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197 lines (183 loc) · 9.17 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (183 loc) · 9.17 KB

Change Log for neuron

Unreleased (v2)

  • Web interface
    • Introducing impulse -- foundation for upcoming advanced search, replacing both z-index and legacy JS search (#108)
    • Remove autoscroll behaviour (which had questionable value to begin with)
    • Support alt text in images (#434)
    • Use Prism.js for syntax highlighting, and allow users to use their own syntax highlighter (#560)
    • Allow level-1 headers as non-title heading (#412)
    • Fix impulse clustering of non-folgezettel zettels
  • Remove (experimental) support for org-mode in v2 (use v1 branch if you need org-mode)
  • Timeline queries (z:zettels?...&timeline) now automatically exclude zettels without a date set.
  • Plugin support
    • dirtree: Treat directories as zettels, forming automatic folgezettel connections to their children. (#497)
    • neuronignore: Exclude directories and markdown files via .neuronignore. (#499)
      • By default, recursively read Markdown files in notes directory. This behaviour can be disabled via the neuronignore plugin.
    • link queries & tags are now plugins
  • Plugin:links
    • Labelled directional links (#514): [[foo]]# and #[[foo]]
    • Backlinks panel now groups entries by connection type
    • Support explicit link text using pipes, as in [[link|text to display]]
  • Plugin:neuronigonre
    • Ignore .neuron and .git in any subdirectories
    • Ignore watching .neuron and .git directories in file watcher (-w)
  • Atom feed support (#73)
  • Reduce error verbosity (CLI & web) in the scenario of there being innumerous broken wiki-links.
  • CLI
    • neuron rib is renamed to neuron gen (neuron has migrated from rib/shake to reflex)
    • neuron search: full-text search uses exact matching (#526)
    • neuron search: highlight and focus matching line in bat preview (#556)
    • neuron query:
      • query CLI interface has been changed (see docs)
      • JSON output is now pretty printed (using aeson-pretty)
      • option to choose pretty printed JSON (default) or JSONL format (#612)
    • neuron gen: Add --pretty-urls to remove .html suffix in generated URLs (#562)
    • Supress colors if output is not a terminal with color support (#561)
    • Fix unicode filenames being ignored in Docker image (#636)
  • Performance improvements:
    • Improve incremental generation performance (-w) (#522)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix a bug where folgezettel relationship is not established if a note also has non-folgezettel links to the same target
  • Clean HTML output when zettels are deleted (#141)
  • Added '§' character in whitelist (#595)
  • Normalize unicode filenames to NFC, fixing broken wiki links.
  • Added <meta> element to each page's HTML head, containing certain useful metadata
    • can take the following forms:
    <meta content="my page id" property="neuron:zettel-id">
    <meta content="my-slug-id" property="neuron:zettel-slug">
    <meta content="tag1" property="neuron:zettel-tag">
    <meta content="tag2" property="neuron:zettel-tag">
    <meta content="tag3" property="neuron:zettel-tag">
    <!-- etc... -->

Unreleased (v1 + v2)

  • Fix search.html to handle zettels with title IDs (with whitespace) (#438)
  • neuron search
    • Revert #429 for neuron-search regression
    • Deal with title IDs in search (#445, #439)
  • Web interface
    • Simplify error message UX for missing wiki-links (#448)
    • Baclinks surrounding context (#190)
    • Allow specifying URL slugs in notes (#483)
    • Add limit flag to zettel queries (#486)
    • Rendering fixes
      • Fix internal z:/ URIs appearing in OpenGraph previews (#482)
      • Fix blockquote paragraph order in footnotes (#350)
      • Fix unnecessary horizontal scrolling on mobile (#468)
  • Zettel format
    • Ignore punctuation in inline tags (#443)
    • Remove support for autolinks (<..>) (#449) (see migration script)
      • Raw HTML now works without any special syntax.
    • Markdown parsing
      • Fix pipe character (|) messing up Markdown parsing (#469, #465)
      • Recognize plain links are hyperlinks, aka. autolinks (#471)
      • Add Markdown highlighting extension (#453)
  • Unicode-aware in inline tags (#446)
  • CLI:
    • neuron open --id is replaced by neuron open --slug (#483)
  • Removed features
    • Aliases (#479)
  • Migrate to GHC 8.10

  • Fix broken neuron search in static binary (#429)

  • Updates
    • Bump commonmark, commonmark-extensions (0.2)
    • Skylighting 0.9 (pure Haskell syntax highlighting)
  • Web Interface
    • Styling fixes
      • Fix incorrect body font (esp. on Windows)
      • Fix task list checkbox styling (#233)
      • Use superscript for folgezettel link suffix (#346)
    • Fix missing clusters in z-index on some cyclic graphs (#357)
    • Update Fomantic UI to 2.8.7
    • Allow custom HTML snippet in <head> (#385)
    • Group orphan zettels in z-index (#380)
    • Fix footnote alignment on Firefox (#398)
    • Hide footnote refs from search result preview (#326)
    • Backlinks improvements
      • Backlinks panel now displays all kinds of backlinks (includig uplinks) for sake of completion.
  • Zettel format
    • Wiki-style links: instead of <foo> you can now use [[[foo]]]; and instead of <foo?cf>, you can use [[foo]]. (#351)
    • Support regular markdown links (#366)
    • Allow title as Zettel IDs (#399)
    • Drop support for legacy links (#366)
    • Allow specifying time in the date metadata propery (#343)
    • Add unlisted metadata property to hide a zettel from z-index (#318)
    • Markdown:
      • Inline tags (#189)
      • support for fancy lists (#335)
      • Fix hard line breaks to actually work (#354)
    • Allow dot in Zettel ID (#369)
    • Drop support for legacy date IDs (#368)
    • Add bracked_spans extension (#406)
  • CLI
    • Faster querying: add --cached option to neuron query, to run faster using the cache. To keep the cache up to date, make sure that neuron rib is running.
    • Add --id and --search options to open command to open given zettel ID or search page respectively (#317)
    • Use current directory as the default value for -d (a la. git) (#389)
    • Adapt neuron new for title IDs (#408)
    • neuron search: fail if org is enabled, unless --full-text is used. (#420)
  • Static binaries
  • Unicode-aware in filenames and links (#424)

  • Markdown: switch to Pandoc, and commonmark (with extensions). #166
    • Markdown parsing is consequently less strict and more permissive
    • With this change, neuron can potentially support other text formats (experimental org support already in)
    • Raw HTML support (#191)
    • YAML block is now optional; title is also optional, while native Markdown H1 titles are now supported (#230)
  • Web Interface
    • Introduce new "uplink tree" view, replacing connections pane (#195)
    • Allow customizing favicon
    • z-index: Allow cycles (#248)
    • z-index: display parse and query errors (#220, #221)
  • CLI:
    • Resilient error handling (#202, #215)
    • Added neuron query --graph to get the entire graph as JSON export
      • Add backlinks query (#216)
    • Add bash/zsh shell completion (#239)
    • neuron new: title is optional (#232)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix 'neuron new' generating invalid Markdown when title contains special characters (#163)
    • Allow custom CLI in $EDITOR (#227)
  • Others
    • Reduce install size (#240)
    • Nightly docker releases
    • Automatic publishing through neuron-template

  • Notable changes
    • More convenient links; <foobar> instead of [foobar](z:/) (#59)
    • Hierarchical tags, with tag pattern in zquery (#115)
    • Change default ID generation to use random hash (#151)
      • Add date field to Markdown metadata
    • Added neuron query to query the Zettelkasten and get JSON output (#42)
  • CLI argument parsing revamp
    • Zettelkasten directory is now provided via the -d argument.
      • Its default, ~/zettelkasten, is used when not specified.
      • This directory must exist, otherwise neuron will error out.
    • The output directory is now moved to .neuron/output
    • neuron ... rib serve is now neuron rib -wS.
  • CLI changes:
    • Full text search: neuron search --full-text
    • #43: Add neuron search -e to open the matching zettel in $EDITOR
    • Allow customizing output directory
    • Added neuron open to open the locally generated Zettelkasten site.
    • #107: Add full path to the zettel in neuron query JSON
  • Web interface:
    • Custom themes for web interface
    • Display all backlinks to a zettel (even those not in folgezettel heterarchy) (#34)
    • Simplified link style (#151)
    • Client-side web search (#90)
    • Add JSON-LD breadcrumbs (#147)
    • Add query to display tag tree (#121)
    • Custom alias redirects
    • Tags are restyled and positioned below
    • Produce compact CSS in HTML head
    • #24: zquery is displayed in HTML view.
    • #100: Tables are styled nicely using Semantic UI
  • Bug fixes & misc changes
    • Fix regression in neuron library use
    • #130: Handle links inside blockquotes
    • Allow neuron to utilize multiple CPUs (#171)

  • Initial public release