A contact solver for physics-based simulations involving 👚 shells, 🪵 solids and 🪢 rods. All made by ZOZO. Published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
- 💪 Robust: Contact resolutions are penetration-free. No snagging intersections.
- ⏲ Scalable: An extreme case includes beyond 150M contacts. Not just one million.
- 🚲 Cache Efficient: All on the GPU runs in single precision. No double precision.
- 🥼 Inextensible: Cloth never extends beyond very strict upper bounds, such as 1%.
- 📐 Physically Accurate: Our deformable solver is driven by the Finite Element Method.
- ⚔️ Stress Proof: We run GitHub Actions to confirm success 10 times in a row.
- 🚀 Massively Parallel: Both contact and elasticity solvers are run on the GPU.
- 🐳 Docker Sealed: Everything is designed to work out of the box.
- 🌐 JupyterLab Included: Open your browser and run examples right away [Video].
- 🐍 Documtened Python APIs: Our Python code is fully docstringed and lintable [Video].
- ☁️ Cloud-Ready: Our solver can be seamlessly deployed on major cloud platforms.
- ✨ Stay Clean: You can remove all traces after use.
- 🎓 Technical Materials
- ⚡️ Requirements
- 📝 Change History
- 🐍 How To Use
- 📚 Python APIs and Parameters
- 🔍 Obtaining Logs
- 🖼️ Catalogue
- 🚀 GitHub Actions
- 💨 Getting Started
- 📡 Deploying on Cloud Services
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- 🖋 Citation
- 🧑💻 Setting Up Your Development Environment [Markdown]
- 🐞 Bug Fixes and Updates [Markdown]
- 🎥 Main video [Video]
- 🎥 Additional video examples [Directory]
- 🎥 Presentation videos [Short][Long]
- 📃 Main paper [PDF][Hindsight]
- 📊 Supplementary PDF [PDF]
- 🤖 Supplementary scripts [Directory]
- 🔍 Singular-value eigenanalysis [Markdown]
- 🔥 A modern NVIDIA GPU (Turing or newer)
- 🐳 A Docker environment (see below)
- (2024.12.31) Added full documentation for Python APIs, parameters, and log files [GitHub Pages].
- (2024.12.27) Line search for strain limiting is improved [Markdown]
- (2024.12.23) Added [Bug Fixes and Updates]
- (2024.12.21) Added a house of cards example [Video]
- (2024.12.18) Added a frictional contact example: armadillo sliding on the slope [Video]
- (2024.12.18) Added a hindsight noting that the tilt angle was not
$30^\circ$ , but rather$26.57^\circ$ - (2024.12.16) Removed thrust dependencies to fix runtime errors for the driver version
[Issue Link]
Our frontend is accessible through 🌐 a browser using our built-in JupyterLab 🐍 interface. All is set up when you open it for the first time. Results can be interactively viewed through the browser and exported as needed.
This allows you to interact with the simulator on your 💻 laptop while the actual simulation runs on a remote headless server over 🌍 the internet. This means that you don't have to buy ⚙️ hardware, but can rent it at vast.ai or RunPod for less than 💵 $1 per hour. For example, this [Video] was recorded on a vast.ai instance. The experience is 👍 good!
Our Python interface is designed with the following principles in mind:
🛠️ Dynamic Tri/Tet Creation: Relying on non-integrated third-party tools for triangulation, tetrahedralization, and loading can make it difficult to dynamically adjust resolutions. Our built-in tri/tet creation tools eliminate this issue.
🚫 No Mesh Data: Preparing mesh data using external tools can be cumbersome. Our frontend minimizes this effort by allowing meshes to be created on the fly or downloaded when needed.
🔗 Method Chaining: We adopt the method chaining style from JavaScript, making the API intuitive and easy to understand.
📦 Single Import for Everything: All frontend features are accessible by simply importing with
from frontend import App
Here's an example of draping five sheets over a sphere with two corners pinned. Please look into the examples directory for more examples.
# import our frontend
from frontend import App
# make an app with the label "drape"
app = App("drape", renew=True)
# create a square mesh resolution 128 spanning the xz plane
V, F = app.mesh.square(res=128, ex=[1,0,0], ey=[0,0,1])
# add to the asset and name it "sheet"
app.asset.add.tri("sheet", V, F)
# create an icosphere mesh radius 0.5 and 5 subdivisions
V, F = app.mesh.icosphere(r=0.5, subdiv_count=5)
# add to the asset and name it "sphere"
app.asset.add.tri("sphere", V, F)
# create a scene "five-sheets"
scene = app.scene.create("five-sheets")
# define gap between sheets
gap = 0.01
for i in range(5):
# add a sheet to the scene
obj = scene.add("sheet")
# pick two vertices max towards directions [1,0,-1] and [-1,0,-1]
corner = obj.grab([1, 0, -1]) + obj.grab([-1, 0, -1])
# place it with a vertical offset and pin the corners
obj.at(0, gap * i, 0).pin(corner)
# set fiber directions required for the Baraff-Witkin model
obj.direction([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
# add a sphere mesh at a lower position and set it to a static collider
scene.add("sphere").at(0, -0.5 - gap, 0).pin()
# compile the scene and report stats
fixed = scene.build().report()
# interactively preview the built scene (image left)
# set simulation parameter(s)
param = app.session.param()
param.set("dt", 0.01)
# create a new session with a name
session = app.session.create("dt-001").init(fixed)
# start the simulation and live-preview the results (image right)
# also show streaming logs
# or interactively view the animation sequences
# export all simulated frames (downloadable from the file browser)
path = f"export/{scene.info.name}/{session.info.name}"
Full API documentation 📖 is available on our GitHub Pages. The major APIs are documented using docstrings ✍️ and compiled with Sphinx ⚙️. We have also included
to provide interactive linting assistance 🛠️ and display docstrings as you type. See this video [Video] for an example. The behaviors can be changed through the settings. -
A list of parameters used in
is documented here [GitHub Pages].
Logs for the simulation can also be queried through the Python APIs. Here's an example of how to get the list of recorded logs, fetch them, and compute the average.
# get a list of log names
logs = session.get.log.names()
assert 'time-per-frame' in logs
assert 'newton-steps' in logs
# get a list of time per video frame
msec_per_video = session.get.log.numbers('time-per-frame')
# compute the average time per video frame
print('avg per frame:', sum([n for _,n in msec_per_video])/len(msec_per_video))
# get a list of newton steps
newton_steps = session.get.log.numbers('newton-steps')
# compute the average of consumed newton steps
print('avg newton steps:', sum([n for _,n in newton_steps])/len(newton_steps))
Below are some representatives.
refers to the video time in seconds and is recorded as float
refers to the consumed simulation time in milliseconds recorded as int
is the video frame count recorede as int
Name | Description | Format |
time-per-frame | Time per video frame | list[(vid_frame,ms)] |
matrix-assembly | Matrix assembly time | list[(vid_time,ms)] |
pcg-linsolve | Linear system solve time | list[(vid_time,ms)] |
line-search | Line search time | list[(vid_time,ms)] |
time-per-step | Time per step | list[(vid_time,ms)] |
newton-steps | Newton iterations per step | list[(vid_time,count)] |
num-contact | Contact count | list[(vid_time,count)] |
max-sigma | Max stretch | list(vid_time,float) |
The full list of log names and their descriptions is documented here: [GitHub Pages].
Note that some entries have multiple records at the same video time ⏱️. This occurs because the same operation is executed multiple times 🔄 within a single step during the inner Newton's iterations 🧮. For example, the linear system solve is performed at each Newton's step, so if multiple Newton's steps are 🔁 executed, multiple linear system solve times appear in the record at the same 📊 video time.
If you would like to retrieve the raw log stream, you can do so by
# Last 8 lines. Omit for everything.
for line in session.get.log.stream(n_lines=8):
This will output something like:
* dt: 1.000e-03
* max_sigma: 1.045e+00
* avg_sigma: 1.030e+00
------ newton step 1 ------
====== contact_matrix_assembly ======
> dry_pass...0 msec
> rebuild...7 msec
> fillin_pass...0 msec
If you would like to read stdout
and stderr
, you can do so using session.get.stdout()
and session.get.stderr()
(if it exists). They return list[str]
All the log files 📂 are available ✅ and can be fetched ⬇️ during the simulation 🧑💻.
woven | stack [Video] | trampoline [Video] | needle [Video] |
cards [Video] | codim | hang [Video] | trapped |
domino | noodle | drape [Video] | quintuple |
ribbon | curtain [Video] | fishingknot | friction [Video] |
At the moment, not all examples are ready yet, but they will be added/updated one by one. The author is actively woriking on it.
We implemented GitHub Actions to verify that all works without errors. We perform explicit intersection checks 🔍 at the end of each step, which raises an error ❌ if an intersection is detected. This ensures that all steps are confirmed to be penetration-free ✅. The runner types are described as follows:
The tested 🚀 runner of this action is the Ubuntu NVIDIA GPU-Optimized Image for AI and HPC with an NVIDIA Tesla T4 (16 GB VRAM) with Driver version 550.127.05. This is not a self-hosted runner, meaning that each time the runner launches, all environments are 🌱 fresh.
We use the GitHub-hosted runner 🖥️, but the actual simulation runs on a provisioned vast.ai instance 🌐. We do this for performance ⚡ and budget 💰 reasons. We choose an RTX 4090 🎮, which typically costs less than $0.50 per hour 💵. Since we start with a fresh 🌱 instance, the environment is clean 🧹 every time. We take advantage of the ability to deploy on the cloud; this action is performed in parallel, which reduces the total action time.
We know that you can't fully trust the reliability of contact resolution by simply watching a success case in a single 🎥 video. To ensure greater reliability, we verify that all the examples run without errors via automated GitHub Actions ⚙️, not just once, but 10 times in a row 🔁.
Also, we apply small jitters to the position of objects in the scene 🔄, so at each run, the scene is slightly different. This means that success 🎯 is not just due to a lucky spot 🍀.
We provide uninterrupted recorded installation videos (🪟 Windows [Video], 🐧 Linux [Video], ☁ vast.ai [Video], and ☁️ Google Cloud [Video]) to reduce stress 😣 during the installation process. We encourage you to 👀 check them out to get a sense of how things go ⏳ and how long ⏱️ each step takes.
To get the ball ⚽ rolling, we'll configure a Docker environment 🐳 to minimize any trouble 🤯 that 🥊 hits you.
If you wish to install our solver on a headless remote machine, SSH into the server with port forwarding using the following command:
ssh -L 8080:localhost:$MY_WEB_PORT user@remote_server_address
This port forwarding will be used to access the frontend afterward.
The second port number must match $MY_WEB_PORT
In this case, $MY_WEB_PORT
refers to a port on the host machine, not on your local computer. In this example, you'll be connecting to the frontend via http://localhost:8080, regardless of the value of $MY_WEB_PORT
First, install the CUDA Toolkit [Link] along with the driver on your host system. Next, follow the instructions below specific to the operating system running on the host.
Install the latest version of Docker Desktop [Link] on the host computer. You may need to log out or reboot after the installation. After logging back in, launch Docker Desktop to ensure that Docker is running. Then, create a container 📦 by running the following Docker command in PowerShell:
$MY_WEB_PORT = 8080 # Web port number on the host
$MY_TIME_ZONE = "Asia/Tokyo" # Your time zone
$MY_CONTAINER_NAME = "ppf-contact-solver" # Container name
docker run -it `
--gpus all `
-p ${MY_WEB_PORT}:8080 `
-e TERM `
-e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 `
--hostname ppf-dev `
-e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES="graphics,compute,utility" `
Windows users do not need to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
Linux users will also need to install Docker 🐋 on their system. Please refer to the installation guide [Link]. Also, install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit by following the guide [Link]. Then, create a container 📦 by running the following Docker command:
MY_WEB_PORT=8080 # Web port number on the host
MY_TIME_ZONE=Asia/Tokyo # Your time zone
MY_CONTAINER_NAME=ppf-contact-solver # Container name
docker run -it \
--gpus all \
-p $MY_WEB_PORT:8080 \
-e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
--hostname ppf-dev \
--name $MY_CONTAINER_NAME -e \
NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=graphics,compute,utility \
At the end of the line, you should see:
From here on, all commands will happen in the 📦 container, not on your host. Next, we'll make sure that a NVIDIA driver is visible from the Docker container. Try this
If an error occurs 🥵, ensure that nvidia-smi
is working on your host. For Linux users, make sure the NVIDIA Container Toolkit is properly installed. If the issue persists, try running sudo service docker restart
on your host to resolve it.
Please confirm that your GPU is listed here. Now let's get the installation started. No worries 🤙; all the commands below only disturb things in the container, so your host environment stays clean ✨. First, install following packages
apt update
apt install -y git python3
Next, clone our respository
git clone https://github.com/st-tech/ppf-contact-solver.git
Move into the ppf-contact-solver
and let warmup.py
do all the rest 💤:
cd ppf-contact-solver
python3 warmup.py
If you’re suspicious, you can look around warmup.py
before you proceed. Run less warmup.py
, scroll all the way to the bottom, and hit q
to quit.
Now we're set. Let's kick in the compilation!🏃
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
cargo build --release
Be patient; this takes some time... ⏰⏰ If the last line says
Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in ...
We're done! 🎉 Start our frontend by
python3 warmup.py jupyter
and now you can access our JupyterLab frontend from http://localhost:8080 on your 🌐 browser.
The port number 8080
corresponds to the value set for $MY_WEB_PORT
when the host machine and the local machine are the same. If you're connected to the host computer via SSH port forwarding, the first port option in the command (e.g., xxxx
in -L xxxx:localhost:$MY_WEB_PORT
) is the port number.
Enjoy! 😄
To remove all traces, simply stop 🛑 the container and ❌ delete it. Be aware that all simulation data will be also lost. Back up any important data if needed.
docker stop $MY_CONTAINER_NAME
If you wish to completely wipe what we’ve done here, you may also need to purge the Docker image by:
docker rmi $(docker images | grep 'nvidia/cuda' | grep '11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04' | awk '{print $3}')
but don't do this if you still need it.
Our contact solver is designed for heavy use in cloud services ☁️, enabling us to:
- Quickly deploy testing environments 🚀 and delete them when not in use, saving costs 💰.
- Scale as needed based on demand 📈. For example, you can create multiple instances to perform numerous tasks before a specific deadline ⏰.
- Design a fully automated pipeline 🔄 for trial-and-error iterations without human involvement 🤖.
- Allow anyone with an internet connection 🌍 to try our solver, even on a smartphone 📱 or tablet 🖥️.
This is all made possible with our purely web-based frontends 🌐 and scalable capability 🧩. Our solver also runs on the NVIDIA L4 🖱️, a data-center-targeted GPU 🖥️ that offers reasonable pricing 💲, delivering both practical performance 💪 and scalability 📊 without investing in expensive hardware 💻.
Below, we describe how to deploy our solver on major cloud services ☁️. These instructions are up to date as of late 2024 📅 and are subject to change 🔄.
Important: For all the services below, don't forget to ❌ delete the instance after use, or you’ll be 💸 charged for nothing.
📦 Deploying on vast.ai
The exact same steps above should work, except that you'll need to create a Docker template. Here's one:
- Image Path/Tag:
- Docker Options:
-e TZ=Asia/Tokyo
(Your time zone, of course) - Make sure to select ✅ Run interactive shell server, SSH.
- When connecting via SSH, make sure to include
-L 8080:localhost:8080
in the command. - For a better experience, choose a geographically nearby server with a high connection speed.
- Also, make sure to allocate a large disk space, such as 64GB.
- Skip the Docker container creation in the installation process; it is already made.
- CLI instructions are described in [Markdown].
📦 Deploying on RunPod
You can deploy our solver on a RunPod instance. To do this, we need to select an official RunPod Docker image instead.
- Container Image:
- Expose HTTP Ports: Empty
- Expose TCP Ports:
- When connecting via SSH, make sure to include
-L 8080:localhost:8080
in the command. - For a better experience, choose a geographically nearby server with a high connection speed.
- Also, make sure to allocate a large disk space, such as 64GB.
- ✅ Make sure to select
SSH Terminal Access
- ❌ Deselect
Start Jupyter Notebook
- Skip the Docker container creation in the installation process; it is already made.
- CLI instructions are described in [Markdown].
📦 Deploying on Scaleway
Set zone to
Select type
Ubuntu Jammy GPU OS 12
Do not skip the Docker container creation in the installation process; it is required.
This setup costs approximately €0.76 per hour.
CLI instructions are described in [Markdown].
📦 Deploying on Amazon Web Services
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI):
Deep Learning Base OSS Nvidia Driver GPU AMI (Ubuntu 22.04)
- Instance Type:
(Recommended) - This setup costs around $1 per hour.
- Do not skip the Docker container creation in the installation process; it is required.
📦 Deploying on Google Compute Engine
. We recommend the GPU typeNVIDIA L4
because it's affordable and accessible, as it does not require a high quota. You may selectT4
instead for testing purposes. -
Do not check
Enable Virtual Workstation (NVIDIA GRID)
. -
We recommend the machine type
. -
Choose the OS type
Deep Learning VM with CUDA 11.8 M126
and set the disk size to50GB
. -
As of late 2024, this configuration costs approximately $0.86 per hour in
us-central1 (Iowa)
and $1.00 per hour inasia-east1 (Taiwan)
. -
Port number
is reserved by the OS image. Set$MY_WEB_PORT
. When connecting viagcloud
, use the following format:gcloud compute ssh --zone "xxxx" "instance-name" -- -L 8080:localhost:8888
. -
Do not skip the Docker container creation in the installation process; it is required.
CLI instructions are described in [Markdown].
The author would like to thank ZOZO, Inc. for allowing him to work on this topic as part of his main workload. The author also extends thanks to the teams in the IP department for permitting the publication of our technical work and the release of our code, as well as to many others for assisting with the internal paperwork required for publication.
author = {Ando, Ryoichi},
title = {A Cubic Barrier with Elasticity-Inclusive Dynamic Stiffness},
year = {2024},
issue_date = {December 2024},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
issn = {0730-0301},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3687908},
doi = {10.1145/3687908},
journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
month = nov,
articleno = {224},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {collision, contact}
It should be emphasized that this work was strongly inspired by the IPC. The author kindly encourages citing their original work as well.