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Introduce the idea of a current frame and frame focus
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Add `current-frame` slot to mahogany-group to represent the currently
focused frame, and ensure that a frame is focused when an output is

+ Add various tree traversal and extraction methods to the tree
  package so we can pull views from it.
  • Loading branch information
sdilts committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent dc99c70 commit 682d996
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Showing 7 changed files with 98 additions and 25 deletions.
74 changes: 59 additions & 15 deletions lisp/group.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,30 @@
(in-package #:mahogany)

(defun group-focus-frame (group frame)
(with-accessors ((current-frame mahogany-group-current-frame)) group
(when current-frame
(group-unfocus-frame group current-frame))
(tree:mark-frame-focused frame)
(setf current-frame frame)))

(defun group-unfocus-frame (group frame)
(with-accessors ((current-frame mahogany-group-current-frame)) group
(tree:unmark-frame-focused frame)
(setf current-frame nil)))

(defun group-add-output (group output)
(declare (type mahogany-output output)
(type mahogany-group group))
(with-accessors ((output-map mahogany-group-output-map)) group
(with-accessors ((output-map mahogany-group-output-map)
(current-frame mahogany-group-current-frame))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (hrt:output-position (mahogany-output-hrt-output output))
(multiple-value-bind (width height) (hrt:output-resolution (mahogany-output-hrt-output output))
(setf (gethash (mahogany-output-full-name output) output-map)
(tree:make-basic-tree :x x :y y :width width :height height))
(log-string :trace "Group map: ~S" output-map)))))
(let ((new-tree (tree:make-basic-tree :x x :y y :width width :height height)))
(setf (gethash (mahogany-output-full-name output) output-map) new-tree)
(when (not current-frame)
(group-focus-frame group (tree:find-first-leaf new-tree))))))
(log-string :trace "Group map: ~S" output-map)))

(defun group-reconfigure-outputs (group outputs)
"Re-examine where the outputs are and adjust the trees that are associated with them
Expand All @@ -26,10 +40,27 @@ to match."
(multiple-value-bind (width height) (hrt:output-resolution hrt-output)
(set-dimensions (tree:root-tree tree) width height)))))))

(defun %first-hash-table-value (table)
(declare (type hash-table table)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(with-hash-table-iterator (iter table)
(multiple-value-bind (found key value) (iter)
(declare (ignore found key))

(defun group-remove-output (group output)
(declare (type mahogany-output output)
(type mahogany-group group))
(remhash (mahogany-output-full-name output) (mahogany-group-output-map group)))
(with-accessors ((output-map mahogany-group-output-map)) group
(let* ((output-name (mahogany-output-full-name output))
(tree-container (gethash output-name output-map)))
(remhash output-name output-map)
(when (equalp tree-container (tree:find-frame-container (mahogany-group-current-frame group)))
(group-unfocus-frame group (mahogany-group-current-frame group))
(alexandria:when-let ((other-container (%first-hash-table-value output-map)))
(group-focus-frame group (tree:find-first-leaf other-container))))
(when (and (mahogany-group-current-frame group) (= 0 (hash-table-count output-map)))
(group-unfocus-frame group (mahogany-group-current-frame group))))))

(defun group-add-view (group view)
(declare (type mahogany-group group)
Expand All @@ -38,17 +69,30 @@ to match."
(outputs mahogany-group-output-map))
(push view (mahogany-group-views group))
;; (with-hash-table-iterator (iter outputs)
(loop for tree being the hash-values of outputs
do (when-let ((empty (tree:find-empty-frame tree)))
(log-string :trace "Found frame for view")
(tree:put-view-in-frame view empty)
(log-string :trace "Current tree: ~S" (tree:root-tree tree))
(return-from group-add-view)))
;; TODO: get algorithm to place new views so they can be seen:
(log-string :error "Could not find frame for new view")))
(alexandria:when-let ((current-frame (mahogany-group-current-frame group)))
(setf (tree:frame-view current-frame) view))))

(defun group-remove-view (group view)
(declare (type mahogany-group group))
(with-accessors ((view-list mahogany-group-views)) group
(with-accessors ((view-list mahogany-group-views)
(output-map mahogany-group-output-map))
(maphash (lambda (key container)
(declare (ignore key))
;; OPTIMIZE ME: get-pouplated frames builds a list, we could use an iterator instead.
(dolist (f (mahogany/tree:get-populated-frames (mahogany/tree:root-tree container)))
(when (equalp (tree:frame-view f) view)
(log-string :trace "Removing view from frame")
(setf (tree:frame-view f) nil))))
(setf view-list (remove view view-list :test #'equalp))))

(defmethod tree:find-empty-frame ((group mahogany-group))
(with-hash-table-iterator (iter (mahogany-group-output-map group))
:top (multiple-value-bind (found name frame) (iter)
(declare (ignore name))
(when found
(alexandria:if-let ((view-frame (tree:find-empty-frame frame)))
(return-from tree:find-empty-frame view-frame)
(go :top)))))))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lisp/objects.lisp
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(name "" :type string)
(number 1 :type fixnum :read-only t)
(output-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table :read-only t)
(current-frame nil :type (or tree:frame null))
(views nil :type list))

(defclass mahogany-state ()
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lisp/state.lisp
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(group-remove-view (mahogany-current-group state) view)
(remhash (cffi:pointer-address view-ptr) views))
(log-string :error "Could not find mahogany view associated with pointer ~S" view-ptr))))

(defun mahogany-current-frame (state)
(mahogany-group-current-frame (mahogany-current-group state)))
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lisp/tree/frame.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -507,6 +507,12 @@ REMOVE-FUNC is called with one argument: the view that was removed."
(defmethod find-empty-frame ((root tree-container))
(find-empty-frame (root-tree root)))

(defun find-first-leaf (container)
(declare (type tree-container container))
;; TODO: you don't need the generator to do this:
(iter (for (frame) snakes:in-generator (leafs-in (root-tree container)))
(return-from find-first-leaf frame)))

(defmethod get-empty-frames ((root frame))
(let ((empties nil))
(iter (for (frame) snakes:in-generator (leafs-in root))
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion lisp/tree/package.lisp
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;; View-frame functions / objects
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion lisp/tree/tree-interface.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ of an already existing frame with the `set-split-frame-type` function")
:accessor frame-height
:type real)
(parent :initarg :parent
:accessor frame-parent))
:accessor frame-parent)
(focused :initarg :focused
:reader frame-focused
:initform nil
:type boolean))
(:documentation "A frame that is displayed on an output"))

(defclass tree-container ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,12 +121,28 @@ a view assigned to it."))
(defgeneric frame-at (root x y)
(:documentation "Get the frame that occupies the specified coordinates."))

(defgeneric mark-frame-focused (frame)
(:documentation "Mark the frame as being focused")
(:method ((frame frame))
(setf (slot-value frame 'focused) t)))

(defgeneric unmark-frame-focused (frame)
(:documentation "Mark the frame as being focused")
(:method ((frame frame))
(setf (slot-value frame 'focused) nil)))

;; helper functions:

(defun root-frame-p (frame)
;; the root frame's parent will be a tree-container:
(typep (frame-parent frame) 'tree-container))

(defun find-frame-container (frame)
"Find the toplevel frame container for this frame"
(declare (type frame frame))
(do ((cur-frame frame (frame-parent cur-frame)))
((typep cur-frame 'tree-container) cur-frame)))

(defun make-basic-tree (&key (x 0) (y 0) (width 100) (height 100))
(let ((container (make-instance 'tree-container))
(frame (make-instance 'view-frame :x x :y y :width width :height height)))
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions lisp/tree/view.lisp
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:type (or hrt:view null)
:documentation "The client of the frame")))

(defun fit-view-into-frame (view frame)
"Make the view fit in the dimensions of the frame"
(set-position view (round (frame-x frame)) (round (frame-y frame)))
(set-dimensions view (round (frame-width frame)) (round (frame-height frame))))

(defun put-view-in-frame (view view-frame)
(defmethod (setf frame-view) :after (view (frame view-frame))
"Place the view in the frame and make it have the same dimensions
and position as the frame"
(setf (frame-view view-frame) view)
(fit-view-into-frame view view-frame))
(when view
(set-position view (round (frame-x frame)) (round (frame-y frame)))
(set-dimensions view (round (frame-width frame)) (round (frame-height frame)))))

(defmethod print-object ((object view-frame) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
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