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Mqtt client connection issues #111

pikowai opened this issue Jan 2, 2022 · 0 comments

Mqtt client connection issues #111

pikowai opened this issue Jan 2, 2022 · 0 comments


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pikowai commented Jan 2, 2022

I am using flask with uwsgi and nginx to accept webhooks from a private instance of The Things Stack and then trying to post mqtt commands to control the IO devices in the field. I can connect using paho to create a client and post data. When I try to use flask_mqtt the client connects and then gives an error message:

16 Error: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
16 Error: Sending PINGREQ
16 Error: Received PINGRESP
16 Error: Sending PINGREQ

On the server side, the logs show:

stack_1 | INFO Connected application_uid=pump-control namespace=applicationserver/io/mqtt remote_addr=
stack_1 | WARN Failed to setup connection error=read tcp> i/o timeout namespace=applicationserver/io/mqtt remote_addr=
stack_1 | WARN Error receiving packet client_id= error=read tcp> i/o timeout namespace=applicationserver/io/mqtt username=pump-control
stack_1 | WARN Error when reading packet application_uid=pump-control error=read tcp> i/o timeout namespace=applicationserver/io/mqtt remote_addr=

It works fine if I just use the paho mqtt client, it runs happily as a service.

working source with some connection details removed.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask, request
import paho.mqtt.client as mqttClient
import json
import re
import time
import base64
import ssl

app = Flask(__name__)

TLS_PORT = 8883  # Secure port
MQTT_PASSWORD = ""  # Leave this in blank
TOPIC = "v3/x/devices/"
DEVICE_LABEL = "dam-pump/"
QUEUE_REPLACE = "down/replace"
QUEUE_PUSH = "down/push"
TLS_CERT_PATH = "isrgrootx1.pem"  # Put here the path of your TLS cert
OFF_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,0])
ON_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,3])
ON1_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,1])
ON2_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,2])

connected = 0

def connect(mqtt_client, mqtt_username, mqtt_password, broker_endpoint, port):
    global connected

    if not mqtt_client.is_connected():
        mqtt_client.username_pw_set(mqtt_username, password=mqtt_password)
        mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect
        mqtt_client.on_publish = on_publish
        mqtt_client.tls_set(ca_certs=TLS_CERT_PATH, certfile=None,
                            keyfile=None, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
                            tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers=None)
        mqtt_client.connect(broker_endpoint, port=port)

        attempts = 0

        while not connected and attempts < 5:  # Wait for connection
            print("Attempting to connect...")
            attempts += 1

    if not connected:
        print("[ERROR] Could not connect to broker")
        return False

    return True

def publish(mqtt_client, topic, payload):

        mqtt_client.publish(topic, payload)

    except Exception as e:
        print("[ERROR] Could not publish data, error: {}".format(e))

def send_command(mqtt,cmd):
    payload_dict = {"downlinks": [{"f_port": 1,"frm_payload": "","priority": "NORMAL"}]}
    raw_cmd = base64.b64encode(cmd)
    payload_dict["downlinks"][0]["frm_payload"] = raw_cmd.decode("utf8")
    payload = json.dumps(payload_dict)
    topic = "{}{}{}".format(TOPIC, DEVICE_LABEL, QUEUE_REPLACE)
    print (topic)
    ret = mqtt.publish (topic, payload)
    print('return from mqtt is ',ret)

def processP1(payload):
    print('p1 array voltage ',payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['pvArray1V'])
    array_voltage = payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['pvArray1V']
    if array_voltage < 24.5:
        NIGHT = 1
        cmd = ''
        NIGHT = 0
        cmd = ''
    return cmd

def processP2(payload):
    batt_voltage = payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['batt1V']
    print('p2 payload',payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['batt1V'])
    print('bat voltage is ', batt_voltage)
    if batt_voltage < 24:
        LOW_BATT = 1
        cmd = OFF_CMD
        LOW_BATT = 0
        cmd = ''
    return cmd

def processIO(payload):
    print('IO payload',payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"])
    if (payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI2'] == 1 and payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI1']==1):
                cmd = ON1_CMD
    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI1']==1:
        if PUMP_STATE == 0:
            PUMP_STATE = 1
            PUMP_START_TIME = time.time()
            cmd = ''
            print('pump started at ',PUMP_START_TIME)
        elif PUMP_STATE == 1:
            print ("pump running time is ",time.time() - PUMP_START_TIME)
            if time.time() - PUMP_START_TIME > 1500:
                cmd = ON1_CMD 
            elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI2'] == 1:
                cmd = ON1_CMD
                cmd = ''
            cmd = OFF_CMD
            print('pump is over time')
#    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DO1']==0:
#        cmd = ON1_CMD
    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DO1']==1:
        cmd = OFF_CMD
        PUMP_STATE = 0
        cmd = ''
        print('pump stopped')
    return cmd

def ackManage(payload):
    print('ack recieved')
    cmd = ''
    return cmd 

def payload_switch(payload):
    switch = {'DataFrameP1':processP1,
    print('here', payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['msgType'])
    func = switch.get(payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['msgType'],'')
    cmd = func(payload)        
    return cmd

def parse_request(req):
    Parses application/json request body data into a Python dictionary
    payload = req.get_data()
  #  payload = unquote_plus(payload)
  #  payload = re.sub('payload=', '', payload)
    payload = json.loads(payload)
    cmd = payload_switch(payload)

    return cmd

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    global connected  # Use global variable
    if rc == 0:

        print("[INFO] Connected to broker")
        connected = True  # Signal connection
        print("[INFO] Error, connection failed")

def on_publish(client, userdata, result):
    print("Published!", result)

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
    Go to localhost:5000 to see a message
    return ('This is a website.', 200, None)

@app.route('/api/print', methods=['POST'])
def print_test():
    Send a POST request to localhost:5000/api/print with a JSON body with a "p" key
    to print that message in the server console.
    payload = parse_request(request)
    print (payload['p'])
    return ("", 200, None)

@app.route('/api/pv-data', methods=['POST'])
def pv_webhook():
    print ("Processing request...")
    cmd = parse_request(request)
    print ("cmd is ", cmd)
    if cmd != '':
        print('sending cmd', cmd)
        mqtt = mqttClient.Client()
        if not connect(mqtt, MQTT_USERNAME,
            return False
        send_command(mqtt, cmd)
    return ("OK",200, None)

if __name__ == '__main__':, use_reloader=False, host='', port = 9000)

While this connects and then immediately disconnects

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_mqtt import Mqtt
import json
import re
import time
import base64
import ssl

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['MQTT_BROKER_URL'] = 'test'  # use the free broker from HIVEMQ
app.config['MQTT_BROKER_PORT'] = 8883  # default port for non-tls connection
app.config['MQTT_USERNAME'] = 'test'  # set the username here if you need authentication for the broker
app.config['MQTT_PASSWORD'] = ''  # set the password here if the broker demands authentication
app.config['MQTT_KEEPALIVE'] = 5  # set the time interval for sending a ping to the broker to 5 seconds
app.config['MQTT_TLS_ENABLED'] = True
app.config['MQTT_TLS_INSECURE'] = True
app.config['MQTT_TLS_VERSION'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2
app.config['MQTT_TLS_CA_CERTS'] = 'isrgrootx1.pem'# set TLS to disabled for testing purposes
app.config['SECRET'] = 'my secret key'
app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
app.config['MQTT_CLIENT_ID'] = '111222555'
app.config['MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION'] = True
app.config['MQTT_LAST_WILL_TOPIC'] = 'home/lastwill'
app.config['MQTT_LAST_WILL_MESSAGE'] = 'bye'
app.config['MQTT_LAST_WILL_QOS'] = 0
app.config['MQTT_PROTOCOL'] = 'MQTTv31'

TOPIC = "v3/pump-control/devices/"
QUEUE_REPLACE = "down/replace"
QUEUE_PUSH = "down/push"
DEVICE_LABEL = 'dam-pump/'
OFF_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,0])
ON_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,3])
ON1_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,1])
ON2_CMD = bytes([8,2,0,0,1,0,2])

mqtt = Mqtt(app)

def send_command(mqtt,cmd):
    payload_dict = {"downlinks": [{"f_port": 1,"frm_payload": "","priority": "NORMAL"}]}
    raw_cmd = base64.b64encode(cmd)
    payload_dict["downlinks"][0]["frm_payload"] = raw_cmd.decode("utf8")
    payload = json.dumps(payload_dict)
    topic = "{}{}{}".format(TOPIC, DEVICE_LABEL, QUEUE_REPLACE)
    print (topic)
    ret = mqtt.publish (topic, payload)
    print('return from mqtt is ',ret)

def processP1(payload):
    print('p1 array voltage ',payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['pvArray1V'])
    array_voltage = payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['pvArray1V']
    if array_voltage < 24.5:
        NIGHT = 1
        cmd = ''
        NIGHT = 0
        cmd = ''
    return cmd

def processP2(payload):
    batt_voltage = payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['batt1V']
    print('p2 payload',payload['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['batt1V'])
    print('bat voltage is ', batt_voltage)
    if batt_voltage < 24:
        LOW_BATT = 1
        cmd = OFF_CMD
        LOW_BATT = 0
        cmd = ''
    return cmd

def processIO(payload):
    print('IO payload',payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"])
    if (payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI2'] == 1 and payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI1']==1):
                cmd = ON1_CMD
    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI1']==1:
        if PUMP_STATE == 0:
            PUMP_STATE = 1
            PUMP_START_TIME = time.time()
            cmd = ''
            print('pump started at ',PUMP_START_TIME)
        elif PUMP_STATE == 1:
            print ("pump running time is ",time.time() - PUMP_START_TIME)
            if time.time() - PUMP_START_TIME > 300:
                cmd = ON1_CMD 
            elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DI2'] == 1:
                cmd = ON1_CMD
                cmd = ''
            cmd = OFF_CMD
            print('pump is over time')
#    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DO1']==0:
#        cmd = ON1_CMD
    elif payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['DO1']==1:
        cmd = OFF_CMD
        PUMP_STATE = 0
        cmd = ''
        print('pump stopped')
    return cmd

def ackManage(payload):
    print('ack recieved')
    cmd = ''
    return cmd 

def payload_switch(payload):
    switch = {'DataFrameP1':processP1,
    print('here', payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['msgType'])
    func = switch.get(payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]['msgType'],'')
    cmd = func(payload)        
    return cmd

def parse_request(req):
    Parses application/json request body data into a Python dictionary
    payload = req.get_data()
  #  payload = unquote_plus(payload)
  #  payload = re.sub('payload=', '', payload)
    payload = json.loads(payload)
    cmd = payload_switch(payload)

    return cmd

def handle_logging(client, userdata, level, buf):
    print(level,'Error: {}'.format(buf))

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
    Go to localhost:5000 to see a message
    return ('This is a website.', 200, None)

@app.route('/api/print', methods=['POST'])
def print_test():
    Send a POST request to localhost:5000/api/print with a JSON body with a "p" key
    to print that message in the server console.
    payload = parse_request(request)
    print (payload['p'])
    return ("", 200, None)

@app.route('/api/sum', methods=['POST'])
def sum():
    Send a POST request to localhost:5000/api/sum with a JSON body with an "a" and "b" key
    to have the app add those numbers together and return a response string with their sum.
    print ("Processing request...")
    payload = parse_request(request)
    print ("Receieved following paylod:")
    print (payload)

    print ("Adding sum...")
    summation = payload['a'] + payload['b']
    print ("Found sum: %s" % summation)

    print ("Creating response string...")
    resp = '%s + %s = %s' % (payload['a'], payload['b'], summation)
    print ("Sending the following response:")
    print (resp)

    return (resp, 200, None)

@app.route('/api/pv-data', methods=['POST'])
def pv_webhook():
    print ("Processing request...")
    cmd = parse_request(request)
    print ("cmd is ", cmd)
    if cmd != '':
        print('sending cmd', cmd)
        send_command(mqtt, cmd)
    return ("OK",200, None)

if __name__ == '__main__':, use_reloader=False, host='', port = 9000)

the following is the uwsgi.ini I use,

module = pumphook:app

processes = 1
single-interpreter = true

socket = flask.sock
chmod-socket = 664
vacuum = true

die-on-term = true

Any advice on where I'm going wrong would be much appreciated,

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