diff --git a/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/spectro-cli-reference.md b/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/spectro-cli-reference.md
index 0e319d1219..86f39f6b80 100644
--- a/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/spectro-cli-reference.md
+++ b/docs/docs-content/registries-and-packs/spectro-cli-reference.md
@@ -107,6 +107,46 @@ SERVER - Spectro Cloud pack registry server in the format [host:port]
**Note:** In case of HTTPS, if you have access to the pack registry's CA certificate, there is no need for the insecure flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/spectro/certs.d/[SERVER]/ca.crt.
+Generate Spectro Cloud pack in the target directory using a helm chart.
+ spectro pack build [PACK_NAME] [TARGET_DIR]
+ spectro pack build my-awesome-pack ./my-awesome-pack
+### Args
+PACK_NAME - Name of the pack
+TARGET_DIR - Directory containing the pack data
+### FLAGS
+-p, --push - Push the pack on the registry after creation
+-r, --registry-server - Override the default Spectro registry