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Monorepo structure

Packages located at packages/ dir.

Each package has its own tsconfig.json, own build & testing configs and their specific user guidelines in README files.

  • icons package contains only raw SVGs for now.
  • theme package contains theme-related tools - Windi CSS helpers & theme variables, as well as fonts.
  • ui package contains components.

Getting started

Install packages:


Build theme: (you need to rebuild it each time you use it from ui lib)

yarn build:theme

Open storybook:

yarn sb:serve

OR cypress component-testing:

yarn cy

Build all packages:

yarn build

Build Storybook:

yarn sb:build

To add new component:

  1. Create a component directory in ui/src/components (e.g. ui/src/components/Button) with component itself prefixed with S (e.g. SButton.vue) and the index.ts file exporting it. The file's name becomes component's name. There are also can be subsidiary entities like other components, composables types, constants and so on that can be exported too.
  2. Every exported component must be added to ui/src/components/all-components.ts and ui/src/components/index.ts.
  3. Then it's necessary to add a story for being able to manually test the components. It can be done by adding a *.stories.ts file in ui/stories directory (e.g. ui/stories/SButton.stories.ts).
  4. Then added component should be tested. A test should be an ui/cypress/component/* file, where * is component's name. For searching elements in a component you should use data-testid attribute.
  5. If there are any quite complex utils they should have their own unit tests nearby.
  6. When everything is working, use repo root script lint:format:fix to bring the code to common style (more details in the section Linting & Format).
  7. Then you should update using two commands in ui package: build:tsc and then api:extract:local.
  8. Using yarn changeset create a minor change with **feat** prefix about new component (e.g. **feat**: added button component).
  9. Create pull request.

To release & publishing:

  1. Create a release branch.
  2. Make sure that everything is ready.
  3. Use the command yarn changeset version to update files.
  4. Create a pull request with a release version in name.
  5. Merge the pull request. It will automatically publish packages.

Some recommendations

  • There are a useful library VueUse with a lot of composition utilities that can be used in develop, so it is good idea to regularly check it.
  • We often use provide/inject mechanism for main-subsidiary components communication (e.g. checkbox group - checkbox). It should be done by creating api.ts with a provided payload type, an injection key and an api hook in component directory.


  • Previously enums was defined as plain TypeScript enums, but they don't work well with tree shaking, so now we define enums as follows:

    const Status = {
      Info: 'info',
    } as const
    type Status = typeof Status[keyof typeof Status]
  • There is no need to create folders for every type of subsidiary entities, e.g. composables, utilities, etc., if their number is small.

  • Move composables to its own files started with use. It's helps to detect and group composables in directory tree.

  • We are using BEM with underscores for class names (e.g. button__icon_hidden or button__icon_size_small).

  • Try to use Windi CSS utility classes.

  • Messages in changesets should start with **type**, where type can be fix, feat or something like this, that describes a type of change. After the type should go a scope in brackets if it can be defined. (For example, it can be the name of a component). Then after colon goes a change description. Examples: **fix**(`STable`): remove unnecessary border or **feat**: add pagination component. More info:

Linting & Format

Available scripts:

  • lint:es - calls eslint to find formatting errors for all project
  • lint:es:fix - calls eslint to find and fix formatting errors for all project
  • lint:format:base - calls prettier and then eslint
  • lint:format:check - calls prettier and then eslint to find files with formatting errors
  • lint:format:fix- calls prettier and then eslint to fix formatting errors
  • lint:check - calls lint:es and then lint:format:check

To use "Format On Save" feature you should setup your (I)DE to run:

# From the project root
./node_modules/.bin/prettier-eslint --write <target file name>

Maybe you will also need to specify paths for prettier config, prettier binary, eslint config or eslint binary. See all list of options with yarn prettier-eslint -h.

If you are using VSCode, take a lot at Prettier ESLint extension, it may help with auto formatting.


Javascript UI library used by SORAMITSU







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