@DeepClassiflie Report Performance
-Had @DeepClassiflie been publishing statement reports over the period comprising its test set (see above) using the current model, the publishing performance is expected to have been approximately characterized by the statistics below. See [caveats](#caveats) regarding the modest recognized performance biases[a](#ca). Now that report publishing has begun, once additional labeled data are available, the realized performance of the model will be similarly reported here.
-| Model Version | Period Days | Start Date | End Date |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-| 20200816115426 | 96 | 04/03/2020 | 07/08/2020 |
-| Statement Type | Publish Threshold | Stmts/max bucket | Bucket ppv | Bucket ppr| Est Reports Published | Estimated TP | Estimated FP |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:| :---: | :---: | :---: |
-Non-Tweets | 0.96 | 430 | 0.965 |1 | 430 |415 | 15 |
-Tweets | 0.77 | 109 | 0.786 | 0.257 |28 | 22 | 6 |
-| Period Estimate | Period total | Per day |
-| :--- | :---: | :---: |
-Non-tweet reports published | 430 | 4.48 |
-Tweet reports published | 28 | 0.29 |
-TP non-tweet reports published | 415 | 4.32 |
-FP non-tweet reports published | 15 | 0.16 |
-TP tweet reports published | 22 | 0.23 |
-FP tweet reports published | 6 | 0.06 |
-Projected report period non-tweet accuracy | 96.5% |
-Projected report period tweet accuracy | 78.6% |
-Projected report period global accuracy | 95.4% |
### Noteworthy Features
-#### Dataset generation: