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ViroScan is an automated pipeline that eliminate reads not of interest according to a reference (filter-out) and identify viruses present (filter-in).

title: Workflow of ViroScan
flowchart TD
    A([Input reads to analyse]) --> B{Perform a \nfilter out ?};
    B -- No --> F{Perform a \nfilter in};
    B -- Yes --> C[Align against reference];
    D([Indexed reference]) -.-> C;
    C --> K([Mapped reads]);
    C --> E([Unmapped reads]);
    E --> F;
    F --> G[Align against viruses];
    H[(Database \nof viruses)] -.-> G;
    G --> I([Mapped reads\n]);
    G --> L([Metrics]);
    G --> M([Tool analysis results]);
    subgraph identifier["\n\n\nOutput"]


Knowing the type of virus present in a sample is essential for certain types of research. In the case of papillomaviruses, a DEIA and LIPA combination is often carried out on the bench to determine whether or not HPVs are present and then to type the sample. However, this approach has certain limitations, notably the financial cost, the time required and the range of HPVs that can be detected. With ViroScan, we are trying to overcome these limitations and make more.


ViroScan create 1 folder log and 3 folders of output :

  • data with the reads mapped and unmapped against the reference indexed during the step of filter-out (in order data/filter_out/matched and data/filter_out/unmatched) and the reads mapped against viruses during the step of filter-in (data/filter_in)
  • analysis with the output of breseq created during the step of filter-in
  • evidences with the tables filterin.counts.txt, refs.percents.txt and refs.coverage.txt
|_ log
|_ output
      |_ analysis
      |_ data
           |_ filter_out
                  |_ matched
                  |_ unmatched
           |_ filter_in
      |_ evidences

Here an exemple of :

  • the table filterin.counts.txt
sample1	261604	170895
sample2	968370	944474
Field Description
SAMPLE The name of sample analyse
NBR_READS_TO_ALIGN Number of the reads to analyse into the step filter-in
NBR_TOTAL_READS_ALIGNED Number of the total reads aligned against viruses
  • the table refs.percents.txt
sample1 	 FM955841 	 16.3
sample1 	 HPU31785 	 7.3
sample1 	 PPH5CG 	 53.6
sample1 	 X55965 	 22.0
sample2 	 HPU31781 	 99.3
Field Description
SAMPLE The name of sample analyse
REFERENCE The LOCUS name of the Genbank reference
PERCENT_OF_READS_ALIGNED The percent of reads aligned against the virus
  • the table refs.coverage.txt
sample1 FM955841	460.099	0	2614	2097	2095
sample1	HPU31785	204.656	0	1662	2419	2136
sample1	PPH5CG	1497.15	0	7998	5552	4101
sample1	X55965	601.908	0	4321	1542	1539
sample2	HPU31781	7545.88	1	8002	7323	7323
Field Description
SAMPLE The name of sample analyse
REFERENCE The LOCUS name of the Genbank reference
AVERAGE_DEPTH Average depth
MIN_DEPTH Minimum depth
MAX_DEPTH Maximum depth
BASES_COVERED_AT_LEAST_TWICE Number of covered bases with depth > 2
BASES_COVERED_AT_LEAST_TWENTY_TIMES Number of covered bases with depth > 20

To start



First of all, the git project must be cloned into your local directory

git clone

Then, move into the folder ViroScan

cd ViroScan/

Next, authorise execution of the script ViroScan

chmod +x ./ViroScan

Starting up and using

To launch the tool, type the following command in the local directory where the script ViroScan is located



./ViroScan [-h] -f <fastq_directory> -v <virus> -s <se|pe> -o <output_directory> [-x <reference_filter_out>] [-u <1|2>] [-p <threads>] [-b <\"breseq_options\">] [-t <threshold>]


Mandatory options

Parameter Type Description
-f String Path of the FASTQ file(s) to analyse. In case of paired-end, make sure your files have '_R1*paired', '_R2*paired', '_R1*unpaired' '_R2*unpaired' patterns. The underscore is essential. '.fastq', '.fq' and '.gz' extensions are accepted
-v String Virus to use to find the closest viral sequence. Available : adenoviridae, adomavirus, anelloviridae, circoviridae, herpesvirales, papillomavirus, parvoviridae, polyomavirus, all. If you want to use your own viral sequences, add a '.gbk' file (Genbank format) into the data directory. Make sure that the name is 'virus.gbk'. You can zip it to limit the space used. In this case, the name of the zip file must be ''
-s String Single-end or paired-end data to analyse
-o String Path of the output directory where results will be written. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created

Supplementary options

Parameter Type Description
-x String Path of reference indexed and the pattern name of indexes to perform filter out. Make sure the reference was indexed by Bowtie. So, it's means files have to finished by '.bt2'
-u Integer Number of unpaired files. Default 2
-p Integer Number of threads to use. Default 1
-b String breseq options. Default "-p -t". Make sure if you want to change default options to input the value with quotation marks. Warning : Do not inform option -j
-t Integer Threshold value of the minimum alignment percentage to report. Default 5

Made with



Engineer in bioinformatics

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Team Virostyle, Laboratory MIVEGEC, IRD, Montpellier