Releases: ssharks/veditor
Releases · ssharks/veditor
Rebased with changes on Sourceforge
Numerous fixes an some small features:
- Create a source file list by right clicking in the hierarchy browser
- Create a dependancy list from the hierarchy browser
- When opening a declaration an multiple instances are found, it will list the path of the instances
Bugs fixed:
- Synchronization in between parser and hierarchy browser
- Handling records with identical named elements to an output value correctly for errors
- Fixed a parsing error on statements like signal a : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (b-1 => '0', others => '1');
VHDL 2008 support
For now a test version on VHDL 2008 support, as provide by fpgadev
- Use the Veditor occurences profile
- Verilog: Ignoring encrypted Verilog code, based on the protected pragma
- VHDL: Using the used packages in a file, when jumping to a declaration of this value in a package. This is avoid jumping to the wrong package when a constant is declared in multiple packages.
- VHDL: Upon detection of multiple implementations of the item you want to jump to, it provides you with a drop down menu with all the options
VHDL: Various syntax checks:
- Assigning a variable with <= instead of :=
- Assigning a signal with := instead of <=
- Using an output of an entity / procedure as input for a statement
- Assigning a value to an input or a constant