diff --git a/docs/classes/BooleanClaim.html b/docs/classes/BooleanClaim.html
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BooleanClaim | supertokens-website Constructors constructor new Boolean Claim( config: PrimitiveClaimConfig ) : BooleanClaim Parameters config: PrimitiveClaimConfig Properties Readonly default Max Age In Secondsdefault Max Age In Seconds: undefined | number
Readonly refreshrefresh: ( ( userContext: any ) => Promise < void > )
Type declaration ( userContext: any ) : Promise < void > Parameters Returns Promise < void > validators validators
: { hasValue
: ( ( val
: boolean , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) } & BooleanValidators Methods get Last Fetched Time get Last Fetched Time( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | number Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | number get Value From Payload get Value From Payload( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : boolean Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns boolean Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/classes/PrimitiveArrayClaim.html b/docs/classes/PrimitiveArrayClaim.html
index dff99dcf..5601452b 100644
--- a/docs/classes/PrimitiveArrayClaim.html
+++ b/docs/classes/PrimitiveArrayClaim.html
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-PrimitiveArrayClaim | supertokens-website Class PrimitiveArrayClaim<ValueType> Constructors constructor new Primitive Array Claim< ValueType > ( config: PrimitiveArrayClaimConfig ) : PrimitiveArrayClaim < ValueType > Type Parameters Parameters config: PrimitiveArrayClaimConfig Properties Readonly default Max Age In Secondsdefault Max Age In Seconds: undefined | number
Readonly refreshrefresh: ( ( userContext: any ) => Promise < void > )
Type declaration ( userContext: any ) : Promise < void > Parameters Returns Promise < void > validators validators
: { excludes
: ( ( val
: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) ; excludesAll
: ( ( val
: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) ; includes
: ( ( val
: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) ; includesAll
: ( ( val
: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) ; includesAny
: ( ( val
: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) } = ... Type declaration excludes: ( ( val: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string excludes All: ( ( val: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType [] maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string includes: ( ( val: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string includes All: ( ( val: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType [] maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string includes Any: ( ( val: ValueType [] , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType [] maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string Methods get Last Fetched Time get Last Fetched Time( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | number Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | number get Value From Payload get Value From Payload( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : ValueType [] Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns ValueType [] Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/classes/PrimitiveClaim.html b/docs/classes/PrimitiveClaim.html
index b94761d9..78988981 100644
--- a/docs/classes/PrimitiveClaim.html
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-PrimitiveClaim | supertokens-website Class PrimitiveClaim<ValueType> Constructors constructor new Primitive Claim< ValueType > ( config: PrimitiveClaimConfig ) : PrimitiveClaim < ValueType > Type Parameters Parameters config: PrimitiveClaimConfig Properties Readonly default Max Age In Secondsdefault Max Age In Seconds: undefined | number
Readonly refreshrefresh: ( ( userContext: any ) => Promise < void > )
Type declaration ( userContext: any ) : Promise < void > Parameters Returns Promise < void > validators validators
: { hasValue
: ( ( val
: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds
?: undefined | number , id
?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) } = ... Type declaration has Value: ( ( val: ValueType , maxAgeInSeconds?: undefined | number , id?: string ) => SessionClaimValidator ) Parameters val: ValueType maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number = ... Optional id: string Methods get Last Fetched Time get Last Fetched Time( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | number Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | number get Value From Payload get Value From Payload( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : ValueType Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns ValueType Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/classes/default.html b/docs/classes/default.html
index f0815dc1..8026a9f7 100644
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-default | supertokens-website Properties Static Private axios Interceptor Queueaxios Interceptor Queue: ( ( ) => void ) [] = []
Static get Claim Valueget
: ( < T > ( input
: { claim
: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext
?: any } ) => Promise < undefined | T > ) = ... Type declaration < T > ( input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | T > Type Parameters Parameters input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | T > Static get Invalid Claims From Responseget
: ( ( input
: { response
: Response | { data
: any } ; userContext
?: any } ) => Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > ) = ... Type declaration Parameters input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext?: any } response: Response | { data: any } Optional user Context?: any Methods Static add Axios Interceptorsadd Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , userContext?: any ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any Optional userContext: any Returns void Static attempt Refreshing Sessionattempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > Static does Session Existdoes Session Exist( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < boolean > Static get Access Tokenget Access Token( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | string > Static get Access Token Payload Securelyget Access Token Payload Securely( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < any > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < any > Static get User Idget User Id( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > Static sign Outsign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
\ No newline at end of file
+default | supertokens-website Properties Static Private axios Interceptor Queueaxios Interceptor Queue: ( ( ) => void ) [] = []
Static get Claim Valueget
: ( < T > ( input
: { claim
: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext
?: any } ) => Promise < undefined | T > ) = ... Type declaration < T > ( input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | T > Type Parameters Parameters input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | T > Static get Invalid Claims From Responseget
: ( ( input
: { response
: Response | { data
: any } ; userContext
?: any } ) => Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > ) = ... Type declaration Parameters input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext?: any } response: Response | { data: any } Optional user Context?: any Methods Static add Axios Interceptorsadd Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , userContext?: any ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any Optional userContext: any Returns void Static attempt Refreshing Sessionattempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > Static does Session Existdoes Session Exist( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < boolean > Static get Access Tokenget Access Token( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | string > Static get Access Token Payload Securelyget Access Token Payload Securely( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < any > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < any > Static get User Idget User Id( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > Static sign Outsign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/modules.html b/docs/modules.html
index 362ca25d..058cfe4c 100644
--- a/docs/modules.html
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-supertokens-website Type Aliases Claim Validation Error Claim Validation Error: { reason?: any ; validatorId: string }
Type declaration Optional reason?: any validator Id: string Claim Validation Result Claim Validation Result: { isValid: true } | { isValid: false ; reason?: any }
Input Type Input Type: { apiBasePath?: string ; apiDomain: string ; autoAddCredentials?: boolean ; cookieHandler?: CookieHandlerInput ; enableDebugLogs?: boolean ; invalidClaimStatusCode?: number ; isInIframe?: boolean ; lockFactory?: LockFactory ; onHandleEvent?: EventHandler ; override?: { functions?: any } ; postAPIHook?: RecipePostAPIHookFunction ; preAPIHook?: RecipePreAPIHookFunction ; sessionExpiredStatusCode?: number ; sessionTokenBackendDomain?: string ; sessionTokenFrontendDomain?: string ; tokenTransferMethod?: "cookie" | "header" ; windowHandler?: WindowHandlerInput }
Type declaration Optional api Base Path?: string api Domain: string Optional auto Add Credentials?: boolean Optional cookie Handler?: CookieHandlerInput Optional enable Debug Logs?: boolean Optional invalid Claim Status Code?: number Optional is In Iframe?: boolean Optional lock Factory?: LockFactory Parameters accessTokenPayload: any userContext: any Functions add Axios Interceptors add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , userContext?: any ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any Optional userContext: any Returns void attempt Refreshing Session attempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > does Session Exist does Session Exist( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token get Access Token( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | string > get Access Token Payload Securely get Access Token Payload Securely( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < any > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < any > get Claim Value get Claim Value< T > ( input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | T > Type Parameters Parameters input: { claim: SessionClaim < T > ; userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | T > get Invalid Claims From Response get Invalid Claims From Response( input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > Parameters input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext?: any } response: Response | { data: any } Optional user Context?: any get User Id get User Id( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > sign Out sign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > Legend Constructor Property Method Inherited property Inherited method Static property Static method Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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- Preparing search index...
- The search index is not available
supertokens-websiteClass BooleanClaim
config: PrimitiveClaimConfig
Returns BooleanClaim
Readonly default Max Age In Seconds
Readonly id
Readonly refresh
Type declaration
Makes an API call that will refresh the claim in the token.
userContext: any
Returns Promise<void>
get Last Fetched Time
payload: any
Optional _userContext: any
Returns undefined | number
get Value From Payload
payload: any
Optional _userContext: any
Returns boolean
Generated using TypeDoc