We welcome contributions to the SPF-Checker project! If you're interested in contributing, here are some guidelines to help you get started:
If you find a bug in the SPF-Checker, we would love to hear about it! Before reporting a bug, please check the existing issues to see if someone has already reported it.
We're always open to suggestions for new features or improvements to the existing ones. Feel free to open an issue to discuss your ideas.
If you would like to contribute code to the SPF-Checker, start by forking the repository on GitHub, cloning your fork locally, and installing the necessary dependencies. Once you have made your changes, you can submit a pull request for review.
We use a combination of automated tests and manual code review to ensure that every contribution meets our standards.
Please make sure to read and follow our Code of Conduct, which sets the standards for behavior in the SPF-Checker community. By participating, you agree to abide by its terms.