diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 487bb85..ed4e30a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ npm i hue.gl
## Colours
+Here's a glimpse of the colors available:
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| **Grey** | N0001 | N0002 | N0003 | N0004 | N0005 | N0006 | N0007 | N0008 | N0009 |
@@ -164,6 +167,37 @@ npm i hue.gl
| `.gdiagramstyle` | OmniGraffle Diagram Style |
| `.pal` | Painter Custom Palettes |
+## Other Standards
+`hue.gl` supports a variety of color standards. Below is a list of these standards along with their corresponding SCSS map files:
+| Standard | SCSS Map File | Description |
+| ------------------ | --------------------------------------- | ----------- |
+| AS2700 | `_as2700_hex_map.scss` | Australian Standard for Colors |
+| BS381 | `_bs381_hex_map.scss` | British Standard 381C for Colours for Specific Purposes |
+| Copic | `_copic_hex_map.scss` | Copic marker color system |
+| Flat Design | `_flat_design_hex_map.scss` | Popular color palette for flat UI design |
+| FS595 | `_fs595_hex_map.scss` | Federal Standard 595 color system used by the US government |
+| Material Design | `_material_design_hex_map.scss` | Google's Material Design color palette |
+| NBS | `_nbs_hex_map.scss` | National Bureau of Standards color names |
+| NCS | `_ncs_hex_map.scss` | Natural Color System, a perceptual color model |
+| RAL | `_ral_hex_map.scss` | RAL classic color system used in Europe |
+| Tailwind | `_tailwind_hex_map.scss` | Tailwind CSS framework's color palette |
+| X11 | `_x11_hex_map.scss` | X11 color names used in web colors |
+### Sample Usage
+Here's an example of how to use a color from the RAL standard in your SCSS:
+``` scss
+@import 'path/to/hue.gl/scss/standards/_ral_hex_map.scss';
+.my-element {
+ background-color: map-get($ral, RAL 5002); // Ultramarine Blue
## Colophon
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors.scss b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5246a..0000000
--- a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* Flat color palette downloaded from
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- *
- * Check out our powerful color picker
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/
- *
- * Want to learn more about colors in SCSS?
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/tutorials/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Credits:
- *
- * Original color palette by
- * http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * How to use:
- *
- * Include this file with your other .scss files:
- *
- * @import "flat_colors";
- *
- * and use the color variables in your stylesheets:
- *
- * .class {
- * color: $turquoise;
- * }
- */
-/* Teals */
-$turquoise: #1abc9c;
-$green-sea: #16a085;
-/* Greens */
-$emerald: #2ecc71;
-$nephritis: #27ae60;
-/* Blues */
-$peter-river: #3498db;
-$belize-hole: #2980b9;
-/* Purples */
-$amethyst: #9b59b6;
-$wisteria: #8e44ad;
-/* Blacks */
-$wet-asphalt: #34495e;
-$midnight-blue: #2c3e50;
-/* Yellows */
-$sunflower: #f1c40f;
-$orange: #f39c12;
-/* Oranges */
-$carrot: #e67e22;
-$pumpkin: #d35400;
-/* Reds */
-$alizarin: #e74c3c;
-$pomegranate: #c0392b;
-/* Whites */
-$clouds: #ecf0f1;
-$silver: #bdc3c7;
-/* Grays */
-$concrete: #95a5a6;
-$asbestos: #7f8c8d;
-/* Want more? Get the full flat color palette at
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors_full.scss b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors_full.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f5849..0000000
--- a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_colors_full.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-/* Flat color palette (full) downloaded from
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- *
- * Check out our powerful color picker
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/
- *
- * Want to learn more about colors in SCSS?
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/tutorials/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Credits:
- *
- * Original color palette by
- * http://designmodo.github.io/Flat-UI/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * How to use:
- *
- * Include this file with your other .scss files:
- *
- * @import "flat_colors_full";
- *
- * and use the color variables in your stylesheets:
- *
- * .class {
- * color: $turquoise-500;
- * }
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Note:
- *
- * $color and $color-500 are the same, simply there
- * for your convenience.
- */
-/* Turquoise */
-$turquoise: #1abc9c;
-$turquoise-50: #e8f8f5;
-$turquoise-100: #d1f2eb;
-$turquoise-200: #a3e4d7;
-$turquoise-300: #76d7c4;
-$turquoise-400: #48c9b0;
-$turquoise-500: #1abc9c;
-$turquoise-600: #17a589;
-$turquoise-700: #148f77;
-$turquoise-800: #117864;
-$turquoise-900: #0e6251;
-/* Green Sea */
-$green-sea: #16a085;
-$green-sea-50: #e8f6f3;
-$green-sea-100: #d0ece7;
-$green-sea-200: #a2d9ce;
-$green-sea-300: #73c6b6;
-$green-sea-400: #45b39d;
-$green-sea-500: #16a085;
-$green-sea-600: #138d75;
-$green-sea-700: #117a65;
-$green-sea-800: #0e6655;
-$green-sea-900: #0b5345;
-/* Emerald */
-$emerald: #2ecc71;
-$emerald-50: #eafaf1;
-$emerald-100: #d5f5e3;
-$emerald-200: #abebc6;
-$emerald-300: #82e0aa;
-$emerald-400: #58d68d;
-$emerald-500: #2ecc71;
-$emerald-600: #28b463;
-$emerald-700: #239b56;
-$emerald-800: #1d8348;
-$emerald-900: #186a3b;
-/* Nephritis */
-$nephritis: #27ae60;
-$nephritis-50: #e9f7ef;
-$nephritis-100: #d4efdf;
-$nephritis-200: #a9dfbf;
-$nephritis-300: #7dcea0;
-$nephritis-400: #52be80;
-$nephritis-500: #27ae60;
-$nephritis-600: #229954;
-$nephritis-700: #1e8449;
-$nephritis-800: #196f3d;
-$nephritis-900: #145a32;
-/* Peter River */
-$peter-river: #3498db;
-$peter-river-50: #ebf5fb;
-$peter-river-100: #d6eaf8;
-$peter-river-200: #aed6f1;
-$peter-river-300: #85c1e9;
-$peter-river-400: #5dade2;
-$peter-river-500: #3498db;
-$peter-river-600: #2e86c1;
-$peter-river-700: #2874a6;
-$peter-river-800: #21618c;
-$peter-river-900: #1b4f72;
-/* Belize Hole */
-$belize-hole: #2980b9;
-$belize-hole-50: #eaf2f8;
-$belize-hole-100: #d4e6f1;
-$belize-hole-200: #a9cce3;
-$belize-hole-300: #7fb3d5;
-$belize-hole-400: #5499c7;
-$belize-hole-500: #2980b9;
-$belize-hole-600: #2471a3;
-$belize-hole-700: #1f618d;
-$belize-hole-800: #1a5276;
-$belize-hole-900: #154360;
-/* Amethyst */
-$amethyst: #9b59b6;
-$amethyst-50: #f5eef8;
-$amethyst-100: #ebdef0;
-$amethyst-200: #d7bde2;
-$amethyst-300: #c39bd3;
-$amethyst-400: #af7ac5;
-$amethyst-500: #9b59b6;
-$amethyst-600: #884ea0;
-$amethyst-700: #76448a;
-$amethyst-800: #633974;
-$amethyst-900: #512e5f;
-/* Wisteria */
-$wisteria: #8e44ad;
-$wisteria-50: #f4ecf7;
-$wisteria-100: #e8daef;
-$wisteria-200: #d2b4de;
-$wisteria-300: #bb8fce;
-$wisteria-400: #a569bd;
-$wisteria-500: #8e44ad;
-$wisteria-600: #7d3c98;
-$wisteria-700: #6c3483;
-$wisteria-800: #5b2c6f;
-$wisteria-900: #4a235a;
-/* Wet Asphalt */
-$wet-asphalt: #34495e;
-$wet-asphalt-50: #ebedef;
-$wet-asphalt-100: #d6dbdf;
-$wet-asphalt-200: #aeb6bf;
-$wet-asphalt-300: #85929e;
-$wet-asphalt-400: #5d6d7e;
-$wet-asphalt-500: #34495e;
-$wet-asphalt-600: #2e4053;
-$wet-asphalt-700: #283747;
-$wet-asphalt-800: #212f3c;
-$wet-asphalt-900: #1b2631;
-/* Midnight Blue */
-$midnight-blue: #2c3e50;
-$midnight-blue-50: #eaecee;
-$midnight-blue-100: #d5d8dc;
-$midnight-blue-200: #abb2b9;
-$midnight-blue-300: #808b96;
-$midnight-blue-400: #566573;
-$midnight-blue-500: #2c3e50;
-$midnight-blue-600: #273746;
-$midnight-blue-700: #212f3d;
-$midnight-blue-800: #1c2833;
-$midnight-blue-900: #17202a;
-/* Sunflower */
-$sunflower: #f1c40f;
-$sunflower-50: #fef9e7;
-$sunflower-100: #fcf3cf;
-$sunflower-200: #f9e79f;
-$sunflower-300: #f7dc6f;
-$sunflower-400: #f4d03f;
-$sunflower-500: #f1c40f;
-$sunflower-600: #d4ac0d;
-$sunflower-700: #b7950b;
-$sunflower-800: #9a7d0a;
-$sunflower-900: #7d6608;
-/* Orange */
-$orange: #f39c12;
-$orange-50: #fef5e7;
-$orange-100: #fdebd0;
-$orange-200: #fad7a0;
-$orange-300: #f8c471;
-$orange-400: #f5b041;
-$orange-500: #f39c12;
-$orange-600: #d68910;
-$orange-700: #b9770e;
-$orange-800: #9c640c;
-$orange-900: #7e5109;
-/* Carrot */
-$carrot: #e67e22;
-$carrot-50: #fdf2e9;
-$carrot-100: #fae5d3;
-$carrot-200: #f5cba7;
-$carrot-300: #f0b27a;
-$carrot-400: #eb984e;
-$carrot-500: #e67e22;
-$carrot-600: #ca6f1e;
-$carrot-700: #af601a;
-$carrot-800: #935116;
-$carrot-900: #784212;
-/* Pumpkin */
-$pumpkin: #d35400;
-$pumpkin-50: #fbeee6;
-$pumpkin-100: #f6ddcc;
-$pumpkin-200: #edbb99;
-$pumpkin-300: #e59866;
-$pumpkin-400: #dc7633;
-$pumpkin-500: #d35400;
-$pumpkin-600: #ba4a00;
-$pumpkin-700: #a04000;
-$pumpkin-800: #873600;
-$pumpkin-900: #6e2c00;
-/* Alizarin */
-$alizarin: #e74c3c;
-$alizarin-50: #fdedec;
-$alizarin-100: #fadbd8;
-$alizarin-200: #f5b7b1;
-$alizarin-300: #f1948a;
-$alizarin-400: #ec7063;
-$alizarin-500: #e74c3c;
-$alizarin-600: #cb4335;
-$alizarin-700: #b03a2e;
-$alizarin-800: #943126;
-$alizarin-900: #78281f;
-/* Pomegranate */
-$pomegranate: #c0392b;
-$pomegranate-50: #f9ebea;
-$pomegranate-100: #f2d7d5;
-$pomegranate-200: #e6b0aa;
-$pomegranate-300: #d98880;
-$pomegranate-400: #cd6155;
-$pomegranate-500: #c0392b;
-$pomegranate-600: #a93226;
-$pomegranate-700: #922b21;
-$pomegranate-800: #7b241c;
-$pomegranate-900: #641e16;
-/* Clouds */
-$clouds: #ecf0f1;
-$clouds-50: #fdfefe;
-$clouds-100: #fbfcfc;
-$clouds-200: #f7f9f9;
-$clouds-300: #f4f6f7;
-$clouds-400: #f0f3f4;
-$clouds-500: #ecf0f1;
-$clouds-600: #d0d3d4;
-$clouds-700: #b3b6b7;
-$clouds-800: #979a9a;
-$clouds-900: #7b7d7d;
-/* Silver */
-$silver: #bdc3c7;
-$silver-50: #f8f9f9;
-$silver-100: #f2f3f4;
-$silver-200: #e5e7e9;
-$silver-300: #d7dbdd;
-$silver-400: #cacfd2;
-$silver-500: #bdc3c7;
-$silver-600: #a6acaf;
-$silver-700: #909497;
-$silver-800: #797d7f;
-$silver-900: #626567;
-/* Concrete */
-$concrete: #95a5a6;
-$concrete-50: #f4f6f6;
-$concrete-100: #eaeded;
-$concrete-200: #d5dbdb;
-$concrete-300: #bfc9ca;
-$concrete-400: #aab7b8;
-$concrete-500: #95a5a6;
-$concrete-600: #839192;
-$concrete-700: #717d7e;
-$concrete-800: #5f6a6a;
-$concrete-900: #4d5656;
-/* Asbestos */
-$asbestos: #7f8c8d;
-$asbestos-50: #f2f4f4;
-$asbestos-100: #e5e8e8;
-$asbestos-200: #ccd1d1;
-$asbestos-300: #b2babb;
-$asbestos-400: #99a3a4;
-$asbestos-500: #7f8c8d;
-$asbestos-600: #707b7c;
-$asbestos-700: #616a6b;
-$asbestos-800: #515a5a;
-$asbestos-900: #424949;
-/* Want more? Check our our other color palettes at
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_map.scss b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_map.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228c12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_map.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"),
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ============================================================================
+// Flat Design Colors
+// ============================================================================
+$color_flat_design_hex: (
+// Turquoise
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ turquoise: #1abc9c,
+ turquoise-50: #e8f8f5,
+ turquoise-100: #d1f2eb,
+ turquoise-200: #a3e4d7,
+ turquoise-300: #76d7c4,
+ turquoise-400: #48c9b0,
+ turquoise-500: #1abc9c,
+ turquoise-600: #17a589,
+ turquoise-700: #148f77,
+ turquoise-800: #117864,
+ turquoise-900: #0e6251,
+// Green Sea
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ green-sea: #16a085,
+ green-sea-50: #e8f6f3,
+ green-sea-100: #d0ece7,
+ green-sea-200: #a2d9ce,
+ green-sea-300: #73c6b6,
+ green-sea-400: #45b39d,
+ green-sea-500: #16a085,
+ green-sea-600: #138d75,
+ green-sea-700: #117a65,
+ green-sea-800: #0e6655,
+ green-sea-900: #0b5345,
+// Emerald
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ emerald: #2ecc71,
+ emerald-50: #eafaf1,
+ emerald-100: #d5f5e3,
+ emerald-200: #abebc6,
+ emerald-300: #82e0aa,
+ emerald-400: #58d68d,
+ emerald-500: #2ecc71,
+ emerald-600: #28b463,
+ emerald-700: #239b56,
+ emerald-800: #1d8348,
+ emerald-900: #186a3b,
+// Nephritis
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ nephritis: #27ae60,
+ nephritis-50: #e9f7ef,
+ nephritis-100: #d4efdf,
+ nephritis-200: #a9dfbf,
+ nephritis-300: #7dcea0,
+ nephritis-400: #52be80,
+ nephritis-500: #27ae60,
+ nephritis-600: #229954,
+ nephritis-700: #1e8449,
+ nephritis-800: #196f3d,
+ nephritis-900: #145a32,
+// Peter River
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ peter-river: #3498db,
+ peter-river-50: #ebf5fb,
+ peter-river-100: #d6eaf8,
+ peter-river-200: #aed6f1,
+ peter-river-300: #85c1e9,
+ peter-river-400: #5dade2,
+ peter-river-500: #3498db,
+ peter-river-600: #2e86c1,
+ peter-river-700: #2874a6,
+ peter-river-800: #21618c,
+ peter-river-900: #1b4f72,
+// Belize Hole
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ belize-hole: #2980b9,
+ belize-hole-50: #eaf2f8,
+ belize-hole-100: #d4e6f1,
+ belize-hole-200: #a9cce3,
+ belize-hole-300: #7fb3d5,
+ belize-hole-400: #5499c7,
+ belize-hole-500: #2980b9,
+ belize-hole-600: #2471a3,
+ belize-hole-700: #1f618d,
+ belize-hole-800: #1a5276,
+ belize-hole-900: #154360,
+// Amethyst
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ amethyst: #9b59b6,
+ amethyst-50: #f5eef8,
+ amethyst-100: #ebdef0,
+ amethyst-200: #d7bde2,
+ amethyst-300: #c39bd3,
+ amethyst-400: #af7ac5,
+ amethyst-500: #9b59b6,
+ amethyst-600: #884ea0,
+ amethyst-700: #76448a,
+ amethyst-800: #633974,
+ amethyst-900: #512e5f,
+// Wisteria
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wisteria: #8e44ad,
+ wisteria-50: #f4ecf7,
+ wisteria-100: #e8daef,
+ wisteria-200: #d2b4de,
+ wisteria-300: #bb8fce,
+ wisteria-400: #a569bd,
+ wisteria-500: #8e44ad,
+ wisteria-600: #7d3c98,
+ wisteria-700: #6c3483,
+ wisteria-800: #5b2c6f,
+ wisteria-900: #4a235a,
+// Wet Asphalt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wet-asphalt: #34495e,
+ wet-asphalt-50: #ebedef,
+ wet-asphalt-100: #d6dbdf,
+ wet-asphalt-200: #aeb6bf,
+ wet-asphalt-300: #85929e,
+ wet-asphalt-400: #5d6d7e,
+ wet-asphalt-500: #34495e,
+ wet-asphalt-600: #2e4053,
+ wet-asphalt-700: #283747,
+ wet-asphalt-800: #212f3c,
+ wet-asphalt-900: #1b2631,
+// Midnight Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ midnight-blue: #2c3e50,
+ midnight-blue-50: #eaecee,
+ midnight-blue-100: #d5d8dc,
+ midnight-blue-200: #abb2b9,
+ midnight-blue-300: #808b96,
+ midnight-blue-400: #566573,
+ midnight-blue-500: #2c3e50,
+ midnight-blue-600: #273746,
+ midnight-blue-700: #212f3d,
+ midnight-blue-800: #1c2833,
+ midnight-blue-900: #17202a,
+// Sunflower
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sunflower: #f1c40f,
+ sunflower-50: #fef9e7,
+ sunflower-100: #fcf3cf,
+ sunflower-200: #f9e79f,
+ sunflower-300: #f7dc6f,
+ sunflower-400: #f4d03f,
+ sunflower-500: #f1c40f,
+ sunflower-600: #d4ac0d,
+ sunflower-700: #b7950b,
+ sunflower-800: #9a7d0a,
+ sunflower-900: #7d6608,
+// Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ orange: #f39c12,
+ orange-50: #fef5e7,
+ orange-100: #fdebd0,
+ orange-200: #fad7a0,
+ orange-300: #f8c471,
+ orange-400: #f5b041,
+ orange-500: #f39c12,
+ orange-600: #d68910,
+ orange-700: #b9770e,
+ orange-800: #9c640c,
+ orange-900: #7e5109,
+// Carrot
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ carrot: #e67e22,
+ carrot-50: #fdf2e9,
+ carrot-100: #fae5d3,
+ carrot-200: #f5cba7,
+ carrot-300: #f0b27a,
+ carrot-400: #eb984e,
+ carrot-500: #e67e22,
+ carrot-600: #ca6f1e,
+ carrot-700: #af601a,
+ carrot-800: #935116,
+ carrot-900: #784212,
+// Pumpkin
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pumpkin: #d35400,
+ pumpkin-50: #fbeee6,
+ pumpkin-100: #f6ddcc,
+ pumpkin-200: #edbb99,
+ pumpkin-300: #e59866,
+ pumpkin-400: #dc7633,
+ pumpkin-500: #d35400,
+ pumpkin-600: #ba4a00,
+ pumpkin-700: #a04000,
+ pumpkin-800: #873600,
+ pumpkin-900: #6e2c00,
+// Alizarin
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alizarin: #e74c3c,
+ alizarin-50: #fdedec,
+ alizarin-100: #fadbd8,
+ alizarin-200: #f5b7b1,
+ alizarin-300: #f1948a,
+ alizarin-400: #ec7063,
+ alizarin-500: #e74c3c,
+ alizarin-600: #cb4335,
+ alizarin-700: #b03a2e,
+ alizarin-800: #943126,
+ alizarin-900: #78281f,
+// Pomegranate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pomegranate: #c0392b,
+ pomegranate-50: #f9ebea,
+ pomegranate-100: #f2d7d5,
+ pomegranate-200: #e6b0aa,
+ pomegranate-300: #d98880,
+ pomegranate-400: #cd6155,
+ pomegranate-500: #c0392b,
+ pomegranate-600: #a93226,
+ pomegranate-700: #922b21,
+ pomegranate-800: #7b241c,
+ pomegranate-900: #641e16,
+// Clouds
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ clouds: #ecf0f1,
+ clouds-50: #fdfefe,
+ clouds-100: #fbfcfc,
+ clouds-200: #f7f9f9,
+ clouds-300: #f4f6f7,
+ clouds-400: #f0f3f4,
+ clouds-500: #ecf0f1,
+ clouds-600: #d0d3d4,
+ clouds-700: #b3b6b7,
+ clouds-800: #979a9a,
+ clouds-900: #7b7d7d,
+// Silver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ silver: #bdc3c7,
+ silver-50: #f8f9f9,
+ silver-100: #f2f3f4,
+ silver-200: #e5e7e9,
+ silver-300: #d7dbdd,
+ silver-400: #cacfd2,
+ silver-500: #bdc3c7,
+ silver-600: #a6acaf,
+ silver-700: #909497,
+ silver-800: #797d7f,
+ silver-900: #626567,
+// Concrete
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ concrete: #95a5a6,
+ concrete-50: #f4f6f6,
+ concrete-100: #eaeded,
+ concrete-200: #d5dbdb,
+ concrete-300: #bfc9ca,
+ concrete-400: #aab7b8,
+ concrete-500: #95a5a6,
+ concrete-600: #839192,
+ concrete-700: #717d7e,
+ concrete-800: #5f6a6a,
+ concrete-900: #4d5656,
+// Asbestos
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ asbestos: #7f8c8d,
+ asbestos-50: #f2f4f4,
+ asbestos-100: #e5e8e8,
+ asbestos-200: #ccd1d1,
+ asbestos-300: #b2babb,
+ asbestos-400: #99a3a4,
+ asbestos-500: #7f8c8d,
+ asbestos-600: #707b7c,
+ asbestos-700: #616a6b,
+ asbestos-800: #515a5a,
+ asbestos-900: #424949,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_var.scss b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_var.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5179825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_flat_design_hex_var.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ============================================================================
+// Flat Design Colors
+// ============================================================================
+// Turquoise
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$turquoise: #1abc9c;
+$turquoise-50: #e8f8f5;
+$turquoise-100: #d1f2eb;
+$turquoise-200: #a3e4d7;
+$turquoise-300: #76d7c4;
+$turquoise-400: #48c9b0;
+$turquoise-500: #1abc9c;
+$turquoise-600: #17a589;
+$turquoise-700: #148f77;
+$turquoise-800: #117864;
+$turquoise-900: #0e6251;
+// Green Sea
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$green-sea: #16a085;
+$green-sea-50: #e8f6f3;
+$green-sea-100: #d0ece7;
+$green-sea-200: #a2d9ce;
+$green-sea-300: #73c6b6;
+$green-sea-400: #45b39d;
+$green-sea-500: #16a085;
+$green-sea-600: #138d75;
+$green-sea-700: #117a65;
+$green-sea-800: #0e6655;
+$green-sea-900: #0b5345;
+// Emerald
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$emerald: #2ecc71;
+$emerald-50: #eafaf1;
+$emerald-100: #d5f5e3;
+$emerald-200: #abebc6;
+$emerald-300: #82e0aa;
+$emerald-400: #58d68d;
+$emerald-500: #2ecc71;
+$emerald-600: #28b463;
+$emerald-700: #239b56;
+$emerald-800: #1d8348;
+$emerald-900: #186a3b;
+// Nephritis
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$nephritis: #27ae60;
+$nephritis-50: #e9f7ef;
+$nephritis-100: #d4efdf;
+$nephritis-200: #a9dfbf;
+$nephritis-300: #7dcea0;
+$nephritis-400: #52be80;
+$nephritis-500: #27ae60;
+$nephritis-600: #229954;
+$nephritis-700: #1e8449;
+$nephritis-800: #196f3d;
+$nephritis-900: #145a32;
+// Peter River
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$peter-river: #3498db;
+$peter-river-50: #ebf5fb;
+$peter-river-100: #d6eaf8;
+$peter-river-200: #aed6f1;
+$peter-river-300: #85c1e9;
+$peter-river-400: #5dade2;
+$peter-river-500: #3498db;
+$peter-river-600: #2e86c1;
+$peter-river-700: #2874a6;
+$peter-river-800: #21618c;
+$peter-river-900: #1b4f72;
+// Belize Hole
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$belize-hole: #2980b9;
+$belize-hole-50: #eaf2f8;
+$belize-hole-100: #d4e6f1;
+$belize-hole-200: #a9cce3;
+$belize-hole-300: #7fb3d5;
+$belize-hole-400: #5499c7;
+$belize-hole-500: #2980b9;
+$belize-hole-600: #2471a3;
+$belize-hole-700: #1f618d;
+$belize-hole-800: #1a5276;
+$belize-hole-900: #154360;
+// Amethyst
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$amethyst: #9b59b6;
+$amethyst-50: #f5eef8;
+$amethyst-100: #ebdef0;
+$amethyst-200: #d7bde2;
+$amethyst-300: #c39bd3;
+$amethyst-400: #af7ac5;
+$amethyst-500: #9b59b6;
+$amethyst-600: #884ea0;
+$amethyst-700: #76448a;
+$amethyst-800: #633974;
+$amethyst-900: #512e5f;
+// Wisteria
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$wisteria: #8e44ad;
+$wisteria-50: #f4ecf7;
+$wisteria-100: #e8daef;
+$wisteria-200: #d2b4de;
+$wisteria-300: #bb8fce;
+$wisteria-400: #a569bd;
+$wisteria-500: #8e44ad;
+$wisteria-600: #7d3c98;
+$wisteria-700: #6c3483;
+$wisteria-800: #5b2c6f;
+$wisteria-900: #4a235a;
+// Wet Asphalt
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$wet-asphalt: #34495e;
+$wet-asphalt-50: #ebedef;
+$wet-asphalt-100: #d6dbdf;
+$wet-asphalt-200: #aeb6bf;
+$wet-asphalt-300: #85929e;
+$wet-asphalt-400: #5d6d7e;
+$wet-asphalt-500: #34495e;
+$wet-asphalt-600: #2e4053;
+$wet-asphalt-700: #283747;
+$wet-asphalt-800: #212f3c;
+$wet-asphalt-900: #1b2631;
+// Midnight Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$midnight-blue: #2c3e50;
+$midnight-blue-50: #eaecee;
+$midnight-blue-100: #d5d8dc;
+$midnight-blue-200: #abb2b9;
+$midnight-blue-300: #808b96;
+$midnight-blue-400: #566573;
+$midnight-blue-500: #2c3e50;
+$midnight-blue-600: #273746;
+$midnight-blue-700: #212f3d;
+$midnight-blue-800: #1c2833;
+$midnight-blue-900: #17202a;
+// Sunflower
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$sunflower: #f1c40f;
+$sunflower-50: #fef9e7;
+$sunflower-100: #fcf3cf;
+$sunflower-200: #f9e79f;
+$sunflower-300: #f7dc6f;
+$sunflower-400: #f4d03f;
+$sunflower-500: #f1c40f;
+$sunflower-600: #d4ac0d;
+$sunflower-700: #b7950b;
+$sunflower-800: #9a7d0a;
+$sunflower-900: #7d6608;
+// Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$orange: #f39c12;
+$orange-50: #fef5e7;
+$orange-100: #fdebd0;
+$orange-200: #fad7a0;
+$orange-300: #f8c471;
+$orange-400: #f5b041;
+$orange-500: #f39c12;
+$orange-600: #d68910;
+$orange-700: #b9770e;
+$orange-800: #9c640c;
+$orange-900: #7e5109;
+// Carrot
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$carrot: #e67e22;
+$carrot-50: #fdf2e9;
+$carrot-100: #fae5d3;
+$carrot-200: #f5cba7;
+$carrot-300: #f0b27a;
+$carrot-400: #eb984e;
+$carrot-500: #e67e22;
+$carrot-600: #ca6f1e;
+$carrot-700: #af601a;
+$carrot-800: #935116;
+$carrot-900: #784212;
+// Pumpkin
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$pumpkin: #d35400;
+$pumpkin-50: #fbeee6;
+$pumpkin-100: #f6ddcc;
+$pumpkin-200: #edbb99;
+$pumpkin-300: #e59866;
+$pumpkin-400: #dc7633;
+$pumpkin-500: #d35400;
+$pumpkin-600: #ba4a00;
+$pumpkin-700: #a04000;
+$pumpkin-800: #873600;
+$pumpkin-900: #6e2c00;
+// Alizarin
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$alizarin: #e74c3c;
+$alizarin-50: #fdedec;
+$alizarin-100: #fadbd8;
+$alizarin-200: #f5b7b1;
+$alizarin-300: #f1948a;
+$alizarin-400: #ec7063;
+$alizarin-500: #e74c3c;
+$alizarin-600: #cb4335;
+$alizarin-700: #b03a2e;
+$alizarin-800: #943126;
+$alizarin-900: #78281f;
+// Pomegranate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$pomegranate: #c0392b;
+$pomegranate-50: #f9ebea;
+$pomegranate-100: #f2d7d5;
+$pomegranate-200: #e6b0aa;
+$pomegranate-300: #d98880;
+$pomegranate-400: #cd6155;
+$pomegranate-500: #c0392b;
+$pomegranate-600: #a93226;
+$pomegranate-700: #922b21;
+$pomegranate-800: #7b241c;
+$pomegranate-900: #641e16;
+// Clouds
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$clouds: #ecf0f1;
+$clouds-50: #fdfefe;
+$clouds-100: #fbfcfc;
+$clouds-200: #f7f9f9;
+$clouds-300: #f4f6f7;
+$clouds-400: #f0f3f4;
+$clouds-500: #ecf0f1;
+$clouds-600: #d0d3d4;
+$clouds-700: #b3b6b7;
+$clouds-800: #979a9a;
+$clouds-900: #7b7d7d;
+// Silver
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$silver: #bdc3c7;
+$silver-50: #f8f9f9;
+$silver-100: #f2f3f4;
+$silver-200: #e5e7e9;
+$silver-300: #d7dbdd;
+$silver-400: #cacfd2;
+$silver-500: #bdc3c7;
+$silver-600: #a6acaf;
+$silver-700: #909497;
+$silver-800: #797d7f;
+$silver-900: #626567;
+// Concrete
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$concrete: #95a5a6;
+$concrete-50: #f4f6f6;
+$concrete-100: #eaeded;
+$concrete-200: #d5dbdb;
+$concrete-300: #bfc9ca;
+$concrete-400: #aab7b8;
+$concrete-500: #95a5a6;
+$concrete-600: #839192;
+$concrete-700: #717d7e;
+$concrete-800: #5f6a6a;
+$concrete-900: #4d5656;
+// Asbestos
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$asbestos: #7f8c8d;
+$asbestos-50: #f2f4f4;
+$asbestos-100: #e5e8e8;
+$asbestos-200: #ccd1d1;
+$asbestos-300: #b2babb;
+$asbestos-400: #99a3a4;
+$asbestos-500: #7f8c8d;
+$asbestos-600: #707b7c;
+$asbestos-700: #616a6b;
+$asbestos-800: #515a5a;
+$asbestos-900: #424949;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors.scss b/src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 2143ca0..0000000
--- a/src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* Material Design color palette downloaded from
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- *
- * Check out our powerful color picker
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/
- *
- * Want to learn more about colors in SCSS?
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/tutorials/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Credits:
- *
- * Original color palette by
- * https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * How to use:
- *
- * Include this file with your other .scss files:
- *
- * @import "material_colors";
- *
- * and use the color variables in your stylesheets:
- *
- * .class {
- * color: $red;
- * }
- */
-/* Red */
-$red: #f44336;
-/* Pink */
-$pink: #e91e63;
-/* Purple */
-$purple: #9c27b0;
-/* Deep Purple */
-$deep-purple: #673ab7;
-/* Indigo */
-$indigo: #3f51b5;
-/* Blue */
-$blue: #2196f3;
-/* Light Blue */
-$light-blue: #03a9f4;
-/* Cyan */
-$cyan: #00bcd4;
-/* Teal */
-$teal: #009688;
-/* Green */
-$green: #4caf50;
-/* Light Green */
-$light-green: #8bc34a;
-/* Lime */
-$lime: #cddc39;
-/* Yellow */
-$yellow: #ffeb3b;
-/* Amber */
-$amber: #ffc107;
-/* Orange */
-$orange: #ff9800;
-/* Deep Orange */
-$deep-orange: #ff5722;
-/* Brown */
-$brown: #795548;
-/* Grey */
-$grey: #9e9e9e;
-/* Blue Grey */
-$blue-grey: #607d8b;
-/* White / Black */
-$white: #ffffff;
-$black: #000000;
-/* Want more? Get the full Material Design color palette at
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_map.scss b/src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_map.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17ede17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_map.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"),
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ============================================================================
+// Material Design Colors
+// ============================================================================
+$color_material_design_hex: (
+// Red
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ red: #f44336,
+ red-50: #ffebee,
+ red-100: #ffcdd2,
+ red-200: #ef9a9a,
+ red-300: #e57373,
+ red-400: #ef5350,
+ red-500: #f44336,
+ red-600: #e53935,
+ red-700: #d32f2f,
+ red-800: #c62828,
+ red-900: #b71c1c,
+ red-a100: #ff8a80,
+ red-a200: #ff5252,
+ red-a400: #ff1744,
+ red-a700: #d50000,
+// Pink
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pink: #e91e63,
+ pink-50: #fce4ec,
+ pink-100: #f8bbd0,
+ pink-200: #f48fb1,
+ pink-300: #f06292,
+ pink-400: #ec407a,
+ pink-500: #e91e63,
+ pink-600: #d81b60,
+ pink-700: #c2185b,
+ pink-800: #ad1457,
+ pink-900: #880e4f,
+ pink-a100: #ff80ab,
+ pink-a200: #ff4081,
+ pink-a400: #f50057,
+ pink-a700: #c51162,
+// Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ purple: #9c27b0,
+ purple-50: #f3e5f5,
+ purple-100: #e1bee7,
+ purple-200: #ce93d8,
+ purple-300: #ba68c8,
+ purple-400: #ab47bc,
+ purple-500: #9c27b0,
+ purple-600: #8e24aa,
+ purple-700: #7b1fa2,
+ purple-800: #6a1b9a,
+ purple-900: #4a148c,
+ purple-a100: #ea80fc,
+ purple-a200: #e040fb,
+ purple-a400: #d500f9,
+ purple-a700: #aa00ff,
+// Deep Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-purple: #673ab7,
+ deep-purple-50: #ede7f6,
+ deep-purple-100: #d1c4e9,
+ deep-purple-200: #b39ddb,
+ deep-purple-300: #9575cd,
+ deep-purple-400: #7e57c2,
+ deep-purple-500: #673ab7,
+ deep-purple-600: #5e35b1,
+ deep-purple-700: #512da8,
+ deep-purple-800: #4527a0,
+ deep-purple-900: #311b92,
+ deep-purple-a100: #b388ff,
+ deep-purple-a200: #7c4dff,
+ deep-purple-a400: #651fff,
+ deep-purple-a700: #6200ea,
+// Indigo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ indigo: #3f51b5,
+ indigo-50: #e8eaf6,
+ indigo-100: #c5cae9,
+ indigo-200: #9fa8da,
+ indigo-300: #7986cb,
+ indigo-400: #5c6bc0,
+ indigo-500: #3f51b5,
+ indigo-600: #3949ab,
+ indigo-700: #303f9f,
+ indigo-800: #283593,
+ indigo-900: #1a237e,
+ indigo-a100: #8c9eff,
+ indigo-a200: #536dfe,
+ indigo-a400: #3d5afe,
+ indigo-a700: #304ffe,
+// Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue: #2196f3,
+ blue-50: #e3f2fd,
+ blue-100: #bbdefb,
+ blue-200: #90caf9,
+ blue-300: #64b5f6,
+ blue-400: #42a5f5,
+ blue-500: #2196f3,
+ blue-600: #1e88e5,
+ blue-700: #1976d2,
+ blue-800: #1565c0,
+ blue-900: #0d47a1,
+ blue-a100: #82b1ff,
+ blue-a200: #448aff,
+ blue-a400: #2979ff,
+ blue-a700: #2962ff,
+// Light Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-blue: #03a9f4,
+ light-blue-50: #e1f5fe,
+ light-blue-100: #b3e5fc,
+ light-blue-200: #81d4fa,
+ light-blue-300: #4fc3f7,
+ light-blue-400: #29b6f6,
+ light-blue-500: #03a9f4,
+ light-blue-600: #039be5,
+ light-blue-700: #0288d1,
+ light-blue-800: #0277bd,
+ light-blue-900: #01579b,
+ light-blue-a100: #80d8ff,
+ light-blue-a200: #40c4ff,
+ light-blue-a400: #00b0ff,
+ light-blue-a700: #0091ea,
+// Cyan
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cyan: #00bcd4,
+ cyan-50: #e0f7fa,
+ cyan-100: #b2ebf2,
+ cyan-200: #80deea,
+ cyan-300: #4dd0e1,
+ cyan-400: #26c6da,
+ cyan-500: #00bcd4,
+ cyan-600: #00acc1,
+ cyan-700: #0097a7,
+ cyan-800: #00838f,
+ cyan-900: #006064,
+ cyan-a100: #84ffff,
+ cyan-a200: #18ffff,
+ cyan-a400: #00e5ff,
+ cyan-a700: #00b8d4,
+// Teal
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ teal: #009688,
+ teal-50: #e0f2f1,
+ teal-100: #b2dfdb,
+ teal-200: #80cbc4,
+ teal-300: #4db6ac,
+ teal-400: #26a69a,
+ teal-500: #009688,
+ teal-600: #00897b,
+ teal-700: #00796b,
+ teal-800: #00695c,
+ teal-900: #004d40,
+ teal-a100: #a7ffeb,
+ teal-a200: #64ffda,
+ teal-a400: #1de9b6,
+ teal-a700: #00bfa5,
+// Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ green: #4caf50,
+ green-50: #e8f5e9,
+ green-100: #c8e6c9,
+ green-200: #a5d6a7,
+ green-300: #81c784,
+ green-400: #66bb6a,
+ green-500: #4caf50,
+ green-600: #43a047,
+ green-700: #388e3c,
+ green-800: #2e7d32,
+ green-900: #1b5e20,
+ green-a100: #b9f6ca,
+ green-a200: #69f0ae,
+ green-a400: #00e676,
+ green-a700: #00c853,
+// Light Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-green: #8bc34a,
+ light-green-50: #f1f8e9,
+ light-green-100: #dcedc8,
+ light-green-200: #c5e1a5,
+ light-green-300: #aed581,
+ light-green-400: #9ccc65,
+ light-green-500: #8bc34a,
+ light-green-600: #7cb342,
+ light-green-700: #689f38,
+ light-green-800: #558b2f,
+ light-green-900: #33691e,
+ light-green-a100: #ccff90,
+ light-green-a200: #b2ff59,
+ light-green-a400: #76ff03,
+ light-green-a700: #64dd17,
+// Lime
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lime: #cddc39,
+ lime-50: #f9fbe7,
+ lime-100: #f0f4c3,
+ lime-200: #e6ee9c,
+ lime-300: #dce775,
+ lime-400: #d4e157,
+ lime-500: #cddc39,
+ lime-600: #c0ca33,
+ lime-700: #afb42b,
+ lime-800: #9e9d24,
+ lime-900: #827717,
+ lime-a100: #f4ff81,
+ lime-a200: #eeff41,
+ lime-a400: #c6ff00,
+ lime-a700: #aeea00,
+// Yellow
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ yellow: #ffeb3b,
+ yellow-50: #fffde7,
+ yellow-100: #fff9c4,
+ yellow-200: #fff59d,
+ yellow-300: #fff176,
+ yellow-400: #ffee58,
+ yellow-500: #ffeb3b,
+ yellow-600: #fdd835,
+ yellow-700: #fbc02d,
+ yellow-800: #f9a825,
+ yellow-900: #f57f17,
+ yellow-a100: #ffff8d,
+ yellow-a200: #ffff00,
+ yellow-a400: #ffea00,
+ yellow-a700: #ffd600,
+// Amber
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ amber: #ffc107,
+ amber-50: #fff8e1,
+ amber-100: #ffecb3,
+ amber-200: #ffe082,
+ amber-300: #ffd54f,
+ amber-400: #ffca28,
+ amber-500: #ffc107,
+ amber-600: #ffb300,
+ amber-700: #ffa000,
+ amber-800: #ff8f00,
+ amber-900: #ff6f00,
+ amber-a100: #ffe57f,
+ amber-a200: #ffd740,
+ amber-a400: #ffc400,
+ amber-a700: #ffab00,
+// Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ orange: #ff9800,
+ orange-50: #fff3e0,
+ orange-100: #ffe0b2,
+ orange-200: #ffcc80,
+ orange-300: #ffb74d,
+ orange-400: #ffa726,
+ orange-500: #ff9800,
+ orange-600: #fb8c00,
+ orange-700: #f57c00,
+ orange-800: #ef6c00,
+ orange-900: #e65100,
+ orange-a100: #ffd180,
+ orange-a200: #ffab40,
+ orange-a400: #ff9100,
+ orange-a700: #ff6d00,
+// Deep Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-orange: #ff5722,
+ deep-orange-50: #fbe9e7,
+ deep-orange-100: #ffccbc,
+ deep-orange-200: #ffab91,
+ deep-orange-300: #ff8a65,
+ deep-orange-400: #ff7043,
+ deep-orange-500: #ff5722,
+ deep-orange-600: #f4511e,
+ deep-orange-700: #e64a19,
+ deep-orange-800: #d84315,
+ deep-orange-900: #bf360c,
+ deep-orange-a100: #ff9e80,
+ deep-orange-a200: #ff6e40,
+ deep-orange-a400: #ff3d00,
+ deep-orange-a700: #dd2c00,
+// Brown
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ brown: #795548,
+ brown-50: #efebe9,
+ brown-100: #d7ccc8,
+ brown-200: #bcaaa4,
+ brown-300: #a1887f,
+ brown-400: #8d6e63,
+ brown-500: #795548,
+ brown-600: #6d4c41,
+ brown-700: #5d4037,
+ brown-800: #4e342e,
+ brown-900: #3e2723,
+// Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ grey: #9e9e9e,
+ grey-50: #fafafa,
+ grey-100: #f5f5f5,
+ grey-200: #eeeeee,
+ grey-300: #e0e0e0,
+ grey-400: #bdbdbd,
+ grey-500: #9e9e9e,
+ grey-600: #757575,
+ grey-700: #616161,
+ grey-800: #424242,
+ grey-900: #212121,
+// Blue Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue-grey: #607d8b,
+ blue-grey-50: #eceff1,
+ blue-grey-100: #cfd8dc,
+ blue-grey-200: #b0bec5,
+ blue-grey-300: #90a4ae,
+ blue-grey-400: #78909c,
+ blue-grey-500: #607d8b,
+ blue-grey-600: #546e7a,
+ blue-grey-700: #455a64,
+ blue-grey-800: #37474f,
+ blue-grey-900: #263238,
+// White / Black
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ white: #ffffff,
+ black: #000000,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors_full.scss b/src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_var.scss
similarity index 69%
rename from src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors_full.scss
rename to src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_var.scss
index d157541..32ba33a 100644
--- a/src/scss/standards/_material_design_colors_full.scss
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_material_design_hex_var.scss
@@ -1,41 +1,27 @@
-/* Material Design color palette (full) downloaded from
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- *
- * Check out our powerful color picker
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/
- *
- * Want to learn more about colors in SCSS?
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/tutorials/
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Credits:
- *
- * Original color palette by
- * https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * How to use:
- *
- * Include this file with your other .scss files:
- *
- * @import "material_colors_full";
- *
- * and use the color variables in your stylesheets:
- *
- * .class {
- * color: $red-500;
- * }
- *
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Note:
- *
- * $color and $color-500 are the same, simply there
- * for your convenience.
- *
- * Variables with numbers prefixed by 'a' are accent colors
- */
-/* Red */
+// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ============================================================================
+// Material Design Colors
+// ============================================================================
+// Red
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$red: #f44336;
$red-50: #ffebee;
$red-100: #ffcdd2;
@@ -52,7 +38,11 @@ $red-a200: #ff5252;
$red-a400: #ff1744;
$red-a700: #d50000;
-/* Pink */
+// Pink
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$pink: #e91e63;
$pink-50: #fce4ec;
$pink-100: #f8bbd0;
@@ -69,7 +59,10 @@ $pink-a200: #ff4081;
$pink-a400: #f50057;
$pink-a700: #c51162;
-/* Purple */
+// Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$purple: #9c27b0;
$purple-50: #f3e5f5;
$purple-100: #e1bee7;
@@ -86,7 +79,10 @@ $purple-a200: #e040fb;
$purple-a400: #d500f9;
$purple-a700: #aa00ff;
-/* Deep Purple */
+// Deep Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$deep-purple: #673ab7;
$deep-purple-50: #ede7f6;
$deep-purple-100: #d1c4e9;
@@ -103,7 +99,10 @@ $deep-purple-a200: #7c4dff;
$deep-purple-a400: #651fff;
$deep-purple-a700: #6200ea;
-/* Indigo */
+// Indigo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$indigo: #3f51b5;
$indigo-50: #e8eaf6;
$indigo-100: #c5cae9;
@@ -120,7 +119,10 @@ $indigo-a200: #536dfe;
$indigo-a400: #3d5afe;
$indigo-a700: #304ffe;
-/* Blue */
+// Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$blue: #2196f3;
$blue-50: #e3f2fd;
$blue-100: #bbdefb;
@@ -137,7 +139,10 @@ $blue-a200: #448aff;
$blue-a400: #2979ff;
$blue-a700: #2962ff;
-/* Light Blue */
+// Light Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$light-blue: #03a9f4;
$light-blue-50: #e1f5fe;
$light-blue-100: #b3e5fc;
@@ -154,7 +159,10 @@ $light-blue-a200: #40c4ff;
$light-blue-a400: #00b0ff;
$light-blue-a700: #0091ea;
-/* Cyan */
+// Cyan
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$cyan: #00bcd4;
$cyan-50: #e0f7fa;
$cyan-100: #b2ebf2;
@@ -171,7 +179,10 @@ $cyan-a200: #18ffff;
$cyan-a400: #00e5ff;
$cyan-a700: #00b8d4;
-/* Teal */
+// Teal
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$teal: #009688;
$teal-50: #e0f2f1;
$teal-100: #b2dfdb;
@@ -188,7 +199,10 @@ $teal-a200: #64ffda;
$teal-a400: #1de9b6;
$teal-a700: #00bfa5;
-/* Green */
+// Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$green: #4caf50;
$green-50: #e8f5e9;
$green-100: #c8e6c9;
@@ -205,7 +219,10 @@ $green-a200: #69f0ae;
$green-a400: #00e676;
$green-a700: #00c853;
-/* Light Green */
+// Light Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$light-green: #8bc34a;
$light-green-50: #f1f8e9;
$light-green-100: #dcedc8;
@@ -222,7 +239,10 @@ $light-green-a200: #b2ff59;
$light-green-a400: #76ff03;
$light-green-a700: #64dd17;
-/* Lime */
+// Lime
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$lime: #cddc39;
$lime-50: #f9fbe7;
$lime-100: #f0f4c3;
@@ -239,7 +259,10 @@ $lime-a200: #eeff41;
$lime-a400: #c6ff00;
$lime-a700: #aeea00;
-/* Yellow */
+// Yellow
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$yellow: #ffeb3b;
$yellow-50: #fffde7;
$yellow-100: #fff9c4;
@@ -256,7 +279,10 @@ $yellow-a200: #ffff00;
$yellow-a400: #ffea00;
$yellow-a700: #ffd600;
-/* Amber */
+// Amber
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$amber: #ffc107;
$amber-50: #fff8e1;
$amber-100: #ffecb3;
@@ -273,7 +299,10 @@ $amber-a200: #ffd740;
$amber-a400: #ffc400;
$amber-a700: #ffab00;
-/* Orange */
+// Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$orange: #ff9800;
$orange-50: #fff3e0;
$orange-100: #ffe0b2;
@@ -290,7 +319,10 @@ $orange-a200: #ffab40;
$orange-a400: #ff9100;
$orange-a700: #ff6d00;
-/* Deep Orange */
+// Deep Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$deep-orange: #ff5722;
$deep-orange-50: #fbe9e7;
$deep-orange-100: #ffccbc;
@@ -307,7 +339,10 @@ $deep-orange-a200: #ff6e40;
$deep-orange-a400: #ff3d00;
$deep-orange-a700: #dd2c00;
-/* Brown */
+// Brown
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$brown: #795548;
$brown-50: #efebe9;
$brown-100: #d7ccc8;
@@ -320,7 +355,10 @@ $brown-700: #5d4037;
$brown-800: #4e342e;
$brown-900: #3e2723;
-/* Grey */
+// Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$grey: #9e9e9e;
$grey-50: #fafafa;
$grey-100: #f5f5f5;
@@ -333,7 +371,10 @@ $grey-700: #616161;
$grey-800: #424242;
$grey-900: #212121;
-/* Blue Grey */
+// Blue Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$blue-grey: #607d8b;
$blue-grey-50: #eceff1;
$blue-grey-100: #cfd8dc;
@@ -346,10 +387,9 @@ $blue-grey-700: #455a64;
$blue-grey-800: #37474f;
$blue-grey-900: #263238;
-/* White / Black */
-$white: #ffffff;
-$black: #000000;
-/* Want more? Check our our other color palettes at
- * http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-charts/
- */
\ No newline at end of file
+// White / Black
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$white: #ffffff;
+$black: #000000;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_map.scss b/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_map.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d835da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_map.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License"),
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ============================================================================
+// Color | Tailwind
+// ============================================================================
+$color_tailwind_design_hex: (
+// Color | Tailwind | Base
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ transparent: transparent,
+ black: #000000,
+ white: #ffffff,
+// Color | Tailwind | Red
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ red: #f44336,
+ red-50: #ffebee,
+ red-100: #ffcdd2,
+ red-200: #ef9a9a,
+ red-300: #e57373,
+ red-400: #ef5350,
+ red-500: #f44336,
+ red-600: #e53935,
+ red-700: #d32f2f,
+ red-800: #c62828,
+ red-900: #b71c1c,
+ red-100-accent: #ff8a80,
+ red-200-accent: #ff5252,
+ red-400-accent: #ff1744,
+ red-700-accent: #d50000,
+// Color | Tailwind | Pink
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pink: #e91e63,
+ pink-50: #fce4ec,
+ pink-100: #f8bbd0,
+ pink-200: #f48fb1,
+ pink-300: #f06292,
+ pink-400: #ec407a,
+ pink-500: #e91e63,
+ pink-600: #d81b60,
+ pink-700: #c2185b,
+ pink-800: #ad1457,
+ pink-900: #880e4f,
+ pink-100-accent: #ff80ab,
+ pink-200-accent: #ff4081,
+ pink-400-accent: #f50057,
+ pink-700-accent: #c51162,
+// Color | Tailwind | Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ purple: #9c27b0,
+ purple-50: #f3e5f5,
+ purple-100: #e1bee7,
+ purple-200: #ce93d8,
+ purple-300: #ba68c8,
+ purple-400: #ab47bc,
+ purple-500: #9c27b0,
+ purple-600: #8e24aa,
+ purple-700: #7b1fa2,
+ purple-800: #6a1b9a,
+ purple-900: #4a148c,
+ purple-100-accent: #ea80fc,
+ purple-200-accent: #e040fb,
+ purple-400-accent: #d500f9,
+ purple-700-accent: #aa00ff,
+// Color | Tailwind | Deep Purple
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-purple: #673ab7,
+ deep-purple-50: #ede7f6,
+ deep-purple-100: #d1c4e9,
+ deep-purple-200: #b39ddb,
+ deep-purple-300: #9575cd,
+ deep-purple-400: #7e57c2,
+ deep-purple-500: #673ab7,
+ deep-purple-600: #5e35b1,
+ deep-purple-700: #512da8,
+ deep-purple-800: #4527a0,
+ deep-purple-900: #311b92,
+ deep-purple-100-accent: #b388ff,
+ deep-purple-200-accent: #7c4dff,
+ deep-purple-400-accent: #651fff,
+ deep-purple-700-accent: #6200ea,
+// Color | Tailwind | Indigo
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ indigo: #3f51b5,
+ indigo-50: #e8eaf6,
+ indigo-100: #c5cae9,
+ indigo-200: #9fa8da,
+ indigo-300: #7986cb,
+ indigo-400: #5c6bc0,
+ indigo-500: #3f51b5,
+ indigo-600: #3949ab,
+ indigo-700: #303f9f,
+ indigo-800: #283593,
+ indigo-900: #1a237e,
+ indigo-100-accent: #8c9eff,
+ indigo-200-accent: #536dfe,
+ indigo-400-accent: #3d5afe,
+ indigo-700-accent: #304ffe,
+// Color | Tailwind | Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue: #2196f3,
+ blue-50: #e3f2fd,
+ blue-100: #bbdefb,
+ blue-200: #90caf9,
+ blue-300: #64b5f6,
+ blue-400: #42a5f5,
+ blue-500: #2196f3,
+ blue-600: #1e88e5,
+ blue-700: #1976d2,
+ blue-800: #1565c0,
+ blue-900: #0d47a1,
+ blue-100-accent: #82b1ff,
+ blue-200-accent: #448aff,
+ blue-400-accent: #2979ff,
+ blue-700-accent: #2962ff,
+// Color | Tailwind | Light Blue
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-blue: #03a9f4,
+ light-blue-50: #e1f5fe,
+ light-blue-100: #b3e5fc,
+ light-blue-200: #81d4fa,
+ light-blue-300: #4fc3f7,
+ light-blue-400: #29b6f6,
+ light-blue-500: #03a9f4,
+ light-blue-600: #039be5,
+ light-blue-700: #0288d1,
+ light-blue-800: #0277bd,
+ light-blue-900: #01579b,
+ light-blue-100-accent: #80d8ff,
+ light-blue-200-accent: #40c4ff,
+ light-blue-400-accent: #00b0ff,
+ light-blue-700-accent: #0091ea,
+// Color | Tailwind | Cyan
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cyan: #00bcd4,
+ cyan-50: #e0f7fa,
+ cyan-100: #b2ebf2,
+ cyan-200: #80deea,
+ cyan-300: #4dd0e1,
+ cyan-400: #26c6da,
+ cyan-500: #00bcd4,
+ cyan-600: #00acc1,
+ cyan-700: #0097a7,
+ cyan-800: #00838f,
+ cyan-900: #006064,
+ cyan-100-accent: #84ffff,
+ cyan-200-accent: #18ffff,
+ cyan-400-accent: #00e5ff,
+ cyan-700-accent: #00b8d4,
+// Color | Tailwind | Teal
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ teal: #009688,
+ teal-50: #e0f2f1,
+ teal-100: #b2dfdb,
+ teal-200: #80cbc4,
+ teal-300: #4db6ac,
+ teal-400: #26a69a,
+ teal-500: #009688,
+ teal-600: #00897b,
+ teal-700: #00796b,
+ teal-800: #00695c,
+ teal-900: #004d40,
+ teal-100-accent: #a7ffeb,
+ teal-200-accent: #64ffda,
+ teal-400-accent: #1de9b6,
+ teal-700-accent: #00bfa5,
+// Color | Tailwind | Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ green: #4caf50,
+ green-50: #e8f5e9,
+ green-100: #c8e6c9,
+ green-200: #a5d6a7,
+ green-300: #81c784,
+ green-400: #66bb6a,
+ green-500: #4caf50,
+ green-600: #43a047,
+ green-700: #388e3c,
+ green-800: #2e7d32,
+ green-900: #1b5e20,
+ green-100-accent: #b9f6ca,
+ green-200-accent: #69f0ae,
+ green-400-accent: #00e676,
+ green-700-accent: #00c853,
+// Color | Tailwind | Light Green
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-green: #8bc34a,
+ light-green-50: #f1f8e9,
+ light-green-100: #dcedc8,
+ light-green-200: #c5e1a5,
+ light-green-300: #aed581,
+ light-green-400: #9ccc65,
+ light-green-500: #8bc34a,
+ light-green-600: #7cb342,
+ light-green-700: #689f38,
+ light-green-800: #558b2f,
+ light-green-900: #33691e,
+ light-green-100-accent: #ccff90,
+ light-green-200-accent: #b2ff59,
+ light-green-400-accent: #76ff03,
+ light-green-700-accent: #64dd17,
+// Color | Tailwind | Lime
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lime: #cddc39,
+ lime-50: #f9fbe7,
+ lime-100: #f0f4c3,
+ lime-200: #e6ee9c,
+ lime-300: #dce775,
+ lime-400: #d4e157,
+ lime-500: #cddc39,
+ lime-600: #c0ca33,
+ lime-700: #afb42b,
+ lime-800: #9e9d24,
+ lime-900: #827717,
+ lime-100-accent: #f4ff81,
+ lime-200-accent: #eeff41,
+ lime-400-accent: #c6ff00,
+ lime-700-accent: #aeea00,
+// Color | Tailwind | Yellow
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ yellow: #ffeb3b,
+ yellow-50: #fffde7,
+ yellow-100: #fff9c4,
+ yellow-200: #fff59d,
+ yellow-300: #fff176,
+ yellow-400: #ffee58,
+ yellow-500: #ffeb3b,
+ yellow-600: #fdd835,
+ yellow-700: #fbc02d,
+ yellow-800: #f9a825,
+ yellow-900: #f57f17,
+ yellow-100-accent: #ffff8d,
+ yellow-200-accent: #ffff00,
+ yellow-400-accent: #ffea00,
+ yellow-700-accent: #ffd600,
+// Color | Tailwind | Amber
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ amber: #ffc107,
+ amber-50: #fff8e1,
+ amber-100: #ffecb3,
+ amber-200: #ffe082,
+ amber-300: #ffd54f,
+ amber-400: #ffca28,
+ amber-500: #ffc107,
+ amber-600: #ffb300,
+ amber-700: #ffa000,
+ amber-800: #ff8f00,
+ amber-900: #ff6f00,
+ amber-100-accent: #ffe57f,
+ amber-200-accent: #ffd740,
+ amber-400-accent: #ffc400,
+ amber-700-accent: #ffab00,
+// Color | Tailwind | Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ orange: #ff9800,
+ orange-50: #fff3e0,
+ orange-100: #ffe0b2,
+ orange-200: #ffcc80,
+ orange-300: #ffb74d,
+ orange-400: #ffa726,
+ orange-500: #ff9800,
+ orange-600: #fb8c00,
+ orange-700: #f57c00,
+ orange-800: #ef6c00,
+ orange-900: #e65100,
+ orange-100-accent: #ffd180,
+ orange-200-accent: #ffab40,
+ orange-400-accent: #ff9100,
+ orange-700-accent: #ff6d00,
+// Color | Tailwind | Deep Orange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-orange: #ff5722,
+ deep-orange-50: #fbe9e7,
+ deep-orange-100: #ffccbc,
+ deep-orange-200: #ffab91,
+ deep-orange-300: #ff8a65,
+ deep-orange-400: #ff7043,
+ deep-orange-500: #ff5722,
+ deep-orange-600: #f4511e,
+ deep-orange-700: #e64a19,
+ deep-orange-800: #d84315,
+ deep-orange-900: #bf360c,
+ deep-orange-100-accent: #ff9e80,
+ deep-orange-200-accent: #ff6e40,
+ deep-orange-400-accent: #ff3d00,
+ deep-orange-700-accent: #dd2c00,
+// Color | Tailwind | Brown
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ brown: #795548,
+ brown-50: #efebe9,
+ brown-100: #d7ccc8,
+ brown-200: #bcaaa4,
+ brown-300: #a1887f,
+ brown-400: #8d6e63,
+ brown-500: #795548,
+ brown-600: #6d4c41,
+ brown-700: #5d4037,
+ brown-800: #4e342e,
+ brown-900: #3e2723,
+// Color | Tailwind | Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ grey: #9e9e9e,
+ grey-50: #fafafa,
+ grey-100: #f5f5f5,
+ grey-200: #eeeeee,
+ grey-300: #e0e0e0,
+ grey-400: #bdbdbd,
+ grey-500: #9e9e9e,
+ grey-600: #757575,
+ grey-700: #616161,
+ grey-800: #424242,
+ grey-900: #212121,
+// Color | Tailwind | Blue Grey
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue-grey: #607d8b,
+ blue-grey-50: #eceff1,
+ blue-grey-100: #cfd8dc,
+ blue-grey-200: #b0bec5,
+ blue-grey-300: #90a4ae,
+ blue-grey-400: #78909c,
+ blue-grey-500: #607d8b,
+ blue-grey-600: #546e7a,
+ blue-grey-700: #455a64,
+ blue-grey-800: #37474f,
+ blue-grey-900: #263238,
+// Color | Tailwind | Red Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ red-contrast: white,
+ red-50-contrast: black,
+ red-100-contrast: black,
+ red-200-contrast: black,
+ red-300-contrast: black,
+ red-400-contrast: black,
+ red-500-contrast: white,
+ red-600-contrast: white,
+ red-700-contrast: white,
+ red-800-contrast: white,
+ red-900-contrast: white,
+ red-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ red-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ red-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ red-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Pink Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ pink-contrast: white,
+ pink-50-contrast: black,
+ pink-100-contrast: black,
+ pink-200-contrast: black,
+ pink-300-contrast: black,
+ pink-400-contrast: black,
+ pink-500-contrast: white,
+ pink-600-contrast: white,
+ pink-700-contrast: white,
+ pink-800-contrast: white,
+ pink-900-contrast: white,
+ pink-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ pink-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ pink-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ pink-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Purple Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ purple-contrast: white,
+ purple-50-contrast: black,
+ purple-100-contrast: black,
+ purple-200-contrast: black,
+ purple-300-contrast: white,
+ purple-400-contrast: white,
+ purple-500-contrast: white,
+ purple-600-contrast: white,
+ purple-700-contrast: white,
+ purple-800-contrast: white,
+ purple-900-contrast: white,
+ purple-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ purple-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ purple-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ purple-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Deep Purple Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-purple-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-50-contrast: black,
+ deep-purple-100-contrast: black,
+ deep-purple-200-contrast: black,
+ deep-purple-300-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-400-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-500-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-600-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-700-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-800-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-900-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ deep-purple-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ deep-purple-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Indigo Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ indigo-contrast: white,
+ indigo-50-contrast: black,
+ indigo-100-contrast: black,
+ indigo-200-contrast: black,
+ indigo-300-contrast: white,
+ indigo-400-contrast: white,
+ indigo-500-contrast: white,
+ indigo-600-contrast: white,
+ indigo-700-contrast: white,
+ indigo-800-contrast: white,
+ indigo-900-contrast: white,
+ indigo-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ indigo-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ indigo-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ indigo-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Blue Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue-contrast: white,
+ blue-50-contrast: black,
+ blue-100-contrast: black,
+ blue-200-contrast: black,
+ blue-300-contrast: black,
+ blue-400-contrast: black,
+ blue-500-contrast: white,
+ blue-600-contrast: white,
+ blue-700-contrast: white,
+ blue-800-contrast: white,
+ blue-900-contrast: white,
+ blue-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ blue-200-accent-contrast: white,
+ blue-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ blue-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Light Blue Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-blue-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-50-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-100-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-200-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-300-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-400-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-500-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-600-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-700-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-800-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-900-contrast: white,
+ light-blue-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-blue-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Cyan Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cyan-contrast: white,
+ cyan-50-contrast: black,
+ cyan-100-contrast: black,
+ cyan-200-contrast: black,
+ cyan-300-contrast: black,
+ cyan-400-contrast: black,
+ cyan-500-contrast: white,
+ cyan-600-contrast: white,
+ cyan-700-contrast: white,
+ cyan-800-contrast: white,
+ cyan-900-contrast: white,
+ cyan-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ cyan-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ cyan-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ cyan-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Teal Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ teal-contrast: white,
+ teal-50-contrast: black,
+ teal-100-contrast: black,
+ teal-200-contrast: black,
+ teal-300-contrast: black,
+ teal-400-contrast: black,
+ teal-500-contrast: white,
+ teal-600-contrast: white,
+ teal-700-contrast: white,
+ teal-800-contrast: white,
+ teal-900-contrast: white,
+ teal-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ teal-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ teal-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ teal-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Green Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ green-contrast: white,
+ green-50-contrast: black,
+ green-100-contrast: black,
+ green-200-contrast: black,
+ green-300-contrast: black,
+ green-400-contrast: black,
+ green-500-contrast: white,
+ green-600-contrast: white,
+ green-700-contrast: white,
+ green-800-contrast: white,
+ green-900-contrast: white,
+ green-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ green-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ green-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ green-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Light Green Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ light-green-contrast: black,
+ light-green-50-contrast: black,
+ light-green-100-contrast: black,
+ light-green-200-contrast: black,
+ light-green-300-contrast: black,
+ light-green-400-contrast: black,
+ light-green-500-contrast: black,
+ light-green-600-contrast: black,
+ light-green-700-contrast: black,
+ light-green-800-contrast: white,
+ light-green-900-contrast: white,
+ light-green-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-green-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-green-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ light-green-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Lime Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lime-contrast: black,
+ lime-50-contrast: black,
+ lime-100-contrast: black,
+ lime-200-contrast: black,
+ lime-300-contrast: black,
+ lime-400-contrast: black,
+ lime-500-contrast: black,
+ lime-600-contrast: black,
+ lime-700-contrast: black,
+ lime-800-contrast: black,
+ lime-900-contrast: white,
+ lime-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ lime-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ lime-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ lime-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Yellow Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ yellow-contrast: black,
+ yellow-50-contrast: black,
+ yellow-100-contrast: black,
+ yellow-200-contrast: black,
+ yellow-300-contrast: black,
+ yellow-400-contrast: black,
+ yellow-500-contrast: black,
+ yellow-600-contrast: black,
+ yellow-700-contrast: black,
+ yellow-800-contrast: black,
+ yellow-900-contrast: black,
+ yellow-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ yellow-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ yellow-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ yellow-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Amber Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ amber-contrast: black,
+ amber-50-contrast: black,
+ amber-100-contrast: black,
+ amber-200-contrast: black,
+ amber-300-contrast: black,
+ amber-400-contrast: black,
+ amber-500-contrast: black,
+ amber-600-contrast: black,
+ amber-700-contrast: black,
+ amber-800-contrast: black,
+ amber-900-contrast: black,
+ amber-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ amber-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ amber-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ amber-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Orange Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ orange-contrast: black,
+ orange-50-contrast: black,
+ orange-100-contrast: black,
+ orange-200-contrast: black,
+ orange-300-contrast: black,
+ orange-400-contrast: black,
+ orange-500-contrast: black,
+ orange-600-contrast: black,
+ orange-700-contrast: black,
+ orange-800-contrast: white,
+ orange-900-contrast: white,
+ orange-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ orange-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ orange-400-accent-contrast: black,
+ orange-700-accent-contrast: black,
+// Color | Tailwind | Deep Orange Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ deep-orange-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-50-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-100-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-200-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-300-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-400-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-500-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-600-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-700-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-800-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-900-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-100-accent-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-200-accent-contrast: black,
+ deep-orange-400-accent-contrast: white,
+ deep-orange-700-accent-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Brown Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ brown-contrast: white,
+ brown-50-contrast: black,
+ brown-100-contrast: black,
+ brown-200-contrast: black,
+ brown-300-contrast: white,
+ brown-400-contrast: white,
+ brown-500-contrast: white,
+ brown-600-contrast: white,
+ brown-700-contrast: white,
+ brown-800-contrast: white,
+ brown-900-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Grey Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ grey-contrast: black,
+ grey-50-contrast: black,
+ grey-100-contrast: black,
+ grey-200-contrast: black,
+ grey-300-contrast: black,
+ grey-400-contrast: black,
+ grey-500-contrast: black,
+ grey-600-contrast: white,
+ grey-700-contrast: white,
+ grey-800-contrast: white,
+ grey-900-contrast: white,
+// Color | Tailwind | Blue Grey Contrast
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ blue-grey-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-50-contrast: black,
+ blue-grey-100-contrast: black,
+ blue-grey-200-contrast: black,
+ blue-grey-300-contrast: black,
+ blue-grey-400-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-500-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-600-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-700-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-800-contrast: white,
+ blue-grey-900-contrast: white,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_var.scss b/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_var.scss
index 0f76932..47d666e 100644
--- a/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_var.scss
+++ b/src/scss/standards/_tailwind_hex_var.scss
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
// Copyright 2023 Scape Agency BV
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
@@ -19,744 +19,744 @@
// Color | Tailwind | Base
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$transparent: "transparent";
-$black: "#000000";
-$white: "#ffffff";
+$transparent: transparent ;
+$black: #000000 ;
+$white: #ffffff ;
// Color | Tailwind | Red
-// ============================================================================
-$red: "#f44336";
-$red-50: "#ffebee";
-$red-100: "#ffcdd2";
-$red-200: "#ef9a9a";
-$red-300: "#e57373";
-$red-400: "#ef5350";
-$red-500: "#f44336";
-$red-600: "#e53935";
-$red-700: "#d32f2f";
-$red-800: "#c62828";
-$red-900: "#b71c1c";
-$red-100-accent: "#ff8a80";
-$red-200-accent: "#ff5252";
-$red-400-accent: "#ff1744";
-$red-700-accent: "#d50000";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$red: #f44336 ;
+$red-50: #ffebee ;
+$red-100: #ffcdd2 ;
+$red-200: #ef9a9a ;
+$red-300: #e57373 ;
+$red-400: #ef5350 ;
+$red-500: #f44336 ;
+$red-600: #e53935 ;
+$red-700: #d32f2f ;
+$red-800: #c62828 ;
+$red-900: #b71c1c ;
+$red-100-accent: #ff8a80 ;
+$red-200-accent: #ff5252 ;
+$red-400-accent: #ff1744 ;
+$red-700-accent: #d50000 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Pink
-// ============================================================================
-$pink: "#e91e63";
-$pink-50: "#fce4ec";
-$pink-100: "#f8bbd0";
-$pink-200: "#f48fb1";
-$pink-300: "#f06292";
-$pink-400: "#ec407a";
-$pink-500: "#e91e63";
-$pink-600: "#d81b60";
-$pink-700: "#c2185b";
-$pink-800: "#ad1457";
-$pink-900: "#880e4f";
-$pink-100-accent: "#ff80ab";
-$pink-200-accent: "#ff4081";
-$pink-400-accent: "#f50057";
-$pink-700-accent: "#c51162";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$pink: #e91e63 ;
+$pink-50: #fce4ec ;
+$pink-100: #f8bbd0 ;
+$pink-200: #f48fb1 ;
+$pink-300: #f06292 ;
+$pink-400: #ec407a ;
+$pink-500: #e91e63 ;
+$pink-600: #d81b60 ;
+$pink-700: #c2185b ;
+$pink-800: #ad1457 ;
+$pink-900: #880e4f ;
+$pink-100-accent: #ff80ab ;
+$pink-200-accent: #ff4081 ;
+$pink-400-accent: #f50057 ;
+$pink-700-accent: #c51162 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Purple
-// ============================================================================
-$purple: "#9c27b0";
-$purple-50: "#f3e5f5";
-$purple-100: "#e1bee7";
-$purple-200: "#ce93d8";
-$purple-300: "#ba68c8";
-$purple-400: "#ab47bc";
-$purple-500: "#9c27b0";
-$purple-600: "#8e24aa";
-$purple-700: "#7b1fa2";
-$purple-800: "#6a1b9a";
-$purple-900: "#4a148c";
-$purple-100-accent: "#ea80fc";
-$purple-200-accent: "#e040fb";
-$purple-400-accent: "#d500f9";
-$purple-700-accent: "#aa00ff";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$purple: #9c27b0 ;
+$purple-50: #f3e5f5 ;
+$purple-100: #e1bee7 ;
+$purple-200: #ce93d8 ;
+$purple-300: #ba68c8 ;
+$purple-400: #ab47bc ;
+$purple-500: #9c27b0 ;
+$purple-600: #8e24aa ;
+$purple-700: #7b1fa2 ;
+$purple-800: #6a1b9a ;
+$purple-900: #4a148c ;
+$purple-100-accent: #ea80fc ;
+$purple-200-accent: #e040fb ;
+$purple-400-accent: #d500f9 ;
+$purple-700-accent: #aa00ff ;
// Color | Tailwind | Deep Purple
-// ============================================================================
-$deep-purple: "#673ab7";
-$deep-purple-50: "#ede7f6";
-$deep-purple-100: "#d1c4e9";
-$deep-purple-200: "#b39ddb";
-$deep-purple-300: "#9575cd";
-$deep-purple-400: "#7e57c2";
-$deep-purple-500: "#673ab7";
-$deep-purple-600: "#5e35b1";
-$deep-purple-700: "#512da8";
-$deep-purple-800: "#4527a0";
-$deep-purple-900: "#311b92";
-$deep-purple-100-accent: "#b388ff";
-$deep-purple-200-accent: "#7c4dff";
-$deep-purple-400-accent: "#651fff";
-$deep-purple-700-accent: "#6200ea";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$deep-purple: #673ab7 ;
+$deep-purple-50: #ede7f6 ;
+$deep-purple-100: #d1c4e9 ;
+$deep-purple-200: #b39ddb ;
+$deep-purple-300: #9575cd ;
+$deep-purple-400: #7e57c2 ;
+$deep-purple-500: #673ab7 ;
+$deep-purple-600: #5e35b1 ;
+$deep-purple-700: #512da8 ;
+$deep-purple-800: #4527a0 ;
+$deep-purple-900: #311b92 ;
+$deep-purple-100-accent: #b388ff ;
+$deep-purple-200-accent: #7c4dff ;
+$deep-purple-400-accent: #651fff ;
+$deep-purple-700-accent: #6200ea ;
// Color | Tailwind | Indigo
-// ============================================================================
-$indigo: "#3f51b5";
-$indigo-50: "#e8eaf6";
-$indigo-100: "#c5cae9";
-$indigo-200: "#9fa8da";
-$indigo-300: "#7986cb";
-$indigo-400: "#5c6bc0";
-$indigo-500: "#3f51b5";
-$indigo-600: "#3949ab";
-$indigo-700: "#303f9f";
-$indigo-800: "#283593";
-$indigo-900: "#1a237e";
-$indigo-100-accent: "#8c9eff";
-$indigo-200-accent: "#536dfe";
-$indigo-400-accent: "#3d5afe";
-$indigo-700-accent: "#304ffe";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$indigo: #3f51b5 ;
+$indigo-50: #e8eaf6 ;
+$indigo-100: #c5cae9 ;
+$indigo-200: #9fa8da ;
+$indigo-300: #7986cb ;
+$indigo-400: #5c6bc0 ;
+$indigo-500: #3f51b5 ;
+$indigo-600: #3949ab ;
+$indigo-700: #303f9f ;
+$indigo-800: #283593 ;
+$indigo-900: #1a237e ;
+$indigo-100-accent: #8c9eff ;
+$indigo-200-accent: #536dfe ;
+$indigo-400-accent: #3d5afe ;
+$indigo-700-accent: #304ffe ;
// Color | Tailwind | Blue
-// ============================================================================
-$blue: "#2196f3";
-$blue-50: "#e3f2fd";
-$blue-100: "#bbdefb";
-$blue-200: "#90caf9";
-$blue-300: "#64b5f6";
-$blue-400: "#42a5f5";
-$blue-500: "#2196f3";
-$blue-600: "#1e88e5";
-$blue-700: "#1976d2";
-$blue-800: "#1565c0";
-$blue-900: "#0d47a1";
-$blue-100-accent: "#82b1ff";
-$blue-200-accent: "#448aff";
-$blue-400-accent: "#2979ff";
-$blue-700-accent: "#2962ff";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$blue: #2196f3 ;
+$blue-50: #e3f2fd ;
+$blue-100: #bbdefb ;
+$blue-200: #90caf9 ;
+$blue-300: #64b5f6 ;
+$blue-400: #42a5f5 ;
+$blue-500: #2196f3 ;
+$blue-600: #1e88e5 ;
+$blue-700: #1976d2 ;
+$blue-800: #1565c0 ;
+$blue-900: #0d47a1 ;
+$blue-100-accent: #82b1ff ;
+$blue-200-accent: #448aff ;
+$blue-400-accent: #2979ff ;
+$blue-700-accent: #2962ff ;
// Color | Tailwind | Light Blue
-// ============================================================================
-$light-blue: "#03a9f4";
-$light-blue-50: "#e1f5fe";
-$light-blue-100: "#b3e5fc";
-$light-blue-200: "#81d4fa";
-$light-blue-300: "#4fc3f7";
-$light-blue-400: "#29b6f6";
-$light-blue-500: "#03a9f4";
-$light-blue-600: "#039be5";
-$light-blue-700: "#0288d1";
-$light-blue-800: "#0277bd";
-$light-blue-900: "#01579b";
-$light-blue-100-accent: "#80d8ff";
-$light-blue-200-accent: "#40c4ff";
-$light-blue-400-accent: "#00b0ff";
-$light-blue-700-accent: "#0091ea";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$light-blue: #03a9f4 ;
+$light-blue-50: #e1f5fe ;
+$light-blue-100: #b3e5fc ;
+$light-blue-200: #81d4fa ;
+$light-blue-300: #4fc3f7 ;
+$light-blue-400: #29b6f6 ;
+$light-blue-500: #03a9f4 ;
+$light-blue-600: #039be5 ;
+$light-blue-700: #0288d1 ;
+$light-blue-800: #0277bd ;
+$light-blue-900: #01579b ;
+$light-blue-100-accent: #80d8ff ;
+$light-blue-200-accent: #40c4ff ;
+$light-blue-400-accent: #00b0ff ;
+$light-blue-700-accent: #0091ea ;
// Color | Tailwind | Cyan
-// ============================================================================
-$cyan: "#00bcd4";
-$cyan-50: "#e0f7fa";
-$cyan-100: "#b2ebf2";
-$cyan-200: "#80deea";
-$cyan-300: "#4dd0e1";
-$cyan-400: "#26c6da";
-$cyan-500: "#00bcd4";
-$cyan-600: "#00acc1";
-$cyan-700: "#0097a7";
-$cyan-800: "#00838f";
-$cyan-900: "#006064";
-$cyan-100-accent: "#84ffff";
-$cyan-200-accent: "#18ffff";
-$cyan-400-accent: "#00e5ff";
-$cyan-700-accent: "#00b8d4";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$cyan: #00bcd4 ;
+$cyan-50: #e0f7fa ;
+$cyan-100: #b2ebf2 ;
+$cyan-200: #80deea ;
+$cyan-300: #4dd0e1 ;
+$cyan-400: #26c6da ;
+$cyan-500: #00bcd4 ;
+$cyan-600: #00acc1 ;
+$cyan-700: #0097a7 ;
+$cyan-800: #00838f ;
+$cyan-900: #006064 ;
+$cyan-100-accent: #84ffff ;
+$cyan-200-accent: #18ffff ;
+$cyan-400-accent: #00e5ff ;
+$cyan-700-accent: #00b8d4 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Teal
-// ============================================================================
-$teal: "#009688";
-$teal-50: "#e0f2f1";
-$teal-100: "#b2dfdb";
-$teal-200: "#80cbc4";
-$teal-300: "#4db6ac";
-$teal-400: "#26a69a";
-$teal-500: "#009688";
-$teal-600: "#00897b";
-$teal-700: "#00796b";
-$teal-800: "#00695c";
-$teal-900: "#004d40";
-$teal-100-accent: "#a7ffeb";
-$teal-200-accent: "#64ffda";
-$teal-400-accent: "#1de9b6";
-$teal-700-accent: "#00bfa5";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$teal: #009688 ;
+$teal-50: #e0f2f1 ;
+$teal-100: #b2dfdb ;
+$teal-200: #80cbc4 ;
+$teal-300: #4db6ac ;
+$teal-400: #26a69a ;
+$teal-500: #009688 ;
+$teal-600: #00897b ;
+$teal-700: #00796b ;
+$teal-800: #00695c ;
+$teal-900: #004d40 ;
+$teal-100-accent: #a7ffeb ;
+$teal-200-accent: #64ffda ;
+$teal-400-accent: #1de9b6 ;
+$teal-700-accent: #00bfa5 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Green
-// ============================================================================
-$green: "#4caf50";
-$green-50: "#e8f5e9";
-$green-100: "#c8e6c9";
-$green-200: "#a5d6a7";
-$green-300: "#81c784";
-$green-400: "#66bb6a";
-$green-500: "#4caf50";
-$green-600: "#43a047";
-$green-700: "#388e3c";
-$green-800: "#2e7d32";
-$green-900: "#1b5e20";
-$green-100-accent: "#b9f6ca";
-$green-200-accent: "#69f0ae";
-$green-400-accent: "#00e676";
-$green-700-accent: "#00c853";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$green: #4caf50 ;
+$green-50: #e8f5e9 ;
+$green-100: #c8e6c9 ;
+$green-200: #a5d6a7 ;
+$green-300: #81c784 ;
+$green-400: #66bb6a ;
+$green-500: #4caf50 ;
+$green-600: #43a047 ;
+$green-700: #388e3c ;
+$green-800: #2e7d32 ;
+$green-900: #1b5e20 ;
+$green-100-accent: #b9f6ca ;
+$green-200-accent: #69f0ae ;
+$green-400-accent: #00e676 ;
+$green-700-accent: #00c853 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Light Green
-// ============================================================================
-$light-green: "#8bc34a";
-$light-green-50: "#f1f8e9";
-$light-green-100: "#dcedc8";
-$light-green-200: "#c5e1a5";
-$light-green-300: "#aed581";
-$light-green-400: "#9ccc65";
-$light-green-500: "#8bc34a";
-$light-green-600: "#7cb342";
-$light-green-700: "#689f38";
-$light-green-800: "#558b2f";
-$light-green-900: "#33691e";
-$light-green-100-accent: "#ccff90";
-$light-green-200-accent: "#b2ff59";
-$light-green-400-accent: "#76ff03";
-$light-green-700-accent: "#64dd17";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$light-green: #8bc34a ;
+$light-green-50: #f1f8e9 ;
+$light-green-100: #dcedc8 ;
+$light-green-200: #c5e1a5 ;
+$light-green-300: #aed581 ;
+$light-green-400: #9ccc65 ;
+$light-green-500: #8bc34a ;
+$light-green-600: #7cb342 ;
+$light-green-700: #689f38 ;
+$light-green-800: #558b2f ;
+$light-green-900: #33691e ;
+$light-green-100-accent: #ccff90 ;
+$light-green-200-accent: #b2ff59 ;
+$light-green-400-accent: #76ff03 ;
+$light-green-700-accent: #64dd17 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Lime
-// ============================================================================
-$lime: "#cddc39";
-$lime-50: "#f9fbe7";
-$lime-100: "#f0f4c3";
-$lime-200: "#e6ee9c";
-$lime-300: "#dce775";
-$lime-400: "#d4e157";
-$lime-500: "#cddc39";
-$lime-600: "#c0ca33";
-$lime-700: "#afb42b";
-$lime-800: "#9e9d24";
-$lime-900: "#827717";
-$lime-100-accent: "#f4ff81";
-$lime-200-accent: "#eeff41";
-$lime-400-accent: "#c6ff00";
-$lime-700-accent: "#aeea00";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$lime: #cddc39 ;
+$lime-50: #f9fbe7 ;
+$lime-100: #f0f4c3 ;
+$lime-200: #e6ee9c ;
+$lime-300: #dce775 ;
+$lime-400: #d4e157 ;
+$lime-500: #cddc39 ;
+$lime-600: #c0ca33 ;
+$lime-700: #afb42b ;
+$lime-800: #9e9d24 ;
+$lime-900: #827717 ;
+$lime-100-accent: #f4ff81 ;
+$lime-200-accent: #eeff41 ;
+$lime-400-accent: #c6ff00 ;
+$lime-700-accent: #aeea00 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Yellow
-// ============================================================================
-$yellow: "#ffeb3b";
-$yellow-50: "#fffde7";
-$yellow-100: "#fff9c4";
-$yellow-200: "#fff59d";
-$yellow-300: "#fff176";
-$yellow-400: "#ffee58";
-$yellow-500: "#ffeb3b";
-$yellow-600: "#fdd835";
-$yellow-700: "#fbc02d";
-$yellow-800: "#f9a825";
-$yellow-900: "#f57f17";
-$yellow-100-accent: "#ffff8d";
-$yellow-200-accent: "#ffff00";
-$yellow-400-accent: "#ffea00";
-$yellow-700-accent: "#ffd600";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$yellow: #ffeb3b ;
+$yellow-50: #fffde7 ;
+$yellow-100: #fff9c4 ;
+$yellow-200: #fff59d ;
+$yellow-300: #fff176 ;
+$yellow-400: #ffee58 ;
+$yellow-500: #ffeb3b ;
+$yellow-600: #fdd835 ;
+$yellow-700: #fbc02d ;
+$yellow-800: #f9a825 ;
+$yellow-900: #f57f17 ;
+$yellow-100-accent: #ffff8d ;
+$yellow-200-accent: #ffff00 ;
+$yellow-400-accent: #ffea00 ;
+$yellow-700-accent: #ffd600 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Amber
-// ============================================================================
-$amber: "#ffc107";
-$amber-50: "#fff8e1";
-$amber-100: "#ffecb3";
-$amber-200: "#ffe082";
-$amber-300: "#ffd54f";
-$amber-400: "#ffca28";
-$amber-500: "#ffc107";
-$amber-600: "#ffb300";
-$amber-700: "#ffa000";
-$amber-800: "#ff8f00";
-$amber-900: "#ff6f00";
-$amber-100-accent: "#ffe57f";
-$amber-200-accent: "#ffd740";
-$amber-400-accent: "#ffc400";
-$amber-700-accent: "#ffab00";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$amber: #ffc107 ;
+$amber-50: #fff8e1 ;
+$amber-100: #ffecb3 ;
+$amber-200: #ffe082 ;
+$amber-300: #ffd54f ;
+$amber-400: #ffca28 ;
+$amber-500: #ffc107 ;
+$amber-600: #ffb300 ;
+$amber-700: #ffa000 ;
+$amber-800: #ff8f00 ;
+$amber-900: #ff6f00 ;
+$amber-100-accent: #ffe57f ;
+$amber-200-accent: #ffd740 ;
+$amber-400-accent: #ffc400 ;
+$amber-700-accent: #ffab00 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Orange
-// ============================================================================
-$orange: "#ff9800";
-$orange-50: "#fff3e0";
-$orange-100: "#ffe0b2";
-$orange-200: "#ffcc80";
-$orange-300: "#ffb74d";
-$orange-400: "#ffa726";
-$orange-500: "#ff9800";
-$orange-600: "#fb8c00";
-$orange-700: "#f57c00";
-$orange-800: "#ef6c00";
-$orange-900: "#e65100";
-$orange-100-accent: "#ffd180";
-$orange-200-accent: "#ffab40";
-$orange-400-accent: "#ff9100";
-$orange-700-accent: "#ff6d00";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$orange: #ff9800 ;
+$orange-50: #fff3e0 ;
+$orange-100: #ffe0b2 ;
+$orange-200: #ffcc80 ;
+$orange-300: #ffb74d ;
+$orange-400: #ffa726 ;
+$orange-500: #ff9800 ;
+$orange-600: #fb8c00 ;
+$orange-700: #f57c00 ;
+$orange-800: #ef6c00 ;
+$orange-900: #e65100 ;
+$orange-100-accent: #ffd180 ;
+$orange-200-accent: #ffab40 ;
+$orange-400-accent: #ff9100 ;
+$orange-700-accent: #ff6d00 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Deep Orange
-// ============================================================================
-$deep-orange: "#ff5722";
-$deep-orange-50: "#fbe9e7";
-$deep-orange-100: "#ffccbc";
-$deep-orange-200: "#ffab91";
-$deep-orange-300: "#ff8a65";
-$deep-orange-400: "#ff7043";
-$deep-orange-500: "#ff5722";
-$deep-orange-600: "#f4511e";
-$deep-orange-700: "#e64a19";
-$deep-orange-800: "#d84315";
-$deep-orange-900: "#bf360c";
-$deep-orange-100-accent: "#ff9e80";
-$deep-orange-200-accent: "#ff6e40";
-$deep-orange-400-accent: "#ff3d00";
-$deep-orange-700-accent: "#dd2c00";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$deep-orange: #ff5722 ;
+$deep-orange-50: #fbe9e7 ;
+$deep-orange-100: #ffccbc ;
+$deep-orange-200: #ffab91 ;
+$deep-orange-300: #ff8a65 ;
+$deep-orange-400: #ff7043 ;
+$deep-orange-500: #ff5722 ;
+$deep-orange-600: #f4511e ;
+$deep-orange-700: #e64a19 ;
+$deep-orange-800: #d84315 ;
+$deep-orange-900: #bf360c ;
+$deep-orange-100-accent: #ff9e80 ;
+$deep-orange-200-accent: #ff6e40 ;
+$deep-orange-400-accent: #ff3d00 ;
+$deep-orange-700-accent: #dd2c00 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Brown
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$brown: "#795548";
-$brown-50: "#efebe9";
-$brown-100: "#d7ccc8";
-$brown-200: "#bcaaa4";
-$brown-300: "#a1887f";
-$brown-400: "#8d6e63";
-$brown-500: "#795548";
-$brown-600: "#6d4c41";
-$brown-700: "#5d4037";
-$brown-800: "#4e342e";
-$brown-900: "#3e2723";
+$brown: #795548 ;
+$brown-50: #efebe9 ;
+$brown-100: #d7ccc8 ;
+$brown-200: #bcaaa4 ;
+$brown-300: #a1887f ;
+$brown-400: #8d6e63 ;
+$brown-500: #795548 ;
+$brown-600: #6d4c41 ;
+$brown-700: #5d4037 ;
+$brown-800: #4e342e ;
+$brown-900: #3e2723 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Grey
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$grey: "#9e9e9e";
-$grey-50: "#fafafa";
-$grey-100: "#f5f5f5";
-$grey-200: "#eeeeee";
-$grey-300: "#e0e0e0";
-$grey-400: "#bdbdbd";
-$grey-500: "#9e9e9e";
-$grey-600: "#757575";
-$grey-700: "#616161";
-$grey-800: "#424242";
-$grey-900: "#212121";
+$grey: #9e9e9e ;
+$grey-50: #fafafa ;
+$grey-100: #f5f5f5 ;
+$grey-200: #eeeeee ;
+$grey-300: #e0e0e0 ;
+$grey-400: #bdbdbd ;
+$grey-500: #9e9e9e ;
+$grey-600: #757575 ;
+$grey-700: #616161 ;
+$grey-800: #424242 ;
+$grey-900: #212121 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Blue Grey
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$blue-grey: "#607d8b";
-$blue-grey-50: "#eceff1";
-$blue-grey-100: "#cfd8dc";
-$blue-grey-200: "#b0bec5";
-$blue-grey-300: "#90a4ae";
-$blue-grey-400: "#78909c";
-$blue-grey-500: "#607d8b";
-$blue-grey-600: "#546e7a";
-$blue-grey-700: "#455a64";
-$blue-grey-800: "#37474f";
-$blue-grey-900: "#263238";
+$blue-grey: #607d8b ;
+$blue-grey-50: #eceff1 ;
+$blue-grey-100: #cfd8dc ;
+$blue-grey-200: #b0bec5 ;
+$blue-grey-300: #90a4ae ;
+$blue-grey-400: #78909c ;
+$blue-grey-500: #607d8b ;
+$blue-grey-600: #546e7a ;
+$blue-grey-700: #455a64 ;
+$blue-grey-800: #37474f ;
+$blue-grey-900: #263238 ;
// Color | Tailwind | Red Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$red-contrast: "white";
-$red-50-contrast: "black";
-$red-100-contrast: "black";
-$red-200-contrast: "black";
-$red-300-contrast: "black";
-$red-400-contrast: "black";
-$red-500-contrast: "white";
-$red-600-contrast: "white";
-$red-700-contrast: "white";
-$red-800-contrast: "white";
-$red-900-contrast: "white";
-$red-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$red-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$red-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$red-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$red-contrast: white ;
+$red-50-contrast: black ;
+$red-100-contrast: black ;
+$red-200-contrast: black ;
+$red-300-contrast: black ;
+$red-400-contrast: black ;
+$red-500-contrast: white ;
+$red-600-contrast: white ;
+$red-700-contrast: white ;
+$red-800-contrast: white ;
+$red-900-contrast: white ;
+$red-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$red-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$red-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$red-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Pink Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$pink-contrast: "white";
-$pink-50-contrast: "black";
-$pink-100-contrast: "black";
-$pink-200-contrast: "black";
-$pink-300-contrast: "black";
-$pink-400-contrast: "black";
-$pink-500-contrast: "white";
-$pink-600-contrast: "white";
-$pink-700-contrast: "white";
-$pink-800-contrast: "white";
-$pink-900-contrast: "white";
-$pink-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$pink-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$pink-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$pink-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$pink-contrast: white ;
+$pink-50-contrast: black ;
+$pink-100-contrast: black ;
+$pink-200-contrast: black ;
+$pink-300-contrast: black ;
+$pink-400-contrast: black ;
+$pink-500-contrast: white ;
+$pink-600-contrast: white ;
+$pink-700-contrast: white ;
+$pink-800-contrast: white ;
+$pink-900-contrast: white ;
+$pink-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$pink-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$pink-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$pink-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Purple Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$purple-contrast: "white";
-$purple-50-contrast: "black";
-$purple-100-contrast: "black";
-$purple-200-contrast: "black";
-$purple-300-contrast: "white";
-$purple-400-contrast: "white";
-$purple-500-contrast: "white";
-$purple-600-contrast: "white";
-$purple-700-contrast: "white";
-$purple-800-contrast: "white";
-$purple-900-contrast: "white";
-$purple-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$purple-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$purple-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$purple-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$purple-contrast: white ;
+$purple-50-contrast: black ;
+$purple-100-contrast: black ;
+$purple-200-contrast: black ;
+$purple-300-contrast: white ;
+$purple-400-contrast: white ;
+$purple-500-contrast: white ;
+$purple-600-contrast: white ;
+$purple-700-contrast: white ;
+$purple-800-contrast: white ;
+$purple-900-contrast: white ;
+$purple-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$purple-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$purple-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$purple-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Deep Purple Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$deep-purple-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-50-contrast: "black";
-$deep-purple-100-contrast: "black";
-$deep-purple-200-contrast: "black";
-$deep-purple-300-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-400-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-500-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-600-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-700-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-800-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-900-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$deep-purple-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$deep-purple-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$deep-purple-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-50-contrast: black ;
+$deep-purple-100-contrast: black ;
+$deep-purple-200-contrast: black ;
+$deep-purple-300-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-400-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-500-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-600-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-700-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-800-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-900-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$deep-purple-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$deep-purple-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Indigo Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$indigo-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-50-contrast: "black";
-$indigo-100-contrast: "black";
-$indigo-200-contrast: "black";
-$indigo-300-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-400-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-500-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-600-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-700-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-800-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-900-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$indigo-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$indigo-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$indigo-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-50-contrast: black ;
+$indigo-100-contrast: black ;
+$indigo-200-contrast: black ;
+$indigo-300-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-400-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-500-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-600-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-700-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-800-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-900-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$indigo-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$indigo-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Blue Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$blue-contrast: "white";
-$blue-50-contrast: "black";
-$blue-100-contrast: "black";
-$blue-200-contrast: "black";
-$blue-300-contrast: "black";
-$blue-400-contrast: "black";
-$blue-500-contrast: "white";
-$blue-600-contrast: "white";
-$blue-700-contrast: "white";
-$blue-800-contrast: "white";
-$blue-900-contrast: "white";
-$blue-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$blue-200-accent-contrast: "white";
-$blue-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$blue-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$blue-contrast: white ;
+$blue-50-contrast: black ;
+$blue-100-contrast: black ;
+$blue-200-contrast: black ;
+$blue-300-contrast: black ;
+$blue-400-contrast: black ;
+$blue-500-contrast: white ;
+$blue-600-contrast: white ;
+$blue-700-contrast: white ;
+$blue-800-contrast: white ;
+$blue-900-contrast: white ;
+$blue-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$blue-200-accent-contrast: white ;
+$blue-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$blue-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Light Blue Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$light-blue-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-50-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-100-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-200-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-300-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-400-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-500-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-600-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-700-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-800-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-900-contrast: "white";
-$light-blue-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-blue-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$light-blue-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-50-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-100-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-200-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-300-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-400-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-500-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-600-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-700-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-800-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-900-contrast: white ;
+$light-blue-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-blue-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Cyan Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$cyan-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-50-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-100-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-200-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-300-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-400-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-500-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-600-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-700-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-800-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-900-contrast: "white";
-$cyan-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$cyan-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$cyan-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-50-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-100-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-200-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-300-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-400-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-500-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-600-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-700-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-800-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-900-contrast: white ;
+$cyan-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$cyan-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Teal Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$teal-contrast: "white";
-$teal-50-contrast: "black";
-$teal-100-contrast: "black";
-$teal-200-contrast: "black";
-$teal-300-contrast: "black";
-$teal-400-contrast: "black";
-$teal-500-contrast: "white";
-$teal-600-contrast: "white";
-$teal-700-contrast: "white";
-$teal-800-contrast: "white";
-$teal-900-contrast: "white";
-$teal-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$teal-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$teal-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$teal-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$teal-contrast: white ;
+$teal-50-contrast: black ;
+$teal-100-contrast: black ;
+$teal-200-contrast: black ;
+$teal-300-contrast: black ;
+$teal-400-contrast: black ;
+$teal-500-contrast: white ;
+$teal-600-contrast: white ;
+$teal-700-contrast: white ;
+$teal-800-contrast: white ;
+$teal-900-contrast: white ;
+$teal-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$teal-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$teal-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$teal-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Green Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$green-contrast: "white";
-$green-50-contrast: "black";
-$green-100-contrast: "black";
-$green-200-contrast: "black";
-$green-300-contrast: "black";
-$green-400-contrast: "black";
-$green-500-contrast: "white";
-$green-600-contrast: "white";
-$green-700-contrast: "white";
-$green-800-contrast: "white";
-$green-900-contrast: "white";
-$green-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$green-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$green-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$green-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$green-contrast: white ;
+$green-50-contrast: black ;
+$green-100-contrast: black ;
+$green-200-contrast: black ;
+$green-300-contrast: black ;
+$green-400-contrast: black ;
+$green-500-contrast: white ;
+$green-600-contrast: white ;
+$green-700-contrast: white ;
+$green-800-contrast: white ;
+$green-900-contrast: white ;
+$green-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$green-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$green-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$green-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Light Green Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$light-green-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-50-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-100-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-200-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-300-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-400-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-500-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-600-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-700-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-800-contrast: "white";
-$light-green-900-contrast: "white";
-$light-green-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$light-green-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$light-green-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-50-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-100-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-200-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-300-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-400-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-500-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-600-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-700-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-800-contrast: white ;
+$light-green-900-contrast: white ;
+$light-green-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$light-green-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Lime Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$lime-contrast: "black";
-$lime-50-contrast: "black";
-$lime-100-contrast: "black";
-$lime-200-contrast: "black";
-$lime-300-contrast: "black";
-$lime-400-contrast: "black";
-$lime-500-contrast: "black";
-$lime-600-contrast: "black";
-$lime-700-contrast: "black";
-$lime-800-contrast: "black";
-$lime-900-contrast: "white";
-$lime-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$lime-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$lime-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$lime-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$lime-contrast: black ;
+$lime-50-contrast: black ;
+$lime-100-contrast: black ;
+$lime-200-contrast: black ;
+$lime-300-contrast: black ;
+$lime-400-contrast: black ;
+$lime-500-contrast: black ;
+$lime-600-contrast: black ;
+$lime-700-contrast: black ;
+$lime-800-contrast: black ;
+$lime-900-contrast: white ;
+$lime-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$lime-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$lime-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$lime-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Yellow Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$yellow-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-50-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-100-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-200-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-300-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-400-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-500-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-600-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-700-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-800-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-900-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$yellow-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$yellow-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-50-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-100-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-200-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-300-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-400-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-500-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-600-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-700-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-800-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-900-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$yellow-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Amber Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$amber-contrast: "black";
-$amber-50-contrast: "black";
-$amber-100-contrast: "black";
-$amber-200-contrast: "black";
-$amber-300-contrast: "black";
-$amber-400-contrast: "black";
-$amber-500-contrast: "black";
-$amber-600-contrast: "black";
-$amber-700-contrast: "black";
-$amber-800-contrast: "black";
-$amber-900-contrast: "black";
-$amber-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$amber-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$amber-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$amber-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$amber-contrast: black ;
+$amber-50-contrast: black ;
+$amber-100-contrast: black ;
+$amber-200-contrast: black ;
+$amber-300-contrast: black ;
+$amber-400-contrast: black ;
+$amber-500-contrast: black ;
+$amber-600-contrast: black ;
+$amber-700-contrast: black ;
+$amber-800-contrast: black ;
+$amber-900-contrast: black ;
+$amber-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$amber-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$amber-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$amber-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Orange Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$orange-contrast: "black";
-$orange-50-contrast: "black";
-$orange-100-contrast: "black";
-$orange-200-contrast: "black";
-$orange-300-contrast: "black";
-$orange-400-contrast: "black";
-$orange-500-contrast: "black";
-$orange-600-contrast: "black";
-$orange-700-contrast: "black";
-$orange-800-contrast: "white";
-$orange-900-contrast: "white";
-$orange-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$orange-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$orange-400-accent-contrast: "black";
-$orange-700-accent-contrast: "black";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$orange-contrast: black ;
+$orange-50-contrast: black ;
+$orange-100-contrast: black ;
+$orange-200-contrast: black ;
+$orange-300-contrast: black ;
+$orange-400-contrast: black ;
+$orange-500-contrast: black ;
+$orange-600-contrast: black ;
+$orange-700-contrast: black ;
+$orange-800-contrast: white ;
+$orange-900-contrast: white ;
+$orange-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$orange-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$orange-400-accent-contrast: black ;
+$orange-700-accent-contrast: black ;
// Color | Tailwind | Deep Orange Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$deep-orange-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-50-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-100-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-200-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-300-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-400-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-500-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-600-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-700-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-800-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-900-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-100-accent-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-200-accent-contrast: "black";
-$deep-orange-400-accent-contrast: "white";
-$deep-orange-700-accent-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$deep-orange-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-50-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-100-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-200-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-300-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-400-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-500-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-600-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-700-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-800-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-900-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-100-accent-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-200-accent-contrast: black ;
+$deep-orange-400-accent-contrast: white ;
+$deep-orange-700-accent-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Brown Contrast
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$brown-contrast: "white";
-$brown-50-contrast: "black";
-$brown-100-contrast: "black";
-$brown-200-contrast: "black";
-$brown-300-contrast: "white";
-$brown-400-contrast: "white";
-$brown-500-contrast: "white";
-$brown-600-contrast: "white";
-$brown-700-contrast: "white";
-$brown-800-contrast: "white";
-$brown-900-contrast: "white";
+$brown-contrast: white ;
+$brown-50-contrast: black ;
+$brown-100-contrast: black ;
+$brown-200-contrast: black ;
+$brown-300-contrast: white ;
+$brown-400-contrast: white ;
+$brown-500-contrast: white ;
+$brown-600-contrast: white ;
+$brown-700-contrast: white ;
+$brown-800-contrast: white ;
+$brown-900-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Grey Contrast
-// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$grey-contrast: "black";
-$grey-50-contrast: "black";
-$grey-100-contrast: "black";
-$grey-200-contrast: "black";
-$grey-300-contrast: "black";
-$grey-400-contrast: "black";
-$grey-500-contrast: "black";
-$grey-600-contrast: "white";
-$grey-700-contrast: "white";
-$grey-800-contrast: "white";
-$grey-900-contrast: "white";
+$grey-contrast: black ;
+$grey-50-contrast: black ;
+$grey-100-contrast: black ;
+$grey-200-contrast: black ;
+$grey-300-contrast: black ;
+$grey-400-contrast: black ;
+$grey-500-contrast: black ;
+$grey-600-contrast: white ;
+$grey-700-contrast: white ;
+$grey-800-contrast: white ;
+$grey-900-contrast: white ;
// Color | Tailwind | Blue Grey Contrast
-// ============================================================================
-$blue-grey-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-50-contrast: "black";
-$blue-grey-100-contrast: "black";
-$blue-grey-200-contrast: "black";
-$blue-grey-300-contrast: "black";
-$blue-grey-400-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-500-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-600-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-700-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-800-contrast: "white";
-$blue-grey-900-contrast: "white";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$blue-grey-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-50-contrast: black ;
+$blue-grey-100-contrast: black ;
+$blue-grey-200-contrast: black ;
+$blue-grey-300-contrast: black ;
+$blue-grey-400-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-500-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-600-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-700-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-800-contrast: white ;
+$blue-grey-900-contrast: white ;
diff --git a/src/scss/standards/standards.scss b/src/scss/standards/standards.scss
index a9ed40f..44e9815 100644
--- a/src/scss/standards/standards.scss
+++ b/src/scss/standards/standards.scss
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@
// Color Standards
// ============================================================================
-// _x11_hex_map
\ No newline at end of file
+@import "_as2700_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_bs381_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_copic_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_flat_design_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_fs595_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_material_design_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_nbs_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_ncs_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_ral_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_tailwind_hex_map.scss";
+@import "_x11_hex_map.scss";
\ No newline at end of file