diff --git a/docs/classes/default.html b/docs/classes/default.html
index be8352c..0101bad 100644
--- a/docs/classes/default.html
+++ b/docs/classes/default.html
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default | supertokens-react-native Properties Static Private axios Interceptor Queueaxios Interceptor Queue: ( ( ) => void ) [] = []
Methods Static add Axios Interceptorsadd Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any ) : void Static attempt Refreshing Sessionattempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > Static does Session Existdoes Session Exist( ) : Promise < boolean > Static get Access Token Payload Securelyget Access Token Payload Securely( ) : Promise < any > Static get User Idget User Id( ) : Promise < string > Legend Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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+default | supertokens-react-native Properties Static Private axios Interceptor Queueaxios Interceptor Queue: ( ( ) => void ) [] = []
Methods Static add Axios Interceptorsadd Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any ) : void Static attempt Refreshing Sessionattempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > Static does Session Existdoes Session Exist( ) : Promise < boolean > Static get Access Token Payload Securelyget Access Token Payload Securely( ) : Promise < any > Static get User Idget User Id( ) : Promise < string > Legend Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/modules.html b/docs/modules.html
index 401bb78..e588364 100644
--- a/docs/modules.html
+++ b/docs/modules.html
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-supertokens-react-native Type aliases Input Type Input Type: { apiBasePath?: string ; apiDomain: string ; autoAddCredentials?: boolean ; cookieDomain?: string ; onHandleEvent?: EventHandler ; override?: { functions?: any } ; sessionExpiredStatusCode?: number ; preAPIHook?: any }
Type declaration Optional api Base Path?: string api Domain: string Optional auto Add Credentials?: boolean Optional cookie Domain?: string Optional on Handle Event?: EventHandler Optional override?: { functions?: any } Optional session Expired Status Code?: number preAPIHook?: function preAPIHook( context: { action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } ) : Promise < { requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } > Parameters context: { action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" request Init: RequestInit url: string Returns Promise < { requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } > Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { addAxiosInterceptors: any ; addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch: any ; doesSessionExist: any ; getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely: any ; getUserId: any ; signOut: any }
Type declaration add Axios Interceptors: function add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , config: NormalisedInputType ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any config: NormalisedInputType Returns void add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch: function add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch( originalFetch: any , config: NormalisedInputType ) : { ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ; ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > } Parameters originalFetch: any config: NormalisedInputType Returns { ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ; ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > } ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > Parameters input: RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > Parameters input: RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > does Session Exist: function does Session Exist( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely: function get Access Token Payload Securely( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < any > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < any > get User Id: function get User Id( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < string > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < string > sign Out: function sign Out( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < void > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < void > Functions add Axios Interceptors add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any ) : void attempt Refreshing Session attempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > does Session Exist does Session Exist( ) : Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely get Access Token Payload Securely( ) : Promise < any > get User Id get User Id( ) : Promise < string > Legend Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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+supertokens-react-native Type aliases Input Type Input Type: { apiBasePath?: string ; apiDomain: string ; autoAddCredentials?: boolean ; cookieDomain?: string ; onHandleEvent?: EventHandler ; override?: { functions?: any } ; sessionExpiredStatusCode?: number ; preAPIHook?: any }
Type declaration Optional api Base Path?: string api Domain: string Optional auto Add Credentials?: boolean Optional cookie Domain?: string Optional on Handle Event?: EventHandler Optional override?: { functions?: any } Optional session Expired Status Code?: number preAPIHook?: function preAPIHook( context: { action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } ) : Promise < { requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } > Parameters context: { action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } action: "SIGN_OUT" | "REFRESH_SESSION" request Init: RequestInit url: string Returns Promise < { requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string } > Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { addAxiosInterceptors: any ; addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch: any ; doesSessionExist: any ; getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely: any ; getUserId: any ; signOut: any }
Type declaration add Axios Interceptors: function add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , config: NormalisedInputType ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any config: NormalisedInputType Returns void add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch: function add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch( originalFetch: any , config: NormalisedInputType ) : { ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ; ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > } Parameters originalFetch: any config: NormalisedInputType Returns { ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ; ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > } ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > ( input: RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > Parameters input: RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > Parameters input: RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > does Session Exist: function does Session Exist( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely: function get Access Token Payload Securely( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < any > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < any > get User Id: function get User Id( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < string > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < string > sign Out: function sign Out( config: NormalisedInputType ) : Promise < void > Parameters config: NormalisedInputType Returns Promise < void > Functions add Axios Interceptors add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any ) : void attempt Refreshing Session attempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > does Session Exist does Session Exist( ) : Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely get Access Token Payload Securely( ) : Promise < any > get User Id get User Id( ) : Promise < string > Legend Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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