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File metadata and controls

42 lines (31 loc) · 4.13 KB


A skin to produce files & images from WeeWx for the Scottish Gliding Centre's Pilot's Wiki.

The aim of this skin is to make it as simple as possible to install WeeWx and have it produce the required output in a structure that WeeWx can FTP to the Pilot's Wiki server.

The file & image names, and paths, are all specific to the SGC Weather Station and SGC Weather Statistics pages.

Following the release of WeeWx v5, skins are installed with weectl and they can be installed directly from GitHub, without downloading the skin first.

  • Turn off the default SeasonsReport in the [[SeasonsReport]] section of weewx.conf by changing enable = true to enable = false.
  • The DokuWiki server needs an FTP user that the WeeWx platform use for it's connection. The home directory for that user should be the DokuWiki data directory, which contains the media and pages subdirectories.
  • The FTP or RSYNC section in /etc/weewx/weewx.conf needs configuring with the correct server, path, user and password.
  • By default $HTML_ROOT for WeeWx v5 is /var/www/html/weewx, and this skin places it's output in $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki. New and altered content is copied from there to the DokuWiki server.
  • No WeeWx configuration beyond that mentioned above should be required beyond any specific changes required for the physical weather station, for example installing and configuring the GW1000 extension.
  • The correct DokuWiki namespace for the NOAA files in DokuWiki is weather:noaa:

This skin produces the following pages and images:

  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daybarometer-sgu-big.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daybarometer-sgu.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/dayrain-sgu-big.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/dayrain-sgu.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/dayrose.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/dayspiral.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daytempdew-sgu-big.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daytempdew-sgu.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daywind-sgu-big.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/media/weather/daywind-sgu.png
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/pages/weather/noaa/noaa-yyyy-mm.txt - one file per month per year
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/pages/weather/noaa/noaa-yyyy.txt - one file per year
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/pages/weather/weather_stats_incl.txt
  • $HTML_ROOT/dokuwiki/sguweewx.html

sguweewx.html is a file that can be used to view the images and statistics in a test situation, and which also displays the versions of WeeWx, this skin, and the PolarWindPlot skin. It is not used by the live system.

pages/weather/weather_stats_incl.txt.tmpl produces a file in DokuWiki table format which is included in a DokuWiki page that displays the most recent Weather Statistics.

pages/weather/noaa/noaa-YYYY.txt.tmpl and pages/weather/noaa/noaa-YYYY.txt.tmpl are templates to produce NOAA weather summary files.

The fonts used in the images - OpenSans-Bold.ttf and OpenSans-Regular.ttf - are included in the skin.

The WindRose files are generated by the PolarWindPlot skin which has been included in this skin by kind permission of the author. He also gave a lot of help along the way.