The following document contains references for default and custom LazyVim keybinds, to assist with learning and migration. A LazyVim custom keybind reference is available here.
These binds are different on this LazyVim setup vs. previous 'pure' nvim setup. Some may have been added in this config specifically.
- Clear search highlight:
- insert & normal - View line diagnostics:
- LuaSnip prev/next placeholder:
- Telescope - show hidden files:
- Telescope - show git files:
- Telescope - show cwd files only:
- Noice - dismiss all notification popups:
- vim-illuminate - move to prev/next occurrence of symbol under cursor:
- autopairs - insert mode, insert closing pair:
- Insert mode: enter opening char (e.g.
), then<M-e>
and select location for closing char
- Insert mode: enter opening char (e.g.
- regexplainer - explain regex under cursor:
- mini.surround surround-based keybinds:
- edgy.nvim - next/previous window: