SpheRun, the node-webkit powered Sphere game launcher!
Sphere is a JavaScript-based game engine. This is a cross-platform launcher for the game engine, built with HTML and Node.js using node-webkit.
- Pull/download all files in the repository.
- Download and extract the appropriate release of node-webkit.
- From the node-webkit path, run: nw path/to/SpheRun
Official and detailed instructions are here.
there's no configuration options yet, so you have to set up your game and engine paths manually. ''SpheRun won't work until you do.''
- Open SpheRun.cfg. This is a JavaScript file containing some simple arrays of data right now.
- Add or edit paths to Sphere game directories at CONFIG.gamepaths.
- Define the game engine at CONFIG.engines. Only CONFIG.engines[0] runs at the moment. Include the "engine.exe" in your path.