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title: Overview
- local: quantization
title: Quantization
+ - local: trainer
+ title: Trainer
- sections:
- local: perf_train_gpu_one
title: Methods and tools for efficient training on a single GPU
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# Trainer
-The [`Trainer`] class provides an API for feature-complete training in PyTorch for most standard use cases. It's used in most of the [example scripts](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/main/examples).
+The [`Trainer`] class provides an API for feature-complete training in PyTorch, and it supports distributed training on multiple GPUs/TPUs, mixed precision for [NVIDIA GPUs](https://nvidia.github.io/apex/), [AMD GPUs](https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/rocm.html), and [`torch.amp`](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/amp.html) for PyTorch. [`Trainer`] goes hand-in-hand with the [`TrainingArguments`] class, which offers a wide range of options to customize how a model is trained. Together, these two classes provide a complete training API.
-If you're looking to fine-tune a language model like Llama-2 or Mistral on a text dataset using autoregressive techniques, consider using [`trl`](https://github.com/huggingface/trl)'s [`~trl.SFTTrainer`]. The [`~trl.SFTTrainer`] wraps the [`Trainer`] and is specially optimized for this particular task and supports sequence packing, LoRA, quantization, and DeepSpeed for efficient scaling to any model size. On the other hand, the [`Trainer`] is a more versatile option, suitable for a broader spectrum of tasks.
-Before instantiating your [`Trainer`], create a [`TrainingArguments`] to access all the points of customization during training.
-The API supports distributed training on multiple GPUs/TPUs, mixed precision through [NVIDIA Apex] for NVIDIA GPUs, [ROCm APEX](https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/apex) for AMD GPUs, and Native AMP for PyTorch.
-The [`Trainer`] contains the basic training loop which supports the above features. To inject custom behavior you can subclass them and override the following methods:
-- **get_train_dataloader** -- Creates the training DataLoader.
-- **get_eval_dataloader** -- Creates the evaluation DataLoader.
-- **get_test_dataloader** -- Creates the test DataLoader.
-- **log** -- Logs information on the various objects watching training.
-- **create_optimizer_and_scheduler** -- Sets up the optimizer and learning rate scheduler if they were not passed at
- init. Note, that you can also subclass or override the `create_optimizer` and `create_scheduler` methods
- separately.
-- **create_optimizer** -- Sets up the optimizer if it wasn't passed at init.
-- **create_scheduler** -- Sets up the learning rate scheduler if it wasn't passed at init.
-- **compute_loss** - Computes the loss on a batch of training inputs.
-- **training_step** -- Performs a training step.
-- **prediction_step** -- Performs an evaluation/test step.
-- **evaluate** -- Runs an evaluation loop and returns metrics.
-- **predict** -- Returns predictions (with metrics if labels are available) on a test set.
+[`Seq2SeqTrainer`] and [`Seq2SeqTrainingArguments`] inherit from the [`Trainer`] and [`TrainingArgument`] classes and they're adapted for training models for sequence-to-sequence tasks such as summarization or translation.
The [`Trainer`] class is optimized for 🤗 Transformers models and can have surprising behaviors
-when you use it on other models. When using it on your own model, make sure:
+when used with other models. When using it with your own model, make sure:
-- your model always return tuples or subclasses of [`~utils.ModelOutput`].
+- your model always return tuples or subclasses of [`~utils.ModelOutput`]
- your model can compute the loss if a `labels` argument is provided and that loss is returned as the first
element of the tuple (if your model returns tuples)
-- your model can accept multiple label arguments (use the `label_names` in your [`TrainingArguments`] to indicate their name to the [`Trainer`]) but none of them should be named `"label"`.
+- your model can accept multiple label arguments (use `label_names` in [`TrainingArguments`] to indicate their name to the [`Trainer`]) but none of them should be named `"label"`
-Here is an example of how to customize [`Trainer`] to use a weighted loss (useful when you have an unbalanced training set):
-from torch import nn
-from transformers import Trainer
-class CustomTrainer(Trainer):
- def compute_loss(self, model, inputs, return_outputs=False):
- labels = inputs.pop("labels")
- # forward pass
- outputs = model(**inputs)
- logits = outputs.get("logits")
- # compute custom loss (suppose one has 3 labels with different weights)
- loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], device=model.device))
- loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.model.config.num_labels), labels.view(-1))
- return (loss, outputs) if return_outputs else loss
-Another way to customize the training loop behavior for the PyTorch [`Trainer`] is to use [callbacks](callback) that can inspect the training loop state (for progress reporting, logging on TensorBoard or other ML platforms...) and take decisions (like early stopping).
-## Trainer
+## Trainer[[api-reference]]
[[autodoc]] Trainer
- all
@@ -100,105 +53,6 @@ Another way to customize the training loop behavior for the PyTorch [`Trainer`]
[[autodoc]] Seq2SeqTrainingArguments
- all
-## Checkpoints
-By default, [`Trainer`] will save all checkpoints in the `output_dir` you set in the
-[`TrainingArguments`] you are using. Those will go in subfolder named `checkpoint-xxx` with xxx
-being the step at which the training was at.
-Resuming training from a checkpoint can be done when calling [`Trainer.train`] with either:
-- `resume_from_checkpoint=True` which will resume training from the latest checkpoint
-- `resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint_dir` which will resume training from the specific checkpoint in the directory
- passed.
-In addition, you can easily save your checkpoints on the Model Hub when using `push_to_hub=True`. By default, all
-the models saved in intermediate checkpoints are saved in different commits, but not the optimizer state. You can adapt
-the `hub-strategy` value of your [`TrainingArguments`] to either:
-- `"checkpoint"`: the latest checkpoint is also pushed in a subfolder named last-checkpoint, allowing you to
- resume training easily with `trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint="output_dir/last-checkpoint")`.
-- `"all_checkpoints"`: all checkpoints are pushed like they appear in the output folder (so you will get one
- checkpoint folder per folder in your final repository)
-## Logging
-By default [`Trainer`] will use `logging.INFO` for the main process and `logging.WARNING` for the replicas if any.
-These defaults can be overridden to use any of the 5 `logging` levels with [`TrainingArguments`]'s
-- `log_level` - for the main process
-- `log_level_replica` - for the replicas
-Further, if [`TrainingArguments`]'s `log_on_each_node` is set to `False` only the main node will
-use the log level settings for its main process, all other nodes will use the log level settings for replicas.
-Note that [`Trainer`] is going to set `transformers`'s log level separately for each node in its
-[`Trainer.__init__`]. So you may want to set this sooner (see the next example) if you tap into other
-`transformers` functionality before creating the [`Trainer`] object.
-Here is an example of how this can be used in an application:
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Setup logging
- format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s",
- datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
- handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)],
-# set the main code and the modules it uses to the same log-level according to the node
-log_level = training_args.get_process_log_level()
-trainer = Trainer(...)
-And then if you only want to see warnings on the main node and all other nodes to not print any most likely duplicated
-warnings you could run it as:
-my_app.py ... --log_level warning --log_level_replica error
-In the multi-node environment if you also don't want the logs to repeat for each node's main process, you will want to
-change the above to:
-my_app.py ... --log_level warning --log_level_replica error --log_on_each_node 0
-and then only the main process of the first node will log at the "warning" level, and all other processes on the main
-node and all processes on other nodes will log at the "error" level.
-If you need your application to be as quiet as possible you could do:
-my_app.py ... --log_level error --log_level_replica error --log_on_each_node 0
-(add `--log_on_each_node 0` if on multi-node environment)
-## Randomness
-When resuming from a checkpoint generated by [`Trainer`] all efforts are made to restore the
-_python_, _numpy_ and _pytorch_ RNG states to the same states as they were at the moment of saving that checkpoint,
-which should make the "stop and resume" style of training as close as possible to non-stop training.
-However, due to various default non-deterministic pytorch settings this might not fully work. If you want full
-determinism please refer to [Controlling sources of randomness](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/randomness). As explained in the document, that some of those settings
-that make things deterministic (.e.g., `torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic`) may slow things down, therefore this
-can't be done by default, but you can enable those yourself if needed.
## Specific GPUs Selection
Let's discuss how you can tell your program which GPUs are to be used and in what order.
@@ -295,9 +149,6 @@ In this example we are working with just 2 GPUs, but of course the same would ap
Also if you do set this environment variable it's the best to set it in your `~/.bashrc` file or some other startup config file and forget about it.
## Trainer Integrations
The [`Trainer`] has been extended to support libraries that may dramatically improve your training
@@ -579,156 +430,6 @@ Finally, please, remember that, 🤗 `Trainer` only integrates MPS backend, ther
have any problems or questions with regards to MPS backend usage, please,
file an issue with [PyTorch GitHub](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues).
-## Using Accelerate Launcher with Trainer
-Accelerate now powers Trainer. In terms of what users should expect:
-- They can keep using the Trainer ingterations such as FSDP, DeepSpeed vis trainer arguments without any changes on their part.
-- They can now use Accelerate Launcher with Trainer (recommended).
-Steps to use Accelerate Launcher with Trainer:
-1. Make sure 🤗 Accelerate is installed, you can't use the `Trainer` without it anyway. If not `pip install accelerate`. You may also need to update your version of Accelerate: `pip install accelerate --upgrade`
-2. Run `accelerate config` and fill the questionnaire. Below are example accelerate configs:
- a. DDP Multi-node Multi-GPU config:
- ```yaml
- compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
- distributed_type: MULTI_GPU
- downcast_bf16: 'no'
- gpu_ids: all
- machine_rank: 0 #change rank as per the node
- main_process_ip:
- main_process_port: 9898
- main_training_function: main
- mixed_precision: fp16
- num_machines: 2
- num_processes: 8
- rdzv_backend: static
- same_network: true
- tpu_env: []
- tpu_use_cluster: false
- tpu_use_sudo: false
- use_cpu: false
- ```
- b. FSDP config:
- ```yaml
- compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
- distributed_type: FSDP
- downcast_bf16: 'no'
- fsdp_config:
- fsdp_auto_wrap_policy: TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP
- fsdp_backward_prefetch_policy: BACKWARD_PRE
- fsdp_forward_prefetch: true
- fsdp_offload_params: false
- fsdp_sharding_strategy: 1
- fsdp_state_dict_type: FULL_STATE_DICT
- fsdp_sync_module_states: true
- fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap: BertLayer
- fsdp_use_orig_params: true
- machine_rank: 0
- main_training_function: main
- mixed_precision: bf16
- num_machines: 1
- num_processes: 2
- rdzv_backend: static
- same_network: true
- tpu_env: []
- tpu_use_cluster: false
- tpu_use_sudo: false
- use_cpu: false
- ```
- c. DeepSpeed config pointing to a file:
- ```yaml
- compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
- deepspeed_config:
- deepspeed_config_file: /home/user/configs/ds_zero3_config.json
- zero3_init_flag: true
- distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
- downcast_bf16: 'no'
- machine_rank: 0
- main_training_function: main
- num_machines: 1
- num_processes: 4
- rdzv_backend: static
- same_network: true
- tpu_env: []
- tpu_use_cluster: false
- tpu_use_sudo: false
- use_cpu: false
- ```
- d. DeepSpeed config using accelerate plugin:
- ```yaml
- compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
- deepspeed_config:
- gradient_accumulation_steps: 1
- gradient_clipping: 0.7
- offload_optimizer_device: cpu
- offload_param_device: cpu
- zero3_init_flag: true
- zero_stage: 2
- distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
- downcast_bf16: 'no'
- machine_rank: 0
- main_training_function: main
- mixed_precision: bf16
- num_machines: 1
- num_processes: 4
- rdzv_backend: static
- same_network: true
- tpu_env: []
- tpu_use_cluster: false
- tpu_use_sudo: false
- use_cpu: false
- ```
-3. Run the Trainer script with args other than the ones handled above by accelerate config or launcher args.
-Below is an example to run `run_glue.py` using `accelerate launcher` with FSDP config from above.
-cd transformers
-accelerate launch \
-./examples/pytorch/text-classification/run_glue.py \
---model_name_or_path bert-base-cased \
---task_name $TASK_NAME \
---do_train \
---do_eval \
---max_seq_length 128 \
---per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
---learning_rate 5e-5 \
---num_train_epochs 3 \
---output_dir /tmp/$TASK_NAME/ \
-4. You can also directly use the cmd args for `accelerate launch`. Above example would map to:
-cd transformers
-accelerate launch --num_processes=2 \
---use_fsdp \
---mixed_precision=bf16 \
---fsdp_auto_wrap_policy=TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP \
---fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap="BertLayer" \
---fsdp_sharding_strategy=1 \
---fsdp_state_dict_type=FULL_STATE_DICT \
---model_name_or_path bert-base-cased \
---task_name $TASK_NAME \
---do_train \
---do_eval \
---max_seq_length 128 \
---per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
---learning_rate 5e-5 \
---num_train_epochs 3 \
---output_dir /tmp/$TASK_NAME/ \
-For more information, please refer the 🤗 Accelerate CLI guide: [Launching your 🤗 Accelerate scripts](https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/basic_tutorials/launch).
Sections that were moved:
[ DeepSpeed
@@ -755,27 +456,3 @@ Sections that were moved:
| Gradient Clipping
| Getting The Model Weights Out
-## Boost your fine-tuning performances using NEFTune
-NEFTune is a technique to boost the performance of chat models and was introduced by the paper “NEFTune: Noisy Embeddings Improve Instruction Finetuning” from Jain et al. it consists of adding noise to the embedding vectors during training. According to the abstract of the paper:
-> Standard finetuning of LLaMA-2-7B using Alpaca achieves 29.79% on AlpacaEval, which rises to 64.69% using noisy embeddings. NEFTune also improves over strong baselines on modern instruction datasets. Models trained with Evol-Instruct see a 10% improvement, with ShareGPT an 8% improvement, and with OpenPlatypus an 8% improvement. Even powerful models further refined with RLHF such as LLaMA-2-Chat benefit from additional training with NEFTune.
-To use it in `Trainer` simply pass `neftune_noise_alpha` when creating your `TrainingArguments` instance. Note that to avoid any surprising behaviour, NEFTune is disabled after training to retrieve back the original behaviour of the embedding layer.
-from transformers import Trainer, TrainingArguments
-args = TrainingArguments(..., neftune_noise_alpha=0.1)
-trainer = Trainer(..., args=args)
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+# Trainer
+The [`Trainer`] is a complete training and evaluation loop for PyTorch models implemented in the Transformers library. You only need to pass it the necessary pieces for training (model, tokenizer, dataset, evaluation function, training hyperparameters, etc.), and the [`Trainer`] class takes care of the rest. This makes it easier to start training faster without manually writing your own training loop. But at the same time, [`Trainer`] is very customizable and offers a ton of training options so you can tailor it to your exact training needs.
+In addition to the [`Trainer`] class, Transformers also provides a [`Seq2SeqTrainer`] class for sequence-to-sequence tasks like translation or summarization. There is also the [`~trl.SFTTrainer`] class from the [TRL](https://hf.co/docs/trl) library which wraps the [`Trainer`] class and is optimized for training language models like Llama-2 and Mistral with autoregressive techniques. [`~trl.SFTTrainer`] also supports features like sequence packing, LoRA, quantization, and DeepSpeed for efficiently scaling to any model size.
+Feel free to check out the [API reference](./main_classes/trainer) for these other [`Trainer`]-type classes to learn more about when to use which one. In general, [`Trainer`] is the most versatile option and is appropriate for a broad spectrum of tasks. [`Seq2SeqTrainer`] is designed for sequence-to-sequence tasks and [`~trl.SFTTrainer`] is designed for training language models.
+Before you start, make sure [Accelerate](https://hf.co/docs/accelerate) - a library for enabling and running PyTorch training across distributed environments - is installed.
+pip install accelerate
+# upgrade
+pip install accelerate --upgrade
+This guide provides an overview of the [`Trainer`] class.
+## Basic usage
+[`Trainer`] includes all the code you'll find in a basic training loop:
+1. perform a training step to calculate the loss
+2. calculate the gradients with the [`~accelerate.Accelerator.backward`] method
+3. update the weights based on the gradients
+4. repeat this process until you've reached a predetermined number of epochs
+The [`Trainer`] class abstracts all of this code away so you don't have to worry about manually writing a training loop every time or if you're just getting started with PyTorch and training. You only need to provide the essential components required for training, such as a model and a dataset, and the [`Trainer`] class handles everything else.
+If you want to specify any training options or hyperparameters, you can find them in the [`TrainingArguments`] class. For example, let's define where to save the model in `output_dir` and push the model to the Hub after training with `push_to_hub=True`.
+from transformers import TrainingArguments
+training_args = TrainingArguments(
+ output_dir="your-model",
+ learning_rate=2e-5,
+ per_device_train_batch_size=16,
+ per_device_eval_batch_size=16,
+ num_train_epochs=2,
+ weight_decay=0.01,
+ evaluation_strategy="epoch",
+ save_strategy="epoch",
+ load_best_model_at_end=True,
+ push_to_hub=True,
+Pass `training_args` to the [`Trainer`] along with a model, dataset, something to preprocess the dataset with (depending on your data type it could be a tokenizer, feature extractor or image processor), a data collator, and a function to compute the metrics you want to track during training.
+Finally, call [`~Trainer.train`] to start training!
+from transformers import Trainer
+trainer = Trainer(
+ model=model,
+ args=training_args,
+ train_dataset=dataset["train"],
+ eval_dataset=dataset["test"],
+ tokenizer=tokenizer,
+ data_collator=data_collator,
+ compute_metrics=compute_metrics,
+### Checkpoints
+The [`Trainer`] class saves your model checkpoints to the directory specified in the `output_dir` parameter of [`TrainingArguments`]. You'll find the checkpoints saved in a `checkpoint-000` subfolder where the numbers at the end correspond to the training step. Saving checkpoints are useful for resuming training later.
+# resume from latest checkpoint
+# resume from specific checkpoint saved in output directory
+You can save your checkpoints (the optimizer state is not saved by default) to the Hub by setting `push_to_hub=True` in [`TrainingArguments`] to commit and push them. Other options for deciding how your checkpoints are saved are set up in the [`hub_strategy`](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main_classes/trainer#transformers.TrainingArguments.hub_strategy) parameter:
+* `hub_strategy="checkpoint"` pushes the latest checkpoint to a subfolder named "last-checkpoint" from which you can resume training
+* `hug_strategy="all_checkpoints"` pushes all checkpoints to the directory defined in `output_dir` (you'll see one checkpoint per folder in your model repository)
+When you resume training from a checkpoint, the [`Trainer`] tries to keep the Python, NumPy, and PyTorch RNG states the same as they were when the checkpoint was saved. But because PyTorch has various non-deterministic default settings, the RNG states aren't guaranteed to be the same. If you want to enable full determinism, take a look at the [Controlling sources of randomness](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/randomness#controlling-sources-of-randomness) guide to learn what you can enable to make your training fully deterministic. Keep in mind though that by making certain settings deterministic, training may be slower.
+## Customize the Trainer
+While the [`Trainer`] class is designed to be accessible and easy-to-use, it also offers a lot of customizability for more adventurous users. Many of the [`Trainer`]'s method can be subclassed and overridden to support the functionality you want, without having to rewrite the entire training loop from scratch to accommodate it. These methods include:
+* [`~Trainer.get_train_dataloader`] creates a training DataLoader
+* [`~Trainer.get_eval_dataloader`] creates an evaluation DataLoader
+* [`~Trainer.get_test_dataloader`] creates a test DataLoader
+* [`~Trainer.log`] logs information on the various objects that watch training
+* [`~Trainer.create_optimizer_and_scheduler`] creates an optimizer and learning rate scheduler if they weren't passed in the `__init__`; these can also be separately customized with [`~Trainer.create_optimizer`] and [`~Trainer.create_scheduler`] respectively
+* [`~Trainer.compute_loss`] computes the loss on a batch of training inputs
+* [`~Trainer.training_step`] performs the training step
+* [`~Trainer.prediction_step`] performs the prediction and test step
+* [`~Trainer.evaluate`] evaluates the model and returns the evaluation metrics
+* [`~Trainer.predict`] makes predictions (with metrics if labels are available) on the test set
+For example, if you want to customize the [`~Trainer.compute_loss`] method to use a weighted loss instead.
+from torch import nn
+from transformers import Trainer
+class CustomTrainer(Trainer):
+ def compute_loss(self, model, inputs, return_outputs=False):
+ labels = inputs.pop("labels")
+ # forward pass
+ outputs = model(**inputs)
+ logits = outputs.get("logits")
+ # compute custom loss for 3 labels with different weights
+ loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], device=model.device))
+ loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.model.config.num_labels), labels.view(-1))
+ return (loss, outputs) if return_outputs else loss
+### Callbacks
+Another option for customizing the [`Trainer`] is to use [callbacks](callbacks). Callbacks *don't change* anything in the training loop. They inspect the training loop state and then execute some action (early stopping, logging results, etc.) depending on the state. In other words, a callback can't be used to implement something like a custom loss function and you'll need to subclass and override the [`~Trainer.compute_loss`] method for that.
+For example, if you want to add an early stopping callback to the training loop after 10 steps.
+from transformers import TrainerCallback
+class EarlyStoppingCallback(TrainerCallback):
+ def __init__(self, num_steps=10):
+ self.num_steps = num_steps
+ def on_step_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):
+ if state.global_step >= self.num_steps:
+ return {"should_training_stop": True}
+ else:
+ return {}
+Then pass it to the [`Trainer`]'s `callback` parameter.
+from transformers import Trainer
+trainer = Trainer(
+ model=model,
+ args=training_args,
+ train_dataset=dataset["train"],
+ eval_dataset=dataset["test"],
+ tokenizer=tokenizer,
+ data_collator=data_collator,
+ compute_metrics=compute_metrics,
+ callback=[EarlyStoppingCallback()],
+## Logging
+Check out the [logging](./main_classes/logging) API reference for more information about the different logging levels.
+The [`Trainer`] is set to `logging.INFO` by default which reports errors, warnings, and other basic information. A [`Trainer`] replica - in distributed environments - is set to `logging.WARNING` which only reports errors and warnings. You can change the logging level with the [`log_level`](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main_classes/trainer#transformers.TrainingArguments.log_level) and [`log_level_replica`](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main_classes/trainer#transformers.TrainingArguments.log_level_replica) parameters in [`TrainingArguments`].
+To configure the log level setting for each node, use the [`log_on_each_node`](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/trainer#transformers.TrainingArguments.log_on_each_node) parameter to determine whether to use the log level on each node or only on the main node.
+[`Trainer`] sets the log level separately for each node in the [`Trainer.__init__`] method, so you may want to consider setting this sooner if you're using other Transformers functionalities before creating the [`Trainer`] object.
+For example, to set your main code and modules to use the same log level according to each node:
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s",
+ datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
+ handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)],
+log_level = training_args.get_process_log_level()
+trainer = Trainer(...)
+Use different combinations of `log_level` and `log_level_replica` to configure what gets logged on each of the nodes.
+my_app.py ... --log_level warning --log_level_replica error
+Add the `log_on_each_node 0` parameter for multi-node environments.
+my_app.py ... --log_level warning --log_level_replica error --log_on_each_node 0
+# set to only report errors
+my_app.py ... --log_level error --log_level_replica error --log_on_each_node 0
+## NEFTune
+[NEFTune](https://hf.co/papers/2310.05914) is a technique that can improve performance by adding noise to the embedding vectors during training. To enable it in [`Trainer`], set the `neftune_noise_alpha` parameter in [`TrainingArguments`] to control how much noise is added.
+from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer
+training_args = TrainingArguments(..., neftune_noise_alpha=0.1)
+trainer = Trainer(..., args=training_args)
+NEFTune is disabled after training to restore the original embedding layer to avoid any unexpected behavior.
+## Accelerate and Trainer
+The [`Trainer`] class is powered by [Accelerate](https://hf.co/docs/accelerate), a library for easily training PyTorch models in distributed environments with support for integrations such as [FullyShardedDataParallel (FSDP)](https://pytorch.org/blog/introducing-pytorch-fully-sharded-data-parallel-api/) and [DeepSpeed](https://www.deepspeed.ai/).
+To use Accelerate with [`Trainer`], run the [`accelerate.config`](https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/package_reference/cli#accelerate-config) command to set up training for your training environment. This command creates a `config_file.yaml` that'll be used when you launch your training script. For example, some example configurations you can setup are:
+compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
+distributed_type: MULTI_GPU
+downcast_bf16: 'no'
+gpu_ids: all
+machine_rank: 0 #change rank as per the node
+main_process_port: 9898
+main_training_function: main
+mixed_precision: fp16
+num_machines: 2
+num_processes: 8
+rdzv_backend: static
+same_network: true
+tpu_env: []
+tpu_use_cluster: false
+tpu_use_sudo: false
+use_cpu: false
+compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
+distributed_type: FSDP
+downcast_bf16: 'no'
+ fsdp_auto_wrap_policy: TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP
+ fsdp_backward_prefetch_policy: BACKWARD_PRE
+ fsdp_forward_prefetch: true
+ fsdp_offload_params: false
+ fsdp_sharding_strategy: 1
+ fsdp_state_dict_type: FULL_STATE_DICT
+ fsdp_sync_module_states: true
+ fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap: BertLayer
+ fsdp_use_orig_params: true
+machine_rank: 0
+main_training_function: main
+mixed_precision: bf16
+num_machines: 1
+num_processes: 2
+rdzv_backend: static
+same_network: true
+tpu_env: []
+tpu_use_cluster: false
+tpu_use_sudo: false
+use_cpu: false
+compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
+ deepspeed_config_file: /home/user/configs/ds_zero3_config.json
+ zero3_init_flag: true
+distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
+downcast_bf16: 'no'
+machine_rank: 0
+main_training_function: main
+num_machines: 1
+num_processes: 4
+rdzv_backend: static
+same_network: true
+tpu_env: []
+tpu_use_cluster: false
+tpu_use_sudo: false
+use_cpu: false
+compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
+ gradient_accumulation_steps: 1
+ gradient_clipping: 0.7
+ offload_optimizer_device: cpu
+ offload_param_device: cpu
+ zero3_init_flag: true
+ zero_stage: 2
+distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
+downcast_bf16: 'no'
+machine_rank: 0
+main_training_function: main
+mixed_precision: bf16
+num_machines: 1
+num_processes: 4
+rdzv_backend: static
+same_network: true
+tpu_env: []
+tpu_use_cluster: false
+tpu_use_sudo: false
+use_cpu: false
+The [`accelerate_launch`](https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/package_reference/cli#accelerate-launch) command is the recommended way to launch your training script on a distributed system with Accelerate and [`Trainer`] with the parameters specified in `config_file.yaml`. This file is saved to the Accelerate cache folder and automatically loaded when you run `accelerate_launch`.
+For example, to run the [run_glue.py](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/f4db565b695582891e43a5e042e5d318e28f20b8/examples/pytorch/text-classification/run_glue.py#L4) training script with the FSDP configuration:
+accelerate launch \
+ ./examples/pytorch/text-classification/run_glue.py \
+ --model_name_or_path bert-base-cased \
+ --task_name $TASK_NAME \
+ --do_train \
+ --do_eval \
+ --max_seq_length 128 \
+ --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
+ --learning_rate 5e-5 \
+ --num_train_epochs 3 \
+ --output_dir /tmp/$TASK_NAME/ \
+ --overwrite_output_dir
+You could also specify the parameters from the `config_file.yaml` file directly in the command line:
+accelerate launch --num_processes=2 \
+ --use_fsdp \
+ --mixed_precision=bf16 \
+ --fsdp_auto_wrap_policy=TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP \
+ --fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap="BertLayer" \
+ --fsdp_sharding_strategy=1 \
+ --fsdp_state_dict_type=FULL_STATE_DICT \
+ ./examples/pytorch/text-classification/run_glue.py
+ --model_name_or_path bert-base-cased \
+ --task_name $TASK_NAME \
+ --do_train \
+ --do_eval \
+ --max_seq_length 128 \
+ --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
+ --learning_rate 5e-5 \
+ --num_train_epochs 3 \
+ --output_dir /tmp/$TASK_NAME/ \
+ --overwrite_output_dir
+Check out the [Launching your Accelerate scripts](https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/basic_tutorials/launch) tutorial to learn more about `accelerate_launch` and custom configurations.