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"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='18' height='18.0' viewBox='0 0 18 18.0' %3E%3Cstyle type='text/css' xml:space='preserve'%3E .st0%7Bfill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:%23888B8D;%7D .st1%7Bfill:%23FFFFFF;%7D%3C/style%3E%3Cg%3E %3Cpath class='st0' d='M 0.0 2.9880002 L 0.0 2.9880002 C 0.0 1.332,1.332 0.0,2.9880002 0.0 h 11.988 C 16.632 0.0,18.0 1.332,18.0 2.9880002 c 0.0 0.0,0.0 0.0,0.0 0.0 v 11.988 c 0.0 1.656,-1.332 2.9880002,-2.9880002 2.9880002 h 0.0 H 2.9880002 C 1.332 18.0,0.0 16.632,0.0 14.976 l 0.0 0.0 V 2.9880002 z'/%3E %3Crect x='4.5' width='2.2680001' height='2.2680001' y='5.868' class='st1'/%3E %3Crect x='11.232' width='2.2680001' height='2.2680001' y='5.8320007' class='st1'/%3E %3Crect x='4.5' width='9.0' height='1.44' y='11.34' class='st1'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"