Jet methods were originally declared in the Kinematics
class. KinematicsJets
will inherit from the Kinematics
class to avoid redeclaration of methods.
KinematicsJets(Double_t enEleBeam_, Double_t enIonBeam_, Double_t crossAng_);
requires beam energies and crossing angle, set by
(at the macro level) -
calls the Kinematics base class constructor - see documentation there.
void CalculateJetKinematics(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
void CalculateBreitJetKinematics(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
- requires Jets (from
) - calculates:
- qTjet
- pTjet
- zjet
- jperp
- ...
void CalculateJetResolution(fastjet::PseudoJet jet);
- requires that GetJets and CalculateJetKinematics has run
- for the input reconstructed jet, find the closest truth level jet
- pass the kinematics of the matched truth level jet
Most of these variables are public
to allow for easy access
- many calculator methods will modify / determine them; because of this, you need to understand which calculations calculate what, and what variables each calculation depends on
- be careful not to 'accidentally' modify them!
// jet objects
int jetAlgo;
double jetRad, jetMinPt;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jetsRec, jetsTrue;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> breitJetsRec, breitJetsTrue;
std::map<double, int> jetConstituents;
fastjet::ClusterSequence csRec;
fastjet::ClusterSequence csTrue;
// jet variables
Double_t zjet, pTjet, qTjet, mTjet, etajet, phijet, mjet, ejet;
Double_t deltaRjet;
int matchStatusjet;
Double_t pTmtjet, mTmtjet, etamtjet, phimtjet, mmtjet, emtjet;
std::vector<double> jperp;
std::vector<double> zhad_jet;
Double_t quarkpT; // struck quark information