The Mesh Delivery SDK is player agnostic. You can use Mesh Delivery with any player but you need to embed and connect several classes together to make it work. For most players, Lumen is providing the "glue" classes and how to connect them but that still leaves some integration on your side.
The Mesh Delivery plugin for ExoPlayer is an Android Archive maven artifact that will automatically pull the right version of the SDK, the right version of ExoPlayer, and that will embed all the required classes. By using Mesh Delivery via the plugin, you can avoid unwanted integration issues since it will automatically bind them all together, thus reducing the boilerplate and guaranting an up-to-date and compatible integration.
To integrate the Mesh Delivery plugin for ExoPlayer, you will need a valid Delivery Client Key. It is available in the Account section of your dashboard. If you do not have one, you can ask for a free trial on our website. In the following tutorial, every mention to the Delivery Client Key will use the <delivery-client-key>
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The easiest way to get the Mesh Delivery plugin is to add it as a Gradle dependency. We assume you are using Android Studio with the latest tools updates as recommended by Google. If not, write to us at [email protected].
Add Streamroot's maven repository to the project settings in settings.gradle
or project build.gradle
depending or your repository declaration system.
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
For a given
is the ExoPlayerMAJOR-MINOR
=> a specific plugin version will automatically take the last PATCH of ExoPlayer (ex:2.18.1
is the Mesh Delivery SDK version (23.3.0
) appended with a plugin version (.0
) To summarize, one plugin version = one specific Mesh Delivery SDK version + one specificMAJOR.MINOR
ExoPlayer version. For that reason, it is recommended that you do not include ExoPlayer as a dependency by yourself but let the Plugin pull the right ExoPlayer version for you. Forcing a different ExoPlayer version may lead to runtime errors such asUnsatisfiedLinkError
, etc.
Add Mesh Delivery plugin for ExoPlayer dependency. In your module build.gradle
(it often ends with .app), add the following lines in the dependencies
// It is good practice to lock dependencies version
def dc_version = '23.3.0'
def exo_version = '2-18'
def plugin_patch = 0
implementation "$exo_version:$dc_version.$plugin_patch"
- ExoPlayer (using
variable, newest patch) - Mesh Delivery SDK (using
variable) org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect
- Mesh Delivery SDK requires Android KitKat 4.4 / API 19. Make sure your
is set to 19 or higher.- If your
is strictly below API 21 (usually 19) and you encounter a maximum number of functions reached, you might need to setup a multidex application. Follow the following steps from the official Android documentation.
If you are obfuscating your code, add the following rules to your proguard:
-keep class io.streamroot.** { *; }
-dontwarn io.streamroot.lumen.**
In your AndroidManifest.xml
add the following permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
Make sure your application allows clear text traffic.
First, add an xml resource (called here network_security_config.xml
) to your project that defines the network security configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain>
Then add the following attributes in the application of your AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest ...>
More info can be found in the Android documentation.
In your AndroidManifest.xml
, add the DeliveryClientKey
in the application
We strongly recommend to set the Delivery Client Key in your AndroidManifest.xml
. However, if it's not possible you can specify it when calling LumenDeliveryClient.initializeApp()
SDK initialization is done preferably in an application context subclass. For that, you need to create a subclass of Application
(or MultiDexApplication
if your codebase is big and you support API level 19 or 20). Then, you can initialize the SDK:
class Application: MultiDexApplication() {
override fun onCreate() {
/* If you could not add your Delivery Client Key in your AndroidManifest.xml
* Call instead: LumenDeliveryClient.initializeApp(this, "<delivery-client-key>")
NOTE: If you use a MultiDexApplication, don't forget to add the multiDexEnabled true
line in your app gradle file under the android.defaultConfig
block. More information in the Multidex documentation linked above.
In your AndroidManifest.xml
, point to your custom application subclass:
The plugin creation is divided in two phases:
- A plugin configuration phase which needs to interact with an
instance. This uses a builder pattern. - A
continuation method which allows you to add extra parameters for Mesh Delivery.
The plugin is always the one that will transform an ExoPlayer.Builder
into an ExoPlayer
The keyword this
in this section refers to an Android Context
or any subclass.
Plugin is interacting with:
- The
- The
Note: The plugin is always configuring things last so be warned that any custom modification with these classes will be overriden.
If you do not need to interact with the ExoPlayer
instance before its construction (with ExoPlayer.Builder
object) then you can leave the SDK in charge of its creation.
val builder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl)
If you need to interact with the ExoPlayer.Builder
you can either create the ExoPlayer.Builder
yourself or hook into one created by the Plugin.
// Pre created
val exoPlayerBuilder = ExoPlayer.Builder(this)
val pluginBuilder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).exoPlayerBuilder(exoPlayerBuilder)
// Using hook
val pluginBuilder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).exoPlayerBuilder { exoPlayerBuilder ->
// Work with exoPlayerBuilder
If you need to override the LoadControl
, you can also either give it to us or hook to it. The LoadControl
needs to be a DefaultLoadControl
as this guarantees maximum efficiency.
// Pre created
val loadControlBuilder = DefaultLoadControl.Builder()
val pluginBuilder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).loadControlBuilder(loadControlBuilder)
// Hook
val pluginBuilder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).loadControlBuilder { defaultLoadControlBuilder ->
// Work with defaultLoadControlBuilder
If you need to interact with the BandwidthMeter
you can use or subclass an ExoPlayerBandwidthMeter
val pluginBuilder = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).bandwidthMeterCustomFactory { exoPlayerBuilder ->
ExoPlayerBandwidthMeter(this, exoPlayerBuilder)
Any other interaction with the ExoPlayer.Builder
class should be safe to use as Lumen does not interact with anything else (including DRM, etc).
Once the plugin is configured, you can optionally call the method meshOptions()
on it. Inside that scope you can call one or multiple methods to configure Mesh Delivery.
LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).meshOptions {
* Set Mesh property
* param: String
* Set the Delivery Client Key
* Is only required if it was not set in AndroidManifest.xml
* Will override the AndroidManifest.xml DeliveryClientKey
* param: String
* Set the content id
* A string that identifies your content
* By default, it uses the stream url
* param: String
* Set the log level
* See the "How to investigate?" to know more
* param: LumenLogLevel
* Set latency in seconds
* param: Int
* Set a proxy server
* Allows the use of a proxy server in the middle
* Format is host:port
* params: String
Once resolved the plugin keeps a strong reference on all used items and gives access to most of it including:
(public) (it's a glue class that the plugin took care of embedding and configuring)LoadControl
// If you have no plugin config or mesh config steps
val plugin = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).build()
// Plugin configuration + meshOptions (empty)
val plugin = LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).loadControlBuilder{}.meshOptions{}.build()
We recommend that you keep a strong reference to the plugin instance as this will keep strong refs of everything and you will be interacting with the plugin directly.
Calling the start()
method on the LumenDeliveryClientPlugin
instance will start the SDK.
Once you have a running instance of the SDK, you must retrieve the final URL and input it to your player instead of your original one.
val finalUrl = plugin.finalUri
For convenience, you can also call start()
directly on a DeliveryClientPlugin.Builder
, it will resolve the plugin and pass it back in your provided lambda (skips .build()
To maximize compatibility with the SDK we strongly encourage you to allow HTTP <-> HTTPS cross protocol redirects in your ExoPlayer media sources.
With finalUrl
you can create the mediaItem
for ExoPlayer, like this:
val mediaItem = MediaItem.fromUri(Uri.parse(finalUrl))
Once the video is done playing, you have to stop the SDK created earlier.
// Calling stop will finish ongoing tasks and release all resources used
LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).meshOptions {
}.start().apply {
plugin = this // plugin is stocked in the activity as a field
bindings.playerView.player = exoPlayer
showStatsView(this) // see the StatsView section to understand this
exoPlayer.playWhenReady = true
exoPlayer.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL
By default the log level is set to OFF
, it can be override either at initilization which will propagate to all LumenDeliveryClient
or during meshOptions
LumenDeliveryClientPlugin.Builder(this, manifestUrl).meshOptions {
- Valid value for
Lumen provides an optional utils library that allows the display of Mesh Delivery information on the device.
Add the utils dependency to your module's build.gradle
by changing the name of the artifact. Append -utils
to the artifact name to pull the utils package as well.
// /!\ Optional package including Stat View. Not intended for production /!\
implementation "$exo_version-utils:$dc_version.$plugin_patch"
Add the LumenStatsView
to your layout, ideally over the biggest surface. You can do this freely as it won't intercept user interaction.
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Retrieve your view by your preferred method and link it with a LumenDeliveryClientPlugin
// Helper function to initializing the stats view
private fun initStatsView(dcStatsView: View) {
dcStatsView.apply {
// Instanciate a LumenStatsVie
val statsView = LumenStatsView(context)
// Display the stat view. Otherwise it is hidden by default
addView(statsView, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)
dcStatsView = ...
A red overlay with Mesh Delivery SDK related stats should be displayed. The stats view overlay can be reopened by clicking repeatedly anywhere on the screen.
The SDK is player agnostic. All communication between the player and the delivery client that are player specific are implemented in a PlayerInteractor class. Each player has a different API that the SDK tries to use at its full potential in order to monitor and maximize the Quality of Service. The lack of some interfaces may :
- Reduce QoS detection
- Reduce offload
- INVALID : Unused
- Playback time : OK
- Bandwidth control : OK
- Buffer health : OK
- Track switch : Experimental
- Player error : OK
- Frame drop : Unsupported
- Set buffer target : OK
- Get buffer target : OK