diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/bottle.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/bottle.dm index cb932b6880c0..4843ba66ee3a 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/bottle.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/bottle.dm @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ B.name = "broken carton" B.force = 0 B.throwforce = 0 - B.desc = "A carton with the bottom half burst open. Might give you a papercut." + B.desc = "Картонная коробка с разорванным дном. Об неё можно порезаться." transfer_fingerprints_to(B) qdel(src) @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ return ..() if(HAS_TRAIT(user, TRAIT_PACIFISM)) - to_chat(user, "You don't want to harm [target]!") + to_chat(user, "Вы не хотите навредить [target.declent_ru(DATIVE)]!") return force = 15 //Smashing bottles over someoen's head hurts. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/proc/SplashReagents(mob/M) if(reagents && reagents.total_volume) - M.visible_message("The contents of \the [src] splashes all over [M]!") + M.visible_message("Содержимое [declent_ru(GENITIVE)] разбрызгивается по [M.declent_ru(DATIVE)]!") reagents.reaction(M, REAGENT_TOUCH) reagents.clear_reagents() @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ //Keeping this here for now, I'll ask if I should keep it here. /obj/item/broken_bottle name = "Broken Bottle" - desc = "A bottle with a sharp broken bottom." + desc = "Бутылка с острым, отломленным дном." icon = 'icons/obj/drinks.dmi' icon_state = "broken_bottle" force = 9 @@ -161,55 +161,55 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/gin name = "Griffeater Gin" - desc = "A bottle of high quality gin, produced in the New London Space Station." + desc = "Бутылка высококачественного джина, произведенного на космической станции Новый Лондон." icon_state = "ginbottle" list_reagents = list("gin" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/whiskey name = "Uncle Git's Special Reserve" - desc = "A premium single-malt whiskey, gently matured inside the tunnels of a nuclear shelter. TUNNEL WHISKEY RULES." + desc = "Премиум односолодовый виски, мягко выдержанный внутри туннелей ядерного убежища. ПРАВИЛА ТУННЕЛЬНОГО ВИСКИ." icon_state = "whiskeybottle" list_reagents = list("whiskey" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/vodka name = "Tunguska Triple Distilled" - desc = "Aah, vodka. Prime choice of drink AND fuel by Russians worldwide." + desc = "Ох, водка. Лучший напиток по версии СССП." icon_state = "vodkabottle" list_reagents = list("vodka" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/vodka/badminka name = "Badminka Vodka" - desc = "The label's written in Cyrillic. All you can make out is the name and a word that looks vaguely like 'Vodka'." + desc = "Как только вы прочитали слово «ВОДКА» на этикетке, остальной текст уже не имеет значения — вы и так знаете, что с этим делать." icon_state = "badminka" list_reagents = list("vodka" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/tequila name = "Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila" - desc = "Made from premium petroleum distillates, pure thalidomide and other fine quality ingredients!" + desc = "Сделано из премиальных нефтяных дистиллятов, чистого талидомида и других высококачественных ингредиентов!" icon_state = "tequilabottle" list_reagents = list("tequila" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/bottleofnothing name = "Bottle of Nothing" - desc = "A bottle filled with nothing." + desc = "Бутылка, наполненная пустотой." icon_state = "bottleofnothing" list_reagents = list("nothing" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/bottleofbanana name = "Jolly Jug" - desc = "A jug filled with banana juice." + desc = "Кувшин, наполненный банановым соком." icon_state = "bottleofjolly" list_reagents = list("banana" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/patron name = "Wrapp Artiste Patron" - desc = "Silver laced tequila, served in space night clubs across the galaxy." + desc = "Серебряная текила, подаваемая в космических ночных клубах по всей галактике." icon_state = "patronbottle" list_reagents = list("patron" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/rum name = "Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum" - desc = "This isn't just rum, oh no. It's practically GRIFF in a bottle." + desc = "Это не просто ром, о нет. Это практически ГРИФ в бутылке." icon_state = "rumbottle" list_reagents = list("rum" = 100) @@ -220,60 +220,60 @@ list_reagents = list("holywater" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/holywater/hell - desc = "A flask of holy water...it's been sitting in the Necropolis a while though." + desc = "Фляга со святой водой... хотя она уже долго пролежала в Некрополисе." list_reagents = list("hell_water" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/vermouth name = "Goldeneye Vermouth" - desc = "Sweet, sweet dryness~" + desc = "Сладкая, сладкая сухость~" icon_state = "vermouthbottle" list_reagents = list("vermouth" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/kahlua name = "Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur" - desc = "A widely known, Mexican coffee-flavoured liqueur. In production since 1936, HONK." + desc = "Широко известный мексиканский ликёр с кофейным вкусом. Производится с 1936 года, ХОНК." icon_state = "kahluabottle" list_reagents = list("kahlua" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/goldschlager name = "College Girl Goldschlager" - desc = "Because they are the only ones who will drink 100 proof cinnamon schnapps." + desc = "Только студенты согласны пить этот коричный шнапс крепостью 100 градусов." icon_state = "goldschlagerbottle" list_reagents = list("goldschlager" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/cognac name = "Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac" - desc = "A sweet and strongly alcoholic drink, made after numerous distillations and years of maturing. You might as well not scream 'SHITCURITY' this time." + desc = "Сладкий и крепкий алкогольный напиток, изготовленный после многочисленных перегонок и многолетней выдержки. На этот раз можешь не кричать «ЩИТКУРЫ»." icon_state = "cognacbottle" list_reagents = list("cognac" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/wine name = "Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine" - desc = "A faint aura of unease and asspainery surrounds the bottle." + desc = "Слабая аура беспокойства и страдания окутывает бутылку." icon_state = "winebottle" list_reagents = list("wine" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/absinthe name = "Yellow Marquee Absinthe" - desc = "A strong alcoholic drink brewed and distributed by Yellow Marquee." + desc = "Крепкий алкогольный напиток, сваренный и распространяемый компанией «Жёлтый шатёр»." icon_state = "absinthebottle" list_reagents = list("absinthe" = 100) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/absinthe/premium name = "Gwyn's Premium Absinthe" - desc = "A potent alcoholic beverage, almost makes you forget the ash in your lungs." + desc = "Сильный алкогольный напиток, который почти заставляет забыть о пыли в легких." icon_state = "absinthepremium" /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/hcider name = "Jian Hard Cider" - desc = "Apple juice for adults." + desc = "Яблочный сок для взрослых." icon_state = "hcider" volume = 50 list_reagents = list("suicider" = 50) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/fernet name = "Fernet Bronca" - desc = "A bottle of pure Fernet Bronca, produced in Cordoba Space Station." + desc = "Бутылка чистого Фернет-Бранка. Настоен на 27 различных космических трав." icon_state = "fernetbottle" list_reagents = list("fernet" = 100) @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/orangejuice name = "orange juice" - desc = "Full of vitamins and deliciousness!" + desc = "Полон витаминов и восхитительного вкуса!" icon_state = "orangejuice" item_state = "carton" throwforce = 0 @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/cream name = "milk cream" - desc = "It's cream. Made from milk. What else did you think you'd find in there?" + desc = "Это сливки. Сделаны из молока. А что ещё вы думали найти внутри?" icon_state = "cream" item_state = "carton" throwforce = 0 @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/tomatojuice name = "tomato juice" - desc = "Well, at least it LOOKS like tomato juice. You can't tell with all that redness." + desc = "Ну, хотя бы ВЫГЛЯДИТ как томатный сок. Трудно сказать точно из-за всей этой красноты." icon_state = "tomatojuice" item_state = "carton" throwforce = 0 @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/limejuice name = "lime juice" - desc = "Sweet-sour goodness." + desc = "Кисло-сладкое наслаждение." icon_state = "limejuice" item_state = "carton" throwforce = 0 @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/milk name = "milk" - desc = "Soothing milk." + desc = "Успокаивающее молоко." icon_state = "milk" item_state = "carton" throwforce = 0 @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ ////////////////////////// MOLOTOV /////////////////////// /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/molotov name = "molotov cocktail" - desc = "A throwing weapon used to ignite things, typically filled with an accelerant. Recommended highly by rioters and revolutionaries. Light and toss." + desc = "Метательное оружие, используемое для поджога, обычно заполнено горючей смесью. Высоко рекомендовано мятежниками и революционерами. Поджечь и бросить." icon_state = "vodkabottle" list_reagents = list() var/list/accelerants = list(/datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol,/datum/reagent/fuel,/datum/reagent/clf3,/datum/reagent/phlogiston, @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ . = ..() desc = initial(desc) if(!is_glass) - desc += " You're not sure if making this out of a carton was the brightest idea." + desc += " Вы не уверены, что делать это из картонной коробки самая блестящая идея." /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/molotov/update_icon_state() var/obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/B = locate() in contents diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/cans.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/cans.dm index 8119ee9ee258..27297aa37558 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/cans.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/cans.dm @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/examine(mob/user) . = ..() if(can_opened) - . += "It has been opened." + . += "Напиток открыт." else - . += "Ctrl-click to shake it up!" + . += "Ctrl-click чтобы взболтать!" /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/attack_self(mob/user) if(can_opened) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ playsound(loc, 'sound/effects/canopen.ogg', rand(10, 50), 1) can_opened = TRUE container_type |= OPENCONTAINER - to_chat(user, "You open the drink with an audible pop!") + to_chat(user, "Вы открываете напиток с громким щелчком!") return ..() /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/proc/crush(mob/user) @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ return ..() H = user if(can_opened) - to_chat(H, "You can't shake up an already opened drink!") + to_chat(H, "Вы не можете взболтать уже открытый напиток!") return if(H.is_holding(src)) can_shake = FALSE addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(reset_shakable)), 1 SECONDS, TIMER_UNIQUE | TIMER_OVERRIDE) - to_chat(H, "You start shaking up [src].") + to_chat(H, "Вы начинаете взбалтывать [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)].") if(do_after(H, 1 SECONDS, target = H)) - visible_message("[user] shakes up [src]!") + visible_message("[user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE)] взбалтывает [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!") if(times_shaken == 0) times_shaken++ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(reset_shaken)), 1 MINUTES, TIMER_UNIQUE | TIMER_OVERRIDE | TIMER_NO_HASH_WAIT) @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/attack(mob/M, mob/user, proximity) if(!can_opened) - to_chat(user, "You need to open the drink!") + to_chat(user, "Вам нужно открыть напиток!") return else if(M == user && !reagents.total_volume && user.a_intent == INTENT_HARM && user.zone_selected == "head") user.visible_message("[user] crushes [src] on [user.p_their()] forehead!", "You crush [src] on your forehead.") @@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ if(!proximity) return if(istype(target, /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers) && !can_opened) - to_chat(user, "You need to open the drink!") + to_chat(user, "Вам нужно открыть напиток!") return else if(target.is_open_container() && !can_opened) - to_chat(user, "You need to open the drink!") + to_chat(user, "Вам нужно открыть напиток!") return else return ..(target, user, proximity) @@ -110,21 +110,21 @@ container_type |= OPENCONTAINER if(!burstopen && user) - to_chat(user, "You open the drink with an audible pop!") + to_chat(user, "Вы открываете напиток с громким щелчком!") else - visible_message("[src] bursts open!") + visible_message("Банка с [declent_ru(INSTRUMENTAL)] лопается!") if(times_shaken < 5) - visible_message("[src] fizzes violently!") + visible_message("[capitalize(declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] сильно шипит!") else - visible_message("[src] erupts into foam!") + visible_message("[capitalize(declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] вспенивается и вырывается наружу!") if(reagents.total_volume) var/datum/effect_system/foam_spread/sodafizz = new sodafizz.set_up(1, get_turf(src), reagents) sodafizz.start() for(var/mob/living/carbon/C in range(1, get_turf(src))) - to_chat(C, "You are splattered with [name]!") + to_chat(C, "Вас забрызгал [declent_ru(NOMINATIVE)]!") reagents.reaction(C, REAGENT_TOUCH) C.wetlevel = max(C.wetlevel + 1, times_shaken) @@ -161,41 +161,41 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/cola name = "space cola" - desc = "Cola. In space." + desc = "Кола. В космосе." icon_state = "cola" list_reagents = list("cola" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/beer name = "space beer" - desc = "Contains only water, malt and hops." + desc = "Содержит только воду, солод и хмель." icon_state = "beer" is_glass = TRUE list_reagents = list("beer" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/adminbooze name = "admin booze" - desc = "Bottled Griffon tears. Drink with caution." + desc = "Бутылка слёз админа. Пить с осторожностью." icon_state = "adminbooze" is_glass = TRUE list_reagents = list("adminordrazine" = 5, "capsaicin" = 5, "methamphetamine"= 20, "thirteenloko" = 20) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/madminmalt name = "madmin malt" - desc = "Bottled essence of angry admins. Drink with EXTREME caution." + desc = "Бутылка с эссенцией разгневанных админов. Пить с ОСОБОЙ осторожностью." icon_state = "madminmalt" is_glass = TRUE list_reagents = list("hell_water" = 20, "neurotoxin" = 15, "thirteenloko" = 15) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/badminbrew name = "badmin brew" - desc = "Bottled trickery and terrible admin work. Probably shouldn't drink this one at all." + desc = "Бутылка обмана и ужасной работы админов. Наверное, не стоит это пить." icon_state = "badminbrew" is_glass = TRUE list_reagents = list("mutagen" = 25, "charcoal" = 10, "thirteenloko" = 15) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/ale name = "Magm-Ale" - desc = "A true dorf's drink of choice." + desc = "Напиток для истинных дворфов." icon_state = "alebottle" item_state = "beer" is_glass = TRUE @@ -203,74 +203,74 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/space_mountain_wind name = "Space Mountain Wind" - desc = "Blows right through you like a space wind." + desc = "Проходит через тебя, словно космический ветер." icon_state = "space_mountain_wind" list_reagents = list("spacemountainwind" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/thirteenloko name = "Thirteen Loko" - desc = "The CMO has advised crew members that consumption of Thirteen Loko may result in seizures, blindness, drunkenness, or even death. Please Drink Responsibly." + desc = "СМО предупреждает членов экипажа, что употребление Thirteen Loko может привести к судорогам, слепоте, опьянению или даже смерти. Пейте ответственно." icon_state = "thirteen_loko" list_reagents = list("thirteenloko" = 25, "psilocybin" = 5) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/dr_gibb name = "Dr. Gibb" - desc = "A delicious mixture of 42 different flavors." + desc = "Вкусная смесь из 42 различных вкусов." icon_state = "dr_gibb" list_reagents = list("dr_gibb" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/starkist name = "Star-kist" - desc = "The taste of a star in liquid form. And, a bit of tuna...?" + desc = "Вкус звезды в жидкой форме. С привкусом тунца...?" icon_state = "starkist" list_reagents = list("brownstar" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/space_up name = "Space-Up" - desc = "Tastes like a hull breach in your mouth." + desc = "Вкус, как если бы в вашем рту произошла разгерметизация." icon_state = "space-up" list_reagents = list("space_up" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/lemon_lime name = "Lemon-Lime" - desc = "You wanted ORANGE. It gave you Lemon Lime." + desc = "Вы хотели АПЕЛЬСИН. А получили Лимон-Лайм." icon_state = "lemon-lime" list_reagents = list("lemon_lime" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/iced_tea name = "Vrisk Serket Iced Tea" - desc = "That sweet, refreshing southern earthy flavor. That's where it's from, right? South Earth?" + desc = "О этот сладкий, освежающий вкус чая." icon_state = "ice_tea_can" list_reagents = list("icetea" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/grape_juice name = "Grapel Juice" - desc = "500 pages of rules of how to appropriately enter into a combat with this juice!" + desc = "500 страниц правил, как правильно вступить в бой с этим соком!" icon_state = "purple_can" list_reagents = list("grapejuice" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/tonic name = "T-Borg's Tonic Water" - desc = "Quinine tastes funny, but at least it'll keep that Space Malaria away." + desc = "Хинин имеет странный вкус, но, по крайней мере, он защитит от космической малярии." icon_state = "tonic" list_reagents = list("tonic" = 50) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/sodawater name = "soda water" - desc = "A can of soda water. Still water's more refreshing cousin." + desc = "Банка газированной воды. Двоюродная сестра обычной воды." icon_state = "sodawater" list_reagents = list("sodawater" = 50) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/synthanol name = "Beep's Classic Synthanol" - desc = "A can of IPC booze, however that works." + desc = "Банка алкоголя для КПБ, как бы это ни работало." icon_state = "synthanolcan" list_reagents = list("synthanol" = 50) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/bottler name = "generic beverage container" - desc = "this shouldn't ever be spawned. shame on you" + desc = "Это не должно было быть создано. Позор тебе." icon_state = "glass_bottle" /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/bottler/on_reagent_change() @@ -300,17 +300,17 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/bottler/glass_bottle name = "glass bottle" - desc = "A glass bottle suitable for beverages." + desc = "Стеклянная бутылка, подходящая для напитков." icon_state = "glass_bottle" is_glass = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/bottler/plastic_bottle name = "plastic bottle" - desc = "A plastic bottle suitable for beverages." + desc = "Пластиковая бутылка, подходящая для напитков." icon_state = "plastic_bottle" is_plastic = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/cans/bottler/metal_can name = "metal can" - desc = "A metal can suitable for beverages." + desc = "Металлическая банка, подходящая для напитков." icon_state = "metal_can" diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/drinkingglass.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/drinkingglass.dm index 3b56fbaae3d6..6a386c730936 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/drinkingglass.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/drinkingglass.dm @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/drinkingglass name = "glass" - desc = "Your standard drinking glass." + desc = "Обыкновенный стакан для напитков." icon_state = "glass_empty" item_state = "drinking_glass" amount_per_transfer_from_this = 10 @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ var/obj/item/food/egg/E = I if(reagents) if(reagents.total_volume >= reagents.maximum_volume) - to_chat(user, "[src] is full.") + to_chat(user, "[declent_ru(NOMINATIVE)] полон.") else - to_chat(user, "You break [E] in [src].") + to_chat(user, "Вы разбиваете [E.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] в [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)].") E.reagents.trans_to(src, E.reagents.total_volume) qdel(E) return @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ else icon_state = "glass_empty" name = "glass" - desc = "Your standard drinking glass." + desc = "Обыкновенный стакан для напитков." // for /obj/machinery/economy/vending/sovietsoda /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/drinkingglass/soda diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/mugs.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/mugs.dm index f75698d53900..cd9686e69a53 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/mugs.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/mugs.dm @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug name = "coffee mug" - desc = "A mug for sipping hot beverages out of." + desc = "Кружка для питья горячих напитков." icon = 'icons/obj/mugs.dmi' icon_state = "mug" var/novelty = FALSE @@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/novelty name = "novelty coffee mug" - desc = "A fun mug for your coffee or other hot beverage!" + desc = "Забавная кружка для кофе или других горячих напитков!" novelty = TRUE /datum/novelty_mug var/name = "novelty coffee mug" - var/description = "A fun mug for your coffee or other hot beverage!" + var/description = "Забавная кружка для кофе или других горячих напитков!" var/state = "mug" /datum/novelty_mug/peace name = "peaceful mug" - description = "It's like... so peaceful, man." + description = "Она такая... умиротворяющая, чувак." state = "mug_peace" /datum/novelty_mug/fire name = "fire mug" - description = "Caution: contents and design may be incredibly hot." + description = "Осторожно: содержимое и дизайн могут быть очень горячими." state = "mug_fire" /datum/novelty_mug/best name = "best mug" - description = "By decree of this mug, you are the best!" + description = "По указу этой кружки, ты лучший!" state = "mug_best" /datum/novelty_mug/best/New() @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ /datum/novelty_mug/worst name = "worst mug" - description = "By decree of this mug, you are the worst!" + description = "По указу этой кружки, ты худший!" state = "mug_worst" /datum/novelty_mug/worst/New() @@ -49,41 +49,41 @@ /datum/novelty_mug/insult name = "insulting coffee mug" - description = "How rude!" + description = "Как грубо!" state = "mug_insult" /datum/novelty_mug/insult/New() - var/insult = pick("There isn't enough coffee to make you tolerable.", "I drink coffee so I can pretend to like people.", "I haven't had my coffee yet... What's your excuse?", "This coffee is more robust than you.", "Decaf is for weaklings like you.") - description = "This one says:\"[insult]\"" + var/insult = pick("Здесь недостаточно кофе, чтобы сделать тебя терпимым.", "Я пью кофе, чтобы притворяться, что мне нравятся люди.", "Я еще не выпил кофе... А какая у тебя причина?", "Этот кофе крепче тебя.", "Латте — для слабаков, таких как ты.") + description = "Кружка говорит:\"[insult]\"" /datum/novelty_mug/pda name = "PDA mug" - description = "Finally, a use for one of these!" + description = "Наконец-то, нашлось применение для ПДА!" state = "mug_pda" /datum/novelty_mug/rad name = "radioactive mug" - description = "Is coffee supposed to be green... and glowing?" + description = "Должен ли кофе быть зелёным... и светящимся?" state = "mug_rad" /datum/novelty_mug/tide name = "greytide mug" - description = "This coffee packs almost as much of a punch as a toolbox to the face!" + description = "Этот кофе бьёт так сильно, как и тулбокс по лицу!" state = "mug_tide" /datum/novelty_mug/happy name = "happy mug" - description = "Even when you aren't, this mug helps you look happy around coworkers." + description = "Даже когда ты не счастлив, эта кружка помогает выглядеть радостным среди коллег." state = "mug_happy" /datum/novelty_mug/pills name = "prescription mug" - description = "Prescription: caffeine. Dosage: As much as it takes." + description = "Рецепт: кофеин. Дозировка: столько, сколько нужно." state = "mug_pill" /datum/novelty_mug/rainbow name = "rainbow mug" - description = "So mesmerizing!" + description = "Так завораживающе!" state = "mug_rainbow" /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/Initialize(mapload) @@ -101,72 +101,72 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/eng name = "engineer's mug" - desc = "A mug engineered to hold your beverage... IN SPACE!" + desc = "Кружка, спроектированная для того, чтобы держать ваш напиток... В КОСМОСЕ!" icon_state = "mug_eng" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/med name = "doctor's mug" - desc = "A mug that can hold the cure for what ails you!" + desc = "Кружка, которая может содержать лекарство от всех ваших болезней!" icon_state = "mug_med" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/sci name = "scientist's mug" - desc = "Nothing fuels research like a coffee mug... or grant money!" + desc = "Ничто не помогает исследованиям, как кружка с кофе... или грантовые деньги!" icon_state = "mug_sci" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/sec name = "officer's mug" - desc = "The perfect partner for a sprinkled donut or stunbaton!" + desc = "Идеальный партнер для пончика с посыпкой и дубинки!" icon_state = "mug_sec" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/serv name = "crewmember's mug" - desc = "Serve your thirst better than you serve the rest of the crew!" + desc = "Утоли жажду лучше, чем остальной экипаж!" icon_state = "mug_serv" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/ce name = "chief engineer's mug" - desc = "Broken and welded back together countless times, just like the station! Probably microwave safe." + desc = "Сломан и сварен заново бесчисленное количество раз, как и станция! Вероятно, безопасен для микроволновки." icon_state = "mug_ce" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/hos name = "head of security's mug" - desc = "If only your officers were as robust as this coffee's flavor!" + desc = "Если бы только ваши офицеры были такими же крепкими, как вкус этого кофе!" icon_state = "mug_hos" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/rd name = "research director's mug" - desc = "Energy tech level: 99." + desc = "Уровень энергетических технологий: 99." icon_state = "mug_rd" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/cmo name = "chief medical officer's mug" - desc = "Fill it with something to keep you awake while you try to keep the crew alive." + desc = "Наполните кружку чем-то, чтобы не заснуть, пока пытаетесь спасти экипаж." icon_state = "mug_cmo" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/qm name = "quartermaster's mug" - desc = "A newly imported mug, express delivery." + desc = "Новая импортная кружка доставленная экспресс-доставкой." icon_state = "mug_qm" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/hop name = "head of personnel's mug" - desc = "Are the stains on the bottom coffee or ink?" + desc = "На дне пятна от кофе или чернил?" icon_state = "mug_hop" preset = TRUE /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mug/cap name = "captain's mug" - desc = "An inscription on the side reads \"Best Captain 2559\"... The last time the station had a worthy captain." + desc = "На боку надпись: \"Лучший капитан 2559\"... В последний раз, когда на станции был достойный капитан." icon_state = "mug_cap" preset = TRUE diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/shotglass.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/shotglass.dm index 5947abb4a527..f00fe9daee57 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/shotglass.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks/shotglass.dm @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/drinkingglass/shotglass name = "shot glass" - desc = "No glasses were shot in the making of this glass." + desc = "В процессе производства этого стакана не было разбито ни одного бокала." icon_state = "shotglass" custom_fire_overlay = "shotglass_fire" amount_per_transfer_from_this = 15 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/drinkingglass/shotglass/bluespace name = "bluespace shot glass" - desc = "For when you need to make the Bartender's life extra hell." + desc = "Для тех случаев, когда нужно сделать жизнь бармена еще более адской." amount_per_transfer_from_this = 50 volume = 50 icon_state = "bluespaceshotglass" diff --git a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks_base.dm b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks_base.dm index 4574e56c9840..3df4271b3f1c 100644 --- a/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks_base.dm +++ b/code/modules/food_and_drinks/drinks/drinks_base.dm @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/attack(mob/M, mob/user, def_zone) if(!reagents || !reagents.total_volume) - to_chat(user, "None of [src] left, oh no!") + to_chat(user, "В [declent_ru(PREPOSITIONAL)] ничего не осталось, о нет!") return FALSE if(!is_drainable()) - to_chat(user, "You need to open [src] first!") + to_chat(user, "Вам нужно сначала открыть [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!") return FALSE if(iscarbon(M)) @@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ return var/mob/living/carbon/chugger = over_object if(!(container_type & DRAINABLE)) - to_chat(chugger, "You need to open [src] first!") + to_chat(chugger, "Вам нужно сначала открыть [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!") return if(reagents.total_volume && loc == chugger && src == chugger.get_active_hand()) - chugger.visible_message("[chugger] raises [src] to [chugger.p_their()] mouth and starts [pick("chugging","gulping")] it down like [pick("a savage","a mad beast","it's going out of style","there's no tomorrow")]!", - "You start chugging [src].", - "You hear what sounds like gulping.") + chugger.visible_message("[capitalize(chugger.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] подносит [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] к рту и начинает [pick("жадно пить","пить залпом")], будто [pick("дикарь","бешеное животное","безумец","завтра не наступит")]!", + "Вы начинаете пить залпом [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)].", + "Вы слышите звук, похожий на глотание.") chugging = TRUE - while(do_after_once(chugger, 4 SECONDS, TRUE, chugger, null, "You stop chugging [src].")) + while(do_after_once(chugger, 4 SECONDS, TRUE, chugger, null, "Вы прекращаете пить залпом [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)].")) chugger.drink(src, chugger, 25) //Half of a glass, quarter of a bottle. if(!reagents.total_volume) //Finish in style. chugger.emote("gasp") - chugger.visible_message("[chugger] [pick("finishes","downs","polishes off","slams")] the entire [src], what a [pick("savage","monster","champ","beast")]!", - "You finish off [src]![prob(50) ? " Maybe that wasn't such a good idea..." : ""]", - "You hear a gasp and a clink.") + chugger.visible_message("[capitalize(chugger.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] [pick("осушает до последней капли","поглощает полностью","употребляет до конца","выпивает до дна")] [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)], будто [pick("зверь","монстр","дикарь","животное")]!", + "Вы заканчиваете пить залпом [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]![prob(50) ? " Может быть, это была не такая уж хорошая идея..." : ""]", + "Вы слышите вздох и звон.") break chugging = FALSE @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if(target.is_refillable() && is_drainable()) //Something like a glass. Player probably wants to transfer TO it. if(!reagents.total_volume) - to_chat(user, "[src] is empty.") + to_chat(user, "[declent_ru(NOMINATIVE)] [genderize_ru(src, "пустой", "пустая", "пустое", "пустые")].") return FALSE if(target.reagents.holder_full()) @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ return FALSE var/trans = reagents.trans_to(target, amount_per_transfer_from_this) - to_chat(user, "You transfer [trans] units of the solution to [target].") + to_chat(user, "Вы переливаете [trans] единиц[declension_ru(trans, "у", "ы", "")] жидкости в [target.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)].") else if(target.is_drainable()) //A dispenser. Transfer FROM it TO us. if(!is_refillable()) - to_chat(user, "[src]'s tab isn't open!") + to_chat(user, "Крышка [declent_ru(GENITIVE)] закрыта!") return FALSE if(!target.reagents.total_volume) to_chat(user, "[target] is empty.") @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ return FALSE var/trans = target.reagents.trans_to(src, amount_per_transfer_from_this) - to_chat(user, "You fill [src] with [trans] units of the contents of [target].") + to_chat(user, "Вы наполняете [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] [trans] единиц[declension_ru(trans, "ей", "ами", "ами")] содержимого [target.declent_ru(GENITIVE)].") return FALSE @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/trophy name = "pewter cup" - desc = "Everyone gets a trophy." + desc = "Каждый получит трофей." icon_state = "pewter_cup" w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_TINY force = 1 @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/trophy/gold_cup name = "gold cup" - desc = "You're winner!" + desc = "Вы победитель!!" icon_state = "golden_cup" w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_BULKY force = 14 @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/trophy/silver_cup name = "silver cup" - desc = "Best loser!" + desc = "Лучший неудачник!" icon_state = "silver_cup" w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_NORMAL force = 10 @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/trophy/bronze_cup name = "bronze cup" - desc = "At least you ranked!" + desc = "Первое место с конца!" icon_state = "bronze_cup" w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_SMALL force = 5 @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ /// 2023 toolbox tournament 3rd place went to paradise station. /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/trophy/bronze_cup/toolbox_win name = "3rd place toolbox tournament 2567" - desc = "Awarded to centcomms elite toolbox warriors raising money for the GBS research institute." + desc = "Награда для элитных бойцов Центкома, собравших средства для института исследования ГБС." icon_state = "reward_cup" force = 10.3 throwforce = 10.3 @@ -172,20 +172,20 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/coffee name = "Robust Coffee" - desc = "Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot." + desc = "Осторожно, горячее содержимое!" icon_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("coffee" = 30) resistance_flags = FREEZE_PROOF /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/ice name = "ice cup" - desc = "Careful, cold ice, do not chew." + desc = "Осторожно, холодный лёд, не жуйте!" icon_state = "icecup" list_reagents = list("ice" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/tea name = "Duke Purple tea" - desc = "An insult to Duke Purple is an insult to the Space Queen! Any proper gentleman will fight you, if you sully this tea." + desc = "Оскорбление Дюка Пурпурного — это оскорбление Космической Королевы! Любой настоящий джентльмен вызовет вас на дуэль, если вы оскверните этот чай." icon_state = "teacup" item_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("tea" = 30) @@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/mugwort name = "mugwort tea" - desc = "A bitter herbal tea." + desc = "Горький травяной чай." icon_state = "manlydorfglass" item_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("mugwort" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/h_chocolate name = "Dutch hot coco" - desc = "Made in Space South America." + desc = "Прекрасно подходит для посиделок у камина!" icon_state = "hot_coco" item_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("hot_coco" = 30, "sugar" = 5) @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/chocolate name = "hot chocolate" - desc = "Made in Space Switzerland." + desc = "Горячий шоколад, идеально подходящий для того, чтобы смотреть в иллюминатор, укутавшись в плед." icon_state = "hot_coco" item_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("hot_coco" = 15, "chocolate" = 6, "water" = 9) @@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/weightloss name = "weight-loss shake" - desc = "A shake designed to cause weight loss, now in a berry-flavored formulation. The package proudly proclaims that it is 'tapeworm free.'" + desc = "Шейк, разработанный для похудения, теперь в ягодном вкусе. Упаковка гордо заявляет, что он «без глистов»." icon_state = "weightshake" list_reagents = list("lipolicide" = 30, "berryjuice" = 5) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/dry_ramen name = "cup ramen" - desc = "Just add 10ml of water, self heats! A taste that reminds you of your school years." + desc = "Для приготовления просто добавьте 10 юнитов воды. Вкус, который напоминает о школьных годах." icon_state = "ramen" item_state = "ramen" list_reagents = list("dry_ramen" = 30) @@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/chicken_soup name = "canned chicken soup" - desc = "A delicious and soothing can of chicken noodle soup; just like spessmom used to microwave it." + desc = "Банка вкусного и нежного куринного супа с лапшой. Лучше разогреть в микроволновке." icon_state = "soupcan" item_state = "soupcan" list_reagents = list("chicken_soup" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/sillycup name = "paper cup" - desc = "A paper water cup." + desc = "Бумажный стаканчик для воды." icon_state = "water_cup_e" item_state = "coffee" possible_transfer_amounts = null @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/shaker name = "shaker" - desc = "A metal shaker to mix drinks in." + desc = "Металлический шейкер для смешивания напитков." icon_state = "shaker" materials = list(MAT_METAL=1500) amount_per_transfer_from_this = 10 @@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/shaker/attack_self(mob/user) if(!reagents.total_volume) - to_chat(user, "You won't shake an empty shaker now, will you?") + to_chat(user, "Вы ведь не будете трясти пустой шейкер, правда?") return if(COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, shaking_cooldown)) shaking = TRUE - var/adjective = pick("furiously", "passionately", "with vigor", "with determination", "like a devil", "with care and love", "like there is no tomorrow") - user.visible_message("[user] shakes [src] [adjective]!", "You shake [src] [adjective]!") + var/adjective = pick("яросно", "страсно", "энергично", "решительно", "с полной отдачей", "с заботой и любовью", "стильно") + user.visible_message("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] [adjective] трясёт [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!", "Вы [adjective] трясёте [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!") icon_state = "shaker-shake" if(iscarbon(loc)) var/mob/living/carbon/M = loc @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ COOLDOWN_START(src, shaking_cooldown, 3 SECONDS) if(shaking) - if(do_after_once(user, 3 SECONDS, target = src, allow_moving = TRUE, attempt_cancel_message = "You stop shaking [src] before it has time to mix.")) + if(do_after_once(user, 3 SECONDS, target = src, allow_moving = TRUE, attempt_cancel_message = "Вы прекращаете трясти [declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] до того как, содержимое смешается.")) reagents.set_reacting(TRUE) reagents.handle_reactions() icon_state = "shaker" @@ -313,50 +313,50 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask name = "flask" - desc = "Every good spaceman knows it's a good idea to bring along a couple of pints of whiskey wherever they go." + desc = "Каждый уважающий себя космонавт знает, что всегда стоит взять с собой пару пинт виски, куда бы ты ни отправился." icon_state = "flask" materials = list(MAT_METAL=250) volume = 60 /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/barflask name = "flask" - desc = "For those who can't be bothered to hang out at the bar to drink." + desc = "Для тех, кто не хочет тратить время на посиделки в баре за напитками." icon_state = "barflask" /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/gold name = "captain's flask" - desc = "A regal flask belonging to the captain, with Nanotrasen's logo inlaid with pearl." + desc = "Драгоценная фляга, принадлежащая капитану, с логотипом Nanotrasen, инкрустированным перламутром." icon_state = "flask_gold" materials = list(MAT_GOLD=500) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/detflask name = "detective's flask" - desc = "The detective's only true friend." + desc = "Единственный настоящий друг детектива." icon_state = "detflask" list_reagents = list("whiskey" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/hand_made name = "handmade flask" - desc = "A wooden flask with a silver lid and bottom. It has a matte, dark blue paint on it with the initials \"W.H.\" etched in black." + desc = "Деревянная фляга с серебряной крышкой и дном. Она покрыта матовой тёмно-синей краской, на которой выгравированы инициалы \"W.H.\" черным цветом." icon = 'icons/obj/custom_items.dmi' icon_state = "williamhackett" materials = list() /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/thermos name = "vintage thermos" - desc = "An older thermos with a faint shine." + desc = "Старый потёртый термос." icon_state = "thermos" volume = 50 /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/shiny name = "shiny flask" - desc = "A shiny metal flask. It appears to have a Greek symbol inscribed on it." + desc = "Блестящая металлическая фляга. На ней выгравирован греческий символ." icon_state = "shinyflask" volume = 50 /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/flask/lithium name = "lithium flask" - desc = "A flask with a Lithium Atom symbol on it." + desc = "Фляга с изображением атома лития." icon = 'icons/obj/custom_items.dmi' icon_state = "lithiumflask" volume = 50 @@ -370,19 +370,19 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bag name = "drink bag" - desc = "Normally put in wine boxes, or down pants at stadium events." + desc = "Обычно содержит вино. Легко спрятать в штанах." icon_state = "goonbag" volume = 70 /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bag/goonbag name = "goon from a Blue Toolbox special edition" - desc = "Wine from the land down under, where the dingos roam and the roos do wander." + desc = "Вино из страны на краю света, где бродят динго и странствуют кенгуру." icon_state = "goonbag" list_reagents = list("wine" = 70) /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/oilcan name = "oil can" - desc = "Contains oil intended for use on cyborgs, robots, and other synthetics." + desc = "Содержит масло, предназначеное для киборгов, роботов и других синтетиков." icon = 'icons/goonstation/objects/oil.dmi' icon_state = "oilcan" volume = 100