This document describes how to run the experiments in the SOSP 2021 paper. These
experiments were benchmarked on an m5.8xlarge
AWS EC2 instance.
We have created an image on Amazon EC2 with all software dependencies already installed on Ubuntu 16.04. Skip to the next section if using this.
Field | Value |
Cloud Provider | AWS |
Region | us-west-2 |
AMI ID | ami-025c68f3633e5859e |
AMI Name | pop |
See this link for how to find and launch a public AMI (this assumes you have a valid billable AWS account setup).
- Install system-wide dependencies. You'll need the following for Ubuntu 16.04:
# Ubuntu 16.04.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa # Add repository to install Java 11.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake python-dev python3-dev openjdk-11-jdk maven unzip zip htop g++ gcc libnuma-dev make numactl zlib1g-dev
For Ubuntu 18.04, use the following commands:
# Ubuntu 18.04.
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake python-dev python3-dev openjdk-11-jre-headless default-jre maven unzip zip htop g++ gcc libnuma-dev make numactl zlib1g-dev
- Install Miniconda with Python 3.8:
Download and install CPLEX 20.1 free academic version (requires an IBM account, Run the installer, specifying
as the install directory. -
Download and install Gurobi 8.1.1:
tar xvf gurobi8.1.1_linux64.tar.gz
- Add/modify the following environment variables in your
export GUROBI_HOME=$HOME/gurobi811/linux64
export CPLEX_HOME=$HOME/cplex121/cplex
Source your .bashrc
so that these variables are now available.
cd POP/cluster_scheduling
conda create --name cluster_scheduling
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd scheduler; make
cd POP/traffic_engineering
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate traffic_engineering
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ # Download the traffic matrices used in experiments.
cd POP/load_balancing
mvn package
Obtain a free Gurobi academic
license. Note
that you will have to use grbgetkey
, which should be available to you once
you've completed the steps in Setup. This will require creating a Gurobi account
and accepting their EULA. After doing so, Gurobi will give you a command to run
to download the key to your machine; for example:
grbgetkey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
This will NOT work if you are not on a university network machine, since Gurobi requires that the command be run on a machine that is connected to a university network.
To get around this, you will have to set up SOCKS proxy via ssh
ssh -D 1337 -f -C -q -N [your_university_username]@[domain_or_public_ip_of_machine_in_university_network]
Then, run grbgetkey
while simultaneously setting HTTPS_PROXY
HTTPS_PROXY=socks5://localhost:1337 grbgetkey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
That should work! You can save the Gurobi license file to the $HOME
directory: /home/ubuntu/gurobi.lic
. You can also now safely kill the
proxy process at this point.
To confirm that the Gurobi license and installation are both setup
correctly, run gurobi_cl --license
, which should output the path of the license file.
Obtain a free MOSEK license.
Put the resulting mosek.lic
file at $HOME/mosek/mosek.lic
To reproduce Figure 2 in the paper (that is, evaluate the max-min fairness policy presented
in Section 4.1 of the paper in isolation with 2048 jobs), run the following command from
# Make sure that you are using the correct conda environment.
conda activate cluster_scheduling
python | tee num_jobs=2048.out
This will run the max-fairness policy and its POP variants (with 2, 4, and 8 sub-problems). It will also run Gandiva, a heuristic that we compare to. The script dumps outputs of the form:
[0.08643364906311035, 0.09309506416320801, 0.058812618255615234, 0.08636689186096191, 0.018480777740478516]
[{0: 1.5698842282831222, 1: 9.241579568825575, 2: 4.931977234918527, 3: 37.24441907874906, 4: 6.417652032157853, 5: 3.931049823341792, 6: 32.79323761509924, 7: 4.931977234918902, 8: 1.5698842282831154, 9: 18.94856740357798, 10: 12.233197360582315, 11: 7.798311766932931, 12: 4.931977234918848, 13: 6.703265967155044, 14: 7.798311766932706, 15: 9.241579568825344, 16: 32.79323761509924, 17: 9.241579568825548, 18: 19.658091666362743, 19: 25.860799244781344, 20: 18.948567403577982, 21: 25.8607992447814, 22: 32.79323761510021, 23: 49.65153473676654, 24: 19.65809166636262, 25: 64.70868828991907, 26: 2.5997972671366494, 27: 19.658091666362324, 28: 3.9310498233418523, 29: 8.064938648180137, 30: 6.703265967155158, 31: 22.71582244718927}, {0: 1.4647041579582472, 2: 4.601541687330533, 4: 5.987678182392197, 6: 30.596136776746935, 8: 1.4647041579451165, 10: 11.41359030776212, 12: 4.601541687358531, 14: 7.2758360616597555, 16: 30.59613677674747, 18: 18.341026422515753, 20: 17.679039954687475, 22: 30.596136776757234, 24: 18.34102642247671, 26: 2.4256144503443555, 28: 3.667675001519033, 30: 6.254156518443241, 1: 9.562110102604034, 3: 38.536186427639244, 5: 4.067392456052443, 7: 5.103035536569936, 9: 19.605770372689378, 11: 8.06878462782129, 13: 6.935758808557147, 15: 9.562110102603947, 17: 9.562110102604123, 19: 26.757743354910716, 21: 26.75774335491067, 23: 51.37362460952818, 25: 66.95301245376373, 27: 20.33990344356843, 29: 8.344659079313644, 31: 23.50368654601271}, {0: 1.4846506226865563, 4: 6.069219080766552, 8: 1.4846506226866303, 12: 4.664205902256044, 16: 31.012797400600324, 20: 17.91979476728931, 24: 18.590796853787584, 28: 3.717621725235655, 1: 9.168388136827382, 5: 3.899916640435131, 9: 18.798498272984624, 13: 6.650177327914945, 17: 9.168388136827362, 21: 25.655986708712636, 25: 64.19620677130798, 29: 8.001065836166479, 2: 4.518923835785035, 6: 30.046802133608416, 10: 11.208666409399097, 14: 7.145202930155343, 18: 18.011724242423327, 22: 30.04680212427316, 26: 2.3820640597392075, 30: 6.141867033239036, 3: 38.97512050799075, 7: 5.161159901298792, 11: 8.160689471574116, 15: 9.67102401016267, 19: 27.062518175879294, 23: 51.958779031682916, 27: 20.57157836784196, 31: 23.77139757606815}, {0: 1.1789473246125695, 8: 1.1789473246125608, 16: 24.62697558913201, 24: 14.762779488774754, 1: 8.929825798829546, 9: 18.309359577592918, 17: 8.92982579882823, 25: 62.52581501879615, 2: 4.460791117991594, 10: 11.064474671121282, 18: 17.78001661024772, 26: 2.351420445164563, 3: 37.71497996545231, 11: 7.896838839335188, 19: 26.187534939467398, 27: 19.906459722862778, 4: 6.34975893010398, 12: 4.879801218650316, 20: 18.748108238080682, 28: 3.889462825955972, 5: 3.7937298069908136, 13: 6.469106492712816, 21: 24.95742629099698, 29: 7.783213226369135, 6: 27.25118320098214, 14: 6.4803978943980125, 22: 27.251183200981725, 30: 5.570414267614176, 7: 4.562504438418189, 15: 8.549258580559219, 23: 45.931952905181184, 31: 21.014095291971774}, {0: 0.0, 1: 5.43367116841246, 2: 2.5786536394475457, 3: 10.870500201699938, 4: 3.909662257146511, 5: 0.0, 6: 13.05771282787416, 7: 2.493791802549553, 8: 0.0, 9: 14.385277028360374, 10: 8.26742556582763, 11: 4.4609683033887535, 12: 3.033003223038409, 13: 4.384722662091917, 14: 2.345213014744705, 15: 7.159066662450499, 16: 19.750183041550553, 17: 6.039062581368526, 18: 13.338027878527582, 19: 13.3126752467904, 20: 16.40313485093915, 21: 20.9350650084345, 22: 18.101056471961684, 23: 30.439256714588208, 24: 8.451735133864368, 25: 43.346101858267566, 26: 0.0, 27: 9.499239979415592, 28: 2.051824837955005, 29: 3.3923062827990096, 30: 5.010541136660578, 31: 11.247211685299792}]
The first line is the list of runtimes in the order [Exact sol., POP-2, POP-4, POP-8, Gandiva]
The second line is the list of dicts of effective throughputs for each of these jobs. For the
purposes of this figure, the allocation quality is the mean effective throughput ratio (ratio
of effective throughput of each job with a specific policy to the exact solution's). For each
point in Figure 2, the x
value is the runtime, and the y
value is the mean effective
throughput (with standard deviation as the error bar). This experiment takes about 30 minutes
to complete.
An example logfile is available at cluster_scheduling/logs/non_trace_num_jobs=2048.out
We have also included code to plot this data at cluster_scheduling/figures.ipynb
(cell 5).
To reproduce Figure 6 in the paper (that is, evaluate the max-min fairness policy presented
in Section 4.1 of the paper), run the following command from cluster_scheduling/scheduler
(fill in the output directory as appropriate, this needs to be created beforehand):
# Make sure that you are using the cluster_scheduling conda environment.
python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 1000 -e 1500 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 1 -p max_min_fairness_packed --seeds 1 -c 32:32:32 -a 6.4 -b 6.4 -n 1 --num_sub_problems 1 2 4 8 --solver MOSEK
Partial output of this script looks like this:
[2021-09-28 17:08:09.342446] Running 4 total experiment(s)...
[2021-09-28 17:08:09.360697] [Experiment ID: 0] Configuration: cluster_spec=v100:32|p100:32|k80:32, policy=MaxMinFairness_Packing, seed=1, lam=562.500000, profiling_percentage=1.000000, num_reference_models=26, num_sub_problems=1
This is a driver program, and launches multiple experiments. In this case,
4 experiments are launched: one for each different value of k
. This can take
about a day to complete. We suggest using tmux
. This creates a collection of
logfiles under /path/to/log/directory
(one for each experiment). Here, we
use a poisson lambda parameter of 6.4, and measure the completion times of
all jobs from 1000 to 1499 (inclusive). The trace completes once all 500 of
these jobs complete. The full script takes about 15 hours to run.
Each of these logfiles look like this in progress:
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 153 Worker type: k80 Worker ID(s): [0]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 223 Worker type: k80 Worker ID(s): [1]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 74 Worker type: p100 Worker ID(s): [32]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 258 Worker type: p100 Worker ID(s): [41]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 352 Worker type: p100 Worker ID(s): [43]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 360 Worker type: p100 Worker ID(s): [42]
scheduler:DEBUG [228237.43631997466] Current active completion events: dict_keys([])
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task succeeded] Job ID: 367 Worker type: p100 Worker ID(s): [45]
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task scheduled] Job ID: 356 Worker type: v100 Worker ID(s): 77 Priority: 343.31 Deficit: -1152.49 Allocation: [ k80 0.00] [p100 0.00] [v100 1.00]
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task scheduled] Job ID: 237 Worker type: v100 Worker ID(s): 64 Priority: 343.31 Deficit: -7192.96 Allocation: [ k80 0.00] [p100 0.00] [v100 1.00]
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task scheduled] Job ID: 333 Worker type: v100 Worker ID(s): 69 Priority: 328.09 Deficit: -3762.07 Allocation: [ k80 0.00] [p100 0.00] [v100 0.96]
scheduler:INFO [228237.43631997466] [Micro-task scheduled] Job ID: 374 Worker type: v100 Worker ID(s): 65 Priority: 312.26 Deficit: 0.00 Allocation: [ k80 0.00] [p100 0.00] [v100 0.91]
Once a particular experiment completes, experiment results are written to the end of the relevant logfile:
Total duration: 2957739.167 seconds (821.59 hours)
Allocation computation times: [0.046056509017944336, ...]
Job completion times:
Job 1000: 8705.985
Average job completion time: 103935.129 seconds (28.87 hours)
Average job completion time (low priority): 103935.129 seconds (28.87 hours)
Mean allocation computation time: 1.2687 seconds
Cluster utilization: 0.925
The main metrics of interest here are Mean allocation computation time
Average job completion time
. The first is the runtime (x-axis of Figure 6),
and the second is the average JCT (y-axis of Figure 6).
The total size of the output directory from this experiment is about 10 GB.
The generated output logfiles can be analyzed using the postprocessing script
available at cluster_scheduling/
(the output directory used
above needs to be provided to this script as a command line argument):
# Make sure that you are using the cluster_scheduling conda environment.
> python -l /path/to/log/directory
V100s P100s K80s Policy K Seed Lambda Metric Runtime
32 32 32 max_min_fairness_packed 2 1 562.5 28.765 0.443
32 32 32 max_min_fairness_packed 4 1 562.5 27.86 0.185
32 32 32 max_min_fairness_packed 1 1 562.5 28.871 1.269
32 32 32 max_min_fairness_packed 8 1 562.5 28.809 0.117
We have also provided a notebook with code for analyzing this post-processed data.
Pipe the stdout
of the above
script to a file (e.g.,
) and then point cluster_scheduling/figures.ipynb
at this file.
An example processed TSV file is checked in at cluster_scheduling/logs/max_min_fairness_packed.tsv
To reproduce Figure 9 in the paper, run the following command from cluster_scheduling/scheduler
(pick a different directory to the previous experiment):
# Make sure that you are using the cluster_scheduling conda environment.
python -u scripts/sweeps/ -l /path/to/log/directory -j 1 -p min_total_duration_perf --seeds 1 -c 32:32:32 -a 700 -b 700 -n 1 --generate-multi-gpu-jobs --num_sub_problems 1 2 4 8 --solver MOSEK
As before, this runs 4 different experiments (one for each different number of sub-problems: 1, 2, 4, 8); each experiment has its own logfile. The full script takes about an hour to complete.
Each logfile in /path/to/log/directory
has the same format as before. However,
the relevant fields for this figure are Total duration
(instead of Average job completion time
) and Mean allocation time
. The Total duration
is the
makespan (y-axis of Figure 8).
These logfiles can again be analyzed using the postprocessing script with the
following command line arguments (note the additional --static-trace
line argument):
# Make sure that you are using the cluster_scheduling conda environment.
> python -l scheduler/final_pop_experiments_makespan --static-trace
V100s P100s K80s Policy K Seed Lambda Metric Runtime
32 32 32 min_total_duration_perf 2 1 700.0 255.98896194444444 0.114
32 32 32 min_total_duration_perf 4 1 700.0 256.86090194444444 0.113
32 32 32 min_total_duration_perf 1 1 700.0 255.021445 0.158
32 32 32 min_total_duration_perf 8 1 700.0 270.6964538888889 0.097
An example processed TSV file is checked in at cluster_scheduling/logs/min_total_duration_perf.tsv
To reproduce Figure 10, run the following command from traffic_engineering/benchmarks
# Make sure you are using the correct conda environment.
conda activate traffic_engineering
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --split-fractions 0 --num-subproblems 4 16 64 --split-methods random --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --obj total_flow
Each script produces a logfile that looks like this:
Each line corresponds to a different experiment (network topology, random seed, scale factor, traffic
model). The last two columns are the most relevant: the obj_val
column reports
the total flow, and runtime
reports the runtime of the method (including the
time to solve the sub-problems when using POP).
This will create CSV files containing the results (including throughput and runtime) of POP, NCFlow, and CSPF, as well as the optimal baseline (no partitioning). By default, further traffic engineering experiments will append to these CSV files, but this behavior can be changed by moving the resulting CSV files to a different path.
To reproduce Figure 11, run the following command from traffic_engineering/benchmarks
# Make sure you are using the traffic_engineering conda environment.
./ --slices 0 --tm-models uniform gravity bimodal poisson-high-inter --split-fractions 0 --num-subproblems 16 --split-methods random --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --tm-models poisson-high-intra --split-fractions 0.75 --num-subproblems 16 --split-methods random --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --obj total_flow
This script runs over 300 experiments, and will take a long time to complete. Log format is the same as above (but with more lines since this figure shows numbers across more experiments).
To reproduce Figure 12, run the following command from traffic_engineering/benchmarks
# Make sure you are using the traffic_engineering conda environment.
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --split-fractions 0 --num-subproblems 4 16 64 --split-methods random --obj mcf
./ --slices 0 --topos Kdl.graphml --scale-factors 16 --tm-models gravity --obj mcf
Log format is similar to before. obj_val
column returns the maximum concurrent
flow now.
To reproduce Figure 13 (that is, show the impact of POP on a MILP optimization problem
for load balancing), run the following command from load_balancing
java -jar target/POP-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat-tests.jar -numShards 1024 -numServers 128 -benchmark base
java -jar target/POP-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat-tests.jar -numShards 1024 -numServers 128 -numSplits 4 -benchmark split
java -jar target/POP-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat-tests.jar -numShards 1024 -numServers 128 -numSplits 16 -benchmark split
java -jar target/POP-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat-tests.jar -numShards 1024 -numServers 128 -benchmark heuristic
To reproduce Figure 14, run the following command from traffic_engineering/benchmarks
# Make sure you are using the traffic_engineering conda environment.
./ --slices 0 --tm-models poisson-high-intra --split-fractions 0 0.5 1.0 --num-subproblems 16 --split-methods random --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --tm-models gravity --split-fractions 0 1.0 --num-subproblems 16 --split-methods random --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --tm-models poisson-high-intra gravity --obj total_flow
This script runs many experiments, and will take a long time to complete.
To reproduce Figure 15, run the following command from traffic_engineering/benchmarks
# Make sure you are using the traffic_engineering conda environment.
./ --slices 0 --topos Cogentco.graphml --tm-models gravity --scale-factors 64 --split-fractions 0 --num-subproblems 4 8 16 --split-methods random means skewed --obj total_flow
./ --slices 0 --topos Cogentco.graphml --tm-models gravity --scale-factors 64 --obj total_flow