From ea964e58fd27af0dc280c97ed503ffbd2a5fc3a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Casey Dwyer Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 09:12:50 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] [4.x] Updated validation translations (#8819) --- resources/lang/en/validation.php | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/resources/lang/en/validation.php b/resources/lang/en/validation.php index 837d7bdb80..f366eaa7cb 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/validation.php +++ b/resources/lang/en/validation.php @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ */ 'accepted' => 'Must be accepted.', + 'accepted_if' => 'Must be accepted when :other is :value.', 'active_url' => 'This is not a valid URL.', 'after' => 'Must be a date after :date.', 'after_or_equal' => 'Must be a date after or equal to :date.', @@ -21,34 +22,43 @@ 'alpha_dash' => 'May only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.', 'alpha_num' => 'May only contain letters and numbers.', 'array' => 'Must be an array.', + 'ascii' => 'Must only contain single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols.', 'before' => 'Must be a date before :date.', 'before_or_equal' => 'Must be a date before or equal to :date.', 'between' => [ - 'numeric' => 'Must be between :min and :max.', + 'array' => 'Must have between :min and :max items.', 'file' => 'Must be between :min and :max kilobytes.', + 'numeric' => 'Must be between :min and :max.', 'string' => 'Must be between :min and :max characters.', - 'array' => 'Must have between :min and :max items.', ], 'boolean' => 'Must be true or false.', + 'can' => 'Contains an unauthorized value.', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmation does not match.', 'current_password' => 'The password is incorrect.', 'date' => 'Not a valid date.', + 'date_equals' => 'Must be a date equal to :date.', 'date_format' => 'Does not match the format :format.', + 'decimal' => 'Must have :decimal decimal places.', + 'declined' => 'Must be declined.', + 'declined_if' => 'Must be declined when :other is :value.', 'different' => 'This field and :other must be different.', 'digits' => 'Must be :digits digits.', 'digits_between' => 'Must be between :min and :max digits.', 'dimensions' => 'Invalid image dimensions.', 'distinct' => 'This field has a duplicate value.', + 'doesnt_end_with' => 'Must not end with one of the following: :values.', + 'doesnt_start_with' => 'Must not start with one of the following: :values.', 'email' => 'Must be a valid email address.', 'ends_with' => 'Must end with :values', + 'enum' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.', 'exists' => 'This is invalid.', 'file' => 'Must be a file.', 'filled' => 'Must have a value.', 'gt' => [ - 'numeric' => 'Must be greater than :value.', + 'array' => 'Must have more than :value items.', 'file' => 'Must be greater than :value kilobytes.', + 'numeric' => 'Must be greater than :value.', 'string' => 'Must be greater than :value characters.', - 'array' => 'Must have more than :value items.', ], 'gte' => [ 'numeric' => 'Must be greater than or equal :value.', @@ -77,12 +87,14 @@ 'string' => 'Must be less than or equal :value characters.', 'array' => 'Must not have more than :value items.', ], + 'mac_address' => 'Must be a valid MAC address.', 'max' => [ 'numeric' => 'May not be greater than :max.', 'file' => 'May not be greater than :max kilobytes.', 'string' => 'May not be greater than :max characters.', 'array' => 'May not have more than :max items.', ], + 'max_digits' => 'Must not have more than :max digits.', 'mimes' => 'Must be a file of type: :values.', 'mimetypes' => 'Must be a file of type: :values.', 'min' => [ @@ -91,13 +103,26 @@ 'string' => 'Must be at least :min characters.', 'array' => 'Must have at least :min items.', ], + 'min_digits' => 'Must have at least :min digits.', + 'missing' => 'Must be missing.', + 'missing_if' => 'Must be missing when :other is :value.', + 'missing_unless' => 'Must be missing unless :other is :value.', + 'missing_with' => 'Must be missing when :values is present.', + 'missing_with_all' => 'Must be missing when :values are present.', + 'multiple_of' => 'Must be a multiple of :value.', 'not_in' => 'This is invalid.', 'not_regex' => 'Format is invalid.', 'numeric' => 'Must be a number.', 'present' => 'Must be present.', + 'prohibited' => 'Prohibited.', + 'prohibited_if' => 'Prohibited when :other is :value.', + 'prohibited_unless' => 'Prohibited unless :other is in :values.', + 'prohibits' => 'Prohibits :other from being present.', 'regex' => 'Format is invalid.', 'required' => 'This field is required.', + 'required_array_keys' => 'Must contain entries for: :values.', 'required_if' => 'This field is required when :other is :value.', + 'required_if_accepted' => 'This field is required when :other is accepted.', 'required_unless' => 'This field is required unless :other is in :values.', 'required_with' => 'This field is required when :values is present.', 'required_with_all' => 'This field is required when :values is present.', @@ -105,17 +130,20 @@ 'required_without_all' => 'This field is required when none of :values are present.', 'same' => 'This field and :other must match.', 'size' => [ - 'numeric' => 'Must be :size.', + 'array' => 'Must contain :size items.', 'file' => 'Must be :size kilobytes.', + 'numeric' => 'Must be :size.', 'string' => 'Must be :size characters.', - 'array' => 'Must contain :size items.', ], 'starts_with' => 'Must start with :values', 'string' => 'Must be a string.', 'timezone' => 'Must be a valid zone.', 'unique' => 'This value has already been taken.', 'uploaded' => 'Failed to upload.', + 'uppercase' => 'Must be uppercase.', 'url' => 'Format is invalid.', + 'ulid' => 'Must be a valid ULID.', + 'uuid' => 'Must be a valid UUID.', /* |--------------------------------------------------------------------------