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File metadata and controls

209 lines (151 loc) · 5.96 KB


Dynamically setup headers and redirects for you static deployments.

WARNING: This is still in active development, make sure you lock your versions!


When deploying our website we realized we wanted to have a very subtle difference in the redirects if the environment was staging or production, we could have gone for the ENV variable option, but the netlify.toml file does not allow environment variable interpolation, so you end up having to use a sed command (or multiple) to do the replacement, something like:

sed -i s/REDIRECT_1_PLACEHOLDER/${REDIRECT_1_VALUE}/g netlify.toml
sed -i s/REDIRECT_2_PLACEHOLDER/${REDIRECT_2_VALUE}/g netlify.toml
yarn build

After that, we noticed that many static deployment sites have similar limitations, that lead us to creating RedHead, and now you can simply do:

redhead build && yarn build

Table of content


yarn global add redhead

Or you can add it to your package.json

yarn add redhead --dev
$ npm install -g redhead
$ redhead COMMAND
running command...
$ redhead (-v|--version|version)
redhead/0.4.0 darwin-x64 node-v11.9.0
$ redhead --help [COMMAND]
  $ redhead COMMAND

Supported Platforms

We currently two static deployments, but we plan on adding more (contributions are welcome):

Currently supported

Plan on supporting


redhead build

Generate the platform specific files based on the configuration

  $ redhead build

  -o, --output=output              [default: .] Folder where the generated files should be saved.
  -p, --platform=netlify|firebase  [default: netlify] The target platform for the generated files

See code: src/commands/build.js

redhead help [COMMAND]

display help for redhead

  $ redhead help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

redhead init

Initialize the required files

  $ redhead init

  -h, --no-headers    Whether or not to handle headers with redhead
  -r, --no-redirects  Whether or not to handle redirects with redhead

  Generates files for handling your headers and/or redirects configuration.

See code: src/commands/init.js


Different config based on environment

For example, if you want to have different headers based on the environment you just need to customize the headers.js file for your needs and make sure you ENV variables are set for each case, for Netlify this could be done via the netlify.toml file.

// .redhead/headers.js

const headers = [];

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    path: '/cool',
    headers: [
      'X-Cool: 123'

module.exports = headers;

Redirecting one path to the latest post

Let's say you have a blog and want to have a /latest path that always takes users to the latest post that has been published, this could be easily achieved with RedHead.

// .redhead/redirects.js

// use your DB library here;
const db = require('db').config(process.env.CONNECTION_URL);
const lastPost = db.posts.last();

module.exports = [{
  from: '/latest',
  to: `${lastPost.permalink}`,
  status: '302',
  options: '',


All contributions or issue reporting are welcomed. If you are filing a bug please include information to help debug it!

If you plan to contribute, please make sure you test the code.
