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veronicasaz edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 24 revisions

Rubric for the assessment of Modeling and Simulation in Astrophysics

Each of the following 7 subcategories will be graded with a score from 0 to 10 based on the objectives. These numbers will be added, with the scores for Method, Discussion & conclusion, and Code weighed double, for a total score between 0 and 100. A score of 55 points or more is a passing score. Your final mark will be your score divided by 10, rounded to the nearest half point (except for scores of 55-57, which will be rounded to a 6).

Category Subcategory Objective Insufficient (<5.5) Outstanding (>9)
Report Method Creativity Stick to known methods Develop novel method
Valid approach You miss vital aspects of the problem You cover all vital aspects of the problem
Results Clarity of presentation It is difficult to impossible to interpret your results Your results are easily interpreted
Discussion & conclusion Numerical effects You do not critically evaluate numerical effects You clearly state what numerical effects impact your results
Validity of conclusions Your conclusions are not supported by your results Your results conclusively demonstrate your results
Git Git history Frequency of git commits You only commit at the last moment You commit regularly
Use of features You do not use branches, and only upload files You do proper commits and use branches
Code Readability Variable/function names are vague Variable/function names are informative
Structure Single block of code Many self-contained, concise functions/classes
Documentation No comments, README Informative comments and README
Redundant/messy code Unused functions, commented out code All code used, no commented-out blocks
Split over files Single file Files for initial conditions, runs, analysis, plots...
Rerunning code Easy to run No instructions on how to run Clear walkthrough of scripts
Code works Code fails at some point Code runs to the end
Project presentation Audience doesn't understand what you did and what your results are Audience perfectly knows what you did and what your results are