Please refer to airbnb/javascript. We will use the recommended linter settings and jscs settings, and adjust as we progress.
Also refer to .eslintrc for our own overrides.
Run linter from commandline:
npm run eslint
Linter in Editors:
npm install -g eslint babel-eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-react
Install sublime package control from
Required Packages: * SublimeLinter * SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint * EditorConfig Recommended Pakcages: * Babel * GitGutter
Linting should happen on file write.
Required Extensions: * ESLint * EditorConfig for VS Code Recommended Extensions: * Babel ES6/ES7
The linting errors and warnings should show as ~~~ under the code.
Run all tests:
npm run test
Run tests in specific test folder or file:
npm run quick-test -- --folder folder1 --folder folder2,folder3
npm run quick-test -- --folder test/lib
npm run quick-test -- --file test/lib/add-module.test.js
Both multiple --folder/--file declaration, or comma-delimmated list will work too.
- Fork the project
- Submit code via PR
- Make sure to write tests to fully test reducers
At current state, we require all reducers to be tested.