- first stable version
- implemented all basic functions
- associations are working
- added methods for setting associations
- added method for chaining an arbitraty amount of queries
- fixed date bug
- released project as npm package
- added latest mysql connection library
- fixed id handling on save
- fixed text handling (varchar > 255; text)
- using the inflection library for naming tables more convenient
- Sequelize.TEXT is now using MySQL datatype TEXT instead of varchar(4000)
- fixed bug when using cross associated tables (many to many associations)
- added BOOLEAN type
- added FLOAT type
- fixed DATE type issue
- fixed npm package
- refactored Sequelize to fit CommonJS module conventions
- added possibility to define class and instance methods for models
- added import method for loading model definition from a file
- added error handling when defining invalid database credentials
- Sequelize#sync, Sequelize#drop, model#sync, model#drop returns errors via callback
- code is now located under lib/sequelize to use it with nDistro
- added possibility to use non default mysql database (host/port)
- added error handling when defining invalid database port/host
- schema definitions can now contain default values and null allowance
- database credentials can now also contain an empty / no password
names of many-to-many-association-tables are chosen from passed association names
foreign keys are chosen from passed association name
added many-to-many association on the same model
added hasManyAndBelongsTo
added hasOneAndBelongsTo
nodejs-mysql-native 0.4.2
- fixed bugs from 0.4.1
- added the model instance method loadAssociatedData which adds the hash Model#associatedData to an instance which contains all associated data
- renamed loadAssociatedData to fetchAssociations
- renamed Model#associatedData to fetchedAssociations
- added fetchAssociations to finder methods
- store data found by finder method in the associatedData hash + grep them from there if reload is not forced
- added option to sequelize constructor for disabling the pluralization of tablenames: disableTableNameModification
- allow array as value for chainQueries => Sequelize.chainQueries([save: [a,b,c]], callback)
- remove the usage of an array => Sequelize.chainQueries({save: a}, {destroy: b}, callback)
- complete rewrite
- added new emitter syntax
- sql injection protection
- select now supports hash usage of where
- select now supports array usage of where
- added a lot of options to find/findAll
- Wrapped queries correctly using
- using expresso 0.7.2
- moved config for test database into seperated config file
- Added method for adding and deleting single associations
- Added Model.count(callback), which returns the number of elements saved in the database
- Fixed self associations
- Fixed where clause generation for models with explicit primary keys (allanca)
- Set insertId for non-default auto increment fields (allanca)