Introduction to GIS with R / Presentation and use case for the Canton of Zurich
It is suggested to use RStudio to run this project.
First clone the repository as described in the linked manual.
Go to
and run it (it installs the needed packages and loads the functions)
Run the scripts before knitting the presentation. Some files that are downloaded/calculated within the scripts are used by the quarto.
├── 00_setup.R
├── 01_dlFromSTAC.R
├── 02_getGeodata.R
├── 03_loadSaveRasters.R
├── 04_calculateNDVI.R
├── 05_statistics.R
Download Band 2-4 & 8 of the Sentinel-2 sceneS2B_MSIL2A_20230613T102609_R108_T32TMT_20230613T173356
Download Layers from a WFS Server- Landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen
- Bezirke
- Gemeindegrenzen
- Kantonsgrenze Kt. ZH
Combine 4 Bands to a single 4-band Raster, project it to EPSG:2056 and save to file. -
Load a 4 Band tif file, calculate the NDVI according to:
$$NDVI = \frac{(NIR - RED)}{(NIR + RED)}$$
and save it to file. -
From the NDVI raster and a polygon layer, calculate the mean NDVI per feature, indicating vegetation health per parcel.