek())))
+ {
+ res = ILToken.Dash;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ numBuilder.Build();
+ if (numBuilder.ResultToken != ILToken.Invalid)
+ {
+ res.CopyFrom(numBuilder.ResultToken);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Punctuation
+ ILToken punct = ILToken.GetPunctuation(ch);
+ if (punct != null)
+ {
+ if (punct == ILToken.Colon && reader.Peek() == ':')
+ {
+ reader.Read();
+ res = ILToken.DoubleColon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = punct;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strBuilder.Start(ch))
+ {
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ string val = strBuilder.Build();
+ if (strBuilder.TokenId == Token.ID)
+ {
+ ILToken opcode;
+ next = reader.Peek();
+ if (next == '.')
+ {
+ reader.MarkLocation();
+ reader.Read();
+ next = reader.Peek();
+ if (IsIdChar((char) next))
+ {
+ string opTail = BuildId();
+ string full_str = String.Format("{0}.{1}", val, opTail);
+ opcode = InstrTable.GetToken(full_str);
+ if (opcode == null)
+ {
+ if (strBuilder.TokenId != Token.ID)
+ {
+ reader.Unread(opTail.ToCharArray());
+ reader.Unread('.');
+ reader.RestoreLocation();
+ res.val = val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res.token = Token.COMP_NAME;
+ res.val = full_str;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = opcode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace((char) next))
+ {
+ // Handle 'tail.' and 'unaligned.'
+ opcode = InstrTable.GetToken(val + ".");
+ if (opcode != null)
+ {
+ res = opcode;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Let the parser handle the dot
+ reader.Unread('.');
+ }
+ }
+ opcode = InstrTable.GetToken(val);
+ if (opcode != null)
+ {
+ res = opcode;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (IsKeyword(val))
+ {
+ res = ILTables.Keywords[val] as ILToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ res.token = strBuilder.TokenId;
+ res.val = val;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ OnNewToken(res);
+ lastToken.CopyFrom(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken NextToken
+ {
+ get { return GetNextToken(); }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken LastToken
+ {
+ get { return lastToken; }
+ }
+ private bool is_hex(int e)
+ {
+ return (e >= '0' && e <= '9') || (e >= 'A' && e <= 'F') || (e >= 'a' && e <= 'f');
+ }
+ private static bool IsIdStartChar(char ch)
+ {
+ return (Char.IsLetter(ch) || (idchars.IndexOf(ch) != -1));
+ }
+ private static bool IsIdChar(char ch)
+ {
+ return (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || (idchars.IndexOf(ch) != -1));
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool IsOpcode(string name)
+ {
+ return InstrTable.IsInstr(name);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool IsDirective(string name)
+ {
+ char ch = name[0];
+ bool res = (ch == '.' || ch == '#');
+ if (res)
+ {
+ res = directives.Contains(name);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private string BuildId()
+ {
+ StringBuilder idsb = new StringBuilder();
+ int ch, last;
+ last = -1;
+ while ((ch = reader.Read()) != -1)
+ {
+ if (IsIdChar((char) ch) || ch == '.')
+ {
+ idsb.Append((char) ch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ // Never end an id on a DOT
+ if (last == '.')
+ {
+ reader.Unread(last);
+ idsb.Length -= 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ last = ch;
+ }
+ return idsb.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool IsKeyword(string name)
+ {
+ return keywords.Contains(name);
+ }
+ private void OnNewToken(ILToken token)
+ {
+ if (NewTokenEvent != null)
+ NewTokenEvent(this, new NewTokenEventArgs(token));
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizingException.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizingException.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..951627d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ILTokenizingException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Mono.ILASM.ILTokenizingException
+// Author(s):
+// Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com)
+// Copyright 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
+using System;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public class ILTokenizingException : Exception
+ {
+ public readonly Location Location;
+ public readonly string Token;
+ public ILTokenizingException(Location location, string token)
+ : base(token)
+ {
+ Location = location;
+ Token = token;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/ITokenStream.cs b/Mono.Assembler/ITokenStream.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c704ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/ITokenStream.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// ITokenStream.cs
+// (C) Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public interface ITokenStream
+ {
+ ILToken NextToken { get; }
+ ILToken LastToken { get; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/InstrTable.cs b/Mono.Assembler/InstrTable.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be5ba14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/InstrTable.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// Mono.ILASM.InstrTable
+// Author(s):
+// Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com)
+// (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public class InstrTable
+ {
+ private static Hashtable inst_table;
+ static InstrTable()
+ {
+ CreateInstTable();
+ }
+ public static ILToken GetToken(string str)
+ {
+ return inst_table[str] as ILToken;
+ }
+ public static bool IsInstr(string str)
+ {
+ return inst_table.Contains(str);
+ }
+ private static void CreateInstTable()
+ {
+ inst_table = new Hashtable();
+ inst_table["nop"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Nop);
+ inst_table["break"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Break);
+ inst_table["ldarg.0"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
+ inst_table["ldarg.1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
+ inst_table["ldarg.2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldarg_2);
+ inst_table["ldarg.3"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldarg_3);
+ inst_table["ldloc.0"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
+ inst_table["ldloc.1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldloc_1);
+ inst_table["ldloc.2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldloc_2);
+ inst_table["ldloc.3"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldloc_3);
+ inst_table["stloc.0"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stloc_0);
+ inst_table["stloc.1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stloc_1);
+ inst_table["stloc.2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stloc_2);
+ inst_table["stloc.3"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stloc_3);
+ inst_table["ldnull"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldnull);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.m1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_M1);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.M1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_M1);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.0"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_2);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.3"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_4);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.5"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_5);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.6"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_6);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.7"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_7);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_8);
+ inst_table["dup"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Dup);
+ inst_table["pop"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Pop);
+ inst_table["ret"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ret);
+ inst_table["ldind.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I1);
+ inst_table["ldind.u1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_U1);
+ inst_table["ldind.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I2);
+ inst_table["ldind.u2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_U2);
+ inst_table["ldind.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I4);
+ inst_table["ldind.u4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_U4);
+ inst_table["ldind.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
+ inst_table["ldind.u8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I8);
+ inst_table["ldind.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_I);
+ inst_table["ldind.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_R4);
+ inst_table["ldind.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_R8);
+ inst_table["ldind.ref"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldind_Ref);
+ inst_table["stind.ref"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_Ref);
+ inst_table["stind.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_I1);
+ inst_table["stind.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_I2);
+ inst_table["stind.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_I4);
+ inst_table["stind.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_I8);
+ inst_table["stind.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_R4);
+ inst_table["stind.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_R8);
+ inst_table["add"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Add);
+ inst_table["sub"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Sub);
+ inst_table["mul"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Mul);
+ inst_table["div"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Div);
+ inst_table["div.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Div_Un);
+ inst_table["rem"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Rem);
+ inst_table["rem.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Rem_Un);
+ inst_table["and"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.And);
+ inst_table["or"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Or);
+ inst_table["xor"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Xor);
+ inst_table["shl"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Shl);
+ inst_table["shr"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Shr);
+ inst_table["shr.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Shr_Un);
+ inst_table["neg"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Neg);
+ inst_table["not"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Not);
+ inst_table["conv.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_I1);
+ inst_table["conv.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_I2);
+ inst_table["conv.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_I4);
+ inst_table["conv.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_I8);
+ inst_table["conv.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_R4);
+ inst_table["conv.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_R8);
+ inst_table["conv.u4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_U4);
+ inst_table["conv.u8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_U8);
+ inst_table["conv.r.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_R_Un);
+ inst_table["throw"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Throw);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i1.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i2.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i4.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i8.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un);
+ inst_table["conf.ovf.u1.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u2.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u4.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u8.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U_Un);
+ inst_table["ldlen"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldlen);
+ inst_table["ldelem.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I1);
+ inst_table["ldelem.u1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_U1);
+ inst_table["ldelem.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I2);
+ inst_table["ldelem.u2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_U2);
+ inst_table["ldelem.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I4);
+ inst_table["ldelem.u4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_U4);
+ inst_table["ldelem.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I8);
+ inst_table["ldelem.u8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I8);
+ inst_table["ldelem.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_I);
+ inst_table["ldelem.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_R4);
+ inst_table["ldelem.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_R8);
+ inst_table["ldelem.ref"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref);
+ inst_table["Stelem.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_I);
+ inst_table["Stelem.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_I1);
+ inst_table["Stelem.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_I2);
+ inst_table["Stelem.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_I4);
+ inst_table["Stelem.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_I8);
+ inst_table["Stelem.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_R4);
+ inst_table["Stelem.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_R8);
+ inst_table["Stelem.ref"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stelem_Ref);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I1);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U1);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U2);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I4);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U4);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I8);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U8);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u1.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u2.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u4.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u8.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i1.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i2.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i4.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i8.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un);
+ inst_table["ckfinite"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ckfinite);
+ inst_table["conv.u2"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_U2);
+ inst_table["conv.u1"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_U1);
+ inst_table["conv.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_I);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I);
+ inst_table["conv.ovf.u"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_U);
+ inst_table["add.ovf"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Add_Ovf);
+ inst_table["add.ovf.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Add_Ovf_Un);
+ inst_table["mul.ovf"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Mul_Ovf);
+ inst_table["mul.ovf.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Mul_Ovf_Un);
+ inst_table["sub.ovf"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Sub_Ovf);
+ inst_table["sub.ovf.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Sub_Ovf_Un);
+ inst_table["endfinally"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Endfinally);
+ // endfault is really just an alias for endfinally
+ inst_table["endfault"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Endfinally);
+ inst_table["stind.i"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Stind_I);
+ inst_table["conv.u"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Conv_U);
+ inst_table["arglist"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Arglist);
+ inst_table["ceq"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Ceq);
+ inst_table["cgt"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Cgt);
+ inst_table["cgt.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Cgt_Un);
+ inst_table["clt"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Clt);
+ inst_table["clt.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Clt_Un);
+ inst_table["localloc"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Localloc);
+ inst_table["endfilter"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Endfilter);
+ inst_table["volatile."] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Volatile);
+ inst_table["tail."] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Tailcall);
+ inst_table["cpblk"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Cpblk);
+ inst_table["initblk"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Initblk);
+ inst_table["rethrow"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Rethrow);
+ inst_table["refanytype"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Refanytype);
+ inst_table["readonly."] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_NONE, OpCodes.Readonly);
+ //
+ // Int operations
+ //
+ // param
+ inst_table["ldarg"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Ldarg);
+ inst_table["ldarga"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Ldarga);
+ inst_table["starg"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Starg);
+ inst_table["ldarg.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Ldarg_S);
+ inst_table["ldarga.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Ldarga_S);
+ inst_table["starg.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_PARAM, OpCodes.Starg_S);
+ // local
+ inst_table["ldloc"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Ldloc);
+ inst_table["ldloca"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Ldloca);
+ inst_table["stloc"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Stloc);
+ inst_table["ldloc.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Ldloc_S);
+ inst_table["ldloca.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Ldloca_S);
+ inst_table["stloc.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_LOCAL, OpCodes.Stloc_S);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_I, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S);
+ inst_table["ldc.i4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_I, OpCodes.Ldc_I4);
+ inst_table["unaligned."] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_I, OpCodes.Unaligned);
+ //
+ // Type operations
+ //
+ inst_table["cpobj"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Cpobj);
+ inst_table["ldobj"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Ldobj);
+ inst_table["castclass"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Castclass);
+ inst_table["isinst"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Isinst);
+ inst_table["unbox"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Unbox);
+ inst_table["unbox.any"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Unbox_Any);
+ inst_table["stobj"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Stobj);
+ inst_table["box"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Box);
+ inst_table["newarr"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Newarr);
+ inst_table["ldelema"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Ldelema);
+ inst_table["refanyval"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Refanyval);
+ inst_table["mkrefany"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Mkrefany);
+ inst_table["initobj"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Initobj);
+ inst_table["sizeof"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Sizeof);
+ inst_table["stelem"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Stelem);
+ inst_table["ldelem"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Ldelem);
+ inst_table["stelem.any"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Stelem);
+ inst_table["ldelem.any"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Ldelem);
+ inst_table["constrained."] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TYPE, OpCodes.Constrained);
+ //
+ // MethodRef operations
+ //
+ inst_table["jmp"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Jmp);
+ inst_table["call"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Call);
+ inst_table["callvirt"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Callvirt);
+ inst_table["newobj"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Newobj);
+ inst_table["ldftn"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Ldftn);
+ inst_table["ldvirtftn"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_METHOD, OpCodes.Ldvirtftn);
+ //
+ // FieldRef instructions
+ //
+ inst_table["ldfld"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Ldfld);
+ inst_table["ldflda"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Ldflda);
+ inst_table["stfld"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Stfld);
+ inst_table["ldsfld"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Ldsfld);
+ inst_table["ldsflda"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Ldsflda);
+ inst_table["stsfld"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_FIELD, OpCodes.Stsfld);
+ //
+ // Branch Instructions
+ //
+ inst_table["br"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Br);
+ inst_table["brfalse"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brfalse);
+ inst_table["brzero"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brfalse);
+ inst_table["brnull"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brfalse);
+ inst_table["brtrue"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brtrue);
+ inst_table["beq"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Beq);
+ inst_table["bge"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bge);
+ inst_table["bgt"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bgt);
+ inst_table["ble"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Ble);
+ inst_table["blt"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Blt);
+ inst_table["bne.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bne_Un);
+ inst_table["bge.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bge_Un);
+ inst_table["bgt.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bgt_Un);
+ inst_table["ble.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Ble_Un);
+ inst_table["blt.un"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Blt_Un);
+ inst_table["leave"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Leave);
+ inst_table["br.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Br_S);
+ inst_table["brfalse.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brfalse_S);
+ inst_table["brtrue.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Brtrue_S);
+ inst_table["beq.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Beq_S);
+ inst_table["bge.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bge_S);
+ inst_table["bgt.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bgt_S);
+ inst_table["ble.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Ble_S);
+ inst_table["blt.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Blt_S);
+ inst_table["bne.un.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bne_Un_S);
+ inst_table["bge.un.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bge_Un_S);
+ inst_table["bgt.un.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Bgt_Un_S);
+ inst_table["ble.un.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Ble_Un_S);
+ inst_table["blt.un.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Blt_Un_S);
+ inst_table["leave.s"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_BRTARGET, OpCodes.Leave_S);
+ //
+ // Misc other instructions
+ //
+ inst_table["ldstr"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_STRING, OpCodes.Ldstr);
+ inst_table["ldc.r4"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_R, OpCodes.Ldc_R4);
+ inst_table["ldc.r8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_R, OpCodes.Ldc_R8);
+ inst_table["ldc.i8"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_I8, OpCodes.Ldc_I8);
+ inst_table["switch"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_SWITCH, OpCodes.Switch);
+ inst_table["calli"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_SIG, OpCodes.Calli);
+ inst_table["ldtoken"] = new ILToken(Token.INSTR_TOK, OpCodes.Ldtoken);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/InstrToken.cs b/Mono.Assembler/InstrToken.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a46e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/InstrToken.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// InstrToken.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ public class InstrToken : ILToken
+ {
+ ///
+ ///
+ public InstrToken(OpCode opcode)
+ {
+ this.val = opcode;
+ token = GetInstrType(opcode);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static int GetInstrType(OpCode opcode)
+ {
+ OperandType t = opcode.OperandType;
+ int token = Token.UNKNOWN;
+ switch (t)
+ {
+ case OperandType.InlineBrTarget:
+ case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget:
+ token = Token.INSTR_BRTARGET;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineField:
+ token = Token.INSTR_FIELD;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineI:
+ case OperandType.ShortInlineI:
+ token = Token.INSTR_I;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineI8:
+ token = Token.INSTR_I8;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineMethod:
+ token = Token.INSTR_METHOD;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineNone:
+ token = Token.INSTR_NONE;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlinePhi:
+ token = Token.INSTR_PHI;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineR:
+ case OperandType.ShortInlineR:
+ token = Token.INSTR_R;
+ break;
+ /*
+ case OperandType.InlineRVA:
+ token = Token.INSTR_RVA;
+ break;
+ */
+ case OperandType.InlineSig:
+ token = Token.INSTR_SIG;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineString:
+ token = Token.INSTR_STRING;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineSwitch:
+ token = Token.INSTR_SWITCH;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineTok:
+ token = Token.INSTR_TOK;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineType:
+ token = Token.INSTR_TYPE;
+ break;
+ case OperandType.InlineVar:
+ case OperandType.ShortInlineVar:
+ token = Token.INSTR_VAR;
+ break;
+ }
+ return token;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/Location.cs b/Mono.Assembler/Location.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c2cc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/Location.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Location.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ ///
+ ///
+ public class Location : ICloneable
+ {
+ internal int line;
+ internal int column;
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static readonly Location Unknown = new Location(-1, -1);
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Location()
+ {
+ line = 1;
+ column = 1;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Location(int line, int column)
+ {
+ this.line = line;
+ this.column = column;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Location(Location that)
+ {
+ this.line = that.line;
+ this.column = that.column;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void NewLine()
+ {
+ ++line;
+ column = 1;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void PreviousLine()
+ {
+ --line;
+ column = 1;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void NextColumn()
+ {
+ ++column;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void PreviousColumn()
+ {
+ --column;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void CopyFrom(Location other)
+ {
+ this.line = other.line;
+ this.column = other.column;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public virtual object Clone()
+ {
+ return new Location(this);
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return "line (" + line + ") column (" + column + ")";
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/NumberHelper.cs b/Mono.Assembler/NumberHelper.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df8e628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/NumberHelper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// NumberHelper.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Globalization;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ ///
+ ///
+ internal class NumberHelper : StringHelperBase
+ {
+ private ILToken result;
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public NumberHelper(ILTokenizer host) : base(host)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+ private void Reset()
+ {
+ result = ILToken.Invalid.Clone() as ILToken;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override bool Start(char ch)
+ {
+ bool res = (Char.IsDigit(ch) || ch == '-' || (ch == '.' && Char.IsDigit((char) host.Reader.Peek())));
+ Reset();
+ return res;
+ }
+ private bool is_hex(int e)
+ {
+ return (e >= '0' && e <= '9') || (e >= 'A' && e <= 'F') || (e >= 'a' && e <= 'f');
+ }
+ private bool is_sign(int ch)
+ {
+ return ((ch == '+') || (ch == '-'));
+ }
+ private bool is_e(int ch)
+ {
+ return ((ch == 'e') || (ch == 'E'));
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override string Build()
+ {
+ ILReader reader = host.Reader;
+ reader.MarkLocation();
+ StringBuilder num_builder = new StringBuilder();
+ string num;
+ int ch;
+ int peek;
+ bool is_real = false;
+ bool dec_found = false;
+ NumberStyles nstyles = NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint |
+ NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign;
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ peek = reader.Peek();
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ if (ch == '0' && (peek == 'x' || peek == 'X'))
+ return BuildHex();
+ if (is_sign(reader.Peek()))
+ num_builder.Append((char) reader.Read());
+ do
+ {
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ peek = reader.Peek();
+ num_builder.Append((char) ch);
+ if (is_e(ch))
+ {
+ if (is_real)
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, num_builder.ToString());
+ is_real = true;
+ }
+ if (ch == '.')
+ dec_found = true;
+ if (!is_hex(peek) &&
+ !(peek == '.' && !dec_found) && !is_e(peek) &&
+ !(is_sign(peek) && is_real))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (ch != -1);
+ num = num_builder.ToString();
+ // Check for hexbytes
+ if (num.Length == 2)
+ {
+ if (Char.IsLetter(num[0]) || Char.IsLetter(num[1]))
+ {
+ result.token = Token.HEXBYTE;
+ result.val = Byte.Parse(num, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
+ return num;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ch == '.' && peek == '.')
+ {
+ num = num.Substring(0, num.Length - 1);
+ reader.Unread('.');
+ dec_found = false;
+ }
+ else if (ch == '.')
+ {
+ num += '0';
+ }
+ if (!dec_found && !is_real)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ long i = Int64.Parse(num, nstyles);
+ result.token = Token.INT64;
+ result.val = i;
+ return num;
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ long i = (long) UInt64.Parse(num, nstyles);
+ result.token = Token.INT64;
+ result.val = i;
+ return num;
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ double d = Double.Parse(num, nstyles, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
+ result.token = Token.FLOAT64;
+ result.val = d;
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ reader.Unread(num.ToCharArray());
+ reader.RestoreLocation();
+ num = String.Empty;
+ Reset();
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, num_builder.ToString());
+ }
+ return num;
+ }
+ public string BuildHex()
+ {
+ ILReader reader = host.Reader;
+ reader.MarkLocation();
+ StringBuilder num_builder = new StringBuilder();
+ NumberStyles nstyles = NumberStyles.HexNumber;
+ string num;
+ int ch;
+ int peek;
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ if (ch != '0')
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, ((char) ch).ToString());
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ if (ch != 'x' && ch != 'X')
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, "0" + (char) ch);
+ do
+ {
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ peek = reader.Peek();
+ num_builder.Append((char) ch);
+ if (!is_hex((char) peek))
+ break;
+ if (num_builder.Length == 32)
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, num_builder.ToString());
+ } while (ch != -1);
+ num = num_builder.ToString();
+ try
+ {
+ long i = (long) UInt64.Parse(num, nstyles);
+ //if (i < Int32.MinValue || i > Int32.MaxValue) {
+ result.token = Token.INT64;
+ result.val = i;
+ //} else {
+ // result.token = Token.INT32;
+ // result.val = (int) i;
+ //}
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ string tnum = num;
+ reader.Unread(num.ToCharArray());
+ reader.RestoreLocation();
+ num = String.Empty;
+ Reset();
+ throw new ILTokenizingException(reader.Location, tnum);
+ }
+ return num;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ public ILToken ResultToken
+ {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/StringHelper.cs b/Mono.Assembler/StringHelper.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a6b3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/StringHelper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// StringHelper.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ ///
+ ///
+ internal class StringHelper : StringHelperBase
+ {
+ private static readonly string startIdChars = "#$@_";
+ private static readonly string idChars = "_$@?`";
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public StringHelper(ILTokenizer host) : base(host)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override bool Start(char ch)
+ {
+ mode = Token.UNKNOWN;
+ if (Char.IsLetter(ch) || startIdChars.IndexOf(ch) != -1)
+ {
+ mode = Token.ID;
+ }
+ else if (ch == '\'')
+ {
+ mode = Token.SQSTRING;
+ }
+ else if (ch == '"')
+ {
+ mode = Token.QSTRING;
+ }
+ return (mode != Token.UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ private static bool IsIdChar(int c)
+ {
+ char ch = (char) c;
+ return (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || idChars.IndexOf(ch) != -1);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override string Build()
+ {
+ if (mode == Token.UNKNOWN) return String.Empty;
+ int ch = 0;
+ ILReader reader = host.Reader;
+ StringBuilder idsb = new StringBuilder();
+ if (mode == Token.SQSTRING || mode == Token.QSTRING)
+ {
+ int term = (mode == Token.SQSTRING) ? '\'' : '"';
+ reader.Read(); // skip quote
+ for (ch = reader.Read(); ch != -1; ch = reader.Read())
+ {
+ if (ch == term)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ch == '\\')
+ {
+ ch = reader.Read();
+ /*
+ * Long string can be broken across multiple lines
+ * by using '\' as the last char in line.
+ * Any white space chars between '\' and the first
+ * char on the next line are ignored.
+ */
+ if (ch == '\n')
+ {
+ reader.SkipWhitespace();
+ continue;
+ }
+ int escaped = Escape(reader, ch);
+ if (escaped == -1)
+ {
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ ch = '\\';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ch = escaped;
+ }
+ }
+ idsb.Append((char) ch);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // ID
+ while ((ch = reader.Read()) != -1)
+ {
+ if (IsIdChar(ch))
+ {
+ idsb.Append((char) ch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reader.Unread(ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return idsb.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static int Escape(ILReader reader, int ch)
+ {
+ int res = -1;
+ if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7')
+ {
+ StringBuilder octal = new StringBuilder();
+ octal.Append((char) ch);
+ int possibleOctalChar = reader.Peek();
+ if (possibleOctalChar >= '0' && possibleOctalChar <= '7')
+ {
+ octal.Append((char) reader.Read());
+ possibleOctalChar = reader.Peek();
+ if (possibleOctalChar >= '0' && possibleOctalChar <= '7')
+ octal.Append((char) reader.Read());
+ }
+ res = Convert.ToInt32(octal.ToString(), 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int id = "abfnrtv\"'\\".IndexOf((char) ch);
+ if (id != -1)
+ {
+ res = "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\"'\\"[id];
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/StringHelperBase.cs b/Mono.Assembler/StringHelperBase.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9853200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/StringHelperBase.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// StringHelperBase.cs
+// Author: Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com)
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ ///
+ ///
+ internal abstract class StringHelperBase
+ {
+ protected ILTokenizer host;
+ protected int mode;
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public StringHelperBase(ILTokenizer host)
+ {
+ this.host = host;
+ mode = Token.UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public abstract bool Start(char ch);
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public bool Start(int ch)
+ {
+ return Start((char) ch);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public bool Start()
+ {
+ return Start(host.Reader.Peek());
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public abstract string Build();
+ ///
+ ///
+ public int TokenId
+ {
+ get { return mode; }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mono.Assembler/Token.cs b/Mono.Assembler/Token.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..afdd458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mono.Assembler/Token.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+namespace Mono.Assembler
+ internal class Token
+ {
+ public const int EOF = 257;
+ public const int ID = 258;
+ public const int QSTRING = 259;
+ public const int SQSTRING = 260;
+ public const int COMP_NAME = 261;
+ public const int INT32 = 262;
+ public const int INT64 = 263;
+ public const int FLOAT64 = 264;
+ public const int HEXBYTE = 265;
+ public const int DOT = 266;
+ public const int OPEN_BRACE = 267;
+ public const int CLOSE_BRACE = 268;
+ public const int OPEN_BRACKET = 269;
+ public const int CLOSE_BRACKET = 270;
+ public const int OPEN_PARENS = 271;
+ public const int CLOSE_PARENS = 272;
+ public const int COMMA = 273;
+ public const int COLON = 274;
+ public const int DOUBLE_COLON = 275;
+ public const int SEMICOLON = 277;
+ public const int ASSIGN = 278;
+ public const int STAR = 279;
+ public const int AMPERSAND = 280;
+ public const int PLUS = 281;
+ public const int SLASH = 282;
+ public const int BANG = 283;
+ public const int ELLIPSIS = 284;
+ public const int DASH = 286;
+ public const int OPEN_ANGLE_BRACKET = 287;
+ public const int CLOSE_ANGLE_BRACKET = 288;
+ public const int UNKNOWN = 289;
+ public const int INSTR_NONE = 290;
+ public const int INSTR_VAR = 291;
+ public const int INSTR_I = 292;
+ public const int INSTR_I8 = 293;
+ public const int INSTR_R = 294;
+ public const int INSTR_BRTARGET = 295;
+ public const int INSTR_METHOD = 296;
+ public const int INSTR_NEWOBJ = 297;
+ public const int INSTR_FIELD = 298;
+ public const int INSTR_TYPE = 299;
+ public const int INSTR_STRING = 300;
+ public const int INSTR_SIG = 301;
+ public const int INSTR_RVA = 302;
+ public const int INSTR_TOK = 303;
+ public const int INSTR_SWITCH = 304;
+ public const int INSTR_PHI = 305;
+ public const int INSTR_LOCAL = 306;
+ public const int INSTR_PARAM = 307;
+ public const int D_ADDON = 308;
+ public const int D_ALGORITHM = 309;
+ public const int D_ASSEMBLY = 310;
+ public const int D_BACKING = 311;
+ public const int D_BLOB = 312;
+ public const int D_CAPABILITY = 313;
+ public const int D_CCTOR = 314;
+ public const int D_CLASS = 315;
+ public const int D_COMTYPE = 316;
+ public const int D_CONFIG = 317;
+ public const int D_IMAGEBASE = 318;
+ public const int D_CORFLAGS = 319;
+ public const int D_CTOR = 320;
+ public const int D_CUSTOM = 321;
+ public const int D_DATA = 322;
+ public const int D_EMITBYTE = 323;
+ public const int D_ENTRYPOINT = 324;
+ public const int D_EVENT = 325;
+ public const int D_EXELOC = 326;
+ public const int D_EXPORT = 327;
+ public const int D_FIELD = 328;
+ public const int D_FILE = 329;
+ public const int D_FIRE = 330;
+ public const int D_GET = 331;
+ public const int D_HASH = 332;
+ public const int D_IMPLICITCOM = 333;
+ public const int D_LANGUAGE = 334;
+ public const int D_LINE = 335;
+ public const int D_XLINE = 336;
+ public const int D_LOCALE = 337;
+ public const int D_LOCALS = 338;
+ public const int D_MANIFESTRES = 339;
+ public const int D_MAXSTACK = 340;
+ public const int D_METHOD = 341;
+ public const int D_MIME = 342;
+ public const int D_MODULE = 343;
+ public const int D_MRESOURCE = 344;
+ public const int D_NAMESPACE = 345;
+ public const int D_ORIGINATOR = 346;
+ public const int D_OS = 347;
+ public const int D_OTHER = 348;
+ public const int D_OVERRIDE = 349;
+ public const int D_PACK = 350;
+ public const int D_PARAM = 351;
+ public const int D_PERMISSION = 352;
+ public const int D_PERMISSIONSET = 353;
+ public const int D_PROCESSOR = 354;
+ public const int D_PROPERTY = 355;
+ public const int D_PUBLICKEY = 356;
+ public const int D_PUBLICKEYTOKEN = 357;
+ public const int D_REMOVEON = 358;
+ public const int D_SET = 359;
+ public const int D_SIZE = 360;
+ public const int D_STACKRESERVE = 361;
+ public const int D_SUBSYSTEM = 362;
+ public const int D_TITLE = 363;
+ public const int D_TRY = 364;
+ public const int D_VER = 365;
+ public const int D_VTABLE = 366;
+ public const int D_VTENTRY = 367;
+ public const int D_VTFIXUP = 368;
+ public const int D_ZEROINIT = 369;
+ public const int K_AT = 370;
+ public const int K_AS = 371;
+ public const int K_IMPLICITCOM = 372;
+ public const int K_IMPLICITRES = 373;
+ public const int K_NOAPPDOMAIN = 374;
+ public const int K_NOPROCESS = 375;
+ public const int K_NOMACHINE = 376;
+ public const int K_EXTERN = 377;
+ public const int K_INSTANCE = 378;
+ public const int K_EXPLICIT = 379;
+ public const int K_DEFAULT = 380;
+ public const int K_VARARG = 381;
+ public const int K_UNMANAGED = 382;
+ public const int K_CDECL = 383;
+ public const int K_STDCALL = 384;
+ public const int K_THISCALL = 385;
+ public const int K_FASTCALL = 386;
+ public const int K_MARSHAL = 387;
+ public const int K_IN = 388;
+ public const int K_OUT = 389;
+ public const int K_OPT = 390;
+ public const int K_STATIC = 391;
+ public const int K_PUBLIC = 392;
+ public const int K_PRIVATE = 393;
+ public const int K_FAMILY = 394;
+ public const int K_INITONLY = 395;
+ public const int K_RTSPECIALNAME = 396;
+ public const int K_STRICT = 397;
+ public const int K_SPECIALNAME = 398;
+ public const int K_ASSEMBLY = 399;
+ public const int K_FAMANDASSEM = 400;
+ public const int K_FAMORASSEM = 401;
+ public const int K_PRIVATESCOPE = 402;
+ public const int K_LITERAL = 403;
+ public const int K_NOTSERIALIZED = 404;
+ public const int K_VALUE = 405;
+ public const int K_NOT_IN_GC_HEAP = 406;
+ public const int K_INTERFACE = 407;
+ public const int K_SEALED = 408;
+ public const int K_ABSTRACT = 409;
+ public const int K_AUTO = 410;
+ public const int K_SEQUENTIAL = 411;
+ public const int K_ANSI = 412;
+ public const int K_UNICODE = 413;
+ public const int K_AUTOCHAR = 414;
+ public const int K_BESTFIT = 415;
+ public const int K_IMPORT = 416;
+ public const int K_SERIALIZABLE = 417;
+ public const int K_NESTED = 418;
+ public const int K_LATEINIT = 419;
+ public const int K_EXTENDS = 420;
+ public const int K_IMPLEMENTS = 421;
+ public const int K_FINAL = 422;
+ public const int K_VIRTUAL = 423;
+ public const int K_HIDEBYSIG = 424;
+ public const int K_NEWSLOT = 425;
+ public const int K_UNMANAGEDEXP = 426;
+ public const int K_PINVOKEIMPL = 427;
+ public const int K_NOMANGLE = 428;
+ public const int K_OLE = 429;
+ public const int K_LASTERR = 430;
+ public const int K_WINAPI = 431;
+ public const int K_NATIVE = 432;
+ public const int K_IL = 433;
+ public const int K_CIL = 434;
+ public const int K_OPTIL = 435;
+ public const int K_MANAGED = 436;
+ public const int K_FORWARDREF = 437;
+ public const int K_RUNTIME = 438;
+ public const int K_INTERNALCALL = 439;
+ public const int K_SYNCHRONIZED = 440;
+ public const int K_NOINLINING = 441;
+ public const int K_CUSTOM = 442;
+ public const int K_FIXED = 443;
+ public const int K_SYSSTRING = 444;
+ public const int K_ARRAY = 445;
+ public const int K_VARIANT = 446;
+ public const int K_CURRENCY = 447;
+ public const int K_SYSCHAR = 448;
+ public const int K_VOID = 449;
+ public const int K_BOOL = 450;
+ public const int K_INT8 = 451;
+ public const int K_INT16 = 452;
+ public const int K_INT32 = 453;
+ public const int K_INT64 = 454;
+ public const int K_FLOAT32 = 455;
+ public const int K_FLOAT64 = 456;
+ public const int K_ERROR = 457;
+ public const int K_UNSIGNED = 458;
+ public const int K_UINT = 459;
+ public const int K_UINT8 = 460;
+ public const int K_UINT16 = 461;
+ public const int K_UINT32 = 462;
+ public const int K_UINT64 = 463;
+ public const int K_DECIMAL = 464;
+ public const int K_DATE = 465;
+ public const int K_BSTR = 466;
+ public const int K_LPSTR = 467;
+ public const int K_LPWSTR = 468;
+ public const int K_LPTSTR = 469;
+ public const int K_OBJECTREF = 470;
+ public const int K_IUNKNOWN = 471;
+ public const int K_IDISPATCH = 472;
+ public const int K_STRUCT = 473;
+ public const int K_SAFEARRAY = 474;
+ public const int K_INT = 475;
+ public const int K_BYVALSTR = 476;
+ public const int K_TBSTR = 477;
+ public const int K_LPVOID = 478;
+ public const int K_ANY = 479;
+ public const int K_FLOAT = 480;
+ public const int K_LPSTRUCT = 481;
+ public const int K_NULL = 482;
+ public const int K_PTR = 483;
+ public const int K_VECTOR = 484;
+ public const int K_HRESULT = 485;
+ public const int K_CARRAY = 486;
+ public const int K_USERDEFINED = 487;
+ public const int K_RECORD = 488;
+ public const int K_FILETIME = 489;
+ public const int K_BLOB = 490;
+ public const int K_STREAM = 491;
+ public const int K_STORAGE = 492;
+ public const int K_STREAMED_OBJECT = 493;
+ public const int K_STORED_OBJECT = 494;
+ public const int K_BLOB_OBJECT = 495;
+ public const int K_CF = 496;
+ public const int K_CLSID = 497;
+ public const int K_METHOD = 498;
+ public const int K_CLASS = 499;
+ public const int K_PINNED = 500;
+ public const int K_MODREQ = 501;
+ public const int K_MODOPT = 502;
+ public const int K_TYPEDREF = 503;
+ public const int K_TYPE = 504;
+ public const int K_WCHAR = 505;
+ public const int K_CHAR = 506;
+ public const int K_FROMUNMANAGED = 507;
+ public const int K_CALLMOSTDERIVED = 508;
+ public const int K_BYTEARRAY = 509;
+ public const int K_WITH = 510;
+ public const int K_INIT = 511;
+ public const int K_TO = 512;
+ public const int K_CATCH = 513;
+ public const int K_FILTER = 514;
+ public const int K_FINALLY = 515;
+ public const int K_FAULT = 516;
+ public const int K_HANDLER = 517;
+ public const int K_TLS = 518;
+ public const int K_FIELD = 519;
+ public const int K_PROPERTY = 520;
+ public const int K_REQUEST = 521;
+ public const int K_DEMAND = 522;
+ public const int K_ASSERT = 523;
+ public const int K_DENY = 524;
+ public const int K_PERMITONLY = 525;
+ public const int K_LINKCHECK = 526;
+ public const int K_INHERITCHECK = 527;
+ public const int K_REQMIN = 528;
+ public const int K_REQOPT = 529;
+ public const int K_REQREFUSE = 530;
+ public const int K_PREJITGRANT = 531;
+ public const int K_PREJITDENY = 532;
+ public const int K_NONCASDEMAND = 533;
+ public const int K_NONCASLINKDEMAND = 534;
+ public const int K_NONCASINHERITANCE = 535;
+ public const int K_READONLY = 536;
+ public const int K_NOMETADATA = 537;
+ public const int K_ALGORITHM = 538;
+ public const int K_FULLORIGIN = 539;
+ public const int K_ENABLEJITTRACKING = 540;
+ public const int K_DISABLEJITOPTIMIZER = 541;
+ public const int K_RETARGETABLE = 542;
+ public const int K_PRESERVESIG = 543;
+ public const int K_BEFOREFIELDINIT = 544;
+ public const int K_ALIGNMENT = 545;
+ public const int K_NULLREF = 546;
+ public const int K_VALUETYPE = 547;
+ public const int K_COMPILERCONTROLLED = 548;
+ public const int K_REQSECOBJ = 549;
+ public const int K_ENUM = 550;
+ public const int K_OBJECT = 551;
+ public const int K_STRING = 552;
+ public const int K_TRUE = 553;
+ public const int K_FALSE = 554;
+ public const int K_IS = 555;
+ public const int K_ON = 556;
+ public const int K_OFF = 557;
+ public const int K_CHARMAPERROR = 558;
+ public const int SL_COMMENT = 559;
+ public const int ML_COMMENT = 560;
+ public const int yyErrorCode = 256;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90f21cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("vsil")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (C) 2011 SyntaxTree")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.csproj b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.csproj
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..044da42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ 10.0.20305
+ 2.0
+ {82b43b9b-a64c-4715-b499-d71e9ca2bd60};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
+ {D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}
+ Library
+ Properties
+ SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL
+ SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL
+ v4.0
+ 512
+ false
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ pdbonly
+ true
+ bin\Release\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ Program
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
+ /rootsuffix EXP
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ Designer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.sln b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.sln
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4380c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
+# Visual Studio 2010
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL", "SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL.csproj", "{D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {D4A3A217-3F32-4C5C-B403-64BF4AEEFDCA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifier.cs b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifier.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3d1dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifier.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.StandardClassification;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
+using Mono.Assembler;
+namespace SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL
+ internal class ILClassifier : IClassifier
+ {
+ private readonly IStandardClassificationService _standardClassificationService;
+ internal ILClassifier(IStandardClassificationService standardClassificationService)
+ {
+ _standardClassificationService = standardClassificationService;
+ }
+ public IList GetClassificationSpans(SnapshotSpan span)
+ {
+ var result = new List();
+ var lexer = CreateLexerFor(span.GetText());
+ var begin = -1;
+ var length = -1;
+ IClassificationType classification = null;
+ var offset = span.Start.Position;
+ while (ScanTokenAndProvideInfoAboutIt(lexer, span.GetText(), ref begin, ref length, ref classification))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ result.Add(new ClassificationSpan(new SnapshotSpan(span.Snapshot, offset + begin, length), classification));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Debug.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private bool ScanTokenAndProvideInfoAboutIt(ILTokenizer lexer, string span, ref int begin, ref int length,
+ ref IClassificationType classification)
+ {
+ var location = (Location) lexer.Location.Clone();
+ var token = lexer.GetNextToken();
+ switch (token.TokenId)
+ {
+ case Token.EOF:
+ return false;
+ case Token.ID:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Identifier;
+ break;
+ case Token.INSTR_NONE:
+ case Token.INSTR_VAR:
+ case Token.INSTR_I:
+ case Token.INSTR_I8:
+ case Token.INSTR_R:
+ case Token.INSTR_BRTARGET:
+ case Token.INSTR_METHOD:
+ case Token.INSTR_NEWOBJ:
+ case Token.INSTR_FIELD:
+ case Token.INSTR_TYPE:
+ case Token.INSTR_STRING:
+ case Token.INSTR_SIG:
+ case Token.INSTR_RVA:
+ case Token.INSTR_TOK:
+ case Token.INSTR_SWITCH:
+ case Token.INSTR_PHI:
+ case Token.INSTR_LOCAL:
+ case Token.INSTR_PARAM:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Keyword;
+ break;
+ case Token.K_AT:
+ case Token.K_AS:
+ case Token.K_IMPLICITCOM:
+ case Token.K_IMPLICITRES:
+ case Token.K_NOAPPDOMAIN:
+ case Token.K_NOPROCESS:
+ case Token.K_NOMACHINE:
+ case Token.K_EXTERN:
+ case Token.K_INSTANCE:
+ case Token.K_EXPLICIT:
+ case Token.K_DEFAULT:
+ case Token.K_VARARG:
+ case Token.K_UNMANAGED:
+ case Token.K_CDECL:
+ case Token.K_STDCALL:
+ case Token.K_THISCALL:
+ case Token.K_FASTCALL:
+ case Token.K_MARSHAL:
+ case Token.K_IN:
+ case Token.K_OUT:
+ case Token.K_OPT:
+ case Token.K_STATIC:
+ case Token.K_PUBLIC:
+ case Token.K_PRIVATE:
+ case Token.K_FAMILY:
+ case Token.K_INITONLY:
+ case Token.K_STRICT:
+ case Token.K_SPECIALNAME:
+ case Token.K_ASSEMBLY:
+ case Token.K_FAMANDASSEM:
+ case Token.K_FAMORASSEM:
+ case Token.K_PRIVATESCOPE:
+ case Token.K_LITERAL:
+ case Token.K_VALUE:
+ case Token.K_NOT_IN_GC_HEAP:
+ case Token.K_INTERFACE:
+ case Token.K_SEALED:
+ case Token.K_ABSTRACT:
+ case Token.K_AUTO:
+ case Token.K_SEQUENTIAL:
+ case Token.K_ANSI:
+ case Token.K_UNICODE:
+ case Token.K_AUTOCHAR:
+ case Token.K_BESTFIT:
+ case Token.K_IMPORT:
+ case Token.K_SERIALIZABLE:
+ case Token.K_NESTED:
+ case Token.K_LATEINIT:
+ case Token.K_EXTENDS:
+ case Token.K_IMPLEMENTS:
+ case Token.K_FINAL:
+ case Token.K_VIRTUAL:
+ case Token.K_HIDEBYSIG:
+ case Token.K_NEWSLOT:
+ case Token.K_UNMANAGEDEXP:
+ case Token.K_PINVOKEIMPL:
+ case Token.K_NOMANGLE:
+ case Token.K_OLE:
+ case Token.K_LASTERR:
+ case Token.K_WINAPI:
+ case Token.K_NATIVE:
+ case Token.K_IL:
+ case Token.K_CIL:
+ case Token.K_OPTIL:
+ case Token.K_MANAGED:
+ case Token.K_FORWARDREF:
+ case Token.K_RUNTIME:
+ case Token.K_INTERNALCALL:
+ case Token.K_SYNCHRONIZED:
+ case Token.K_NOINLINING:
+ case Token.K_CUSTOM:
+ case Token.K_FIXED:
+ case Token.K_SYSSTRING:
+ case Token.K_ARRAY:
+ case Token.K_VARIANT:
+ case Token.K_CURRENCY:
+ case Token.K_SYSCHAR:
+ case Token.K_VOID:
+ case Token.K_BOOL:
+ case Token.K_INT8:
+ case Token.K_INT16:
+ case Token.K_INT32:
+ case Token.K_INT64:
+ case Token.K_FLOAT32:
+ case Token.K_FLOAT64:
+ case Token.K_ERROR:
+ case Token.K_UNSIGNED:
+ case Token.K_UINT:
+ case Token.K_UINT8:
+ case Token.K_UINT16:
+ case Token.K_UINT32:
+ case Token.K_UINT64:
+ case Token.K_DECIMAL:
+ case Token.K_DATE:
+ case Token.K_BSTR:
+ case Token.K_LPSTR:
+ case Token.K_LPWSTR:
+ case Token.K_LPTSTR:
+ case Token.K_OBJECTREF:
+ case Token.K_IUNKNOWN:
+ case Token.K_IDISPATCH:
+ case Token.K_STRUCT:
+ case Token.K_SAFEARRAY:
+ case Token.K_INT:
+ case Token.K_BYVALSTR:
+ case Token.K_TBSTR:
+ case Token.K_LPVOID:
+ case Token.K_ANY:
+ case Token.K_FLOAT:
+ case Token.K_LPSTRUCT:
+ case Token.K_NULL:
+ case Token.K_PTR:
+ case Token.K_VECTOR:
+ case Token.K_HRESULT:
+ case Token.K_CARRAY:
+ case Token.K_USERDEFINED:
+ case Token.K_RECORD:
+ case Token.K_FILETIME:
+ case Token.K_BLOB:
+ case Token.K_STREAM:
+ case Token.K_STORAGE:
+ case Token.K_STORED_OBJECT:
+ case Token.K_BLOB_OBJECT:
+ case Token.K_CF:
+ case Token.K_CLSID:
+ case Token.K_METHOD:
+ case Token.K_CLASS:
+ case Token.K_PINNED:
+ case Token.K_MODREQ:
+ case Token.K_MODOPT:
+ case Token.K_TYPEDREF:
+ case Token.K_TYPE:
+ case Token.K_WCHAR:
+ case Token.K_CHAR:
+ case Token.K_BYTEARRAY:
+ case Token.K_WITH:
+ case Token.K_INIT:
+ case Token.K_TO:
+ case Token.K_CATCH:
+ case Token.K_FILTER:
+ case Token.K_FINALLY:
+ case Token.K_FAULT:
+ case Token.K_HANDLER:
+ case Token.K_TLS:
+ case Token.K_FIELD:
+ case Token.K_PROPERTY:
+ case Token.K_REQUEST:
+ case Token.K_DEMAND:
+ case Token.K_ASSERT:
+ case Token.K_DENY:
+ case Token.K_PERMITONLY:
+ case Token.K_LINKCHECK:
+ case Token.K_INHERITCHECK:
+ case Token.K_REQMIN:
+ case Token.K_REQOPT:
+ case Token.K_REQREFUSE:
+ case Token.K_PREJITGRANT:
+ case Token.K_PREJITDENY:
+ case Token.K_NONCASDEMAND:
+ case Token.K_READONLY:
+ case Token.K_NOMETADATA:
+ case Token.K_ALGORITHM:
+ case Token.K_FULLORIGIN:
+ case Token.K_RETARGETABLE:
+ case Token.K_PRESERVESIG:
+ case Token.K_ALIGNMENT:
+ case Token.K_NULLREF:
+ case Token.K_VALUETYPE:
+ case Token.K_REQSECOBJ:
+ case Token.K_ENUM:
+ case Token.K_OBJECT:
+ case Token.K_STRING:
+ case Token.K_TRUE:
+ case Token.K_FALSE:
+ case Token.K_IS:
+ case Token.K_ON:
+ case Token.K_OFF:
+ case Token.K_CHARMAPERROR:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Keyword;
+ break;
+ case Token.D_ADDON:
+ case Token.D_ALGORITHM:
+ case Token.D_ASSEMBLY:
+ case Token.D_BACKING:
+ case Token.D_BLOB:
+ case Token.D_CAPABILITY:
+ case Token.D_CCTOR:
+ case Token.D_CLASS:
+ case Token.D_COMTYPE:
+ case Token.D_CONFIG:
+ case Token.D_IMAGEBASE:
+ case Token.D_CORFLAGS:
+ case Token.D_CTOR:
+ case Token.D_CUSTOM:
+ case Token.D_DATA:
+ case Token.D_EMITBYTE:
+ case Token.D_ENTRYPOINT:
+ case Token.D_EVENT:
+ case Token.D_EXELOC:
+ case Token.D_EXPORT:
+ case Token.D_FIELD:
+ case Token.D_FILE:
+ case Token.D_FIRE:
+ case Token.D_GET:
+ case Token.D_HASH:
+ case Token.D_IMPLICITCOM:
+ case Token.D_LANGUAGE:
+ case Token.D_LINE:
+ case Token.D_XLINE:
+ case Token.D_LOCALE:
+ case Token.D_LOCALS:
+ case Token.D_MANIFESTRES:
+ case Token.D_MAXSTACK:
+ case Token.D_METHOD:
+ case Token.D_MIME:
+ case Token.D_MODULE:
+ case Token.D_MRESOURCE:
+ case Token.D_NAMESPACE:
+ case Token.D_ORIGINATOR:
+ case Token.D_OS:
+ case Token.D_OTHER:
+ case Token.D_OVERRIDE:
+ case Token.D_PACK:
+ case Token.D_PARAM:
+ case Token.D_PERMISSION:
+ case Token.D_PROCESSOR:
+ case Token.D_PROPERTY:
+ case Token.D_PUBLICKEY:
+ case Token.D_REMOVEON:
+ case Token.D_SET:
+ case Token.D_SIZE:
+ case Token.D_STACKRESERVE:
+ case Token.D_SUBSYSTEM:
+ case Token.D_TITLE:
+ case Token.D_TRY:
+ case Token.D_VER:
+ case Token.D_VTABLE:
+ case Token.D_VTENTRY:
+ case Token.D_VTFIXUP:
+ case Token.D_ZEROINIT:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Keyword;
+ break;
+ case Token.INT32:
+ case Token.INT64:
+ case Token.FLOAT64:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.NumberLiteral;
+ break;
+ case Token.QSTRING:
+ case Token.SQSTRING:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.StringLiteral;
+ break;
+ case Token.SL_COMMENT:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Comment;
+ break;
+ case Token.ML_COMMENT:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.Comment;
+ return true;
+ default:
+ classification = _standardClassificationService.FormalLanguage;
+ break;
+ }
+ ComputeTokenInfo(span, location, lexer.Location, out begin, out length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void ComputeTokenInfo(string span, Location location, Location nextLocation, out int begin, out int length)
+ {
+ begin = location.column - 1;
+ if (location.line == nextLocation.line && nextLocation.column != 0)
+ {
+ length = nextLocation.column - 1 - begin;
+ span = span.Substring(begin, length);
+ }
+ else
+ span = span.Substring(begin);
+ var untrimmedLength = span.Length;
+ span = span.TrimStart();
+ var spanLength = span.Length;
+ begin += untrimmedLength - spanLength;
+ length = spanLength;
+ }
+ private ILTokenizer CreateLexerFor(string text)
+ {
+ return new ILTokenizer(new StreamReader(StreamFor(text)));
+ }
+ private static MemoryStream StreamFor(string text)
+ {
+ var stream = new MemoryStream();
+ var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
+ stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ stream.Position = 0;
+ return stream;
+ }
+ public event EventHandler ClassificationChanged;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifierProvider.cs b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifierProvider.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f2e69b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILClassifierProvider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.StandardClassification;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
+namespace SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL
+ [Export(typeof(IClassifierProvider))]
+ [ContentType(ILContentDefinition.ILContentType)]
+ class ILClassifierProvider : IClassifierProvider
+ {
+ [Import]
+ internal IStandardClassificationService StandardClassificationService;
+ //[Import]
+ //internal IClassificationTypeRegistryService ClassificationRegistry;
+ public IClassifier GetClassifier(ITextBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ return buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(() => new ILClassifier(StandardClassificationService));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILContentDefinition.cs b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILContentDefinition.cs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee229f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL/ILContentDefinition.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
+namespace SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.IL
+ internal static class ILContentDefinition
+ {
+ public const string ILContentType = "IL";
+ [Export]
+ [Name(ILContentType)]
+ [BaseDefinition("code")]
+ internal static ContentTypeDefinition ILContentTypeDefinition;
+ [Export]
+ [FileExtension(".il")]
+ [ContentType(ILContentType)]
+ internal static FileExtensionToContentTypeDefinition ILFileExtensionDefinition;
+ }
+ static class ILClassificationDefinitions
+ {
+ [Export]
+ [Name("ILDeclaration")]
+ internal static ClassificationTypeDefinition ILDeclaration;
+ }
+ [Export(typeof(EditorFormatDefinition))]
+ [ClassificationType(ClassificationTypeNames = "ILDeclaration")]
+ [UserVisible(true)]
+ [Name("ILDeclaration")]
+ [Order(After = Priority.Default)]
+ sealed class BooPrimitiveFormat : ClassificationFormatDefinition
+ {
+ public BooPrimitiveFormat()
+ {
+ DisplayName = "IL - Declaration";
+ ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 1, 128, 148);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/source.extension.vsixmanifest b/source.extension.vsixmanifest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..208e08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source.extension.vsixmanifest
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ SyntaxTree
+ 1.0
+ VisualStudio package to add support for IL files.
+ 1033
+ http://github.com/syntaxtree/vsil
+ Pro
+ |%CurrentProject%|