MSH (for "Maude Shell") is a simple soup of state with one cell (the "strategy" cell) which contains the program to be executed. Using sorts, you specify which where to load arguments for commands from, and MSH does the plumbing for you.
is an
fmod ANALYSIS is
protecting BOOL .
sorts NeAnalysis Analysis .
subsort NeAnalysis < Analysis .
vars INIT CORRECT A A' : Analysis . var NeA : NeAnalysis .
op .Analysis : -> Analysis .
op __ : Analysis Analysis -> Analysis [assoc comm id: .Analysis prec 95 format(d n d)] .
op __ : Analysis NeAnalysis -> NeAnalysis [ctor ditto] .
eq NeA NeA = NeA .
op claim : Analysis Analysis -> Analysis .
op success : -> Analysis .
op _reduces-to_ : Analysis Analysis -> [Analysis] [prec 98].
eq NeA (A reduces-to A') = (NeA A) reduces-to (NeA A') .
op failure [_] : Analysis -> [Analysis] [format(d d n n d)] .
eq failure [ NeA A reduces-to NeA A' ] = failure [ A reduces-to A' ] .
op claim [_] : Analysis -> [Analysis] [format(d d n n d)] .
ceq claim [ INIT reduces-to CORRECT ] = if A == CORRECT then success else failure [ A reduces-to CORRECT ] fi if A := INIT .
We'll need a module data-base to work with. It should compute all sorts of nice things about modules for us.
load universal-construction.maude
extending ANALYSIS .
sorts ModuleEnv Command{=>Modules} .
var Q : Qid . vars ME ME' : ModuleExpression . var MENV : ModuleEnv .
op .ModuleEnv : -> ModuleEnv .
op _|->_ : Qid ModuleExpression -> ModuleEnv [ctor strat(0)] .
op __ : ModuleEnv ModuleEnv -> ModuleEnv [ctor assoc comm id: .ModuleEnv prec 120] .
op _[_] : Qid ModuleEnv -> [Module] .
eq Q [ Q |-> ME MENV ] = resolveNames(#upModule(ME)) .
op modules <_> : ModuleEnv -> NeAnalysis [ctor format(d d n n d)] .
op _[_] : Command{=>Modules} ModuleEnv -> [ModuleEnv] .
op clear-module-db : -> Command{=>Modules} .
eq clear-module-db [ MENV ] = .ModuleEnv .
op load-module : Qid -> Command{=>Modules} [strat(0)] .
eq load-module(Q) = set-module(Q, Q) .
op set-module : Qid ModuleExpression -> Command{=>Modules} [strat(0)] .
eq set-module(Q, ME) [ Q |-> ME' MENV ] = Q |-> ME MENV .
eq set-module(Q, ME) [ MENV ] = Q |-> ME MENV [owise] .
The current state (over which we will call commands like metaReduce
) is also useful to have around. It consists of a set of state,
given by the sort CTermSet
load constrained-terms.maude
fmod STATE is
protecting MODULE-DATABASE .
protecting CTERM-SET .
sorts Command{Modules=>State} Command{=>State} .
var N : Nat . var CS : Command{=>State} .
vars T T' T'' : CTerm . vars NeCTS NeCTS' : NeCTermSet . vars CTS CTS' : CTermSet .
var MOD : Module . var TYPE : Type . var SUBST : Substitution .
op state <_> : CTermSet -> NeAnalysis [ctor] .
op _<_> : Command{Modules=>State} Module -> Command{=>State} .
op _[_] : Command{=>State} CTermSet -> [CTermSet] [prec 55] .
eq CS [ .CTermSet ] = .CTermSet .
eq CS [ NeCTS ;; NeCTS' ] = CS [ NeCTS ] ;; CS [ NeCTS' ] [owise] .
op set : CTermSet -> Command{=>State} .
eq set(CTS) [ CTS' ] = CTS .
ops reduce rewrite narrow narrow-smt : -> Command{Modules=>State} .
ceq reduce < MOD > [ T ] = T' if { T' , TYPE } := metaReduce(MOD, T) .
eq rewrite < MOD > [ T ] = #rewrite(MOD, T, #varAway(MOD, T), 0) .
eq narrow < MOD > [ T ] = #narrow(MOD, T, #varAway(MOD, T), 0) .
eq narrow-smt < MOD > [ T ] = #narrow-smt(MOD, T, #varAway(MOD, T), 0) .
--- TODO: #varAway needs to actually make the generated variable away from `T`
op #varAway : Module CTerm -> CTerm .
eq #varAway(MOD, T) = qid("X:" + string(getKind(MOD, leastSort(MOD, T)))) .
op #rewrite : Module CTerm CTerm Nat -> CTermSet .
ceq #rewrite(MOD, T, T', N) = T'' ;; #rewrite(MOD, T, T', s(N)) if { T'' , TYPE , SUBST } := metaSearch(MOD, T, T', nil, '+, 1, N) .
eq #rewrite(MOD, T, T', N) = .CTermSet [owise] .
--- TODO: If the term passed to `#narrow` is ground with no condition, is it a safe optimization to pass it to `#rewrite` instead?
op #narrow : Module CTerm CTerm Nat -> CTermSet .
ceq #narrow(MOD, T, T', N) = T'' ;; #narrow(MOD, T, T', s(N)) if { T'' , TYPE , SUBST } := metaNarrow(MOD, T, T', '+, 1, N) .
eq #narrow(MOD, T, T', N) = .CTermSet [owise] .
op #narrow-smt : Module CTerm CTerm Nat -> CTerm .
We need to have a state trace around for trace-based analysis. This particular trace tracks the accumulated seen states up to a step, as well as the states first seen at that step.
fmod TRACE is
protecting STATE .
protecting CTERM-TRACE .
sorts Command{Modules,State=>Trace} Command{=>Trace} .
sort Command{Trace=>State} .
var N : Nat . var H : Header . var MOD : Module .
vars CTS CTS1 CTS2 : CTermSet . var CTSPM : CTermSetPairMap .
op trace <_> : CTermSetTrace -> NeAnalysis [ctor] .
op _<_,_> : Command{Modules,State=>Trace} Module CTermSet -> Command{=>Trace} .
op _<_> : Command{Trace=>State} CTermSetTrace -> Command{=>State} .
op _[_] : Command{=>Trace} CTermSetTrace -> [CTermSetTrace] .
op extend : -> Command{Modules,State=>Trace} .
eq extend < MOD , CTS > [ 0 | .CTermSetPairMap ] = s(0) | 0 |-> < CTS , CTS > .
eq extend < MOD , CTS > [ s(N) | CTSPM N |-> < CTS1 , CTS2 > ] = s(s(N)) | CTSPM N |-> < CTS1 , CTS2 > s(N) |-> < CTS -- CTS2 [ MOD ] , CTS ++ CTS2 [ MOD ] > .
op load : -> Command{Trace=>State} .
eq load < s(N) | CTSPM N |-> < CTS1 , CTS2 > > [ CTS ] = CTS1 .
Finally, we need a strategy which will control all of this. Here I have a simple imperative strategy language with boolean predicates over sets of terms.
fmod STRATEGY is
protecting STATE .
extending BOOL .
protecting NAT .
sorts BVar Command Program Output .
subsort BVar < Bool .
subsorts Command < Program .
sorts Command{State=>Strategy} Command{Modules=>Strategy} Command{=>Strategy} .
subsorts Command{State=>Strategy} Command{Modules=>Strategy} Command{=>Strategy} < Command .
sorts Command{Modules=>Output} Command{=>Output} .
subsort Command{=>Output} < Output .
vars P P' P1 P2 : Program . vars B B' : Bool . var N : Nat .
var CTS : CTermSet . var NeCTS : NeCTermSet .
var H : Header . var MENV : ModuleEnv .
op strategy <_> : Program -> NeAnalysis [ctor] .
op output <_> : Output -> NeAnalysis [ctor] .
op .Program : -> Program [ctor] .
op _;_ : Program Program -> Program [ctor assoc id: .Program prec 75] .
op #bool : Bool -> Command [ctor] .
op ?_:_ : Program Program -> Program [ctor strat(0)] .
eq #bool(true) ; ? P1 : P2 = P1 .
eq #bool(false) ; ? P1 : P2 = P2 .
op {_} : Program -> Program .
eq { P } = P .
op if_then_else_ : Bool Program Program -> Program [prec 72 strat(0)] .
eq if B then P1 else P2 = state-predicate(B) ; ? P1 : P2 .
op while__ : Bool Program -> Program [prec 72 strat(0)] .
eq while B P = if B then { P ; while B P } else .Program .
op repeat__ : Nat Program -> Program [prec 72 strat(0)] .
eq repeat 0 P = .Program .
eq repeat s(N) P = P ; repeat N P .
op .Output : -> Output [ctor] .
op _;;;_ : Output Output -> Output [ctor assoc id: .Output prec 50] .
op _<_> : Command{State=>Strategy} CTermSet -> Command{=>Strategy} .
op _<_> : Command{Modules=>Strategy} ModuleEnv -> Command{=>Strategy} .
op _<_> : Command{Modules=>Output} ModuleEnv -> Command{=>Output} .
op _[_] : Command{=>Strategy} Program -> [Program] .
op print : String -> Command{=>Output} .
op show-module : Header -> Command{Modules=>Output} .
op show-module : Module -> Command{=>Output} [ctor] .
eq show-module(H) < MENV > = show-module(H [ MENV ]) .
var T : Term . var TYPE : Type .
op sort : Term -> Command{Modules=>Output} .
op _has-sort_ : Term Type -> Command{=>Output} [prec 45] .
ceq sort(T) < MENV > = T has-sort TYPE if TYPE := leastSort('current [ MENV ], T) .
op state-predicate : Bool -> Command{State=>Strategy} .
eq state-predicate(B) < CTS > [ P ] = #bool(#eval(B, CTS)) ; P .
op #eval : Bool CTermSet -> [Bool] .
eq #eval(true , CTS) = true .
eq #eval(false , CTS) = false .
eq #eval( not B', CTS) = not #eval(B', CTS) .
eq #eval(B or B', CTS) = #eval(B, CTS) or #eval(B', CTS) .
eq #eval(B and B', CTS) = #eval(B, CTS) and #eval(B', CTS) .
eq #eval(B xor B', CTS) = #eval(B, CTS) xor #eval(B', CTS) .
eq #eval(B implies B', CTS) = #eval(B, CTS) implies #eval(B', CTS) .
op empty? : -> BVar .
eq #eval(empty?, .CTermSet) = true .
eq #eval(empty?, NeCTS) = false .
When the above state components are put together (in a parallel manner), then
what you get is MSH
contains some of the functionality of the normal
Maude shell (eg. reduce
, rewrite
, and narrow
), but defined in an
extensible and programmable way.
This module consists of the "plumbing" for MSH
, which loads arguments from the
correct parts of the state and applies the results to the correct parts of the
state. This is all done using the sorts of the commands .
fmod MSH is
protecting MODULE-DATABASE .
protecting STATE .
protecting TRACE .
extending STRATEGY .
var CMO : Command{Modules=>Output} . var CO : Command{=>Output} . var O : Output .
var CM : Command{=>Modules} . var MENV : ModuleEnv .
var CSSt : Command{State=>Strategy} . var CSt : Command{=>Strategy} . var P : Program . var CTermS : CTermSet .
var CMS : Command{Modules=>State} . var CTS : Command{Trace=>State} . var CS : Command{=>State} . var CTermST : CTermSetTrace .
var CMST : Command{Modules,State=>Trace} . var CT : Command{=>Trace} .
subsorts Command{Modules=>Output} Command{=>Output} < Command .
eq strategy < CO ; P > output < O >
= strategy < P > output < O ;;; CO > .
eq strategy < CMO ; P > modules < MENV >
= strategy < CMO < MENV > ; P > modules < MENV > .
subsort Command{=>Modules} < Command .
eq strategy < CM ; P > modules < MENV >
= strategy < P > modules < CM [ MENV ] > .
--- subsorts Command{State=>Strategy} Command{Modules=>Strategy} Command{=>Strategy} < Command .
eq strategy < CSt ; P >
= strategy < CSt [ P ] > .
eq strategy < CSSt ; P > state < CTermS >
= strategy < CSSt < CTermS > ; P > state < CTermS > .
subsorts Command{Modules=>State} Command{Trace=>State} Command{=>State} < Command .
eq strategy < CS ; P > state < CTermS >
= strategy < P > state < CS [ CTermS ] > .
eq strategy < CMS ; P > modules < MENV >
= strategy < CMS < 'STATE [ MENV ] > ; P > modules < MENV > .
eq strategy < CTS ; P > trace < CTermST >
= strategy < CTS < CTermST > ; P > trace < CTermST > .
subsorts Command{Modules,State=>Trace} Command{=>Trace} < Command .
eq strategy < CT ; P > trace < CTermST >
= strategy < P > trace < CT [ CTermST ] > .
eq strategy < CMST ; P > modules < MENV > state < CTermS >
= strategy < CMST < 'TRACE [ MENV ] , CTermS > ; P > modules < MENV > state < CTermS > .