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ELEC6910R, COMP6211C Course Project

Teaching Assitant: HUANG, Kan Members: Chen Yau Pun, Lei Zhao, Yang Shaohui


The newest version of regarding softwares is recommended.


  1. Download vrep 3.5.0

  2. Add the line export VREP_ROOT_DIR=/ChangeWithyourPathToVrep/ to ~/.bashrc

  3. Add the line source /path_to_catkin_ws/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash to ~/.bashrc

  4. catkin_make

  5. Go to the location of vrep and run ln -s /YOUR_CATKIN_WS_PATH/devel/lib/


After configing the environment, run


first. And in another terminal, run(cd to VREP_ROOT)


You should see the loading details of plugins, including ROS Bridge and ROS Interface. In V-REP, load the scene file env.ttt. You can use

rostopic list

to see the Topics of vrep. Like

rostopic echo /vrep/cmd_vel

For controling the Pioneer p3dx robot, type the following in terminal

rostopic pub -r 10 /vrep/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist  '{linear:  {x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0,y: 0.0,z: 0.0}}'

where x stand for the velocity of left wheel, and y for the left. A demo video is attached for your information.