Efficient algorithms for selecting multiple perturbation experiments for the task of causal structure discovery.
How we ran on our cluster: "bsub -W 2:00 -n 4 -R "rusage[mem=250]" "python3 main.py""
For repeats: "for i in {1..50}; do bsub -W 6:00 -n 1 -R "rusage[mem=250]" "python3 main.py $i"; done"
Files to be run for experiments take in the random seed as the first input argument so multiple repeats can be done in parallel.
To have all the necessary packages for running these experiments please use conda and use the provided environment.yml file.
Description of important files:
main.py: contains all necessary functions for infinite sample experiments (including DREAM) and the core algorithms of the project. Run to carry-out infinite sample experiments. Needs folders called "figures" and "figures_dream" to exist to output results to.
finite_cd.py: contains machinary specific to finite sample experiments for causal discovery (cd). Run to carry-out finite sample experiments. Needs a folder called "figures" to exist to output results to.
finite.py: contains some helper functions for finite experiments, such as generating DAGs with linear SEMs and computing the BIC of a model.
mec_size.py: contains functions for sampling from an MEC or enumerating an MEC
represent.py: a script with some functions for plotting the results of experiments. Run main.py or finite_cd.py first to run experiments, and then run represent.py to plot the results.
proposition.py: code used in the computations for the proof of Proposition 1.
gnw_obs: a folder containing all of the GeneNetWeaver ground-truth DAGs used in our experiments.
For the paper, number of variables per intervention was denoted q and batch size denoted m. In the code, we denote number of variables per intervention as k and the batch size as b or n_b. Some naming conventions were changed between the code and the paper. Format is in paper -> in code.
DGC -> scdpp or 'cont'.
SSG -> lazy_ss_intervention.
Some code is included for exploratory methods that weren't part of the paper. drg is DGC but without the continuous relaxation (discrete random greedy [1] is used instead).
[1] Buchbinder, Niv, et al. "Submodular maximization with cardinality constraints." Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.