diff --git a/D/Comments.tmPreferences b/D/Comments.tmPreferences
index c59ed6a974..8d4c87de81 100644
--- a/D/Comments.tmPreferences
+++ b/D/Comments.tmPreferences
@@ -13,31 +13,31 @@
- /*
+ //
- */
+ /*
- block
+ */
- yes
+ block
- //
+ yes
@@ -57,6 +57,66 @@
+ name
+ value
+ yes
+ name
+ value
+ ///
+ name
+ value
+ /**
+ name
+ value
+ */
+ name
+ value
+ block
+ name
+ value
+ yes
+ name
+ value
+ /++
+ name
+ value
+ +/
+ name
+ value
+ block
+ name
+ value
+ yes
diff --git a/D/Completion Rules.tmPreferences b/D/Completion Rules.tmPreferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33f93cb542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/Completion Rules.tmPreferences
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ scope
+ source.d
+ settings
+ cancelCompletion
+ ^\s*(\}?\s*(else|try|do|finally|synchonized|struct|union|unittest|debug)|(class|struct|interface|union)\s*[a-zA-Z_0-9]+*)$
diff --git a/D/D dub.sublime-build b/D/D dub.sublime-build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5a35db815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/D dub.sublime-build
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "shell_cmd": "dub build",
+ "file_regex": "^(.*?)\\(([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)?\\)",
+ "working_dir": "${folder:${project_path:${file_path}}}",
+ "selector": "source.d",
+ "syntax": "Packages/D/DMD Output.sublime-syntax",
+ "keyfiles": ["dub.sdl", "dub.json"],
diff --git a/D/D.sublime-build b/D/D.sublime-build
index 19f3835568..1d92b89173 100644
--- a/D/D.sublime-build
+++ b/D/D.sublime-build
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
- "cmd": ["dmd", "$file"],
- "file_regex": "^(.*?)\\(([0-9]+)\\)",
- "selector": "source.d"
+ "shell_cmd": "dmd \"$file\"",
+ "file_regex": "^(.*?)\\(([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)?\\)",
+ "selector": "source.d",
+ "syntax": "Packages/D/DMD Output.sublime-syntax",
+ "variants":
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "Run",
+ "shell_cmd": "rdmd \"$file\"",
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/D/D.sublime-syntax b/D/D.sublime-syntax
index 5008d52290..ed98483430 100644
--- a/D/D.sublime-syntax
+++ b/D/D.sublime-syntax
@@ -8,339 +8,2210 @@ file_extensions:
- di
first_line_match: ^#!.*\bg?dmd\b.
scope: source.d
+ name: '[[:alpha:]_][[:alpha:]0-9_]*'
+ name_lookahead: '(?=\b{{name}}\b)'
+ identifier_ref: '\.?\s*{{name}}(\s*\.\s*{{name}})*'
+ string_postfix: '[cwd]?'
+ escape_sequence: '\\([''"?\\0abfnrtv]|x{{hex_char}}{2}|[0-7]{1,3}|u{{hex_char}}{4}|U{{hex_char}}{8}|&\w+;)'
+ hex_char: '[0-9a-fA-F]'
+ hex_or_under: '(?:{{hex_char}}|_)'
+ number_lookahead: '(?=(\b|\.)[0-9])'
+ integer_lookahead: '(?=\b[0-9])'
+ integer_suffix: 'L[uU]|[uU]L|[LuU]'
+ integer_float_suffix: '[fF]i?|i'
+ float_suffix: '[fFL]i?|i'
+ float_exponent: '[eE][+\-]?[0-9]+'
+ character_lookahead: (?=')
+ string_lookahead: '(?=`|[rxq]?"|q{)'
+ definitely_value_lookahead: '(?=(!|~|\+|\-|\*|&|\bcast\b|\bdelete\b|\bnew\b|\bimport\b|\bmixin\b|\bis\b|\b__traits\b|\bfunction\b|\bdelegate\b|[0-9]|\[|\(|{{string_lookahead}}|\b({{language_constant}})\b|\b({{language_variable}})\b))'
+ definitely_declaration_lookahead: '(?=({{name}}|\]|\))(\s+{{name}})|\b({{type_qualifier}})\b)'
+ type_qualifier: 'const|immutable|inout|shared'
+ type_qualifier_lookahead: '(?=\b({{type_qualifier}})\b)'
+ attribute_lookahead: '(?=@|\b({{attributes}}|extern|align|deprecated|pragma|private|protected|public|export|package)\b)'
+ attributes: 'static|abstract|final|override|synchronized|scope|__gshared|nothrow|pure|ref|return|auto'
+ at_attributes: 'disable|nogc|property|safe|system|trusted'
+ function_attribute_lookahead: '{{attribute_lookahead}}|{{type_qualifier_lookahead}}'
+ parameter_attribute_lookahead: '(?=\b({{parameter_attribute}})\b)'
+ parameter_attribute: 'in|lazy|out|alias'
+ construction_lookahead: '(?=~?\s*this\s*\()'
+ keyword: 'else|enum|export|extern|debug|default|delegate|delete|deprecated|do|body|break|case|cast|catch|class|const|continue|abstract|alias|align|asm|assert|auto|final|finally|for|foreach|foreach_reverse|function|goto|if|immutable|import|in|inout|interface|invariant|is|lazy|macro|mixin|module|new|nothrow|out|override|package|pragma|private|protected|public|pure|ref|return|scope|shared|static|struct|switch|synchronized|template|throw|try|typeid|typeof|union|unittest|version|while|with|__gshared|__traits|__vector|__parameters'
+ basic_type: 'bool|byte|cdouble|cent|cfloat|char|creal|dchar|double|float|idouble|ifloat|int|ireal|long|real|short|ubyte|ucent|uint|ulong|ushort|void|wchar|string|dstring|wstring'
+ language_constant: 'null|true|false|__FILE__|__FILE_FULL_PATH__|__MODULE__|__LINE__|__FUNCTION__|__PRETTY_FUNCTION__|__DATE__|__EOF__|__TIME__|__TIMESTAMP__|__VENDOR__|__VERSION__|__ctfe'
+ language_variable: 'this|super'
+ reserved: '{{keyword}}|{{basic_type}}|{{language_constant}}|{{language_variable}}'
+ operator_overloads: 'opNeg|opCom|opPostInc|opPostDec|opCast|opAdd|opSub|opSub_r|opMul|opDiv|opDiv_r|opMod|opMod_r|opAnd|opOr|opXor|opShl|opShl_r|opShr|opShr_r|opUShr|opUShr_r|opCat|opCat_r|opEquals|opEquals|opCmp|opCmp|opCmp|opCmp|opAddAssign|opSubAssign|opMulAssign|opDivAssign|opModAssign|opAndAssign|opOrAssign|opXorAssign|opShlAssign|opShrAssign|opUShrAssign|opCatAssign|opIndex|opIndexAssign|opCall|opSlice|opSliceAssign|opPos|opAdd_r|opMul_r|opAnd_r|opOr_r|opXor_r'
+ block_statement_loohahead: '(?={)'
+ prototype:
+ - include: comment-in
- - match: /\*\*/
- scope: comment.block.empty.d punctuation.definition.comment.d
- - include: scope:text.html.javadoc
- - match: |-
- (?x)^\s*
- ((?:\b(private|package|protected|public|export|static|final|native|synchronized|abstract)\b\s*)*) # modifier
- (class|interface)\s+
- (\w+)\s* # identifier
- (?:\(\s*([^\)]+)\s*\)|)\s* # Template type
- (?:
- \s*(:)\s*
- (\w+)
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- (?:\s*,\s*(\w+))?
- )? # super class
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- 3: storage.type.d
- 4: entity.name.type.class.d
- 5: storage.type.template.d
- 6: punctuation.separator.inheritance.d
- 7: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 8: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 9: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 10: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 11: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 12: entity.other.inherited-class.d
- 13: entity.other.inherited-class.d
+ - match: '^#!'
+ scope: punctuation.definition.comment.number-sign.d
- - meta_scope: meta.class.d
- - match: \b(_|:)\b
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: comment.line.number-sign.d
+ - match: '$\n?'
+ pop: true
+ - include: module-in
+ - include: statement-list-in
+ module-in:
+ - match: \bmodule\b
+ scope: keyword.declaration.namespace.d
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.namespace.d
+ - match: '{{name}}(?=\s*(;|$))'
+ scope: meta.path.d entity.name.namespace.d
+ - match: '{{name}}'
+ scope: meta.path.d variable.other.d
- - meta_scope: meta.definition.class.extends.d
- - match: "(?={)"
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
pop: true
- - include: all-types
- - match: '(?<=\})'
- pop: true
- - include: $top_level_main
- - match: |-
- (?x)^\s*
- ((?:\b(private|package|protected|public|export|static|final|native|synchronized|abstract|const)\b\s*)*) # modifier
- (struct)\s+
- (\w+)\s* # identifier
- (?:\(\s*([^\)]+)\s*\)|)\s* # Template type
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- 3: storage.type.d
- 4: entity.name.type.struct.d
- 5: storage.type.template.d
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ statement-list-in:
+ - include: import-in
+ - include: alias-in
+ - include: class-in
+ - include: interface-in
+ - include: struct-in
+ - include: union-in
+ - include: enum-in
+ - include: conditional-declaration-in
+ - include: static-foreach-in
+ - include: static-assert-in
+ - include: constructions-in
+ - include: invariant-in
+ - include: unittest-in
+ - include: template-in
+ - include: mixin-in
+ - include: block-statement-in
+ - include: conditional-in
+ - include: loop-in
+ - include: flow-statement-in
+ - include: with-in
+ - include: synchronized-in
+ - include: try-in
+ - include: throw-in
+ - include: scope-in
+ - include: asm-in
+ - include: switch-in
+ - include: attribute-specifier-in
+ - include: statement-label-in
+ - include: end-of-line-in
+ - include: value-or-declaration-in
+ block-statement-in:
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ push: block-statement
+ block-statement:
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - meta_scope: meta.block.d
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: statement-list-in
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ optional-block-statement:
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: block-statement
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ optional-block-statement-or-label:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: optional-block-statement
+ comment-in:
+ - match: /\*\*?
+ scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
- - meta_scope: meta.definition.struct.d
- - match: "(?={|//|;)"
+ - meta_scope: comment.block.d
+ - match: \*/
+ scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
pop: true
- - match: \b(_|:)\b
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- push:
- - meta_scope: meta.definition.class.extends.d
- - match: "(?={)"
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- pop: true
- - include: all-types
- - match: |-
- (?x)^\s*
- ((?:\b(private|package|protected|public|export|static|final|native|synchronized|abstract|threadsafe|transient|shared|__gshared)\b\s*)*) # modifier
- (\b(this))\s* # identifier
- (?!.*;) # abort if line has a ;
- (?=\()
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- 3: entity.name.function.constructor.d
+ - match: (///?).*$\n?
+ scope: comment.line.double-slash.d
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ - include: nested-comment
+ nested-comment:
+ - match: /\+\+?
+ scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
- - meta_scope: meta.function.d meta.function.constructor.d
- - include: function_assertions
- - include: $top_level_main
- - match: |-
- (?x)
- (?: ^ # begin-of-line
- | (?: (?")({{string_postfix}})'
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+ 2: storage.type.string.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: (q)("{)
+ captures:
+ 1: storage.modifier.string.d
+ 2: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ set:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+ - match: '(}")({{string_postfix}})'
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+ 2: storage.type.string.d
+ pop: true
+ # Other deliminated string
+ - match: '(q)(")(.)'
+ captures:
+ 1: storage.modifier.string.d
+ 2: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ 3: constant.other.delimeter.d
+ set:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+ - match: '(\3)(?:(")|(.))({{string_postfix}})'
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.other.delimeter.d
+ 2: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+ 3: invalid.illegal.d
+ 4: storage.type.string.d
+ pop: true
+ # Token string
+ - match: '(q)({)'
+ captures:
+ 1: storage.modifier.string.d
+ 2: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ scope: string.unquoted.embedded.d
+ set:
+ - meta_scope: meta.string.d
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: string.unquoted.embedded.d punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: tokens-in
+ # Purely a set of un-verified tokens
+ tokens-in:
+ - match: '\b({{keyword}})\b'
+ scope: keyword.d
+ - match: '\b({{basic_type}})\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d
+ - match: '\b({{language_constant}})\b'
+ scope: constant.language.d
+ - match: '\b({{language_variable}})\b'
+ scope: variable.language.d
+ - include: character-in
+ - include: string-in
+ - include: number-in
+ - match: '{{name}}'
+ - match: '(/|&|\||-|\+|<<|<>|>>|>>>||\*|%|\^|\^\^|~)='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ - match: '(/|<=|>=|==|!<>=|!<=|!>=|\.\.\.|\.\.|&|&&|\||\|\||-|--|\+|\+\+|<|<<|<>|>|>>|>>>|!|!<>|!<|!>|\?|,|:|\$|\*|%|\^|\^\^|~|@|=>|#)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.d
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.terminator.d
+ - match: '\.'
+ scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
- - meta_scope: meta.function.d meta.function.destructor.d
- - include: function_assertions
- - include: $top_level_main
- - match: |-
- (?x)^\s*
- (?!else(?:\s+static)?\s+if\b)
- ((?:\b(?:private|package|protected|public|export|static|final|native|lazy|synchronized|abstract|threadsafe|transient|override|pure|nothrow)\b\s*)*+) # modifier
- (\b(?:void|boolean|byte|char|short|int|float|long|double|[\w_]+[\w0-9_]*|(?:\w+\.)*[A-Z]\w+)\b(?:<(?:(?:(?:\w+\.)*[A-Z]\w+)(?:\s*,\s*)?)+>|(?:\[\s*\])*)?|typeof\(.*?\)|const\(.*?\)\*?)\s* # type
- (\w+)\s* # identifier
- (?!.*;) # abort if line has a ;
- (?=\()
- captures:
- 1: storage.modifier.d
- 2: storage.type.d
- 3: entity.name.function.d
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: tokens-in
+ - match: '\['
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
- - meta_scope: meta.function.d
- - include: function_assertions
- - include: $top_level_main
+ - match: '\]'
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: tokens-in
- match: '\{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.braces.begin.d
- - meta_scope: meta.block.d
- match: '\}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: tokens-in
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ attribute-specifier-in:
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ push: [attribute-specifier-after, attribute]
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b(?!\s*\()'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ push: attribute-specifier-after
+ attribute-specifier-after:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: block-statement
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ push: attribute
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b(?!\s*\()'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ - match: '(?=\b({{reserved}})\b)'
+ pop: true
+ - match: '{{construction_lookahead}}'
+ set: construction
+ - match: '(?=\b{{name}}\b\s*[,=\()])'
+ set: [function-or-variable-after-type]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [function-or-variable-after-type, type]
+ parameter-attribute-in:
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ push: [parameter-attribute-after, attribute]
+ - match: '\b({{parameter_attribute}})\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ push: parameter-attribute-after
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b(?!\s*\()'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ push: parameter-attribute-after
+ parameter-attribute-after:
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ set: [parameter-attribute-after, attribute]
+ - match: '\b({{parameter_attribute}})\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ set: parameter-attribute-after
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b(?!\s*\()'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ set: parameter-attribute-after
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ function-attribute-in:
+ - include: attribute-in
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ attribute-in:
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ push: attribute
+ attribute:
+ - match: '\b({{attributes}})\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '@(?=\s*({{at_attributes}})\b)'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ set: at-attribute
+ - match: '@'
+ scope: punctuation.definition.annotation.begin.d
+ set: at-attribute
+ - match: '\b(extern)\s*(\()'
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.external.d
+ 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: extern-attribute
+ - match: '\b(align)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.alignment.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [align-attribute-after, value]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
pop: true
- - include: $top_level_main
- - match: '\b([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)\b'
- scope: constant.other.d
- - include: comments
- - include: all-types
- - match: \b(private|protected|public|export)\b
+ - match: '\b(deprecated)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.deprecated.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [deprecated-attribute-after, value]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b(private|protected|public|export)\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.access-control.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b(package)\b'
scope: storage.modifier.access-control.d
- - match: \b(auto|static|override|final|const|abstract|volatile|synchronized|lazy|immutable|shared|__gshared|pure|nothrow|ref)\b
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [attribute-parens-after, identifier]
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b(pragma)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.pragma.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: pragma-attribute
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ attribute-parens-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ at-attribute:
+ - match: '({{at_attributes}})\b'
scope: storage.modifier.d
- - match: '@[a-zA-Z]\w+\b'
- scope: storage.attribute.d
- - match: \b(template|interface|class|enum|struct|union)\b
- scope: storage.type.d
- - match: \b(ushort|int|uint|long|ulong|float|void|byte|ubyte|double|bit|char|wchar|ucent|cent|short|bool|dchar|real|ireal|ifloat|idouble|creal|cfloat|cdouble|string)\b
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [uda-after, value-list]
+ - match: '({{name}})\s*(\()'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d
+ captures:
+ 1: meta.path.d storage.type.d
+ 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [meta-function-call, uda-after, value-list]
+ - match: '({{name}})\b'
+ scope: meta.path.d storage.type.d
+ pop: true
+ uda-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ extern-attribute:
+ - match: '(C\+\+|C|D|Windows|System|Objective-C)'
+ scope: string.other.d
+ set: extern-attribute-after
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: [extern-attribute-after, identifier]
+ extern-attribute-after:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: extern-attribute
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ align-attribute-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ deprecated-attribute-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ pragma-attribute:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: variable.function.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [pragma-attribute-after, value-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ pragma-attribute-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ # TODO: Maybe make imports non-indexed entities (as opposed to variables)
+ import-in:
+ - match: '\b(import)(?!\s*\()\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.import.d
+ push: [import-list, identifier]
+ import-list:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.import-binding.d
+ set: [import-binding-list, identifier]
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [import-list, identifier]
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [import-list-after-assignment, identifier]
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ import-list-after-assignment:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [import-list, identifier]
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ import-binding-list:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [import-binding-list, identifier]
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [import-binding-list-after-assignment, identifier]
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ import-binding-list-after-assignment:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [import-binding-list, identifier]
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ type:
+ - match: '\b({{type_qualifier}})\b'
+ scope: storage.modifier.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set: [basic-type2, type-storage-modifier-end, type]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: type
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: basic-type
+ type-storage-modifier-end:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ basic-type:
+ - match: '\btypeof\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [basic-type2, basic-type2-after-parens, typeof-value]
+ - match: '\bauto\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '{{name_lookahead}}'
+ set: [basic-type2, type-identifier-ref]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ basic-type2:
+ - match: '\*'
+ scope: keyword.operator.pointer.d
+ - match: '\['
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ push: [basic-type2-after-brackets, value-list]
+ - match: '\b(delegate|function)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set: [basic-type2, function-type]
+ - match: '!(?!=)'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d keyword.operator.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [basic-type2, basic-type2-after-call, value-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-after, meta-function-call, value-template-single]
+ - match: '\.(?!\.\.)'
scope: storage.type.d
- - match: \b(try|catch|finally|throw)\b
- scope: keyword.control.exception.d
- - match: \b(return|break|case|continue|default|do|while|for|switch|if|else)\b
- scope: keyword.control.d
- - match: \b(if|else|switch|iftype)\b
+ set:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d
+ set: basic-type2
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ basic-type2-after-brackets:
+ - match: '\]'
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ basic-type2-after-parens:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ basic-type2-after-call:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function-call.d
+ - include: basic-type2-after-parens
+ typeof-value:
+ - match: '\breturn\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: value
+ function-type:
+ - match: (?=\()
+ set: [function-type-after, function-type-argument-definition-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ function-type-after:
+ - include: function-attribute-in
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ # Function type arguments are slightly different to regular function
+ # arguments. With regular arguments a standalone "name" is asssumed to be a
+ # template argument, but with function types they must be a type.
+ function-type-argument-definition-list:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [function-type-argument, function-type-argument-type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ function-type-argument-type:
+ - include: parameter-attribute-in
+ - match: '\.\.\.'
+ scope: keyword.operator.variadic.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: type
+ function-type-argument:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\.\.\.'
+ scope: keyword.operator.variadic.d
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [function-type-argument, function-type-argument-type]
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ push: value
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: keyword.operator.comparison.d
+ push: value
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ push: function-type-argument-type
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ function-or-variable-after-type:
+ - match: '\b({{operator_overloads}})\s*(?=\(|$)'
+ scope: meta.function.d
+ captures:
+ 1: entity.name.function.operator.d
+ set: function-definition-begin
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\s*(?=\(|$)'
+ scope: meta.function.d
+ captures:
+ 1: entity.name.function.d
+ set: function-definition-begin
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: variable-definition-begin
+ function-definition-begin:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [function-definition-after-first-argument-list, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ function-definition-after-first-argument-list:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [function-definition-before-after-arguments, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: function-definition-after-arguments
+ function-definition-before-after-arguments:
+ - match: ''
+ set: function-definition-after-arguments
+ function-definition-after-arguments:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.d
+ - include: function-attribute-in
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [meta-function, expect-end-of-line, value]
+ - match: '\bif\b'
scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
- - match: \b(goto|break|continue)\b
- scope: keyword.control.branch.d
- - match: \b(while|for|foreach(_reverse)?)\b
- scope: keyword.control.repeat.d
- - match: \b(version|return|with|invariant|body|scope|in|out|inout|asm|mixin|function|delegate)\b
- scope: keyword.control.statement.d
- - match: \b(pragma)\b
- scope: keyword.control.pragma.d
- - match: \b(alias|typedef)\b
- scope: keyword.control.alias.d
- - match: \b(import)\b
+ set: [meta-function, function-definition-after-condition, condition]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [meta-function, function-definition-after-condition]
+ function-definition-after-condition:
+ - match: '\bin\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [function-definition-after-condition, assert-arguments]
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: [function-definition-after-condition, block-statement]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '\bout\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ push: function-out-contract
+ - match: '\b(do|body)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set: block-statement
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: block-statement
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ function-out-contract:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '{{name}}'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set:
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [function-out-contract-after, value-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [block-statement, function-out-contract-after]
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [function-out-contract-after, value-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: block-statement
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ function-out-contract-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ function-argument-definition-list:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set: function-argument-definition-list-content
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ function-argument-definition-list-content:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [meta-function-parameters, function-argument, function-argument-or-type]
+ function-argument-or-type:
+ - include: parameter-attribute-in
+ - match: '\.\.\.'
+ scope: keyword.operator.variadic.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?={{name}}\s*([,=:\)]|\.\.\.))'
+ pop: true
+ - include: type
+ function-argument:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\.\.\.'
+ scope: keyword.operator.variadic.d
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [function-argument, function-argument-or-type]
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ push: value
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: keyword.operator.comparison.d
+ push: value
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ push: type
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ optional-template-body-block:
+ - match: '{{block_statement_loohahead}}'
+ set: block-statement
+ - match: '\bif\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ set: [block-statement, condition]
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ variable-definition-begin:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=,)'
+ set: variable-definition-after
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [variable-definition-after, value]
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ variable-definition-after:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: variable-definition-begin
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ value-or-declaration-in:
+ - match: '{{definitely_value_lookahead}}'
+ push: [maybe-end-of-line, value-list]
+ - match: '{{definitely_declaration_lookahead}}'
+ push: [function-or-variable-after-type, type]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ push: [maybe-end-of-line, first-value]
+ value-or-declaration:
+ - match: '{{definitely_value_lookahead}}'
+ set: value-list
+ - match: '{{definitely_declaration_lookahead}}'
+ set: [function-or-variable-after-type, type]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: first-value
+ # The first value in an expression ending with a * is always a function/variable definition, otherwise it could be either
+ # We highlight as if it were a value, but switch to a definition if it turns out to be one
+ first-value:
+ - match: '\btypeof\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [first-value-parens-after, typeof-value]
+ - match: '\b({{basic_type}})\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d
+ set: first-value-after
+ # Match a regular function call so we properly highlight the name as a
+ # function
+ - match: '(?=[[:alpha:]0-9_\.]+\s*\()'
+ set: value-list
+ - match: '{{name_lookahead}}'
+ scope: variable.other.d
+ set: [first-value-after, value-identifier]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: value-list
+ first-value-after:
+ - match: '\.'
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ push: value-identifier
+ - match: '!(?!=)'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d keyword.operator.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [first-value-call-after, value-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: first-value
+ - match: '\['
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ set: [first-value-bracket-after, value-list]
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: value-list
+ - match: '(?=\*(?!=)(?!{{name}}\s*[^,=\(]))'
+ set: [function-or-variable-after-type, basic-type2]
+ - match: '(?=\b(function|delegate)\b)'
+ set: [value-list-after, value]
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ - match: '(?={{name}}\s*([;=\(,]|$))'
+ set: function-or-variable-after-type
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-list-after, value-after]
+ first-value-bracket-after:
+ - match: '\]'
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ set: first-value-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ first-value-parens-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: first-value-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ first-value-call-after:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function-call.d
+ - include: first-value-parens-after
+ value:
+ - include: attribute-in
+ - match: '!'
+ scope: keyword.operator.logical.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '~'
+ scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(\+\+|--|\+|-)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(\*|&)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '\bcast\b'
+ scope: keyword.operator.word.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [cast-after, type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '\bdelete\b'
+ scope: keyword.operator.word.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '\bnew\b'
+ scope: keyword.operator.word.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [new-after-parens, value-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: new-after
+ - match: '\bimport\b'
scope: keyword.control.import.d
- - match: '^\s*(module)\s+([^ ;]+?);'
- scope: meta.module.d
- captures:
- 1: keyword.control.module.d
- 2: entity.name.function.package.d
- - match: \b(true|false)\b
- scope: constant.language.boolean.d
- - match: \b(__FILE__|__LINE__|__DATE__|__TIME__|__TIMESTAMP__|null)\b
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-parens-after, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '\bmixin\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-parens-after, value-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: \bassert\b
+ scope: keyword.other.assert.d
+ set: [value-after, assert-arguments]
+ - match: '\bis\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-after, is-after-type, type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - match: '\btypeof\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-parens-after, typeof-value]
+ - match: '\b__traits\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.function.d
+ set:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [value-parens-after, value-list]
+ - match: '\b(function|delegate)\b'
+ scope: meta.function.d keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.d
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [value-after, function-definition-begin]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-after, function-definition-begin, meta-function, type]
+ - match: '(\()\s*(\))'
+ scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ 2: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: [value-after, value-group-after-parens]
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '{{parameter_attribute_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-group-after-parens, function-argument, function-argument-or-type]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-group-after, value]
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: [value-after, block-statement]
+ - match: '\['
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ set: [value-bracket-after, value-array-list]
+ - match: '{{type_qualifier_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-after, type]
+ - match: '{{number_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-after, number]
+ - match: '{{character_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-after, character]
+ - match: '{{string_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-after, string]
+ - match: '\b({{language_constant}})\b'
scope: constant.language.d
- - match: \b(this|super)\b
+ set: value-after
+ - match: '\b({{language_variable}})\b'
+ scope: variable.language.d
+ set: value-after
+ - match: '\$'
scope: variable.language.d
- - match: |-
- (?x)
- (
- (\b0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F](_[0-9a-fA-F]+)*) # 0x0, 0X0, 0x000_000
- |
- (
- (\b[0-9]+(_[0-9]+)*\.?([0-9]+_[0-9]+)?[0-9]*) # 0.0, 0_0.0, 0.0_0
- |
- (\.[0-9]+(_[0-9]+)*) # .0, .0_0
- )((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)? # 0e+5
- )
- ([LlFfUuDd]|UL|ul)? # 0l, 0U, 0Lu, 0UL
- \b
- scope: constant.numeric.d
- - include: string_escaped_char
- - include: strings
- - match: (==|!=|<=|>=|<>|<|>)
+ set: value-after
+ - match: '\b({{basic_type}})\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d
+ set: value-after
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\s*(=>)'
+ captures:
+ 1: variable.parameter.d
+ 2: storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+ set: [meta-function, value]
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: [value-after, value-identifier]
+ - match: '{{name_lookahead}}'
+ set: [value-after, value-identifier]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ cast-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: value
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ new-after-parens:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: new-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ new-after:
+ - match: '\bclass\b'
+ scope: meta.class.d storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+ set: [meta-class, new-class]
+ - match: (?={{identifier_ref}}\s*\()
+ set: [new-after-named, new-type-identifier-ref]
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: [new-after-named, type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ new-class:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [new-anonymous-after-args, value-list]
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, base-class-list]
+ new-after-named:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function-call.d
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-call-parens-after, value-list]
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: value-after
+ new-anonymous-after-args:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, base-class-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ is-after-type:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\=\=|:'
scope: keyword.operator.comparison.d
- - match: (\-\-|\+\+)
- scope: keyword.operator.increment-decrement.d
- - match: (\-|\+|\*|\/|~|%)
+ set: [is-after, type-specialization]
+ is-after:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: function-argument-definition-list-content
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ type-specialization:
+ - match: '\b(?:__vector|function|delegate|__parameters)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\))'
+ pop: true
+ - include: type-specialization
+ - match: '\breturn\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\))'
+ pop: true
+ - include: type-specialization
+ - match: '\bsuper\b'
+ scope: variable.language.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\))'
+ pop: true
+ - include: type-specialization
+ - match: '\b(?:struct|union|class|interface|enum)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d keyword.declaration.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\))'
+ pop: true
+ - include: type-specialization
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: type
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ value-group-after:
+ - match: '\b(function|delegate)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.d
+ set: [value-group-after, basic-type2, function-type]
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ set: value-group-after-parens
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set: value-group-after
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [value-group-after-parens, function-argument, function-argument-or-type]
+ - match: '\.\.\.'
+ scope: keyword.operator.variadic.d
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ value-group-after-parens:
+ - match: '{{function_attribute_lookahead}}'
+ set: value-group-after-lambda
+ - match: (?={)
+ set: [value-after, meta-function, block-statement]
+ - match: '=>'
+ scope: meta.function.d storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+ set: [meta-function, value]
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: value-after
+ value-group-after-lambda:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.d
+ - include: function-attribute-in
+ - match: (?={)
+ set: [value-after, meta-function, block-statement]
+ - match: '=>'
+ scope: meta.function.d storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+ set: [meta-function, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ value-identifier:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b(?=\s*(\(|!(?!=)))'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d meta.path.d variable.function.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: meta.path.d variable.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: \.(?!\.)
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: value-identifier
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ value-after:
+ - match: '\.\.(?!\.)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.slice.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '\.(?!\.\.)'
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: [value-after, value-identifier]
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-call-parens-after, value-list]
+ - match: '\['
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ set: [value-bracket-after, value-list]
+ - match: '(\+\+|--)'
scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
- - match: (!|&&|\|\|)
+ set: value-after
+ - match: '(&&|\|\|)'
scope: keyword.operator.logical.d
- - match: \b(opNeg|opCom|opPostInc|opPostDec|opCast|opAdd|opSub|opSub_r|opMul|opDiv|opDiv_r|opMod|opMod_r|opAnd|opOr|opXor|opShl|opShl_r|opShr|opShr_r|opUShr|opUShr_r|opCat|opCat_r|opEquals|opEquals|opCmp|opCmp|opCmp|opCmp|opAddAssign|opSubAssign|opMulAssign|opDivAssign|opModAssign|opAndAssign|opOrAssign|opXorAssign|opShlAssign|opShrAssign|opUShrAssign|opCatAssign|opIndex|opIndexAssign|opCall|opSlice|opSliceAssign|opPos|opAdd_r|opMul_r|opAnd_r|opOr_r|opXor_r)\b
- scope: keyword.operator.overload.d
- - match: \b(new|delete|typeof|typeid|cast|align|is)\b
- scope: keyword.other.d
- - match: \b(new|throws)\b
- scope: keyword.other.class-fns.d
- - match: \b(package|extern)\b
- scope: keyword.other.external.d
- - match: \b(deprecated|unittest|debug)\b
- scope: keyword.other.debug.d
- - match: \b(u_char|u_short|u_int|u_long|ushort|uint|u_quad_t|quad_t|qaddr_t|caddr_t|daddr_t|dev_t|fixpt_t|blkcnt_t|blksize_t|gid_t|in_addr_t|in_port_t|ino_t|key_t|mode_t|nlink_t|id_t|pid_t|off_t|segsz_t|swblk_t|uid_t|id_t|clock_t|size_t|ssize_t|time_t|useconds_t|suseconds_t)\b
- scope: support.type.sys-types.c
- - match: \b(pthread_attr_t|pthread_cond_t|pthread_condattr_t|pthread_mutex_t|pthread_mutexattr_t|pthread_once_t|pthread_rwlock_t|pthread_rwlockattr_t|pthread_t|pthread_key_t)\b
- scope: support.type.pthread.c
- - match: \b(int8_t|int16_t|int32_t|int64_t|uint8_t|uint16_t|uint32_t|uint64_t|int_least8_t|int_least16_t|int_least32_t|int_least64_t|uint_least8_t|uint_least16_t|uint_least32_t|uint_least64_t|int_fast8_t|int_fast16_t|int_fast32_t|int_fast64_t|uint_fast8_t|uint_fast16_t|uint_fast32_t|uint_fast64_t|intptr_t|uintptr_t|intmax_t|intmax_t|uintmax_t|uintmax_t)\b
- scope: support.type.stdint.c
- all-types:
- - include: support-type-built-ins-d
- - include: support-type-d
- - include: storage-type-d
- comments:
- - match: /\*
- scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
- push:
- - meta_scope: comment.block.d
- - match: \*/
- scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(\+|-|/|%|\*|&|\||\^\^|\^|~|<<|>>>|>>)='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(\+|\-|/|%|\^\^)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '~'
+ scope: keyword.operator.concatenation.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(<<|>>>|>>|\||\^|&)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '(==|!=|\bis\b|!is\b|<=|<|>=|>|\bin\b|!in\b)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.comparison.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: value
+ - match: '!'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [value-call-parens-after, value-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-after, meta-function-call, value-template-single]
+ # This can also be a pointer in some situations
+ - match: \*
+ scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\)|,|;)'
pop: true
- - match: /\+
- scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: value
+ - match: '\?'
+ scope: keyword.operator.ternary.d
+ set: [value-condition-after, value]
+ - match: '(?=function|delegate)'
+ set: [value-after, basic-type2]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ value-template-single:
+ - match: '\b({{basic_type}})\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '{{number_lookahead}}'
+ set: number
+ - match: '{{character_lookahead}}'
+ set: character
+ - match: '{{string_lookahead}}'
+ set: string
+ - match: '\b({{language_constant}})\b'
+ scope: constant.language.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b({{language_variable}})\b'
+ scope: variable.language.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '{{name_lookahead}}|\.'
+ set: identifier-ref
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ value-condition-after:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: keyword.operator.ternary.d
+ set: value
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ value-parens-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: value-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ value-call-parens-after:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function-call.d
+ - include: value-parens-after
+ value-bracket-after:
+ - match: '\]'
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ set: value-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ value-list:
+ - match: '(?=\)|}|]|;)'
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-list-after, value]
+ value-list-after:
+ - match: '(?=\)|}|]|;)'
+ pop: true
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: value-list
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ value-array-list:
+ - match: '(?=\])'
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [value-array-list-after, value]
+ value-array-list-after:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.key-value.d
+ set: [value-array-list-after-value, value]
+ - include: value-array-list-after-value
+ value-array-list-after-value:
+ - match: '(?=\])'
+ pop: true
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: value-array-list
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ alias-in:
+ - match: '\b(alias)\b(?=[^;]*\bthis\s*;)'
+ scope: keyword.control.alias.d
+ push: [alias-this-after, identifier]
+ - match: '\b(alias)\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.alias.d
- - meta_scope: comment.block.nested.d
- - match: \+/
- scope: punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ - match: '{{attribute_lookahead}}'
+ set: [alias-old, type]
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\s*(?=\(|=)'
+ captures:
+ 1: entity.name.type.d
+ set: alias-new
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: [alias-old, type]
+ alias-this-after:
+ - match: \b(this)\b
+ scope: keyword.control.alias.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ alias-old:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.type.d
+ set:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: alias-old
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ alias-new:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ push: function-argument-definition-list
+ - match: '(?==)'
+ set: alias-new-assign
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ alias-new-assign:
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [alias-new-after-type, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ alias-new-after-type:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: entity.name.type.d
+ set: alias-new
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ class-in:
+ - match: '\b(class)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+ push: [meta-class, class-name]
+ class-name:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.class.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [class-after, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: class-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ class-after:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, base-class-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ base-class-list:
+ - match: ''
+ set: [base-class-list-after, basic-type]
+ base-class-list-after:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: base-class-list
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ interface-in:
+ - match: '\b(interface)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.interface.d keyword.declaration.interface.d
+ push: [meta-interface, interface-name]
+ interface-name:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.interface.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [interface-after, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: interface-after
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ interface-after:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, base-class-list]
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ struct-in:
+ - match: '\b(struct)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.struct.d keyword.declaration.struct.d
+ push: [meta-struct, struct-name]
+ struct-name:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.struct.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ union-in:
+ - match: '\b(union)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.union.d keyword.declaration.union.d
+ push: [meta-union, union-name]
+ union-name:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.union.d
+ set:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: optional-template-body-block
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ enum-in:
+ - match: '\b(enum)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+ push: [meta-enum, enum-after-kw]
+ enum-after-kw:
+ - match: '(?=\b({{basic_type}})\b)'
+ push: type
+ - match: '{{type_qualifier_lookahead}}'
+ push: type
+ - match: '\b({{name}})(?=\s*({|:|=|\(|;|$))\b'
+ scope: entity.name.enum.d
+ set: enum-after
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+ set: [enum-body, type]
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: anonymous-enum-body
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ push: type
+ enum-after:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: enum-body
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+ set: [enum-body, type]
+ - match: '(?==|\()'
+ set: enum-assignment
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.enum.d
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ enum-body:
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
pop: true
- - match: (//).*$\n?
- scope: comment.line.double-slash.d
+ - match: '(?=\b({{name}})\b)'
+ push: enum-member
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ enum-assignment:
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [enum-assignment-after, value]
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ push: function-argument-definition-list
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ enum-assignment-after:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.enum.d
+ set: enum-assignment
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ anonymous-enum-body:
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: attribute-in
+ - match: '(?=\b({{name}})\s*(=|,|}|$))'
+ push: enum-member
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ push: [enum-member, type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ enum-member:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.constant.d
+ set:
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: [enum-member-after, value]
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=})'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ enum-member-after:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=})'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ conditional-declaration-in:
+ - match: '\bversion\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ push: version-condition
+ - match: '\bdebug\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ push: debug-condition
+ conditional-declaration-after-parens:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: optional-block-statement-or-label
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ conditional-declaration-assignment:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: entity.name.constant.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - match: '{{integer_lookahead}}'
+ set: [expect-end-of-line, integer]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ version-condition:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: \bunittest\b
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-after-parens
+ - match: \bassert\b
+ scope: keyword.other.assert.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-after-parens
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: constant.other.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-after-parens
+ - match: '{{integer_lookahead}}'
+ set: [conditional-declaration-after-parens, integer]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-assignment
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ debug-condition:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: constant.other.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-after-parens
+ - match: '{{integer_lookahead}}'
+ set: [conditional-declaration-after-parens, integer]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ set: conditional-declaration-assignment
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: optional-block-statement-or-label
+ static-foreach-in:
+ - match: '\b(static)\s+(foreach|foreach_reverse)\b'
- 1: punctuation.definition.comment.d
- constant_placeholder:
- - match: '(?i:%(\([a-z_]+\))?#?0?\-?[ ]?\+?([0-9]*|\*)(\.([0-9]*|\*))?[hL]?[a-z%])'
- scope: constant.other.placeholder.d
- function_assertions:
- - match: '(in|out)\s*(?=\{)'
+ 1: keyword.control.loop.d
+ 2: keyword.control.loop.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement, foreach-arguments]
+ static-assert-in:
+ - match: '\b(static)\s+(assert)\b'
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.assert.d
+ 2: keyword.other.assert.d
+ push: [expect-end-of-line, assert-arguments]
+ constructions-in:
+ - match: '{{construction_lookahead}}'
+ push: construction
+ construction:
+ # Post-blit constructor
+ - match: '\b(this)\s*(\()\s*(this)\s*(\))'
- 1: keyword.control.statement.d
+ 1: meta.function.d entity.name.function.post-blit.d
+ 2: meta.function.parameters.d punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ 3: meta.function.parameters.d variable.language.d
+ 4: meta.function.parameters.d punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ set: function-definition-after-arguments
+ - match: '\b(this)\s*(?=\(|$)'
+ captures:
+ 1: meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+ 2: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set: constructor-argument-list
+ - match: '~\s*this'
+ scope: meta.function.d entity.name.function.destructor.d
+ set: destructor-arguments
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ # This could either be function/template parameters or arguments. Assume
+ # arguments and switch to parameters when possible
+ constructor-argument-list:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ set: function-definition-after-first-argument-list
+ - match: '{{parameter_attribute_lookahead}}'
+ set: [function-definition-after-first-argument-list, meta-function-parameters, function-argument-definition-list-content]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [constructor-argument-list-after-value, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ constructor-argument-list-after-value:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [constructor-argument-list-after-value, value]
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ set: function-definition-after-first-argument-list
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [function-definition-after-first-argument-list, meta-function-parameters, function-argument]
+ destructor-arguments:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: meta.function.parameters.d punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ set:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ set: function-definition-after-arguments
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ invariant-in:
+ - match: '\b(invariant)\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.invariant.d
- - match: '\{' # Push onto the stack for blocks so that } pops functions/methods/classes properly
- push:
- - meta_scope: meta.block.d
- - match: '\}'
- pop: true
- - include: $top_level_main
- - match: (in|out)
- scope: keyword.control.statement.d
- - match: (?=body|do)
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [invariant-block, assert-arguments]
+ - match: '(?={)'
+ set: invariant-block
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ invariant-block:
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
pop: true
- - match: '(?<=\})'
- pop: true
- regular_expressions:
- - include: scope:source.regexp.python
- statement-remainder:
- - match: \(
+ - include: statement-list-in
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ unittest-in:
+ - match: '\b(unittest)\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
- - meta_scope: meta.definition.param-list.d
- - match: (?=\))
- pop: true
- - include: all-types
- - match: (throws)
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: statement-list-in
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ template-in:
+ - match: '\b(template)\b'
+ scope: storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+ push: template
+ template:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: entity.name.template.d
+ set: template-definition-begin
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ template-definition-begin:
+ - match: '(?=\()'
+ set: [optional-template-body-block, function-argument-definition-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ mixin-in:
+ - match: '\b(mixin)\s+(template)\b'
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.control.d
+ 2: storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+ push: template
+ - match: '\b(mixin)(?!\s*\()'
+ scope: keyword.control.d
+ push: [mixin-after, value]
+ mixin-after:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: variable.other.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ statement-label-in:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\s*(:)'
- 1: keyword.other.class-fns.d
+ 1: entity.name.label.d
+ 2: punctuation.separator.d
+ conditional-in:
+ - match: '\bif\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement-or-label, condition]
+ - match: '\belse\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.d
+ push: optional-block-statement-or-label
+ loop-in:
+ - match: '\bwhile\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement, condition]
+ - match: '\bdo\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.d
+ push: optional-block-statement
+ - match: '\bfor\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement, for-arguments]
+ - match: '\b(foreach|foreach_reverse)\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement, foreach-arguments]
+ flow-statement-in:
+ - match: '\b(continue|break)\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
- - meta_scope: meta.definition.throws.d
- - match: "(?={)"
- captures:
- 1: keyword.other.class-fns.d
- pop: true
- - include: all-types
- storage-type-d:
- - match: '\b(void|byte|short|char|int|long|float|double|boolean|([a-z]\w+\.)*[A-Z]\w+(?![\(\.]))\b'
- scope: storage.type.d
- string_escaped_char:
- - match: '\\(\\|[abefnprtv''"?]|[0-3]\d{,2}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|&\w+;)'
- scope: constant.character.escape.d
- - match: \\.
- scope: invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.d
- strings:
- - match: '"'
- scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ - match: \b{{name}}\b
+ scope: variable.other.constant.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - include: expect-end-of-line
+ - match: '\breturn\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ push:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [expect-end-of-line, value]
+ - match: '\bgoto\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ push:
+ - match: '\bdefault\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - match: '\bcase\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ set:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [expect-end-of-line, value]
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.other.constant.d
+ set: expect-end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ with-in:
+ - match: '\bwith\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.with.d
- - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.d
- - match: '"'
- scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [with-after, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ with-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: optional-block-statement
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ synchronized-in:
+ - match: '\bsynchronized\b'
+ scope: keyword.other.synchronized.d
+ push:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [synchronized-after, value]
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: optional-block-statement
+ synchronized-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: optional-block-statement
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ try-in:
+ - match: '\btry\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.exception.d
+ push: optional-block-statement
+ - match: '\bcatch\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.exception.d
+ push: [optional-block-statement, catch-arguments]
+ - match: '\bfinally\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.exception.d
+ push: optional-block-statement
+ catch-arguments:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [catch-arguments-after, type]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ catch-arguments-after:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
pop: true
- - include: string_escaped_char
- - match: (r)(")
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ throw-in:
+ - match: '\bthrow\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.exception.d
+ push: [expect-end-of-line, value]
+ scope-in:
+ - match: '\b(scope)\s*(\()\s*(exit|success|failure)\s*(\))'
- 1: storage.type.string.d
- 2: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ 1: keyword.control.flow.d
+ 2: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ 3: keyword.control.flow.d
+ 4: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ push: optional-block-statement
+ asm-in:
+ - match: '\basm\b'
+ scope: keyword.declaration.asm.d
- - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.raw.d
- - match: ((?<=")(")|")
- captures:
- 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
- 2: meta.empty-string.double.d
- pop: true
- - include: regular_expressions
- - match: "`"
- scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ - include: attribute-in
+ - match: '{'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '}'
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: tokens-in
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ switch-in:
+ - match: '\bswitch\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
- - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.raw.backtick.d
- - match: ((?<=`)(`)|`)
- captures:
- 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
- 2: meta.empty-string.double.d
- pop: true
- - match: "'"
- scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [switch-after, value]
+ - match: '\bcase\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ push: [case-after, value]
+ - match: '\bdefault\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
- - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.d
- - match: "'"
- scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.d
- pop: true
- - include: string_escaped_char
- support-type-built-ins-classes-d:
- - match: \b(AbstractServer|ArchiveMember|ArgParser|Barrier|BomSniffer|Buffer|BufferInput|BufferOutput|BufferSlice|BufferedFile|BufferedStream|BzipInput|BzipOutput|CFile|CacheInvalidatee|CacheInvalidator|CacheServer|CacheThread|Certificate|CertificateStore|CertificateStoreCtx|ChunkInput|ChunkOutput|ClassInfo|Cluster|ClusterCache|ClusterQueue|ClusterThread|CmdParser|ComObject|Compress|Condition|Conduit|Cookie|CookieParser|CookieStack|CounterInput|CounterOutput|DataFileInput|DataFileOutput|DataInput|DataOutput|Database|DatagramConduit|DeviceConduit|DigestInput|DigestOutput|DocPrinter|Document|DummyInputStream|DummyOutputStream|EndianInput|EndianOutput|EndianProtocol|EndianStream|EventSeekInputStream|EventSeekOutputStream|FTPConnection|Fiber|Field|File|FileConduit|FileFolder|FileGroup|FileInput|FileOutput|FilePath|FileScan|FilterStream|Foo|FormatOutput|GreedyInput|GreedyOutput|Gregorian|GrowBuffer|HeapCopy|HeapSlice|Hierarchy|HttpClient|HttpCookies|HttpCookiesView|HttpGet|HttpHeaders|HttpHeadersView|HttpParams|HttpPost|HttpStack|HttpTokens|HttpTriplet|IPv4Address|IUnknown|InputFilter|InternetAddress|InternetHost|Layout|LineInput|LineIterator|LinkedFolder|Log|MapInput|MapOutput|MappedBuffer|Md2|Md4|MemoryQueue|MemoryStream|MmFile|MmFileStream|ModuleInfo|MulticastConduit|Mutex|NativeProtocol|NetCall|NetHost|NetworkAlert|NetworkCache|NetworkCall|NetworkClient|NetworkCombo|NetworkMessage|NetworkQueue|NetworkRegistry|NetworkTask|NotImplemented|Object|Observer|OutBuffer|OutputFilter|PersistQueue|Pipe|PipeConduit|Print|PrivateKey|Process|Properties|Protocol|ProtocolReader|ProtocolWriter|PublicKey|PullParser|QueueFile|QueueServer|QueueThread|QueuedCache|QuoteIterator|Random|Range|ReadWriteMutex|Reader|Record|RegExp|RegExpT|RegexIterator|RollCall|SSLCtx|SSLServerSocket|SSLSocketConduit|SaxParser|SelectionKey|Semaphore|ServerSocket|ServerThread|Service|SimpleIterator|SliceInputStream|SliceSeekInputStream|SliceSeekOutputStream|SliceStream|SnoopInput|SnoopOutput|Socket|SocketConduit|SocketListener|SocketSet|SocketStream|Sprint|Stream|StreamIterator|TArrayStream|TaskServer|TaskThread|TcpSocket|Telnet|TempFile|Text|TextFileInput|TextFileOutput|TextView|Thread|ThreadGroup|ThreadLocal|ThreadPool|Token|TypeInfo|TypeInfo_AC|TypeInfo_Aa|TypeInfo_Ab|TypeInfo_Ac|TypeInfo_Ad|TypeInfo_Ae|TypeInfo_Af|TypeInfo_Ag|TypeInfo_Ah|TypeInfo_Ai|TypeInfo_Aj|TypeInfo_Ak|TypeInfo_Al|TypeInfo_Am|TypeInfo_Ao|TypeInfo_Ap|TypeInfo_Aq|TypeInfo_Ar|TypeInfo_Array|TypeInfo_As|TypeInfo_AssociativeArray|TypeInfo_At|TypeInfo_Au|TypeInfo_Av|TypeInfo_Aw|TypeInfo_C|TypeInfo_Class|TypeInfo_D|TypeInfo_Delegate|TypeInfo_Enum|TypeInfo_Function|TypeInfo_Interface|TypeInfo_P|TypeInfo_Pointer|TypeInfo_StaticArray|TypeInfo_Struct|TypeInfo_Tuple|TypeInfo_Typedef|TypeInfo_a|TypeInfo_b|TypeInfo_c|TypeInfo_d|TypeInfo_e|TypeInfo_f|TypeInfo_g|TypeInfo_h|TypeInfo_i|TypeInfo_j|TypeInfo_k|TypeInfo_l|TypeInfo_m|TypeInfo_o|TypeInfo_p|TypeInfo_q|TypeInfo_r|TypeInfo_s|TypeInfo_t|TypeInfo_u|TypeInfo_v|TypeInfo_w|TypedInput|TypedOutput|URIerror|UdpSocket|UnCompress|UniText|UnicodeBom|UnicodeFile|UnknownAddress|Uri|UtfInput|UtfOutput|VirtualFolder|WrapSeekInputStream|WrapSeekOutputStream|Writer|XmlPrinter|ZipArchive|ZipBlockReader|ZipBlockWriter|ZipEntry|ZipEntryVerifier|ZipFile|ZipFileGroup|ZipFolder|ZipSubFolder|ZipSubFolderEntry|ZipSubFolderGroup|ZlibInput|ZlibOutput)\b
- scope: support.type.built-ins.classes.d
- support-type-built-ins-d:
- - include: support-type-built-ins-exceptions-d
- - include: support-type-built-ins-classes-d
- - include: support-type-built-ins-interfaces-d
- - include: support-type-built-ins-structs-d
- support-type-built-ins-exceptions-d:
- - match: \b(AddressException|ArrayBoundsError|ArrayBoundsException|AssertError|AssertException|Base64CharException|Base64Exception|BzipClosedException|BzipException|ClusterEmptyException|ClusterFullException|ConvError|ConvOverflowError|ConversionException|CorruptedIteratorException|DatabaseException|DateParseError|Exception|FTPException|FiberException|FileException|FinalizeException|FormatError|HostException|IOException|IllegalArgumentException|IllegalElementException|InvalidKeyException|InvalidTypeException|LocaleException|ModuleCtorError|NoSuchElementException|OpenException|OpenRJException|OutOfMemoryException|PlatformException|ProcessCreateException|ProcessException|ProcessForkException|ProcessKillException|ProcessWaitException|ReadException|RegExpException|RegexException|RegistryException|SeekException|SharedLibException|SocketAcceptException|SocketException|StdioException|StreamException|StreamFileException|StringException|SwitchError|SwitchException|SyncException|TextException|ThreadError|ThreadException|UnboxException|UnicodeException|UtfException|VariantTypeMismatchException|Win32Exception|WriteException|XmlException|ZipChecksumException|ZipException|ZipExhaustedException|ZipNotSupportedException|ZlibClosedException|ZlibException|OurUnwindException|SysError)\b
- scope: support.type.built-ins.exceptions.d
- support-type-built-ins-interfaces-d:
- - match: \b(Buffered|HttpParamsView|ICache|IChannel|IClassFactory|ICluster|IConduit|IConsumer|IEvent|IHierarchy|ILevel|IListener|IMessage|IMessageLoader|IOStream|IReadable|ISelectable|ISelectionSet|ISelector|IServer|IUnknown|IWritable|IXmlPrinter|InputStream|OutputStream|PathView|VfsFile|VfsFiles|VfsFolder|VfsFolderEntry|VfsFolders|VfsHost|VfsSync|ZipReader|ZipWriter)\b
- scope: support.type.built-ins.interfaces.d
- support-type-built-ins-structs-d:
- scope: support.type.built-ins.structs.d
- support-type-d:
- - match: '\b((?:tango|std)\.[\w\.]+)\b'
- scope: support.type.d
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ switch-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ set: optional-block-statement
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ case-after:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\.\.(?!\.)'
+ scope: keyword.operator.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\bcase\b'
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.d
+ set: [case-after, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ for-arguments:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: statement-list-in
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ foreach-arguments:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [foreach-arguments-end, foreach-parameter-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal
+ foreach-parameter-list:
+ - match: '(?=;)'
+ pop: true
+ - match: '(?=\b{{name}}\s*[;,])'
+ set: foreach-parameter-after-type
+ - include: parameter-attribute-in
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: [foreach-parameter-after-type, type]
+ foreach-parameter-after-type:
+ - match: '\b({{name}})\b'
+ scope: variable.parameter.d
+ set:
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: foreach-parameter-list
+ - match: '(?=;)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ foreach-arguments-end:
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ set: [foreach-arguments-after, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ foreach-arguments-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ assert-arguments:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [assert-arguments-after, value-list]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ assert-arguments-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ condition:
+ - match: '\('
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ set: [condition-after, value]
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ condition-after:
+ - match: '\)'
+ scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ identifier:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: meta.path.d variable.other.d
+ set:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ identifier-ref:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: identifier
+ type-identifier:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b(?=\s*!)'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d meta.path.d variable.function.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: meta.path.d storage.type.d
+ set:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: type-identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ type-identifier-ref:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: type-identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: type-identifier
+ new-type-identifier:
+ - match: '\b{{name}}(?=\s*\()'
+ scope: meta.function-call.d meta.path.d variable.function.d
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\b{{name}}\b'
+ scope: meta.path.d storage.type.d
+ set:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: new-type-identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ new-type-identifier-ref:
+ - match: \.
+ scope: meta.path.d punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ set: new-type-identifier
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ set: new-type-identifier
+ not-whitespace-illegal:
+ - match: '\S'
+ scope: invalid.illegal.d
+ not-whitespace-illegal-pop:
+ - match: '\S'
+ scope: invalid.illegal.d
+ pop: true
+ end-of-line-in:
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.terminator.d
+ end-of-line:
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.terminator.d
+ pop: true
+ expect-end-of-line:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - include: not-whitespace-illegal-pop
+ maybe-end-of-line:
+ - include: end-of-line
+ - match: '(?=\S)'
+ pop: true
+ meta-function:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-function-parameters:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-function-call:
+ - meta_scope: meta.function-call.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-class:
+ - meta_scope: meta.class.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-interface:
+ - meta_scope: meta.interface.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-struct:
+ - meta_scope: meta.struct.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-union:
+ - meta_scope: meta.union.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ meta-enum:
+ - meta_scope: meta.enum.d
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
diff --git a/D/DMD Output.sublime-syntax b/D/DMD Output.sublime-syntax
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b3334328e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/DMD Output.sublime-syntax
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%YAML 1.2
+name: DMD Output
+hidden: true
+scope: source.build_output.dmd
+ main:
+ - match: '^(.*?)\(([0-9]+)(?:,\s*([0-9]+))?\): '
+ captures:
+ 1: entity.name.filename.dmd
+ 2: constant.numeric.line-number.dmd
+ 3: constant.numeric.line-number.dmd
+ - match: '\b(Warning|Error)(:) '
+ captures:
+ 1: message.error.dmd
+ 2: punctuation.separator.dmd
diff --git a/D/Indentation Rules.tmPreferences b/D/Indentation Rules.tmPreferences
index 117ea29782..7212904bab 100644
--- a/D/Indentation Rules.tmPreferences
+++ b/D/Indentation Rules.tmPreferences
@@ -8,15 +8,24 @@
- ^(.*\*/)?\s*\}([^}{"']*\{)?[;\s]*(//.*|/\*.*\*/\s*)?$|^\s*(public|private|protected):\s*$
+ (?x)
+ ^ (.*\*/)? \s* \}
+ | ^ \s* (public|private|protected|package): \s* $
- ^.*\{[^}"']*$|^\s*(public|private|protected):\s*$
+ (?x)
+ ^ .* \{ [^}"']* $
+ | ^ \s* (public|private|protected|package): \s* $
- ^ \s* \b(if|while|else|foreach)\b [^;]* $
- | ^ \s* \b(for)\b .* $
+ ^ \s* \b(if|while|else)\b [^;]* $
+ | ^ \s* \b(for|foreach|foreach_reverse)\b .* $
+ indentSquareBrackets
diff --git a/D/Snippets/foreach-reverse.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/foreach-reverse.sublime-snippet
index 2d48423718..39688ed07d 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/foreach-reverse.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/foreach-reverse.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- foreach_reverse(…; …) { … }
+ foreach_reverse (…; …) { … }
diff --git a/D/Snippets/foreach.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/foreach.sublime-snippet
index 50ba615a41..dbadab50c0 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/foreach.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/foreach.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/D/Snippets/if-else.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/if-else.sublime-snippet
index 023ec80530..5f2749243a 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/if-else.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/if-else.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/D/Snippets/main-with-args.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/main-with-args.sublime-snippet
index 56e9ed9fbc..9af27f97a4 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/main-with-args.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/main-with-args.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- void main(string[] args) { … }
+ int main(string[] args) { … }
diff --git a/D/Snippets/main.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/main.sublime-snippet
index 80f29be6ac..c4442e4e96 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/main.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/main.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- void main() { … }
+ int main() { … }
diff --git a/D/Snippets/version.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/version.sublime-snippet
index a53516310a..b7d9ff73b5 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/version.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/version.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/D/Snippets/while.sublime-snippet b/D/Snippets/while.sublime-snippet
index 93b0184708..6f6c825f48 100644
--- a/D/Snippets/while.sublime-snippet
+++ b/D/Snippets/while.sublime-snippet
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/D/Symbol Index Hide Special Functions.tmPreferences b/D/Symbol Index Hide Special Functions.tmPreferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3adce7f135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/Symbol Index Hide Special Functions.tmPreferences
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ scope
+ settings
+ showInIndexedSymbolList
+ 0
diff --git a/D/Symbol List-Method-Constructor.tmPreferences b/D/Symbol List-Method-Constructor.tmPreferences
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0b1bb0df..0000000000
--- a/D/Symbol List-Method-Constructor.tmPreferences
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- name
- Symbol List: Method / Constructor
- scope
- source.d meta.block entity.name
- settings
- showInSymbolList
- 1
- symbolTransformation
- s/^\s*([^\)]+)/ $1/; # pad
diff --git a/D/Symbol List.tmPreferences b/D/Symbol List.tmPreferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d31de90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/Symbol List.tmPreferences
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ name
+ Symbol List
+ scope
+ source.d entity.name
+ settings
+ showInSymbolList
+ 1
+ showInIndexedSymbolList
+ 1
diff --git a/D/tests/syntax_test_d.d b/D/tests/syntax_test_d.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10c1d824c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/tests/syntax_test_d.d
@@ -0,0 +1,2569 @@
+// SYNTAX TEST "Packages/D/D.sublime-syntax"
+module foo.a.b1_3;
+// <- meta.namespace.d keyword.declaration.namespace.d
+ // <- meta.namespace.d keyword.declaration.namespace.d
+//^^^^ keyword.declaration.namespace.d
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^ entity.name.namespace.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ module foo.a.b1_3;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace.d
+//^^^^^^ keyword.declaration.namespace.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^ entity.name.namespace.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ /+
+//^^ comment.block.nested.d punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ /+
+//^^ comment.block.nested.d comment.block.nested.d punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ +/
+//^^ comment.block.nested.d comment.block.nested.d punctuation.definition.comment.d
+ +/
+//^^ comment.block.nested.d punctuation.definition.comment.d
+auto wysiwyg = r"f// \n\";
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ - constant.character.escape.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto wysiwygAlt = `f//\n\`;
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.backtick.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ - constant.character.escape.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto doubleQuoted = "c://\'\"\?\\\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x0B\2\12\762\u0feb\Uabcdef98\"";
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.character.escape.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto invalidEscape = "\p";
+// ^^ string.quoted.double.d invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.d
+auto invalidEscape2 = "\u0fe";
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.d
+// ^^ invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.d
+auto invalidEscape3 = "\&;";
+// ^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.d
+// ^^ invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.d
+auto invalidEscape4 = "\u12398";
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.d
+// ^^^^^^ constant.character.escape.d
+// ^ - constant.character.escape.d
+auto hexString = x"00 ba
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ 5 5 b";
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.double.raw.d constant.character.escape.d
+// ^ string.quoted.double.raw.d invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.d
+// ^ string.quoted.double.raw.d punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto deliminated = q"SQL_1
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.other.delimeter.d
+ select foo \n
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// <- meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d constant.other.delimeter.d
+//^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^^ constant.other.delimeter.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// - meta.string.d
+auto deliminatedBad = q"SQL\
+// ^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d invalid.illegal.d
+auto deliminatedNested = q"(f("))" + q"{f{"}}" + q"[f["]]" + q">";
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto deliminatedAny = q"/foo(xxx)/";
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^ constant.other.delimeter.d
+// ^ constant.other.delimeter.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto stringPostfix = ``c + ""w + q"//"d;
+// ^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.backtick.d storage.type.string.d
+// ^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.d storage.type.string.d
+// ^ meta.string.d string.quoted.double.raw.d storage.type.string.d
+auto tokenString = q{
+// ^^ meta.string.d string.unquoted.embedded.d
+// ^ storage.modifier.string.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+ this is not real code 12
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d
+// ^^^^ variable.language.d
+// ^^ keyword.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ /*}*/
+// ^^^^^^ meta.string.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.comment.d
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.comment.d
+// ^^^^^ comment.block.d
+ '' 'a'
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d
+// ^^ invalid.illegal.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.single.d
+ __TIME__
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.string.d constant.language.d
+// <- meta.string.d string.unquoted.embedded.d punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+auto c = 'a';
+// ^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.single.d
+c = 'Ó';
+// ^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.single.d
+c = '\n';
+// ^^^^ meta.string.d string.quoted.single.d
+// ^^ constant.character.escape.d
+c = '\x';
+// ^^^^ invalid.illegal.d
+c = 'aa';
+// ^^^^ invalid.illegal.d
+c = '\';
+// ^^^ invalid.illegal.d
+c = '';
+// ^^ invalid.illegal.d
+c = ''';
+// ^^ invalid.illegal.d
+auto dec = 2_0__000;
+// ^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+dec = 1L;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1u;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1U;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1Lu;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1LU;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1uL;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ storage.type.integer.d
+dec = 1UL;
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ storage.type.integer.d
+auto bin = 0b1;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.binary.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.binary.d
+bin = 0b10__1;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.binary.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.binary.d
+bin = 0B1;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.binary.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.binary.d
+auto hex = 0xF;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.d
+hex = 0x012_3;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.d
+hex = 0X1;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.d
+auto f = 0_.0_;
+// ^^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+f = 0_.;
+// ^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+f = .123_1243;
+// ^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+f = 2313472389742e1i;
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+f = 3423.2e-45;
+// ^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+f = .4E+4L;
+// ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+f = 1f;
+// ^ constant.numeric.float.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+f = 0x123f;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^^^ constant.numeric.float.hexadecimal.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+f = 0b10101101f;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.binary.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.binary.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+f = 0x.1aFp2;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.hexadecimal.d
+f = 0xF.AP-2f;
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.d
+// ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.hexadecimal.d
+// ^ storage.type.float.d
+ @foo:
+//^ punctuation.definition.annotation.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ @("oo")@safer@Foo(2, 4)@property
+//^ punctuation.definition.annotation.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.annotation.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.annotation.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+ static shared const immutable final __gshared nothrow pure ref
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+ extern(C) extern (C++, foo.a)
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.external.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ string.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.external.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ string.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ invalid.illegal.d
+ align align(1) align(foo * 2)
+//^^^^^ keyword.other.alignment.d
+// ^^^^^ keyword.other.alignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^ keyword.other.alignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ deprecated
+//^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.deprecated.d
+ deprecated( "message") deprecated(q{void})
+//^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.deprecated.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.deprecated.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ source.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ private protected public export package
+//^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+ package(foo.bar.2)
+//^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^ invalid.illegal.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ pragma(f) pragma(test, void):
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.pragma.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.pragma.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ private:
+//^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ import foo;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ import std.foo; import core.thread;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ import foo';
+// ^ invalid.illegal.d
+ import foo, a = bar, std : foo, bar, c = d;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.import-binding.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ string foo = import("foo.txt");
+//^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ import("foo").each!writeln;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.import.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^ meta.path.d variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias foo = int;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias Foo = const int[string], bar = long!int;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias int a;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias const foo[string] long_name, foo, b;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias foo this;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias foo.bar.baz this;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias F(x) = foo*;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ alias rSave = a => a;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.alias.d
+// ^^^^^ entity.name.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^ storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ int a;
+//^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ foo[string] b = 123;
+//^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ bar* some_long_Name;
+//^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.pointer.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto foo = 3;
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+ asjfaisdjaksdjaklsjdnaskjjks = 3;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ char[] buffer_, encoded_;
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ class Foo;
+//^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d
+//^^^^^ storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.class.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ class Bar : Foo, b {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d
+//^^^^^ storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.class.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ class b {}
+ //^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d meta.class.d
+ //^^^^^ storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+ // ^ entity.name.class.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ meta.class.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ class b(T, int s) {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d
+//^^^^^ storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+// ^ entity.name.class.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ meta.class.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ interface S;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.interface.d
+//^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.interface.d keyword.declaration.interface.d
+// ^ entity.name.interface.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ interface Foo: Bar, Baz {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.interface.d
+//^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.interface.d keyword.declaration.interface.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.interface.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ interface c{}
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.interface.d meta.block.d meta.interface.d
+ //^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.interface.d keyword.declaration.interface.d
+ // ^ entity.name.interface.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ meta.interface.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ interface A(T, float f) {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.interface.d
+//^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.interface.d keyword.declaration.interface.d
+// ^ entity.name.interface.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ meta.interface.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ struct Foo {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.struct.d
+//^^^^^^ storage.type.struct.d keyword.declaration.struct.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.struct.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ struct {
+ //^^^^^^^^^ meta.struct.d meta.block.d meta.struct.d
+ //^^^^^^ storage.type.struct.d keyword.declaration.struct.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ union {}
+ //^^^^^^^^ meta.struct.d meta.block.d meta.struct.d meta.block.d meta.union.d
+ //^^^^^ storage.type.union.d keyword.declaration.union.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+ //^ meta.struct.d meta.block.d meta.struct.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ meta.struct.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ struct F(int a, T) {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.struct.d
+//^^^^^^ storage.type.struct.d keyword.declaration.struct.d
+// ^ entity.name.struct.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ meta.struct.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ union Foo {}
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.union.d
+//^^^^^ storage.type.union.d keyword.declaration.union.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.union.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ union Test(string s, F) {}
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.union.d
+//^^^^^ storage.type.union.d keyword.declaration.union.d
+// ^^^^ entity.name.union.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum Foo {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ foo,
+ //^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^^^ entity.name.constant.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ bar = 2,
+ //^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^^^ entity.name.constant.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ 1
+ //^ meta.enum.d invalid.illegal.d
+ }
+//^ meta.enum.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum Foo : int { a = 12 }
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ entity.name.constant.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum : foo[string] { TEST }
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^^^^ entity.name.constant.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum { int a = 12,
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ entity.name.constant.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ Foo
+ //^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^^^ entity.name.constant.d
+ 2
+ //^ meta.enum.d invalid.illegal.d
+ }
+//^ meta.enum.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum f = 12;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum f(x, int t) = cast(x)t;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum bool[] foo = 12;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum fool
+//^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+ {
+//^ meta.enum.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ meta.enum.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ enum uint a = 1, b = 2, exponentBits = 3;
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum immutable(Char)[] seqBefore = "[";
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum ulong
+//^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+ a = 1 << 2,
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^ entity.name.enum.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^^ keyword.operator.bitwise.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ b = 1 << 3;
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^ entity.name.enum.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^^ keyword.operator.bitwise.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum foo
+//^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+ bar = 2;
+ //^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+ //^^^ entity.name.enum.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ enum Attr;
+//^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum.d
+//^^^^ storage.type.enum.d keyword.declaration.enum.d
+ version(unittest) {}
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ version(assert) {}
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ version(foo) {}
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ constant.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ version(1):
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ debug:
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ debug {} else {}
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ debug(foo) {} else:
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ constant.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ debug foo bar;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ debug = 2;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ version = foo;
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.constant.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ version
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+ = 5;
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ int foo = true;
+ static if (12 + 5):
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ static if (true) {} else {}
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static if (0) {
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ } else static if (1) {
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static foreach (int foo, f; 12..3) {
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ static foreach (int a; 123) {
+ //^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ // ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ // ^
+ }
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static assert(12);
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ static assert(12, "foobar");
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ int[string] foo() {}
+//^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void bar();
+ //^^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+ // ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ meta.function.d punctuation.terminator.d
+ int[] map(int[] array, ) {
+ //^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ // ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ // ^^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ // ^
+ // ^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ foo();
+ //^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^ variable.function.d
+ }
+ //^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ T[] map(T, void fn)(T[] array) {
+ //^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ // ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ // ^^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ // ^^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ //^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ VeryLongTypeNameThatWillForceALineWrapWith80WidthLines
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+ veryLongFunctionNameToHelpWithTheLineWrappingThing
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+ (
+//^ meta.function.parameters.d punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ int aVeryLongArgumentName,
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+ //^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ )
+//^ meta.function.parameters.d punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ {
+//^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ int a;
+ //^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }
+//^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void foo(T)(ref T[] a) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void f(T..., string[] B...)(ref T[] a...) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void f(T = int)(T[] a = [1, 2, 3]) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void foo(in int a, out int f) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void opEquals(int a) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.operator.d
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ caster foo() {}
+//^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ auto foo() {}
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static foo() {}
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ @property foo() {}
+//^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ pure foo() {}
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ const(string) foo(T)(ref const(int) a, auto ref T b) {}
+//^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void foo(A : int, string a : "s") {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void foo() const inout @property {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void f()
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ in(true)
+//^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ in(true || false)
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.logical.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ out(; false || true)
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.logical.d
+// ^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ {}
+//^^ meta.function.d
+//^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void f(A)() if (is(A : B))
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ in {}
+//^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ out (foo) {
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ assert(true);
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^^^ keyword.other.assert.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^^^^ constant.language.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ foo(4);
+ //^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+ //^^^ meta.path.d variable.function.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }
+//^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ body {
+//^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ void f()
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ out (foo; foo == true) {}
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^ constant.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^ meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ void f(...);
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ entity.name.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ this(int foo) {
+//^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ ~this() @disable;
+//^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.destructor.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ this(this) {}
+//^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.post-blit.d
+// ^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^ variable.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ this(1, 2, 3);
+//^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d punctuation.terminator.d
+ this(T)(T foo);
+//^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d punctuation.terminator.d
+ this(in ref foo t) {}
+//^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static this(int foo) { int b; }
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.constructor.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static ~this() { int a; }
+//^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.destructor.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ invariant(0, "test") {
+//^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.invariant.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ invariant();
+ //^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.invariant.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ invariant {}
+ //^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.invariant.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ unittest {
+//^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ unittest {
+ //^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ template foo(T, A) {
+//^^^^^^^^ storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.template.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ template a(size_t f) {
+ //^^^^^^^^ storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+ // ^ entity.name.template.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ template foo(T) if (is(T : class)) {}
+//^^^^^^^^ storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.template.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ @property foo(T) = {
+//^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ entity.name.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ T a;
+ //^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }();
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ mixin template f(int a) {
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ storage.type.d keyword.declaration.template.d
+// ^ entity.name.template.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ mixin Foo!("foo");
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ mixin Template e;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ mixin("foo");
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ foo:
+//^^^ entity.name.label.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.d
+ if (2) {
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ if (1) {} else {}
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ if (1) 1;
+ if (1) {} else 1;
+//^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.conditional.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ while (2) 1;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ while (2)
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ {
+//^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ do 2;
+ //^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ while (3);
+ //^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ do
+ //^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ {
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ } while (1);
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ // ^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ for (1; 2; 3) {
+//^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ for(int a;;12) {
+//^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ for (size_t i; !val.empty; val.popFront(), ++i) {}
+//^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.logical.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ for (; a *b < cast(int)2;) {}
+//^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ foreach (int a; 2..5) {
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.slice.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ foreach_reverse (int a; 2) {
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+ //^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ foreach (ref a; foo) {}
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ continue;
+//^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ continue foo;
+//^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.constant.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ break;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ break foo;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.constant.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ return;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ return 2;
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ goto foo;
+//^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.constant.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ goto default;
+//^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ goto case;
+//^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ goto case 2;
+//^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ with (2) {}
+//^^^^ keyword.other.with.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ with (2) 3;
+//^^^^ keyword.other.with.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ synchronized (3) {}
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.synchronized.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ synchronized(3);
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.synchronized.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ try {
+//^^^ keyword.control.exception.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ } catch (int a) {
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^^ keyword.control.exception.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ } catch (Throwable; foo a) {
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^^^^^ keyword.control.exception.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ invalid.illegal.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ invalid.illegal.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ finally {
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.exception.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ throw 3;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.exception.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ scope (exit) {}
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ scope(failure) {}
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ scope(success) 2;
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ asm {
+//^^^ keyword.declaration.asm.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ foo; // foo
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+// ^^^^^^ comment.line.double-slash.d
+ foo bar;
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ asm nothrow @safe {}
+//^^^ keyword.declaration.asm.d
+// ^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ f a = new (12, "foo") string[12]("foo", "bar")[14];
+//^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ i = new Foo();
+//^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ new(1, 2, 3) string[12];
+//^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto c = new class (12) T, Bar {
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.class.d keyword.declaration.class.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ private int foo;
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.access-control.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ this(int num) {
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^ entity.name.function.constructor.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ this.foo = num;
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^ variable.language.d
+ // ^^^^ meta.path.d
+ // ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+ // ^^^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+ // ^^^ variable.other.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }
+ //^ meta.class.d meta.block.d meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ override int foo() {
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+ // ^^^ storage.type.d
+ // ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+ // ^^ meta.block.d meta.function.parameters.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+ // ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+ // ^ meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ return num * 3;
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.d meta.block.d meta.function.d meta.block.d
+ //^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+ // ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+ // ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ }
+ //^ meta.class.d meta.block.d meta.function.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ };
+//^ meta.class.d meta.block.d punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ mixin("a") = (12 ^^ 4) % 5 / (3++ + --4) ~ "foo";
+//^^^^^ keyword.control.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto f = foo ? 12 : 15;
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.ternary.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.ternary.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ foreach (ref a; foo) {}
+//^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ int a = 2, b = 3;
+//^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ a = "foo", b = "bar";
+//^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ string[] f = [
+//^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+ 1: 2,
+ //^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.key-value.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ "foo",
+ //^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ "bar",
+ //^^^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+ ];
+//^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+ switch (2 * 3)
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ {
+//^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+ case 2 ^^ 2:
+ //^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ case 2: .. case 4:
+ //^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ // ^^ keyword.operator.d
+ // ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+ // ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ default:
+ //^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+ // ^ punctuation.separator.case-statement.d
+ }
+//^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ is(int T == class, T, int foo);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(int : foo);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(T);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ is(T : immutable);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(immutable Range == immutable T[]);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(foo : super);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^ variable.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(foo : return);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ is(foo : class);
+//^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d keyword.declaration.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ typeof(2) a(typeof('f') b);
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.single.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d punctuation.terminator.d
+ typeof(return);
+//^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ () @trusted => 2;
+//^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+//^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (a => 2);
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^ storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (foo) @trusted => foo(3);
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ storage.type.function.d keyword.declaration.function.lambda.d
+// ^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (foo..., bar) @safe {};
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (foo) {} ();
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (int foo) pure @safe {};
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^ meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ (a, int b, c, int d) {};
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void delegate(int a ..., foo) foo;
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void delegate()[] foo() {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ (void function(int foo)).sizeof;
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void fn(int delegate(ref Foo, scope float function(int a)) f);
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ meta.function.d punctuation.terminator.d
+ return () @trusted inout {};
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^ meta.block.d
+ (in ref a) {};
+//^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void delegate(int) shared dg1;
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ function(int a, string b) @trusted {};
+//^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d keyword.other.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ function size_t(foo a) {};
+//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d
+//^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void delegate(...) f;
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ __traits(foo, a);
+//^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ values ~= toValue(__traits(getMember, this, primaryKey));
+//^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ keyword.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^ variable.language.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ 3 != 3 && "s" !in [2];
+//^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.logical.d
+// ^^^ string.quoted.double.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ j ^^= 11;
+//^ variable.other.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ k ^^ 11 == j;
+//^ variable.other.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ x *= 12345;
+//^ variable.other.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ foo();
+//^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+//^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ a != 2;
+//^ variable.other.d
+// ^^ keyword.operator.comparison.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ .AliasSeq!(immutable char, int);
+//^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ cast(Unqual!T*).foo;
+//^^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.function.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^ meta.path.d
+// ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ void toString(Writer)(ref Writer w, const ref FormatSpec!char fmt) {}
+//^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^ variable.function.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.d
+// ^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ auto sc1 = const(S1)();
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto reference = new ubyte[](2048 + 1);
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.assignment.d
+// ^^^ keyword.operator.word.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.d
+// ^ constant.numeric.integer.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.terminator.d
+ auto staticArray(size_t n, T)(scope T a) {}
+//^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.d entity.name.function.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.begin.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ storage.type.d
+// ^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.group.end.d
+// ^^ meta.function.d meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ static foreach (Sint; AliasSeq!(S, const S, immutable S))
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+ static foreach (Uint; AliasSeq!(U, const U, immutable U)) {}
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.loop.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^^ variable.parameter.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call.d
+// ^^^^^^^^ meta.path.d variable.function.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.separator.sequence.d
+// ^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.d
+// ^ meta.path.d storage.type.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
+ switch (foo) with (bar) {}
+//^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^^^ keyword.other.with.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.d
+// ^^^ meta.path.d variable.other.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.d
+// ^^ meta.block.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.d
+// ^ punctuation.section.block.end.d
diff --git a/D/syntax_test_d.d b/D/tests/syntax_test_old.d
similarity index 84%
rename from D/syntax_test_d.d
rename to D/tests/syntax_test_old.d
index 6243a5af27..32c66b8416 100644
--- a/D/syntax_test_d.d
+++ b/D/tests/syntax_test_old.d
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ shared int b = 5000;
// ^ constant.numeric
int c = 0x0;
-// ^ constant.numeric
+// ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal
+// ^ constant.numeric
int d = 0x0_00;
// ^ constant.numeric
float e = .0_0;
@@ -52,36 +53,36 @@ template testTemplate(X)
@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest {}
-// ^ storage.attribute
+// ^ storage.modifier
// ^ storage.modifier
// ^ storage.modifier
-// ^ storage.attribute
+// ^ storage.modifier
auto takeByRef(ref int h)
-// ^ storage.type
+// ^ storage.modifier
// ^ storage.modifier
// ^ storage.type
- // ^ storage.modifier
+ // ^ keyword.other
h += 1;
void main(char[][] args)
-// ^ meta.function entity.name.function
+// ^ entity.name.function
-// <- meta.function meta.block
+// <- meta.block
foreach(argc, argv; args)
- // <- meta.function meta.block meta.block
+ // <- meta.block meta.block
auto cl = new CmdLin(argc, argv);
- // ^ keyword.other
+ // ^ keyword.operator.word
// ^ meta.block - keyword.type
writefln("%s%s arg: %s", cl.argnum, cl.suffix, cl.argv);
delete cl;
- // ^ keyword.other
+ // ^ keyword.operator.word
struct specs
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ void main(char[][] args)
specs argspecs(char[][] args)
in {
- // ^ meta.function meta.block meta.function meta.block
+ // ^ meta.block meta.block
assert (args.length > 0);
out (result) {
@@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ void main(char[][] args)
assert(result.allocated > 0);
body {
- // ^ meta.function meta.block meta.function keyword.control.statement
- // ^ meta.function meta.block meta.function meta.block
+ // ^ meta.block keyword.other
+ // ^ meta.block meta.block
specs* s = new specs;
s.count = args.length;
s.allocated = typeof(args).sizeof;
@@ -119,9 +120,9 @@ void main(char[][] args)
class CmdLin
-// <- meta.class meta.block
+// <- meta.block
private {
- // ^ meta.class meta.block meta.block
+ // ^ meta.block meta.block
int _argc;
char[] _argv;
static uint _totalc;
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ class CmdLin
static typeof(_totalc) total()
// ^ storage.modifier
- // ^ storage.type
+ // ^ meta.block.d keyword.other.d
// ^ entity.name
return _totalc;
@@ -205,5 +206,5 @@ in {
do {
-// <- meta.function keyword.control
+// <- keyword.other
diff --git a/D/tests/syntax_test_shebang.d b/D/tests/syntax_test_shebang.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..977129eb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/D/tests/syntax_test_shebang.d
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! SYNTAX TEST "Packages/D/D.sublime-syntax"
+#! <- comment.line.number-sign.d punctuation.definition.comment.number-sign.d
+ #! <- comment.line.number-sign.d punctuation.definition.comment.number-sign.d
+#!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.number-sign.d
+// foo
+#! ^^^ comment.line.double-slash.d
+#! foo
+#! ^^^ comment.line.number-sign.d