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The new BF2Statistics 3.0 ASP, currently in public Beta. The GameSpy server to match is over at

Usage (docker)

docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 -e DB_HOST=db -e DB_PORT=3306 -e DB_NAME=bf2stats -e DB_USER=root -e DB_PASS=ascent startersclan/asp:3.3.0

See this example showing how to deploy Battlefield 2 1.5 server, PRMasterserver as the master server, and ASP as the stats web server, using docker-compose.


See instructions to upgrade to v3.3.0 here.


To use Docker Compose v2, use docker compose instead of docker-compose.

# 1. Start
docker-compose up --build
# ASP available at http://localhost:8081/ASP. Username: admin, password admin. See ./config/ASP/config.php
# phpmyadmin available at http://localhost:8083. Username: root, password: ascent. See ./config/ASP/config.php config file

# 2. Once everything has started, restart the BF2 server to begin recording stats
docker-compose restart bf2

# 3. Before launching the BF2 client, spoof gamespy DNS by adding these entries in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. This is needed for the BF2 client to work correctly.
# Replace '' with your development machine's IP address

# 4. Launch BF2 client and connect to the BF2 server
# - To use BF2Hub as the Gamespy server, launch BF2.exe, and login to your BF2Hub account, and connect to the BF2 server using MULTIPLAYER > CONNECT TO IP
# - To use PRMasterserver in docker-compose as the Gamespy server, if you have previously patched BF2.exe using the BF2Hub patcher, you must unpatch BF2.exe. Then launch BF2.exe (do not use BF2Hub), create a new Online account, login, and connect to the BF2 server using MULTIPLAYER > CONNECT TO IP.
# At the end of a round, the BF2 server will send a stats snapshot to the ASP. View stats in ASP.

# Development - Install vscode extensions
# Once installed, set breakpoints in code, and press F5 to start debugging.
code --install-extension bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client # PHP intellisense
code --install-extension xdebug.php-debug # PHP remote debugging via xdebug
code --install-extension ms-python.python # Python intellisense
# If xdebug is not working, iptables INPUT chain may be set to DROP on the docker bridge.
# Execute this to allow php to reach the host machine via the docker0 bridge
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i br+ -j ACCEPT

# BF2 server - Restart server
docker-compose restart bf2
# BF2 server - Attach to the bf2 server console
docker attach $( docker-compose ps -q bf2 )
# BF2 server - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q bf2) bash
# BF2 server - Read python logs
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q bf2 ) bash -c 'cat python/bf2/logs/bf2game_*'
# BF2 server - List snapshots
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q bf2 ) bash -c 'ls -al python/bf2/logs/snapshots/sent'
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q bf2 ) bash -c 'ls -al python/bf2/logs/snapshots/unsent'

# asp - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) sh
# asp - List backups
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) ls -al /src/ASP/system/backups
# asp - List cache
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) ls -al /src/ASP/system/cache
# asp - List config
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) ls -al /src/ASP/system/config
# asp - List logs
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) ls -al /src/ASP/system/logs
# asp - List snapshots
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q asp ) ls -alR /src/ASP/system/snapshots/

# Test
./test/ dev 1

# Test production builds
./test/ prod 1 1

# Dump the DB
docker exec $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysqldump -uroot -pascent bf2stats | gzip > bf2stats.sql.gz

# Restore the DB
zcat bf2stats.sql.gz | docker exec -i $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysql -uroot -pascent bf2stats

# Stop
docker-compose down

# Cleanup
docker-compose down --remove-orphans
docker volume rm asp_prmasterserver-volume
docker volume rm asp_backups-volume
docker volume rm asp_cache-volume
docker volume rm asp_config-volume
docker volume rm asp_logs-volume
docker volume rm asp_snapshots-volume
docker volume rm asp_db-volume


./ 3.x.x "A comment to describe the release"
git add .
git commit -m "Chore: Release 3.x.x"


Q: ASP dashboard shows Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'admin' (T_STRING) in /src/ASP/system/framework/View.php(346) : eval()'d code on line 153

A: Grant the PHP user write permission for ./src/ASP/system/config/config.php.

Q: Database cannot be backed up using the ASP when the database is not on the same host!!!

A: If you are seeing this in docker, it is expected, since ASP and db containers are running on different hosts.

It is better to backup the DB on a cron schedule using mysqldump from another container linked to the db container:

# Dump a DB at host `db`, user `root`, password `ascent`, database `bf2stats`
mysqldump -hdb -uroot -pascent bf2stats

Q: Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: host.docker.internal:9000 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port) appears in PHP logs on docker-compose up

A: If you are seeing this in development, the PHP debugger is not running. Press F5 in vscode to start the PHP debugger. If you don't need debugging, set XDEBUG_MODE=off in docker-compose.yml to disable XDebug.